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Shaw Streets

Shaw Streets

by Pleasant Mann

has been changed to a straight one. It can only be seen from the alley. Commissioner Jones said that he thought that the project maintained the historic character of the building. e commission supported the application unanimously.

Economic Development Committee

e committee continues to hear complaints from neighbors about the process to rezone and dispose of the District-owned lot at 1617 U Street. U Street Main Streets has a new Executive Director.

e committee still has not heard from the Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development on the award for redevelopment of the Franklin Reeves Center. e committee heard from members of Shaw Main Streets and neighborhood proponents of establishing a Business Improvement District in ANC 1B.

Transportation Committee

Only one issue came before the committee. A developer is sponsoring the naming of an alleyway on Euclid Street NW. e alley is between 11th Street and Sherman Avenue and Euclid Street and Vermont. e developer wants to build new housing in the alley but was told that the alley had to have a name for the homes to have an address. A resident questioned why this had to be done, saying that the lots currently had a valid address. e committee chair said that he would check to see if an alley name was necessary.

Slice and Pie, 2221 14th Street NW. Noted that there has been a noise issue with the establishment. A motion to approve the settlement agreement passed by a 7-1 vote.

Cloud Restaurant and Sports Bar, 1919 Ninth Street NW. A committee member mentioned that there had been a stabbing at the bar last year. ey wanted it to deal with safety measures and noise problems, which the settlement agreement addresses. A motion to approve the settlement agreement passed 8-0.

Overconcentration Letter. Houlihan brought up an issue of sending a letter to the Alcohol Beverage and Cannabis Administration (ABCA) to get guidance on the rules to declare an overconcentration of liquor licenses in an area. A com- mittee member said that there was already an overconcentration of licenses on the 1900 block of Ninth Street NW, but overconcentration can only be invoked to deny a new license. e letter to ABCA would ask if the issue of overconcentration could be brought up to deal with existing licenses. Commissioner Johnson suggested referring the issue back to the committee. A motion to give the writing of a letter to ABCA back to the committee passed 6-1-1.

After discussion continued, a draft letter was read to the commission. As a result, there was a move to reconsider the issue. A motion to send a letter with the draft language on overconcentration of licenses to ABCA passed by a vote of 7-1-0.

Racial Equity Training Letter. Another issue came up regarding calls for requiring licensees to have their sta take racial equity training. ere is a question if the ANC’s settlement agreements can put in this requirement. is issue was not included in the proposed clarifying letter to ABCA. Commissioner Harris brought up the fact that no state has a requirement for such training in order to get a liquor license. Commissioner Holihan said that he would go back to the committee to come up with a letter to ABCA on the matter.

Owl Room, 2007 14th Street NW. e commission is also working on a settlement agreement for the Owl Room. e committee wanted a motion to approve a consolidated settlement agreement for the establishment. Currently the Owl Room is covered by four di erent settlement agreements by di erent ANCs. e commission wants to add an amendment to the new agreement to increase trash collection. e motion to support a consolidated agreement for the Owl Room passed 7-0-1.

New Assistant Administrator

ANC 1B has a new administrative assistant, Cedric Diakabana.

ANC 1B will hold its next meeting on ursday, June 1, starting at 6:30 p.m. Plans are to try to hold this meeting as a virtual conference. Visit www.anc1b.org for more information. ◆

Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) 2G held its monthly meeting for May on ursday evening, May 11, 2023. e meeting was held as a virtual conference. Commission Chair Alexander M. “Alex” Padro (2G02) called the meeting to order. Commissioners Anthony “Tony” Brown (2G01, Treasurer), Steven McCarty (2G04), Sheena Berry (2G05) and Rachelle P. Nigro (2G06, Vice Chair) were in attendance. e seat for ANC 2G03 is currently vacant. e commission had a quorum to conduct business.

Third Police District Report ere was a homicide on April 19 at Eighth Street and Rhode Island Avenue NW. e MPD shotspotter detected one round. ere is no information available on the suspect. ere was an incident at Fifth and N Streets NW, where people heard shots and wounded victims were found there. e suspects in the shooting were apprehended.

Lieutenant Steven Miller of the ird Police District started by addressing a question about an assault on the 1300 block of Ninth Street NW. e perpetrator was arrested the same day. He is undergoing a mental health evaluation.

When a resident complained about the police response to disorderly behavior calls, Miller noted that they do not have priority. He suggested that anyone calling the O ce of Uni ed Communications with an issue ask for a call back. e request for a call back means that an o cer cannot close out a call until they talk with the complainant.

Assistant Police Chief Monica Kane

Assistant Chief Monica Kane, who was on the ANC agenda, entered the conversation. She said that the police have to work more with the schools and Youth Bureau. She recognizes that citizens do not currently feel safe.

e MPD is currently changing to a focused patrol strategy (there are about seven di erent types of patrols). Fixed police deployments do not work since they just displace criminal activity. Focused patrols will change the activities in an area. Each police district has identi ed four areas that need attention.

e Assistant Chief said that the most disturb-

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