LOCHNESS MONSTER Have you ever wondered how the Loch Ness Monster became a legend? In 1933, near the Loch Ness Lake there were two sightings in March and July by two different couples. The Loch Ness quickly became a legend in 1943 when photographs of the monster were taken. Few people knew about Lochness until the 1930’s. Some people say that a loud noise of dropping barrels made the mon-ster come out of the lake. The legend was believed to have started 1500 years ago in Scotland by the Picts found on walls. These Picts had carvings of a strange creature sticking its head out of the water. Saint Columbia made the monster go away when it was about to eat a swimmer. Saint Columbia was a Cristian missionary and the story says that Saint Columbia raised is hand to the beast and ordered it to go away and it obeyed and went away.
Searching for a monster! The two largest searches for the Lochness were in 1960, 1962, and 1968 which were from England universities which were Oxford, Cambridge, and Birmingham. They used sonar systems to track the beast but no results except 2 ‘things’ rising and diving quickly There was a short movie of a creatures humps coming out of the water and back down. Then they used sonar, subs, boats, ECT but no result.
What could it be? Some people think the Lochness is a dinosaur that didn’t die with the rest of the dinosaurs. Some other people think it’s an elephant or a squid. But whatever it is it sure is creepy.