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ApplyNow for9thGrade LimitedspacesinGrades10–12
IDEA offers innovative, diverse opportunities:
• Unique career-focused course offerings such as construction and design, business entrepreneurship, early childhood education, urban agriculture, graphic design, and computer programming
• Dual enrollment through the DC Dual Enrollment Consortium, enabling scholars to earn college credit in high school, and personalized college and career counseling

• Low teacher-student ratio and small class sizes which give students more opportunities to interact with teachers one on one
• Targeted interventions and student-centered support such as afterschool tutoring, Twilight program, SAT prep, and community service opportunities
• Strong staff accessibility, weekly and monthly parent newsletters, bi-weekly parent town hall meetings, and monthly grade-level town hall meetings for students

Congratulations to the Class of 2023, who have secured college scholarships, placed in notable academic and entrepreneurial competitions, secured career paths by landing internships and apprenticeships, and forged a solid path for themselves into the future.
Barbecue Battle Family Four Pack
is year, the Giant National Capitol Barbecue Battle is on Saturday, June 24, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday, June 25, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., on Pennsylvania Avenue between ird and Seventh, NW. e $60 Family Four Pack is good for four adult admissions; kids 12 and under enter free. Single adult admission is $20. Admission includes live musical entertainment, free food samples (while supplies last), children’s activities, cooking demonstrations, celebrity chefs, interactive exhibits and more. All four attendees must enter at the same time. bbqdc.com.
Three DPR Outdoor Kids’ Swimming Pools
Happy Hollow Children’s Pool at 2200 Champlain St. NW; Park View Children’s Pool at 693 Otis Pl. NW; and Lincoln Capper Children’s Pool at 555 L St. SE, are open Wednesdays through Sundays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and are closed Mondays and Tuesdays. Additionally, Park View and Lincoln Capper close from 2 to 3 p.m. All DPR outdoor pools are open on weekends only through Sunday, June 25. dpr. dc.gov/outdoorpools.
Squirt Zone at the Zoo
From July 1 to Sept. 30, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., weather permitting, kids can cool o at the National Zoo’s splash pad play area. Push the green button to activate misters and fountains that spray water high into the air. is wheelchair accessible play area is modeled after a tide pool and features sea stars, barnacles and mussels. e water is for splashing, not for drinking. Children must be supervised by an adult. Young children must wear diapers at all times. nationalzoo.si.edu. ◆