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CAPITAL IDEAS UPCOMING EVENTS AUGUST 11: MARKETING SUMMER SCHOOL: GET ROLLING! FLICKING ON YOUR PROMOTIONAL SWITCH Marketing specialist Cidnee Stephen takes you through a series of four, hands-on workshops to help educate and inspire you ■ Where: The Commons Calgary (1900 11st S.E.) ■ When: 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. ■ Admission: $69. More info at awebusiness.com/event
WHY DO YOU THINK IT’S IMPORTANT FOR BUSINESSES TO GIVE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY? Entrepreneurs talk about the reasons they try to do some good while doing business
AUGUST 11: FAST-GROWTH CHAMPIONS: CA LG A RY ’ S R O C KSTA R ENTREPRENEURS Join Calgary Chamber for an after work beer as they welcome a panel of some of the most interesting and sought-after entrepreneurs in Calgary ■ Where: Commonwealth Bar & Stage (733 10th Avenue S.W.) ■ When: 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. ■ Admission: Member ticket: $15., Non-member ticket: $25. More info at calgarychamber.com/ events
“Giving back to community initiatives should be part of every business plan. We like to support the community that supports us. Since we raised our family in the same community we do business in, we know the importance of business donations and sponsorships.”
Lois Jones, CEO of Here’s the Scoop, heresthescoop.com
“Calgary has been very good to us personally and professionally and we recognize that not every person or organization are as fortunate as we have been. Never underestimate the difference that you can make in someone’s life, it may just be a smile on a bad day or it may be a connection that you are able to make between other individuals and organizations that can lead to mutually beneficial partnerships.” Brenda Davis, president of Canaglobe Compliance Solutions, canaglobecompliance.com
“I give back because it makes me feel good about the company we’re building. The knowledge that we’re contributing to something that matters provides me with a sense of optimism and joy. Business owners are parents and neighbours and friends, and we are all better when we are invested in our community in a way that goes deeper than services rendered. ”
For more great events, visit capitalideascalgary.com/ calgaryevents.
Christy Switzer, co-owner of I Know A Guy Renovations, iknowaguyrenovations.com
What business advice would you give your younger self?
Jill Dewes, managing director of Uppercut (madebyuppercut.com) believes that there are countless reasons to give back. “We live in a global economy. I hear this every day, and it’s true, but it doesn’t take away from the importance of being part of a village as well. Even if your main client base is not local, chances are your employees are. Employees who work for a business they admire are happier and more productive. Community philanthropy is something that is easy to do. It doesn’t have to be about cash, it can be donations of time, using your social networks and channels to spread important messages or taking a stand on local issues.” P H O TO BY: FR I TZ TOL E NTI NO
“Generally, growing and promoting your community should be good for your own business. Being seen as a community supporter and growth leader should be an attractive attribute when experienced by your clients and community leaders.”
We know that you have learned many things and overcome obstacles throughout your entrepreneurial journey , which is why Kris Hans, strategist at Market Grade, wants to hear from you: What business advice would you give your younger self? You can answer the question in two ways: Open today’s Capital Ideas email if you’re a member or visit capitalideascalgary.com. We’ll publish the best answers, along with your business name and website address, on August 13.
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Rob Gilgan, alumni development coordinator at Red Deer College, rdc.ab.ca/alumni
“Business should give back because they are part of the organic nature of the city or country they do business in. I believe that businesses benefit from the great things in a community such as clean streets, education, and overall morale and culture. When the community thrives, so does local business. For this reason, businesses should do their best to contribute positively to society.”
“It is simply good karma. What goes around comes around. I have had a lot of successful people help me along the way and everyone needs to reciprocate to keep the momentum going. Everyone benefits when there is strong vibrant community.”
Dean Kendall, CEO of Ideal Life Experience Ltd., linkedin.com/in/ideallifeexperience
“I believe every business has a corporate social responsibility to give back to our community. For over 28 years, our business is about helping people daily and we are constantly giving back which allows us and our community to get better together. This journey is never ending as I believe businesses serve as leaders and social change agents within our community. During these current economic times, the shared responsibility for businesses to help those in need will become more apparent.” Sid Mark, CEO of Friday Professional Group, friday.ca
“Giving back to the community is a way to support the people and places from which your business started or grew. The people in our communities help so many and this is a way to show your support. Keeping community causes close at hand for businesses, helps our city, nonprofits and builds morale within as well. Businesses should jump at the opportunity to share services and skills to the community causes they care about.” Amber Craig, CEO of Bamboo Creative Inc., bamboocreativeinc.com
Jameela Ghann, owner and designer at Alora Boutique, alora.ca
These answers are in response to a question posed by Wellington Holbrook, executive vice-president of ATB Business. Here’s his take: “When you think about it, businesses are a vital part of community. They employ people in communities, they benefit from advancements in their community and ultimately, business owners live in those communities. By giving back to community, business owners are making investments in the long term future of their business, but perhaps more importantly, they are making a statement that they care about the future.”
R O U N D U P : R E C E N T P O S T S F R O M C A P I TA L I D E A S M E M B E R S Find the full posts on these members’ LinkedIn profiles. We’ll curate a selection every Friday on our LinkedIn group, Capital Ideas Alberta. To bring yours to our attention, email it to hello@capitalideascalgary.com or use the hashtag #capitalideas when you post to LinkedIn.
From “Just Take the Next Step” by Dylan Gallagher, founder at Bridge Capital ( bridgecap.ca):
“The best way to beat procrastination is to do something, anything. Make a phone call, send an email, book a coffee meeting with someone that can help you. Do anything except nothing.”
From “Get on the People Side” by Laura Bechard, president at Bexco Business & Executive Coaching ( linkedin.com/in/ laurabechard):
“You’ve started on a path to improve your business – why not capture the portion of the project benefits that depends on employee (or any other person’s) adoption and usage?”
From “What Is Old Is New Again - the story of infographics” by Lynette Lefsrud, president at GridStone Marketing (gridstonemarketing.com):
“Infographics are a strong marketing tool to present information in an easy-to-understand way. They’ve come to dominate in the last few years and now are one of the go-to items for content marketers.”