13 minute read
The Bulletin Board
Hamilton comes to the KenCen. Photo: Joan Marcus
Hamilton Tickets On-Sale in March The Kennedy Center has announced that single tickets for the Washington, DC return engagement of Hamilton will go on sale to the public on Monday, March 9 at 10 a.m., online at kennedy-center.org, in person at the Kennedy Center box offi ce, or by calling 202-467- 4600 or 800-444-1324. Tickets will be available for performances June 16 to Sept. 20. There will be forty $10 orchestra seats off ered for all performances. Details will be announced closer to the engagement. Hamilton is the story of America’s Founding Father Alexander Hamilton, an immigrant from the West Indies who became George Washington’s right-hand man during the Revolutionary War and was the new nation’s fi rst Treasury Secretary. Featuring a score that blends hip hop, jazz, blues, rap, R&B, and Broadway, Hamilton is the story of America then, as told by America now.
The Southeast Porchfest Call for Artists The Southeast Porchfest, on May 17, is a music festival held on front porches and lawns throughout the Penn Branch Community. They are looking for artists, host homes, vendors and sponsors. Visit porchfestdc.com.
Share Your Ward 7 Circulator Ideas with DDOT DDOT has been going to meetings across Ward 7 asking for input from the community about where they want a new Ward 7 circulator to go. Visit dccirculator.com/tdp2020 for information of how to off er DDOT your ideas and feedback.
Free Tax Help at East of the River Libraries Through April 15, meet with a qualifi ed AARP tax aide to help answer your tax questions and prepare your 2019 income tax fi ling. Get free help on Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at Bellevue Library; on Tuesdays, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Thursdays at 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Anacostia Library; on Mondays and Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Capital View Library; and on Tuesdays
E a s t o f t h E R i v E R DCNE w s . C o m and Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Francis Gregory Library. For more information and to fi nd other sites off ering tax assistance, visit dclibrary.org/incometax.
Fort Stanton Park and Shepherd Parkway Cleanups On the fi rst Saturday of every month, help remove trash and invasive plants from Fort Stanton Park, 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Volunteers meet in front of the Ft. Stanton Recreation Center, 1812 Erie St. SE. Gloves, bags, and light refreshments are provided. Wear boots, durable pants, and clothes you won’t mind getting dirty. Bring a water bottle-refi lls provided. Documentation of community service hours will be provided upon request. Ward 8 Woods also holds Shepherd Parkway cleanups every second Saturday of the month, 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Volunteers meet at 555 Newcomb St. SE. For questions, contact Nathan at 301-758-5892 or nathan@ward8woods.org.
Smithsonian Secretary Lonnie G. Bunch III Discusses Memoir “A Fool’s Errand” On Thursday, March 12, 7 p.m., at Francis A. Gregory Library, 3660 Alabama Ave. SE, Lonnie G. Bunch III, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and founding director of the National Museum of African-American History and Culture discusses his book ìFool’s Errand: Creating the National Museum of African American History and Culture in the Age of Bush, Obama, and Trumpî. Secretary Bunchís tale of the triumphs and challenges of bringing the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture to life is by turns inspiring, funny, frustrating, quixotic, bittersweet, and above all, a compelling read. Copies of the book with pre-signed bookplates will be available for purchase. Secretary Bunch will be in conversation with Prof. Dana Williams of Howard University.
Kenilworth Park Spring Volunteer Events Friends of Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens partners with the National Park Service to host special events and celebrations throughout the year. Spring clean-up volunteer events are from 9 a.m. to noon, on Saturdays, March 28, April 25 and May 30. Read more and register at kenaqgardens.org/events.
AWS Earth Day Cleanup 2020 (save the date) On Saturday, April 25, 9 a.m. to noon, join the Anacostia Watershed Society for their signature annual clean-up event. With nearly 40 sites across the watershed, volunteers will be collecting litter while beautifying and restoring their Anacostia River. Volunteer registration will open on March 2. If you would like to fi nd out more about volunteering on Earth Day or sponsoring the event, email the AWS Earth Day team at earthday@anacostiaws.org. Join the Earth Day email list at anacostiaws.org. Free St. Patrick’s Day Lyft Rides Offered Preparing to combat that time of year when, according to the National Highway Traffi c Safety Administration, well over a third of all US traffi c deaths involve drunk drivers, free St. Patrick’s Day Lyft rides will be off ered to deter impaired driving throughout the Washington-metropolitan area beginning Tuesday, March 17. Off ered by the Washington Regional Alcohol Program, the St. Patrick’s Day SoberRide program will be in operation from 4 p.m. on Tuesday, March 17 (St. Patrick’s Day) until 4 a.m. on Wednesday, March 18. During this time, area residents age 21 and older celebrating with alcohol may download Lyft to their phones, then enter a SoberRide code in the app’s “Promo” section to receive their no cost (up to $15) safe transportation home. WRAP’s St. Patrick’s Day SoberRide promo code will be posted at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, March 17 on SoberRide.com.
RFK Stadium: From the Past to the Future On Friday, March 27, at 7 p.m., the winner of the 2020 Dick Wolf Prize, Nicholas Malin, will present a lecture, “RFK Stadium: From the Past to the Future,” at Hill Center, 921 Pennsylvania Ave. SE. Nick’s lecture will provide a layman’s explanation of historic preservation and what that means if the stadium is transferred to the District of Columbia. His lecture will focus on the historic context of sports stadiums, with emphasis on the unique history of RFK, and how that might inform us about the future of RFK Stadium in terms of its eligibility for historic preservation and future uses. Nick is a graduate of Georgetown University Law Center and the University of Michigan, and currently serves as an attorney for the Offi ce of the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development. During law school, Nick took great interest in real property law, land use law, environmental law, and historic preservation law. Nick hopes that his legal career will continue to be defi ned by his commitment to public service. The talk will be preceded by a brief membership meeting and followed by a champagne reception. The event is free and the public is encouraged to attend.
The Dick Wolf Memorial Lecture is an annual event to showcase excellence in research and writing on urban planning and historic preservation in the District of Columbia by a student or intern. The winner delivers a presentation and receives a $1,000 prize. chrs.org. Adult College Completion Fair Are you 18 years of age or older and interested in going to college? Did you start college but were unable to fi nish? If that’s you, on Saturday, April 18, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., at One Judiciary Square, 441 Fourth St. NW, join the Offi ce of the State Superintendent of Education for the Sixth Annual Adult College Completion Fair. Register at eventbrite.com/e/osses-sixth-annual-adult-college-completionfair-tickets-89134320151. Have conversations with representatives from local universities and colleges that off er adult friendly credentials and associate’s and bachelor’s degree programs; scholarship and resource information; adult friendly online education options; degree audits with local college or university representatives; workshops on fi nancial aid; application fee waivers from participating colleges and universities; and on-site admissions for eligible prospective students. Improved E-Bikes Return to Capital Bikeshare this Spring DDOT and its six partner jurisdictions announced that e-bikes will return to the Capital Bikeshare system this spring with a new mobile app experience that will include a hybrid locking technology. The 1,500 e-bikes will be added to the existing Capital Bikeshare fl eet in a phased roll out throughout the spring. The new e-bikes developed by Lyft will be equipped with a hybrid locking technology, allowing riders to either lock the bikes to one of the District’s 5,000 bike racks for a $1 out-of-station fee per trip; or dock at a Capital Bikeshare station. Capital Bikeshare users, including members, will be charged $1 e-bike fee per trip, in addition to the normal trip fees. These fees will not apply to members in the Community Partners Program, which is Capital Bikeshare’s equity program; or customers riding classic Capital Bikeshare bikes. ddot.dc.gov. Volunteers at one of Anacostia Watershed Society and Adopt-a-Block locations in Historic Anacostia. Photo: Courtesy of the Anacostia Watershed Society and AWS Anacostia Park Cleanups On Saturdays, March 21, 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. and June 6, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., join the Anacostia Watershed Society and help clean up one of their favorite National Parks by the future 11th Street Bridge Park. Meet at the Corner of Good Hope Road SE and Anacostia Drive. This event will involve lifting, bending and walking. Participants will be expected to wear closed-toed shoes for the duration of the event. Great for families! For more information, contact Emily Castelli at ecastelli2@anacostiaws.org or call 301-699- 6204 x103. Register at anacostiaws.org. Volunteers at one of Anacostia Watershed Society and Adopt-a-Block locations in Historic Anacostia. Photo: Courtesy
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DPW Announces Next Phase of Bike Lane Enforcement The DC Department of Public Works has announced that the agency will issue $150 tickets to any motorist improperly standing, stopping or parking in a bike lane. DPW has increased its bike lane enforcement program by mobilizing 26 new Parking Enforcement Officers and giving the entire PEO team—now near- ly 300 strong—the ability to photograph vehicles blocking bike lanes. Violators will receive a $150 printed ticket at the scene, or a photo ticket in the mail along with an image showing the bike lane vio- lation. Tickets can be appealed through the normal adjudication process with the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Grant Panelists Wanted The DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities relies on volunteer citizen panelists to evaluate and rate grant appli- cations at various times throughout the year. Panelists review applications, pro- vide comments, and score applications in order to advise on proposals submitted to the agency’s various grant programs. Selected panelists will demonstrate ex- pertise through involvement in one or more sectors of the creative economy in the District. Individuals with arts and hu- manities backgrounds make the strongest candidates. CAH supports panel diver- sity in all forms: age, race, gender, dis- abilities, sexual orientation, artistic disci- pline, location, etc. CAH grant programs will be paneled during the spring, sum- mer and fall of 2020. Apply at dcarts. dc.gov/page/be-grant-panelist.
Annual Abraham Lincoln Symposium Date Announced The Abraham Lincoln Institute and Ford’s Theatre Society present a free full-day symposium focused on the life, career and legacy of President Abraham Lincoln, Saturday, March 21, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at Ford’s Theatre, 511 Tenth St. NW. This event is free and open to the public. Day-of tickets will be available on March 21, 2020, on a first-come basis.
Noted authors and historians will discuss aspects of our 16th president’s youth, popular memory and legacy, Civ- il War-era newspapers, the stigma of in- sanity that followed Mary Lincoln, and more. Each discussion concludes with audience questions. Authors will sign books in the Ford’s Theatre lobby fol- lowing their presentations. Books will be available for sale at the Ford’s The- atre Gift Shop. Fords.org.
File Federal and DC Taxes for Free You can benefit from high quality, trusted and free tax preparation ser- vices throughout the District of Co- lumbia and online. Services are provid- ed for DC residents with income up to $35,000 and for DC families with in- come up to $56,000. Your Federal and DC taxes will be filed for by IRS-certi- fied community volunteers thanks to the services provided by Community Tax Aid, Catholic Charities-Archdiocese of Washington, and United Planning Or- ganization. To learn what to bring with you and to locate a free tax preparation site in Washington, DC, visit caab.org. Capital Area Asset Builders (CAAB) is a non-profit organization whose mis- sion is to create opportunities for lowand moderate-income individuals in the Greater DC region to build financial se- curity, savings, and wealth for the future.
Free Legal Clinic for Start-up Nonprofits and Small Businesses On Wednesday, March 18, 2 to 4 p.m., the DC Bar Pro Bono Center will hold a free legal clinic to help small business- es and nonprofits go over the legal re- quirements for starting up in DC. At the clinic, pro bono attorneys will meet with you one-on-one and walk you through several questions regarding your organi- zation’s current status, in order to iden- tify your next steps toward becoming a legal entity.
Entrepreneurs and aspiring small business owners can learn about the different entity types and the requirements for each, internal governing documents, registering and licensing their business in DC, and other necessary steps to get their for-profit business going. Non- profits can learn how to incorporate with DCRA, the process for obtaining
501(c)(3) status from the IRS, and early stage corporate governance best practices. The clinic will only provide brief legal information, but your organization may request additional assistance from the DC Bar Pro Bono Center to follow up on legal issues identifi ed in the course of the attorney consultation. Registration is required at probono. center/startupclinic. Questions? Email Lauren Paley at Lpaley@dcbar.org.
Politics & Art: District of Creativity Call for Musicians Politics & Art, June 10, 5:30 to 8 p.m., at the Wilson Building, is a celebration of DC’s vibrant arts community with performances by singers, vocal ensembles, bands, and spoken word artists. It will spotlight DC-based artists who use the power of their voices to inspire, entertain, and empower. Artists who live in the District are invited to apply. This is a showcase format, with multiple locations that will be activated within the Wilson Building. Each act will perform a set of 15 minutes. This call is open to artists of all ages residing in Washington, DC (or, in the case of an ensemble, where a majority of the artists reside in Washington, DC), in the following categories: Vocal Performance with Accompanist; Vocal Performance A Cappella; Spoken Word and Vocal Percussion. Deadline is March 13. washingtonperformingarts.submittable.com.
Small Business Program Podcast: So You Want to Hire Employees Join David Broderdorf, Senior Associate, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP, and Christine Kulumani, Staff Attorney, DC Bar Pro Bono Center, as they discuss the signifi cant step of hiring an employee. Learn about the diff erences between independent contractors and employees, hiring your fi rst employees, and the major obligations and costs associated with having employees. Listen to the podcast at https://www.lawhelp. org/dc/resource/podcast-so-you-wantto-hire-employees. u
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