What support have you found for your innovative idea?

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CAPITAL IDEAS UPCOMING EVENTS SEPTEMBER 26: WO M E N O F I N S P I R AT I O N BREAKFAST 2015 AND W H I T E H AT C E R E M O N Y Canadian Business Chicks founder Monica Kretschmer shares the grassroots of her business and the remarkable journey that inspired her. ■ Where: Canada Olympic Park (88 Olympic Road) ■ When: 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. ■ Admission: $50 for nonmembers. More info at




WHAT SUPPORT HAVE YOU FOUND FOR YOUR INNOVATIVE IDEA? Entrepreneurs share different sources of support they’ve found “Taking an idea from concept to reality often comes with a price tag. Step in platforms like Kickstarter whose mission is to help fund creative projects are a win-win. Backers are thanked with rewards for their support. The idea starts to get more legs under it and awareness around it. The project receives investment dollars if their goal is reached, and their idea takes off with that capital in place. That’s how my idea of an online classroom for kids to learn about the art, science and fun of photography came to life.” Janet Pliszka, owner of Kids Photography Academy, kidsphotographyacademy.com

OCTOBER 2: BRAND[ED] WORKSHOP - FIND YOUR SPARKLE Create a business plan, define your brand, master social media tools and practice styling photos with some locally sponsored swag. ■ Where: The Commons (1900 11 Street) ■ When: 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. ■ Admission: $300 early bird. More info at botcommunications.com/ calgary.

“When you have an innovative idea that you want to materialize, you don’t realize at first all of the things you need to make it happen. You’re going to need technical expertise, financial support, marketing support, family support, business development support, legal support and much more. You can find seasoned, accomplished professionals and businessmen in Alberta who are ready to give back to the industry by helping you progressing your technical idea while developing your business plan for free. There is no the lack of support in Alberta.” Franck Besseat, president of Savoir-Faire Consulting, savoirfaireconsulting.ca

For more great events, visit capitalideascalgary.com/ calgaryevents.


When choosing a successor for your business, what can you do to find the right person?

Glenn Street, top dog and CEO of Street Characters Inc. (mascots.com) recognizes one way he has received support. “Without question, my peers at the Entrepreneur’s Organization have been a fantastic resource. It doesn’t matter what issue I’m facing or what problem I’m trying to solve, someone will have experiences to share relevant to my issue. There’s no better resource than access to 150 of Calgary’s top entrepreneurs!” PHOTO BY: LEAH HENNEL, CALGARY HERALD

“Just this week, the owner of a company I do business with for marketing, asked if I would help with a new idea he had, but it hadn’t been something he had ever offered before. Since my expertise could provide him with feedback and possible collaboration he set a meeting for myself and a digital film company and over a one hour brainstorming appointment we ironed out some details. We will begin working together on this project this month, each of us offering our own unique expertise to combine for one great finished product. When we join together I believe we can reach new heights.” Sue Styles, owner of Maximized Results Consulting, “maximizedresults.com

“We are always challenging how things are currently done and devising new ways to deliver effective dog training programs, so we are consistently launching new ideas. My team is the most supportive part of this. They are always excited and willing to try new things, do so with enthusiasm and are open to new ideas. This is the driving force behind our success in launching new programs and services. Without their support, I would not have seen the success that I have with innovative ideas.” Megan Armstrong, owner of Dogma Training & Pet Services Inc., dogmatraining.com

“Our company offers a shared flight service. To keep prices low, our flights only go if we fill up the plane. We’ve been very fortunate to receive incredible support from almost everyone. Airline partners have provided aircraft at discounted rates, employees have deferred cash wages and worked for equity, thousands of early adopters have tried out our shared flight service, tens of thousands of believers have shared our flight deals with their networks and given us words of support. Investors and federal funding have provided start up capital. Media outlets have embraced our concept and written stories, provided TV coverage and radio interviews and our many suppliers and partners have provided us with excellent service. This incredible support from customers, fans, partners and media have allowed us to beat the odds and move from a simple innovative idea to a viable company with a bright future.” Roger Jewett, CEO and founder of Jump On Flyaways, gojumpon.com

Here’s Kevin Franco, CEO of Enthrill (enthrill.com) and the winner of the 2015 Innovate Calgary Tech Showcase with his take: “A lot of people think entrepreneurs are alone in their quest. The truth is, with no support, no entrepreneur can be successful, no matter how good their idea, nobody does this alone. I have been very fortunate in having the support of my family and a close group of friends which Family-run businesses may find that the next generation doesn’t want to take over, and it’s important in any venture to ensure succession works for employees and customers, which is why Wellington Holbrook, vice president of ATB Business, is curious to hear from you: When choosing a successor for your business, what can you do to find the right person? You can answer the question in two ways: Open today’s Capital Ideas email if you’re a member or visit capitalideascalgary.com. We’ll publish the best answers, along with your business name and website address, on Oct. 1.

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enabled me to pursue my dreams and ideas over the years. There are lots of good ideas, but finding one that others believe in is proof that you’re onto something worthwhile. The ultimate support is when someone invests their time and or money into your idea, we’ve been fortunate in attracting some great angel investors and are now seeking key strategic investors to fund our growth trajectory. Enthrill is well on its way to great things, none of which would have happened without the support we’ve been shown at all levels.” R O U N D U P : R E C E N T P O S T S F R O M C A P I TA L I D E A S M E M B E R S Find the full posts on these members’ LinkedIn profiles. We’ll curate a selection every Friday in our LinkedIn group, Capital Ideas Alberta. To bring yours to our attention, email it to hello@capitalideacalgary.com or post to LinkedIn with the hashtag #capitalideas.

From “Why events should be a part of your marketing strategy” by Jenn Egroff, founder of Catalystica (catalystica.ca):

From “Choosing your marketing mediums” by Amanda Schewaga, owner of The Marketing Girl (themarketinggirl.com):

“Face to face events are all about making connections. Even though you can easily ‘connect’ with people online using social media, there is still something magical and unique about face to face interaction that you just can’t get behind a screen.”

“There are a few places where you could start to narrow down your options. First, don’t be afraid to ask your customers. You can also examine where your target market spends their time and how they like to interact with brands.”

From “Will you watch The Martian movie when it comes out?” by Lynette Lefsrud, president at GridStone Marketing (gridstonemarketing.com):

“But with all great stories, there is much more in the background. And this great story is about marketing — in the true essence of the word — an unrelenting focus to deliver value to a target audience.”

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