CapitalTek June Newsletter Vol. 30

Page 10


What is Passkey Authentication?, p2

Tips for Designing Great Data Visualization Reports, p3

What is push-bombing & how can you prevent it?, p4

7 Ways to secure your wireless printer, p5

Our Fresh New Look, p6

StaffHighlight,p8 TechnologyUpdate,p9



FeaturedCustomer-Adiversifiedarchitecturalpracticethatoffers afullrangeofarchitecturalservices,p12


Hashybridandremoteworkingleftyouand yourteamrattlingaroundanofficethat’stoo big?

Ifyou’renowinthepositionofoverspendingon rent,utilitiesandcleaning,youmightbethinking aboutdownsizingtoanotherlocation–oreven abandoningtheofficecompletely.

That’ssomethingthatwilltakesomeplanningif youwantasmoothtransitionwithminimal, expensivedowntime.

Movesarealwaysstressful,andrelocatingyour ITsystemstakesabitmorethoughtthan manhandlingadeskupthestairs.

Sohereareourtopthreesuggestionstomakeit easiertoshiftyourITsetuptoanewlocation.


Treatthislikeanyotherproject.Useato-dolist whereyoucheckoffeachstepsothatnothing’s forgotten.Allocateeverytaskonthelistto specificpeople,soeveryoneknowswho’s responsibleforwhat.

Refertoyourchecklistregularlywithprogress reviewsamonthbefore,aweekbefore,aday before,andonthedayofthemove.Have anotherlistforunpackingattheotherend.


Werelyoninternetconnectionsformostof whatwedo,butit’scommontoallowtoolittle

timeforthistobesetup.Itcantakesixweeksto arrange,installandtesttheconnectionsoit’sready forthedayyoumovein.Allowplentyofnoticeto avoidunwantedstressonthedayofthemove.

Ifit’sanewbuildingorarefit,specifyalltheoutlets andconnectionsyouwant–don’tleaveittothe buildertoassumeasitwillcostmoretomake changeslater.


Ifit’sjustacoupleofmachinesitcouldbeaDIYjob. Butformostmoves,it’smore involvedthanjustdisconnectingafew cablesandreconnectingthem.It’stooeasyfor everythingtobecomeconfusingandbecomeover complicated.

AgoodITprofessionalwillhavethisprocessdown toafineartandwilldisconnectandreconnectyour wholenetworkefficientlyandwithminimal downtime.

Ifyou’rethinkingaboutamovetonew premisesandneedhelpplanningforit,wecan help…getintouch.

CapitalTekTeknologyInsider 613-227-HELP(4357)


Passwords are the most used method of authentication, but they are also one of the weakest. Passwords are often easy to guess or steal. Also, many people use the same password across several accounts. This makes them vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

The sheer volume of passwords that people need to remember is large. This leads to habits that make it easier for criminals to breach passwords. Such as creating weak passwords and storing passwords in a non-secure way.

61% of all data breaches involve stolen or hacked login credentials.

In recent years a better solution has emerged –passkeys. Passkeys are more secure than passwords. They also provide a more convenient way of logging into your accounts.

enabled to log the user in

What is Passkey Authentication?

Passkeys work by generating a unique code for each login attempt. This code is then validated by the server. This code is created using a combination of information about the user and the device they are using to log in.

You can think of passkeys as a digital credential. A passkey allows someone to authenticate in a web service or a cloud-based account. There is no need to enter a username and password.

This authentication technology leverages Web Authentication (WebAuthn). This is a core component of FIDO2, an authentication protocol. Instead of using a unique password, it uses publickey cryptography for user verification.

The user’s device stores the authentication key. This can be a computer, mobile device, or security

Advantages of Using Passkeys Instead of Passwords

More Secure

One advantage of passkeys is that they are more secure than passwords. Passkeys are more difficult to hack. This is true especially if the key generates from a combination of biometric and device data.

Biometric data can include things like facial recognition or fingerprint scans. Device information can include things like the device’s MAC address or location.

This makes it much harder for hackers to gain access to your accounts.

More Convenient

Another advantage of passkeys over passwords is that

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they are more convenient. With password authentication, users often must remember many complex passwords. This can be difficult and timeconsuming.

Forgetting passwords is common and doing a reset can slow an employee down. Each time a person has to reset their password, it takes an average of three minutes and 46 seconds.

Passkeys erase this problem by providing a single code. You can use that same code across all your accounts. This makes it much easier to log in to your accounts.

It also reduces the likelihood of forgetting or

misplacing your password.


Credential phishing scams are prevalent. Scammers send emails that tell a user something is wrong with their account.

They click on a link that takes them to a disguised login page created to steal their username and password.

When a user is authenticating with a passkey instead, this won’t work on them. Even if a hacker had a user’s password, it wouldn’t matter. They would need the device passkey authentication to breach the account.


Data visualization is a powerful tool for communicating complex data.

But it is not enough to simply create a graph or chart and call it a day. To truly make use of information, it is important to create insightful reports.

Creating holistic and insightful reports requires the use of several data points. One tool that enables this is Microsoft Power BI.

What Is Microsoft Power BI?

Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence tool. It allows you to connect many data sources to one dashboard. Using Power BI, you can easily model and visualize data holistically.

Tips for Designing Great Data Visualization Reports

Consider Your Audience

You should design reporting dash-boards with the end user in mind. CEOs and CFOs are interested in different aspects of the business, make the information interesting to them.

What is it that this audience wants to see?

Are they looking for bottomline sales numbers?

Or do they want to cover insights that can help target productivity gaps?

Don’t Overcomplicate Things

Many times, less is more. If you

find that your dashboard looks crowded, you may be adding too many reports.

The more you add, the more difficult it is to read the takeaways from the data.

Try Out Different Chart Types

Experiment with presenting your data in different ways.

Flip between bar, pie, and other types of charts to find the one that tells the story the best.

Just don’t go overboard. Keep it simple but interesting.

Get to Know Power Query

Power Query is a data preparation engine.

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Take time to learn how to leverage this tool for help with:

Connecting a wide range of data sources to the dashboard

Previewing data queries

Building intuitive queries over many data sources

Defining data size, variety, and velocity


Bing and Power BI integrate, allowing you to leverage default map coordinates Use best practices to utilize the mapping power of Bing to improve your geo-coding.

TellPeopleWhatTheyAre LookingAt

A typical comment heard often when presenting executives with a new report is, “What am I looking at?” Tell your audience what the data means by using features like tooltips and text boxes to add context.


People usually read left to right and from top to bottom. So put your most important chart at the top, left corner. Follow, with the next most important reports.


Cloud account takeover has

become a major problem for organizations.

Between 2019 and 2021, account takeover (ATO) rose by 307%. Many organizations use multifactor authentication (MFA) as a way to stop fraudulent sign-ins

But its effectiveness has spurred workarounds by hackers. One of these is push-bombing

HowDoesPush-Bombing Work?

When a user enables MFA on an account, they typically receive a code or authorization prompt of some type.

The user enters their login credentials.

Then the system sends an authorization request to the user to complete their login.

With push-bombing, hackers start with the user’s credentials and take advantage of that push notification process.

They attempt to log in many times

This sends the legitimate user several push notifications, one after the other

When someone is bombarded with these, it can be easy to mistakenly click to approve access.

Push-bombing is a form of social engineering attack designed to:

Confuse the user

Wear the user down

Trick the user into approving the MFA request to give the hacker access

Ways to Combat Push-Bombing at Your Organization

Educate Employees

Reduce Business App “Sprawl”

Adopt Phishing-Resistant MFA Solutions

Enforce Strong Password Policies

Put in Place an Advanced Identity Management Solution

Additionally, businesses can use identity management solutions to install contextual login policies.


ChatGPT has revolutionized the way businesses interact with their customers. It has also affected how they get things done.

Teams are using it for everything from emails to generating ideas for product names.

The tool’s personalized and informative responses in realtime definitely draw you in. But integrating ChatGPT into your business operations requires careful consideration.

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You want to ensure that things don’t get out of hand with employees using the tool irresponsibly.

Understand ChatGPT’s Weaknesses

Define ChatGPT’s Role

Consider Customer Privacy

Ensure Human Oversight

Integrate ChatGPT Into Your Existing Customer Service

Measure Performance and Optimize

Be Transparent About Using It


Manypeopleworryabout someonehackingtheir computer.Butthey’renotreally thinkingabouttheirwireless printergettingbreached.It’s atoolthatmostindividualsuse sporadically.Forexample,when youwanttoprintouttaxforms ormailinglabels.

Printerstendtobeoutofsight, outofmind.Thatisuntilyou needtoprintsomethingand runoutofink.Well,they’renot outofthemindofhackersIn fact,unsecuredprintersarea classicwayforcriminalstogain accesstoahomenetwork.

1. 2.



3.Use a Network Firewall

4.Put Your Printer on a Guest Network

5.Disable Unused Ports or Services

6.Unplug It When Not in Use

7.Teach Your Family Cybersecurity Best Practices


Netflix is one of the most popular and well-known streaming services. The platform has become an essential part of many people’s daily entertainment routines. Unfortunately, like any online service, Netflix accounts can be vulnerable to hacking.

Hackers take advantage of “phishing overload.” Once they breach your account, they’re usually quiet for a bit, hoping you’ll mistake the Netflix suspicious login warning for a fake.

Here are some things to do right away if you fear your account is hacked:



Go to the Netflix site & try to log in.

If you can log in, change your

password immediately.

3.If you can log in, remove any strange payment methods

4.Contact Netflix support and let them know that you think you’ve been compromised. (Don’t skip this step)

5.Watch your bank statements.

6.Change the password for other accounts that used the same one as your Netflix account.

ChangetheDefaultLogin Credentials
DID YOU KNOW... Snipping Tool lets you record your desktop? The updated snipping tool in Windows 11 allows you to record your desktop – it’s a great way to produce training id f t k ( CapitalTekTeknologyInsider 613-227-HELP(4357)

Entertainment Scamsand Techniques

Engagement and Entertainment Scams

Users are more likely to engage with topics they are familiar with or interested in. Let's go over the ways cybercriminals take advantage of this by using these topics to carry out scams.

Clickbait Content

Cybercriminals create dramatic fake news as clickbait This could be celebrity gossip or stories about serious world events AI-generated articles only help to increase the amount of content that can be pushed out Fore mails containing this type of content, use the SLAM method to analyze the sender, links, attachments, and messaging. For websites, stick to news from trusted sources and look for the "lock" symbol.


Manytypesofentertainmentlikestreaming platforms,sportsevents,oronlinecontestsmaybe usedasbaitinphishingmessages Itisalwaysbest togodirectlytoacompany'swebsiteinsteadof clickingonlinksinemails.

Eventticketscamsareontherise,aswell.Tryto buyticketsfromtheoriginalsellerandavoidbuying throughads.Whetheritisaticket,ajersey,ora streamingplatform,ifthepriceseemstoogoodto betrue,itprobablyis


Cybercriminalshavetakentoappstorestocreate replicasofpopularentertainmentapplications.This couldbestreamingapps,populargames,ormusic platforms

Whilethird-partyappstoresarethemost susceptibletothesemaliciousapps,itisalways besttocheckthenumberofreviewsandthe developerbeforedownloadinganapp.Ifamalicious appisdownloaded,itcouldinfectadevicewith malwareandallowthecybercriminaltoaccessuser data

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Each month we highlight a scam that demonstrates tactics criminals are using RIGHT NOW, to better prepare you when the next scam hits.

Rachel was looking for a new skincare product. She started searching the web and saw an ad for a skin care cream used by one of her favorite singers. Rachel was excited, she had just been to her concert and thought this skincare cream must be great if the singer was endorsing it. Rachel clicked on the ad and was taken to the company’s website where she was greeted with more pictures of their products and other celebrities that had tried them

She selected a cream and continued to checkout. After a few weeks, Rachel still hadn't received the cream. She started to get suspicious and tried to find a confirmation email. Rachel realized she never received a confirmation.

When she performed an internet search on the brand, she found many reviews from other customers saying it was a scam. When Rachel checked her credit card, she found multiple fraudulent charges. Luckily, she was able to call her credit card company and get the money back.


Racheltrustedthecompanybecauseofthecelebrity endorsementanddidnotresearchthecompanyfirstbefore buyingtheproduct.

Insteadofstayingonwell-knownwebsites,Rachelclickedonan adtobuytheproduct.

Racheldidnotreceiveaconfirmationemailforherorder,anddid notcheckhercreditcardtransactionsuntilweekslater.

Check the celebrity's social media account to see if they have posted anything about endorsing the product.

Take the time to investigate the company before buying anything. Always use a credit card when making new purchases online.

Takethetimetoinvestigatethecompanybeforebuyinganything Alwaysuse acreditcardwhenmakingnewpurchasesonline.

CapitalTekTeknologyInsider 613-227-HELP(4357)


We are delighted to launch our new logo as part of the ongoing evolution of our company’s brand.

Our professional profile has grown and evolved since we first launched and now it is time to refresh it. We have altered our logo to reflect who we are today and to symbolize our dynamic future.

With a lot of creativity sessions, we have chosen a new logo that is modern with key elements that convey our mission to help companies achieve their goals while remaining true to our longstanding reputation.

ifitistheirproposal,wehavethe teamin-house Weapproach yourITlikepartnerwithaproactiveplantomanageit,notjust respondtoemergencies.


Thisconceptisabouthelping businessestakethenextstep andreachnewheightsby embracingtheevolutionoftech support.

We,atCAPITALTEK,havecertified andexperiencedPCandMac specialistsonstaff,andoncall 24/7.Wedon’toutsourceanything,

Theconceptfocusesontheidea of“time”inallaspects: downtime,uptime,qualitytime, savingtime,timetoswitch providers,etc.,andwillexplain

Every second counts when it comes to keeping your business up and running. CapitalTek gets you back up and running in no time.

CapitalTekTeknologyInsider 613-227-HELP(4357)


Printing gets a security boost

Microsoft 365 is helping to reduce print waste and increase privacy with an update to its printing function. It will hold print jobs until you arrive at the printer. Then


youscanaQRcodeonthe MicrosoftOfficemobileapp tostartyourprintjob. Smart,right?It’scalled SecureReleasePrinting, andyoucanaskyourIT partnertogetitsetupfor you.

The Surface Web (the internet visible to search engines) only accounts for 10% of the internet The rest lives in the Deep Web – where pages aren’t indexed, or are encrypted, password protected or behind a paywall. This is normal, legal and very different to the Dark Web… where criminals do business

One of iTunes’ terms and conditions states that you are not to use their devices to create “ … nuclear, missile, chemical or biological weapons”

Only 4.5 billion people around the world have a working toilet. More than 6 billion people have a cell phone

Techn logy update

Are you asking ChatGPT the wrong questions?

ChatGPT is incredible, but it still has its limitations. If you find it frustrating and inaccurate, it’s quite likely you’re doing it wrong. Here’s how to get the best out of it...

Be specific A basic question will generate a basic answer. The more specific your question, the more likely it is to create a good answer

Give it context For instance, if you’re asking it to review an email, tell it whose perspective it’s reading it from – an employee, a frustrated client, and so on.

Watch your language It can cope with a few typos and a little slang, but too much and you won’t get the great responses you want.

“Dataisthepollutionproblem oftheinformationage,and protectingprivacyisthe environmentalchallenge.”
BruceSchneier,Cryptographerand ComputerSecurityProfessional
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A recent cyber security report found that just 11% of IT budgets go into incident response, disaster recovery, and infrastructure security. This could be a dangerous underinvestment.

While it’s vital to keep your data and infrastructure protected with a layered, multi-stranded approach, no network can ever be protected from 100% of attacks. Even if it were possible, it would make your systems hard to live with, and would certainly destroy productivity

That means you need a cyber resiliency plan to help you respond to any cyber attack that does get past your defenses. It requires different thinking to your other resilience plans around physical disasters.

In the case of a flood for example, your incident response might be to get cleaned up, find a temporary work location and get your systems online again. But in the case of a ransomware attack, you’d need to investigate how the attack

occurred, locate and patch the holes in your defenses, and remove all traces of the attack from your systems

For a cyber attack, you’ll also have a different RTO – a Recovery Time Objective – which defines how quickly you expect to get back up and running. Your resiliency plan should define that RTO, so that you understand what downtime costs you’ll be facing.

Where do you start? We recommend:

1 Improving your security: Hopefully you’ve already ticked this one off Make it as hard as possible for crooks to access your systems, without creating measures that are so hard to live with that they interfere with the smooth running of your business.

2. Monitoring your systems: The sooner you detect an attack, the faster you can respond, which

will minimize any damage. You should always be monitoring for suspicious activity and staff should be trained to spot warning signs.

3. Responding swiftly: Your response plan should be available to everyone in the business, and should include information on who to report a suspected breach to, and all the steps that should be taken.

4. Making recovery easier: Once an attack is under control it’s time to recover. That means having a good backup in place, and a rehearsed plan for restoring your systems

If you need help with cyber resiliency, or other disaster recovery plans, get in touch today.

CapitalTekTeknologyInsider 613-227-HELP(4357)



Thefirstknown computerprogrammer wasawomannamed ADALOVELACE


Why did the computer go to art school?

Because it wanted to learn how to draw better "bytes"!


Why does your keyboard have that weird QWERTY layout?

" To slow down typing for original typewriters as the letters would get stuck together if you typed too fast."


What was Google’s name originally a misspelling of? ‘Creeper’ was the name of the first what? What’s the world’s most popular password? What was the first games console to go to space? How much of the world’s currency is now digital?

The answers are below.


Q: My employees use WhatsApp to share work info – should I stop this?

A: If you’re already using a communication tool like Teams, your people should keep all work communication there It’s more secure and can save a lot of time hunting for information

Q: I’ve lost my laptop What do I do?

A: You should have a response plan in place for this type of incident. Report it to the correct person so that data can be wiped remotely to avoid a breach If you don’t have a plan or remote management in place, we can help

Businessgadgetofthemonth MoleskineSmartWriting Notebook&PenSet

Classic design for pen and paper fans, with a digital copy of everything

The classic Moleskine notebook includes a Smart Pen and Notes App. It takes an instant digital copy of every page, so you can handwrite your meeting notes but take your doodles to the next level. Widely available $279

Introducing the Insta360 Flow AI Tracking Smartphone Gimbal Stabilizer!

Say goodbye to shaky footage and hello to buttery-smooth cinematic shots with this compact, lightweight stabilizer

Whether you ’ re an adrenaline junkie capturing extreme sports or a filmmaker seeking that perfect steady shot, the Insta360 Flow Stabilizer has got you covered.

Get yours at:

2. 3 4. 5.
‘Googol’, a word to express a HUGE number
Computer virus 123456. Please, please, please don’t use this… A Nintendo Game Boy, taken to the Mir space
station in 1993
More than 92%
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the business of design the design of business

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This approach has proven to engage their clients, allowing them to participate and enjoy the creation of their project, while


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Founder and CEO Sergey Poltev, has been fixing computers since he was a kid. He immigrated to Canada to seek new opportunities, where he launched CALLGEEK (later renamed to CAPITALTEK) in 2008. Sergey was recognized in 2021 with a Forty Under 40 Awards from the Ottawa Board of Trade & Ottawa Business Journal.

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