2015 09 24 ej

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CAPITAL IDEAS UPCOMING EVENTS OCTOBER 19-23: SMALL BUSINESS WEEK Small Business Week is packed with workshops and events focused on needto-know information for entrepreneurs in a rapidly changing marketplace. ■■ Where: Various locations (Edmonton, AB) ■■ When: Events Monday to Friday ■■ Admission: Cost varies. Details at edmontonchamber.com/ events OCTOBER 21: WHEN LIFE HANDS YOU A DO-OVER Hear the story of “Tattoo Preacher” Aaron Davis and how his lessons can help you get out of your own way to reach success. ■■ Where: Chateau Nova (13920 Yellowhead Trail) ■■ When: 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. ■■ Admission: $90. Details at dexio.biz/october-focusseminar


WHAT SKILLS AND RESOURCES SHOULD POST-SECONDARY INSTITUTIONS BE PROVIDING TO ENTREPRENEURS? Capital Ideas members offer what they think are important lessons for students “Client management skills are essential to any entrepreneur. Learning how to communicate with a variety of client types to establish trust and long lasting relationships would be a valuable asset to any budding business person.”

Janis Galloway, agency director at the Publicity Room, publicityroom.com

“One area I believe needs more emphasis is communication, including pitches and presentations. Post-secondary provides ample knowledge around the nuts and bolts of business, but at the end of the day, the ability to get attention and sell a concept or product, or inspire engagement from sponsors, investors etc. requires communication strategy and execution. This includes how entrepreneurs communicate through social media, email, etc. Entrepreneurs must learn how to use and interpret analytics. Current information is power.”

For more great events, visit capitalideascalgary.com/ calgaryevents.

Michael Kryton, author of A Brilliant Idea Every 60 Seconds, michaelkryton.com


“Hands-on training and work placements during the program. As students learn theory, if they can apply that and gain some real life experience it will speed up the learning process. Also, using current tools and technology. There are websites like Product Hunt which can help you find resources and tools to help you do something faster and better.”

When choosing a successor for your business, what can you do to find the right person?

Ali Salman, partner at Rapid Boost, rapidboostmarketing.com

“There are fundamental things like how to run a business, financial management, idea validation , how to fundraise, marketing, building and nurturing the right team, globalization and so much more. There are basic essentials on each topic and some of this can be started in the K-12 education system. This way, the basics of entrepreneurship can be taught as part of the standard curriculum and those wishing to pursue it further can do so in post-secondary. It would help diversify our economy tremendously if we equipped our students with the right skills.” Ashif Mawji, president of Trust Science, trustscience.com

Here are some Twitter takeaways about post-secondary entrepreneurial skills from attendees at the Alberta BoostR crowdfunding event in Edmonton, September 15.

Family-run businesses may find that the next generation doesn’t want to take over, and it’s important in any venture to ensure succession works for employees and customers, which is why Wellington Holbrook, vice president of ATB Business, is curious to hear from you: When choosing a successor for your business, what can you do to find the right person? You can answer the question in two ways: Open today’s Capital Ideas email if you’re a member or visit capitalideascalgary.com. We’ll publish the best answers, along with your business name and website address, on September 30th.

Business owners helping business owners


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S I G N U P AT : capitalideascalgary.com

Bree Emmerson, owner of BE3Designs, (info@be3designs.ca) believes that online education makes it easier to access helpful information. “I would have absolutely loved to have learned how to code while in high school, it would have helped me with more than just programming but problem-solving too. Online access to courses and lessons make more sense now, so classroom time can focus on what you need to get out of person-to-person learning.”

“Entrepreneurs need to ensure they have great communications skills.” Greg Gazin, @gadgetgreg

“Best thing post secondary schools can do for entrepreneur students is gift them with real life experience.” Chett Matchett, @Chett12


These answers are in response to Stacey Ohlmann, director of innovation and technology priorities at NAIT. For more details on what NAIT is doing to foster entrepreneurial ideas and innovation, visit nait.ca/newventure.

R O U N D U P : R E C E N T P O S T S F R O M C A P I TA L I D E A S M E M B E R S Find the full posts on these members’ LinkedIn profiles. We’ll curate a selection every Friday in our LinkedIn group, Capital Ideas Alberta. To bring yours to our attention, email it to hello@capitalideasedmonton.com or post to LinkedIn with the hashtag #capitalideas.

From “Falling back in” by Kevin MacDonald, business consultant at L6S Business Consulting Inc. ( l6sbc.ca):

“When is it a new concept that during the summer things tend to drag on? Is it a new business norm that many new things tend not to start during the summer?”

From “The impact of business coaching” by Lisa Patrick, founder of CBT Continuing Education (cbtcontinuingeducation.com):

“An effective coaching process includes meaningful coaching conversations. It is a learning process not a teaching process. When required, coaching can shift to leadership development – delegation, influencing, and so forth.”

From “Is life giving you lemons?” by Jim Ewing, co-founder of Pro-Vision Solutions Inc. (pvs4u.ca):

“Where some focus on the negative, others are choosing to explore emerging opportunities available to them through the contracting of their specialized, technical and consulting expertise. When you’re an expert in making lemonade, it’s just possible that you could then consult almost anywhere along that value chain!”

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