CapitalTek July Newsletter Vol. 19

Page 9


Which Form of MFA Is the Most Secure?, p2

Are Two Monitors Really More Productive Than One?, p3

Top 6 Mobile Device Attacks You Need to Watch Out For, p4 Should I Consider Switching to Microsoft's Edge Browser?, p5

Scamming The Scammer, p6




CAPITALTEK LIVE WITH SERGEYSubscribe on our YouTube channel.

Watch our upcoming live stream., see page 8 for more details

Asabusinessownerormanager,whatareyour feelingsabouthybridworking(amixof workingremotelyandintheoffice)?

Alotofthatwilldependonhowwellitsuitsyour business,andyourownpersonalpreferences abouthavingpeopletogetherinreallife.

Butalso,onthetoolsyouuseforcollaborationand productivity.We’veseenalotofourclients embraceTeamsandotherMicrosoft365products. They’vecompletelychangedthewaytheyworkina verypositiveway.

Theflexibleworkingdebateragesonar world.RecentlyadirectoratApplequit disagreementoverbeingforcedtoretu totheofficefor3daysaweek.

Buthere’ssomeinterestingnews.Astu onhomeworkingwascarriedoutby researchersafterHurricaneHarveyhit Houston,Texas(thiswasbeforethe pandemic)

Itlookedatproductivitybefore,during, andafteraprolongedstretchofremote working.

Villain of the month, p7 Staff Highlight, p8

The way we use passwords is finally changing, p9 Benefits of Faster Internet Speeds, p10 Entertainment, p11 Featured CustomerDFC Woodworks Inc - The history of the Best Adirondack Chair, p12

Top 6 Mobile Device Attacks

Read page 4 for full story

Not only did it find that company and employee resilience may be enhanced by remote work. But it also discovered there was no overall drop in the level of output.

If you’re not totally satisfied with your hybrid working right now, maybe we can help. Would you like us to review the technology you’re using to see if we can make life easier for you and your team?

1 CapitalTek Teknology Insider 613-227-HELP (4357) help@capitaltek ca capitaltek ca YOUR MONTHLY NEWSLETTER, WRITTEN FOR HUMANS, NOT GEEKS


Credential theft is now at an all-time high and is responsible for more data breaches than any other type of attack.

With data and business processes now largely cloud-based, a user’s password is the quickest and easiest way to conduct many different types of dangerous activities.

One of the best ways to protect your online accounts, data, and business operations is with multifactor authentication (MFA)

It provides a significant barrier to cybercriminals even if they have a legitimate user credential to log in

This is because they most likely will not have access to the device that receives the MFA code required to complete the authentication process

What Are the Three Main Methods of MFA?

When you implement multi-factor authentication at your business, it’s important to compare the three main methods of MFA and not just assume all methods are the same

There are key differences that make some more secure than others and some more convenient

Let’s take a look at what these three methods are:



The form of MFA that people are most familiar with is SMS-based.

This one uses text messaging to authenticate the user. The user will typically enter their mobile number when setting up MFA. Then, whenever they log into their account, they will receive a text message with a time-sensitive code that must be


2. On-device Prompt in an App

Another type of multi-factor authentication will use a special app to push through the code. The user still generates the MFA code at log in, but rather than receiving the code via SMS, it’s received through the app

This is usually done via a push notification, and it can be used with a mobile app or desktop app in many cases

3. Security Key

The third key method of MFA involves using a separate security key that you can insert into a PC or mobile device to authenticate the login

The key itself is purchased at the time the MFA solution is set up and will be the thing that receives the authentication code and implements it automatically

The MFA security key is typically smaller than a traditional thumb drive and must be carried by the user to authenticate when they log into a system

Now, let’s look at the differences between these three methods.

Most Convenient Form of MFA?

The most convenient form of MFA, it would be the SMS-based MFA.

Most people are already used to getting text messages on their phones so there is no new interface to learn and no app to install.

The SMS-based is actually the least secure because there is malware out there now that can clone a SIM

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(Continued on next page)

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card,whichwouldallowahackertogetthoseMFA textmessages.


Ifyourcompanyhandlessensitivedatainacloud platformthenitmaybeinyourbestinteresttogo


ThemostsecureformofMFAisthesecuritykey The securitykey,beingaseparatedevicealtogether, won’tleaveyouraccountsunprotectedintheevent ofamobilephonebeinglostorstolen.Boththe SMS-basedandapp-basedversionswouldleave youraccountsatriskinthisscenario.


When you see those people with two monitors, you may assume they do some specialized work that requires all that screen space, or they just really like technology.

But having the additional display real estate that a second screen provides can benefit anyone, even if you’re doing accounting or document work all day.

According to a study by software developer Mavenlink, 73% of surveyed businesses say they spend over an hour per day on average just switching between different apps.

ProductivityResearchon Dual-Screens

Jon Peddie Research looked at the benefit of using two screens over several years. It found that overall, employees in all types of jobs can improve productivity by an average of 42%.

The company’s namesake put it simply by saying, “The more you can see, the more you can do.”

WhatAretheAdvantagesof Addinga2ndScreen?


The biggest advantage to using a second monitor is that you can do more in less time because you’re not struggling to get to the windows you need when you need them.

ExpandsScreenSpacefor Laptops

Connecting your laptop to a monitor can significantly improve the experience and make it like working on a normal desktop PC. You can either choose to mirror your entire screen or still make use of the laptop screen for some activities while using the larger screen for others.

Side-by-SideComparisons AreEasier

There are a lot of tasks that require looking at data in two windows.

With two monitors, you have the screen real estate you need to fully open both windows and have them right next to each other so you can easily do your work.

MoreFreedomDuringVideo Calls

With dual screens, you can choose which screen you want to share during meetings, and still have apps open on the other screen that no one can see.

FairlyInexpensiveProductivity Booster

Purchasing another display is a fairly low investment when looking at technology.

Amonitorcanbepurchased foranywherebetween$125to $250onaverage.Andwitha 42%averageproductivity boost,itcanhaveapretty sweetROI.

NeedHelpImproving Productivity?

There are several productivity boosts that you can get using the right technology tools, and they don’t have to cost a fortune

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While many companies have moved most of their workflows to the cloud, there is still a key component of office operations that is location-based.

Most companies still rely on desktops and laptops to allow employees to access critical software and as their main workstation.

This can become inconvenient if you’re doing work from one than one location. For example, if you work both at the office and at home, in one of those places, you’ll be without your “main computer.” This can be a real problem when it comes to needing to access certain files or possibly working from a slower device than you’re used to.

What is Windows 365?

Windows 365 is a cloud-based PC. Your entire operating system and everything that sits on it (settings, files, software, etc.) is loaded on a cloud server instead of your own device’s hard drive. You can then access this through an online portal, and the interface will load onto your device (desktop, laptop, tablet, etc.).

Windows 365 can be accessed through any type of device, from anywhere, just like other cloud services You can install applications, personalize your desktop, and do all the things you normally do on a computer The main difference is that the computer operating system is now in the cloud

Windows 365 Pros

Access Your Computer Anywhere

Perfect for the Hybrid Work World

Better Access to Device Security & Administration

Windows 365 Cons

You Can Only Use It Online

A Slow Connection Ruins the Experience

There is a Danger of Service Outage

Is a Cloud PC Right for Your Business?

There are several instances when Windows 365 offers big benefits to a company.


Smartphones and tablets are often the preferred device for communications, web searching, and accessing many types of apps. They’re more portable and can be used from anywhere.

You need to be on the lookout for the most prevalent mobile device threats that allow your data to be leaked or breached. Here’s a roundup of what those are

Mobile Malware Hidden in Apps

Unprotected Communications

Public Wi-Fi & Man-in-theMiddle Attacks

Juice Jacking on Public USB Charging Stations

Non-Updated Devices

Text-based phishing (smishing)

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Approximately 34% of businesses take a week or longer to regain access to their data and systems once hit with a malware attack

Keep an eye out for these key warning signs of malware infection so you can jump into action and reduce your risk

Strange Popups on Your Desktop

New Sluggish Behavior Applications Start Crashing

Your Browser Home Page is Redirected

Sudden Reboots

You’re Missing Hard Drive


You Run Across Corrupted Files

PC “Processing Sounds” When There Shouldn’t Be


Microsoft Edge recently surpassed Firefox in worldwide desktop browser market share and is now the #3 Desktop browser in the world behind Chrome and Safari.

Why has Edge become so popular? One reason is that it adopted the Chromium framework in 2020, the same one that Chrome uses.

Edge is the replacement for Internet Explorer, but it’s taken a while for it to become mainstream. It seems that now is its time.

Should you switch to Edge?

Here are a few features to help you decide.

Make saved websites easier to find using Collections

Coupons are served up for you as you shop online Get instant price comparisons

See pricing history for best-price trends

Great security features, like Defender SmartScreen

Grab quick screenshots with Web Capture

5 CapitalTek Teknology Insider 613-227-HELP (4357) help@capitaltek ca capitaltek ca TECHNOLOGY | TOOLS FOR YOUR BUSINESS


It makes for great TV when the scammed victim turns the tables on their scammer. But in real life, picking up the phone and trying to mess with your own personal scammer often causes more harm than good...

Should you choose to answer a scam, no matter what you say, you're automatically providing two vital pieces of information: The first is that this is a working number, and the second is that you're willing to answer.

Even when denying, you're still confirming a lot of information over the phone, like your name, address, etc.

SCAMMER: Our records show Sam Erb at 7 Main St. owes $500 in car payments. YOU: Nice try, I own my car.

Threats also offer valuable information. Things like: "Don't mess with me, I'm a lawyer," or "My dad's a cop", provides scammers with even more information. Know that nothing you say will hurt their feelings, or teach them a lesson. They are criminals, and engaging with them just allows them to steal your time and stockpile more data to use against you.

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Each month we highlight a scam that demonstrates tactics criminals are using RIGHT NOW, to better prepare you when the next scam hits.

Lola has been scammed! She donated to a charity through social media without doing any preemptive research, and now she's lost over a thousand dollars in gift cards, and believes her personal information may have been stolen. Lola has watched enough TV Scam Dramas to know that there were a lot of red flags she ignored, and probably shouldn't have. She's completely embarrassed and has kept her indiscretion quiet amongst family and friends, fearing that she'll be judged Now she's beating herself up, suffering in silence, and just wants to forget this ever happened. This was a lot of money to lose, but the social media page seemed so official, and the cause really spoke to her. Lola feels so silly, and can't believe that she was actually caught up in a situation she only had ever seen on TV.


Lolaignoredtheredflags.Inhindsightit'seasytoseetheclear redflags,butevenwhengoingthroughthemotions,it's importanttolistentothoselittlefeelingsofuncertainty.

Lolakepttheincidenttoherself.Notonlyisthesupportof familyandfriendssomethingthatcouldbenefitheratthis time,butsharingherstorymayhelpothersnotfallforthe samescam.

Lolaalsofearedherpersonalinformationwasstolen. Documentingthisincidentandreportingittotheproper agenciesisanimportantnextstepthatLolaneedstotake

People fall for scams all the time, and it can feel embarrassing, but when you share your story with friends and family you're better preparing your loved ones should a similar scam come their way.

When you do fall for a scam, it's important to also share the incident with your local agencies/authorities, as well. Your report can help these agencies track scam patterns and keep others from experiencing the same thing.

Scammers thrive when those they've scammed stay silent. Word of mouth and the sharing of scam stories is a simple way you can help break this cycle, bringing these scams to light so that otherswillnothavetonavigatetheinternetinthedark.

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Staff highlight: Ronie Corteza

Ronie joined the BPO industry after earning his bachelor’s degree in communication major in Journalism in 2009 For 6 years, he was part of the Training Department as a trainer and promoted as a training supervisor for telco customer service, sales, and tech accounts

He joined Capitaltek last February 2022 as part of the business development team

Through Capitaltek, he was able to explore the world of marketing and business development His determination to learn new things and with his experience, he

continuously helps improve the company’s growth and sales

Pre-pandemic, Ronie loves travelling spontaneously on a shoestring One of his favorites is South Korea being a big K-pop fan himself These days, he would spend his free time as a fanboy of both K-pop and P-Pop (Filipino Pop) groups

His mantra, “Never mistakes Only lessons”, makes him connected to the beginning of his journey He believes that calling something a “mistake” is almost counterproductive. Call it a lesson instead.

MEDIA & ARTS | UPCOMING WEBINAR CapitalTek Teknology Insider 613-227-HELP (4357) help@capitaltek ca capitaltek ca Subscribe on our YouTube channel. Watch our past and upcoming live stream.
Business Development

Never miss a notification again

Notifications can be annoying. But what makes them worse is when they’re in different places. It’s too easy to miss something important.


Now, Outlook is coming to the rescue with its ‘notification pane’.

It stores all your notifications in one central location so you’ll never miss anything again.

There are more than 5.1 billion active users on the internet, with Asia making up more than 50% of total internet traffic

90% of the world’s data was generated between 2019 and today

Wearable technology is exploding. Global shipments are expected to be 489 million devices by next year


Passwords are annoying for most people If you look at the best practice password advice, it’s creating work for everyone:

Generate long random character passwords rather than using everyday words that can be guessed by cyber criminals’ automated software

Use a different password for every single application

Never write passwords down or share with a colleague

This is why we tell our clients to use a password manager. It’s a safe way to generate highly secure passwords, store them,

You can also set your working hours and location, for others to see. That means if you’re working remotely, people will know when they can expect to hear from you.


and fill in login boxes so you don’t have to.

Recently we’ve heard that tech giants Microsoft, Apple and Google have joined forces to kill off the password and introduce its replacement

That’s called a passkey.

It’s very simple. To login to something, you’ll use your phone to prove it’s really you.

Your computer will use Bluetooth to verify you’re sat nearby. Because Bluetooth only works a short distance, this should stop many phishing scams.

Then it’ll send a verification message to your phone. You’ll unlock your phone in the usual way, with your face, fingerprint, or PIN.

And that’s it. You’re logged in.

We could see this new no-password login being introduced to some of the world’s biggest websites and applications over the coming year. Exciting!

What do you think

TECHNOLOGY UPDATE | MICROSOFT 365 NEW TO MICROSOFT 365 9 CapitalTek Teknology Insider 613-227-HELP (4357) help@capitaltek ca capitaltek ca
“Change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future.”
John F. Kennedy

Benefits of Faster Internet Speeds

We live in a world of ever-changing technology where it’s nearly impossible to run a business without the internet. Therefore, it’s easy to say that faster internet will help your business perform better. Some business owners still don’t understand the power of faster internet. Here, we’ll discuss the benefits of faster internet speeds so that business owners feel better about moving to better internet connections.

Improved Speed

There is no doubt that fast internet will provide better processing speeds.

Better Customer Care

You might be wondering how faster internet can play a role in providing better customer care.

Multiple Users Can Enjoy Problem-Free Internet

If you have a small business, you may have some employees. When employees use the same internet, they face various issues, and slow internet is one of them.

Reduced Stress

Imagine you have an urgent online meeting with your client or vendor, but the internet speed doesn’t allow you to communicate well. It can be very stressful.

Save Money

Many business owners don’t switch to faster internet because they feel it will cost them more. Yes, it might cost more in the beginning, but overtime you will actually save more.

Stronger Signal Prepares Businesses for Future Growth

Read more here:


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The Funnies


Tech Quiz

What year did Microsoft first start selling a computer mouse? Which company altered its Handycam after its infrared “nightshot” feature was found to see through clothes during the day? In mobile phones, what does SMS stand for? What is the difference between http and https? Which company owns Hotmail?

The answers are below


Q: I think I’ve clicked an unsafe link. What should I do?

A: The faster you take act, the less damage or data loss you’ll suffer Get in touch with your IT support partner immediately It’s always a good idea to have a response and recovery strategy in place for when this happens.

Q: My external drive doesn’t show up when connected

11) 1983

A: First, make sure it’s powered up! Then try it in a different USB port, and then a different device. This will let you know if it’s the drive or your device that’s the issue. You may need to manually enable it in Windows.


3 A spacecraft that carries people through space

5. Used to observe objects in the sky.

6 The ability to do work can not be created or destroyed

8. A group of interacting ,interrelated, or interdependent parts or elements that function together as a whole to acomplish a goal

9 The way people use resources to meet their wants and needs

10. A series of radio waves.

13 A new product or system that has never existed before created by study and experimentation.


1 A collection of data stored on a computer

2. You use this to enter a secure website

4. A small picture on a computer screen that represents a program or function that can be opened

6. Electronic letter.

7 Energy that comes from a source and travels through space at the speed of light

8 The study of our natural world through study description and observation

11. The smallest component of an element and the building blocks of all matter

12. The remains of the dead plant and animals trapped in the layers of rocks.

11 a capitaltek ca ENTERTAINMENT
Short Messaging Service 4) The ’s’ in https means it is a secure connection 5) Microsoft. Hotmail is kind of still going, although now called Outlook
1. 2 3. 4 5.


The history of the Best Adirondack Chair began in 1955 when Gérard Bruneau decided to supplement his income by handcrafting quality garden swings.

As time progressed, Mr. Bruneau began making other wood furniture slowly amassing hundreds of quality pieces of furniture for many happy and satisfied clients.

As Gérard worked in his workshop, his young and curious son attentively watched his father and slowly learned the craft of furniture making.

In 1982, in association with his son François, the venture changed from a sideline business to a full-time operation, handcrafting the best in Adirondack chairs and swings.

In 1999 DFC Woodworks went high tech and made its products available online to reach the global market.

From there, the Best Adirondack Chair became a global success with sales throughout the United States, Canada, and countries overseas as far away as England, Australia and Dubai.


Part of the company's key to success is their commitment to customer service, it's 10-day full refund policy, the Lifetime Written Guarantee on workmanship, and most importantly, their commitment to consistently creating a quality product.

Founder and CEO Sergey Poltev, has been fixing computers since he was a kid. He immigrated to Canada to seek new opportunities, where he launched CALLGEEK (later renamed to CAPITALTEK) in 2008. Sergey was recognized in 2021 with a Forty Under 40 Awards from the Ottawa Board of Trade & Ottawa Business Journal.

COMPUTER MAINTENANCE MANAGED NETWORK BUSINESS PHONE BUSINESS EMAIL P FEATURE | CUSTOMER HIGHLIGHT CapitalTek Teknology Insider 613-227-HELP (4357) help@capitaltek ca capitaltek ca We're now taking on new clients! Set up a 30 minute explanatory video call at Award-winning managed IT services for small to medium-sized companies in Ottawa. We combine essentials with a comprehensive platform to keep you running worry-free 24/7. LP (4357)
Francois Bruneau Owner at DFC Woodworks Inc

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