.capitol streets.
er Eckenwiler said a community member raised the issue. While commissioners could not cite a recent concern with large trucks in the area, they saw no problem with the proposal. Commissioner Christine Healey (6C01) said she wanted to make commissioners aware that the Supreme Court is blocking truck traffic on Second Street NE and has erected barriers on the 200 block of A Street NE without public notice or community involvement. Although expected, neither the Supreme Court Marshall nor a representative attended the Nov. 10th meeting. Healey said she had met with the Marshall in October to raise concerns, and DC Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton (D) wrote a letter the same month to ask the Chief Justice about new policy. The letter notes that Norton and neighbors had strenuously opposed a permanent security barrier. As of Nov. 10, Norton had not yet received a reply. Healey said she would extend another invitation to the Supreme Court to send representation to the December meeting. ANC 6C generally meets on the second Wednesday of the month. The next meeting of ANC 6C is scheduled for a Thursday, 7 p.m. Dec. 8. Get the latest information on how to attend at anc6c.org/hot-topics/. u
Audi Field Parcel B Moves Forward ANC 6D Report by Andrew Lightman Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) 6D met on Nov. 8 over Zoom. Commissioners Jared Weiss (6D02, secretary), Ronald Collins (6D03, treasurer), Andy Litsky (6D04), Fredrica (Rikki) Kramer (6D05, vice chair), Rhonda Hamilton (6D06) and Edward Daniels (6D07, chair) were in attendance. 6D01 is vacant.
arcel B is located on the vacant field just to the east of Audi Field and north of the Superior Concrete Plant. It is part of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) that includes Audi Field. PN Hoffman & Associates plans a 508,298 sq. ft., development on the
lot. The PUD subjects the project to a design review by the DC Zoning Commission, which is scheduled for mid-December. The project also requires a slight adjustment to the PUD’s boundaries and two curb cuts, which must be approved by the DC Department of Transportation’s (DDOT) Committee on Public Space. For the Parcel B site, Hoffman plans 10,780 A rendering of the PN Hoffman & Associates project at Parcel B. Image: PN Hoffman & Associates sq. ft. of retail, 39,661 sq. ft. of entertainment, would occupy all available parking during game days 41,043 sq. ft. of office reducing that available to residents. and 416,804 sq. ft. of residential uses. A total of 455 Given the long history of the parcel as an inrental residences are planned, 110 of which will be dustrial site, Commissioners Collins and Hamil100% affordable senior housing. The remainder will ton raised concerns about the Hoffman’s plans for be market rate except for 8% reserved as affordable its remediation. “This is the most contaminated dwellings. 305 parking spaces are planned. The ofparcel in Buzzard Point. We would like to have extenfices will house the headquarters of Volunteers of sive community meetings with the remediation firm America, which will also be the administrator of the you select,” said Hamilton. Hoffman is developing a senior component of the project. plan for the entire parcel in conjunction with DDOT Hoffman as arranged with DDOT to create a and The DC Department of Energy and The Envipocket park on the parcel’s northeastern side on top ronment (DOEE). Remediation efforts will include of a section of the two-level parking garage. The rethe entire parcel. Hamilton emphasized the need for mainder of the park is on public space next to Poair quality monitors throughout the remediation and tomac Avenue SW with DDOT’s permission, whose construction process. maintenance will be subject to a special covenant The public space north of the north properwith DDOT. ty line will be a subject of a covenant to maintain “We got more green space,” Commissioner the special materials in the northern park. HamilKramer stated in her positive assessment of the projton wants air quality monitors and programming and ect. Commissioner Litsky, however, expressed his services for seniors. Citing lack of details in Hoffdissatisfaction with the level of detail Vice President man’s plans for both the new green space and transof Construction for Hoffman & Associates Tony Alportation, Commissioners tabled any vote on the banese afforded related to the park. “I would like a project until their December meeting. much better articulation of the green space,” he stated, several of his colleagues concurring. Other Development News Aside from the issue of the pocket park, Litsky PN Hoffman & Associates, the developer of 1000 questioned the developer sharply about the project’s Fourth St. SW, the parcel next to the CVS, stated its affordability and transportation plan. Affordability plans for pouring the project’s foundation. Concrete for the senior apartments is guaranteed for 50 years, service is also needed on both sides of the building, thereafter it is limited to the 8% required under instated Vice President of Construction Tony Albaclusionary zoning along with the market rate units. nese. This will entail routing truck traffic out of the Given the project’s distance to the Navy Yard Metparcel’s Fourth Street SW curb cut. ro, Litsky urged Hoffman to include car sharing, bike Albanese also discussed the need for a road cloparking and electric vehicle charging onsite. Chair sure on Maine Avenue SW for the second phase of Daniels expressed his concern that stadium visitors