Penlee Inspired 2014 An exhibition of works inspired by the collections and exhibitions at Penlee House Gallery & Museum, Penzance
See your work displayed at Penlee
Be a part of it in 2014 Penlee House Gallery & Museum is asking for contributions to it’s 2014 ‘Penlee Inspired’ exhibition and YOU could be part of it. Following on from the success of the two previous ‘Penlee Inspired’ exhibitions, Penlee House Gallery & Museum will be hosting an exhibition of works by members of the public inspired by the collections and exhibitions of Penlee House. All ages and abilities will be represented, from complete beginners to established artists, and their work will be hung alongside works from Penlee’s collection and those loaned from other galleries and museums. Contributions are invited from individuals, groups, schools and colleges, and can be in any medium—including paint, collage, textile, sculpture, photography, film and animation. Creative writing is also welcome. Submitted work can be representational or abstract, the only thing we ask is that the collections or exhibitions at Penlee House are the inspiration behind all contributions. Penlee House is most famous for its paintings by the Newlyn School artists, but the collections extend beyond that to archaeology, social history, textiles and photography, giving plenty of scope for some exciting and original artwork. In addition, during the year, Penlee exhibits many works from museums and galleries throughout Britain. This pack contains details of the selection criteria, and information and application forms for individuals/groups and schools/colleges.
Penlee Inspired 29th November 2014—10 January 2015 Information for Individuals/Groups Deadline for submitted work: Friday 17th October 2014 Please complete and submit the attached form with a photograph of the work in advance of this date. If your submission is successful, we will contact you to arrange a time for you to deliver your work to Penlee House Gallery, which will be between 10.30am and 4.30pm during the week commencing 10th November. All submitted work should be inspired by one or more works of art or artefacts, either from Penlee House’s collection or that has been displayed in one of our temporary exhibitions in 2014. We anticipate being unable to accommodate all submitted works, and will therefore select a representative selection of what we consider to be the strongest works, covering a variety of subjects and approaches. Types of work that can be submitted are: 1. Visual art:•Paintings (in any medium)
•Digital formats
2. Text based work:•Poetry
All works must be clearly labelled with:
Name of artist/author
Contact details (address/telephone number/email)
The name of the work or artefact which inspired the work
For under 18s—school year group and/or age
School, college or art group, if relevant
Two-dimensional work may be framed or unframed, but you may wish to note that we will only be able to frame a very small number of works and priority will be given to work submitted by children/schools. Framed works must be capable of being screw-mounted to the wall using two mirror-plates or similar – no metal frames (unless with integral mirror-plates) or frames too thin to accommodate small screws. If you would prefer a work to be displayed in a certain way, please specify and we will do what we can to comply. All those whose work has been selected will be notified and invited to attend the preview of the exhibition, which will be held on Friday 28th November at 7.00pm. The exhibition will have free admission for all. If you would like any further information or clarification, please contact Zoe Burkett, Education & Outreach Officer, on 01736 363625 or email
Application Form—Individuals/Groups Please complete and submit this application form with a photo of the work by Friday 17th October 2014. If your work is selected, we will contact you to arrange a time for you to deliver it to Penlee House, between 10.30am— 4.30pm, the week beginning Monday 10th November 2014. NAME:
_________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone no.: ___________________________________________________________________________ Email:
What inspired this work?
Please give title of the painting/s or description of object/s _________________________________________________________________________________________ Medium:
Size (in cms):
Any other information:
Please include here name of school, college or art group, if relevant, and age if under 18 _________________________________________________________________________________________ Would you be willing for us to photograph your work for use in our press/publicity (including website and social media)? Yes No Copyright will remain the property of the artist and images will only be used for publicity purposes and not for commercial gain; all images will be credited with the artist’s name. Please return the completed form and photograph/s to: Zoe Burkett, Education & Outreach Officer, Penlee House Gallery & Museum, Morrab Road, Penzance, TR18 4HE. If you have any queries, please telephone 01736 363625 or email