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CAPITAL IDEAS UPCOMING EVENTS NOVEMBER 19: STA R T U P CA LG A RY LAUNCH PARTY 2015 Startup Calgary’s annual Launch Party recognizes the city’s most innovative startups. ■ Where: Mount Royal University (4825 Mt Royal Gate S.W.) ■ When: 6 to 11 p.m. ■ Admission: $30 for early bird. More info at picatic.com/sclp2015
HOW DO YOU MAKE TIME TO LEARN AND KEEP YOUR BUSINESS GROWING? Capital Ideas members share how they go above and beyond the day to day “The only way I have been able to make learning fit into my life is to make it a habit and being creative with learning methods. Before I start my work for the day, I spend 20 minutes reading blog posts and articles from my industry, social media keeps you on your toes. Also, listening to podcasts or webinars in my car have been a lifesaver when time-limited!” Amanda Schewaga, owner of The Marketing Girl, themarketinggirl.com
“I enjoy attending training workshops and seminars focused on improving my business. This also gives me the opportunity to network and meet potential prospects who are also looking to grow their businesses. Our company helps clients grow their online presence. I also enjoy listening to audiobooks on business while I drive or workout. I keep a wishlist saved of business books that have been suggested or I’ve read about.”
NOVEMBER 23-24: WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP AND BUSINESS CONFERENCE Designed for leaders, managers and entrepreneurs who want to advance their career or grow their business. ■ Where: Hyatt Regency Calgary (700 Centre Street S.E.) ■ When: 7 a.m. to 4 p.m ■ Admission: $1295 early bird. More info at wilbconference.com For more great events, visit capitalideascalgary.com/ calgaryevents.
How do you ensure you get paid in a timely manner?
Kita Eserve, internet marketing expert at Metrik Marketing Inc., metrikmarketing.com
Jeff Griffiths, co-founder of Griffiths Sheppard Consulting Group Inc. (griffiths-sheppard.com) recognizes the challenges in finding time for growth: “It’s not easy, you have to schedule it and then be disciplined about it. I allocate a budget including hours as well as time, and set aside a part of every day and a larger piece of time once a week for personal development. It’s the only way to ensure that I can continue to be on top of what’s important in the industries I serve, as well as staying current on areas within my own specialized area of practice.”
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Dana Goldstein, CEO of ChicFlicks Video Production, chicflicks.ca
“Being a business owner means that you are a great critical thinker, who is able to solve problems on the fly. If you don’t know an answer, you have to find an answer, or find someone with an answer. Thus, running your business is synonymous with constant learning. When you stop making learning a part of your day to day, you stop growing and start failing.”
Michael Tighe, managing partner at Solid Site, asolidsite.com
“Continuous training and learning are absolutely essential. Any business person who thinks they can master every aspect of their business without help is just being foolish. If I need to update a skill or gain knowledge in a business area, I find it is more cost-effective to take online training courses. This way I can keep up-to-date and learn new skills and trends on weekends and evenings. This type of learning allows me to not take time away from my customers or my day-to-day tasks.”
“Some of the ways I use to learn include staying in touch with my network, audio and visual tools like BrightTALK, or Massive Open Online Course (MOOCs) like Coursera that I can listen to while doing other things. I subscribe to electronic magazines that send me alerts where I can scan headlines. I keep magazines in my bag that I can read during down times or when I have to wait around. When it makes sense, I’ll go on week-long executive education sessions where I can immerse myself into the learning.”
Lynda Kavanagh, owner of Wow Communications, wowcommunications.ca
Cash flow is said to be the lifeblood of a business and making sure what you’re spending doesn’t outstrip what’s coming in is truly a key in many industries with multiple clients and suppliers. That’s got Wellington Holbrook, executive vice-president of ATB Business, curious to hear your best advice: How do you ensure you get paid in a timely manner? You can answer the question in two ways: Open today’s Capital Ideas email if you’re a member or visit capitalideascalgary.com We’ll publish the best answers, along with your business name and website address, on Oct. 29.
“I set aside two weekends per year to focus on professional development and learning. I leave the city with two other business colleagues and we work, heads down, focused and holding one another accountable. I use this time to plan ahead and to expand my skills to better serve my clients.”
Nevine Booth, president and founder of OnPoint Research Group
These answers are in response to a question posed by Ildi Arlette, president and CEO, Women in Leadership and Business Conference (wilbconference.com). Here’s her take: “Most leaders and entrepreneurs are voracious learners. Yet, we hear from so many business leaders and owners who want to spend more time working ON their business rather than IN their business. It’s a real challenge that can feel like a hamster-wheel for any size of business. Even within large organizations, managers and leaders tell us that while they are supported in their learning needs, the resources they can access are more focused on advancing the businesses goals and objectives then their own. Prioritize your learning. Look to the experts: try one of Calgary’s stellar post-secondary institutions for courses specifically designed for professionals, lunch and learn series’ and conferences - our favourite learning platform. Everyone can take one or two days per year to attend a conference. It’s a great way to sample topics, content and experts that are relevant to your needs and to network with others who can contribute to growing your business and advancing your career.”
R O U N D U P : R E C E N T P O S T S F R O M C A P I TA L I D E A S M E M B E R S Find the full posts on these members’ LinkedIn profiles. We’ll curate a selection every Friday on our LinkedIn group, Capital Ideas Alberta. To bring yours to our attention, email it to hello@capitalideascalgary.com or use the hashtag #capitalideas when you post to LinkedIn.
From “Strategies to improve your profitability” by Laura Bechard, business and executive coach, Bexco Business & Executive Coaching:
“Before you can really narrow down on the strategies you will implement in your business to improve profitability, you need to understand the impact of all your decisions on your profitability. Business owners are laser-focused on the impact of staffing decisions, but solutions may involve a combination of decisions including capital investment, supplier management or labour.”
From “Free ways to promote your mobile app” by Ryan Hnetka, founder of App Guys Inc. (appguys.ca):
“Once you’ve built your mobile app, you obviously want people to download it. Since you’ve just finished investing financially in the development of your application, you may want to explore cost-effective or free ways to promote your app.”
From “Is a vague ideal client sabotaging your small business?” by Dave Byrnes, owner of Easier Networks (easiernetworks.com):
“If you aim for everything, you will hit nothing. This is as true in business and marketing as anywhere else in life. It’s particularly true when you are in a small business because if you miss your audience, you will probably not be around long enough for a second go.”
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