FLAG guidance document

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Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Local Action Group GUIDELINES 2012

PROJECT PRIORITIES Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Fisheries Local Action Group covers the coast of Cornwall and Isles of Scilly, to approximately one mile inland. This is also translated as those communities which have relied on in the past, or currently still do, fishing as an economic activity in the area. The FLAG members include county council representatives, private sector fisheries business, community & voluntary sector plus advisory support from statutory bodies such as Natural England, Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authority and the Marine Management Organisation. The focus of grant investment will be projects that meet one or more of the FLAG’s 7 objectives:

1. Developing sustainable supply chains and market development 2. Providing infrastructure and communal facilities for fishing communities and cooperatives 3. Capacity building, cooperative development and networking 4. Training, retention and recruitment including diversification 5. Coastal communities, tourism and economic development 6. Advocacy and engagement for fishermen 7. Regional sustainable management engagement PROJECT COSTS There is a total of £1.13 million available for the whole area for the period from January 2012 to December 2013. •

Grants can be up to 100% of the eligible costs for voluntary organisations or social enterprises. It is desirable that the applicant finds some of the money needed for the project.

Grants are usually up to 50% of eligible costs for private businesses.

Match funding should be secured and in place at the time of applying. Projects will not be approved without this in place.

Applications from smaller community led organisations are particularly encouraged.

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