By Emily K
Dream Shoes Audio For Poem Dry mud flies As I hit my cleats together Softly landing on the turf beneath me I slip on my socks As the warm sun soaks into my skin My stick makes a clanging noise on the ground as a drop it to reach for my shoes I skim the Nike symbol with my hand to make the outside shiny Then I put on the shoes, The perfect angles fitting my toes completely I tighten the laces and tie them in double knots I step out onto the empty field and play around with the ball Waiting for the game to start, so I can play In My Favorite Cleats
Standing Audio For Poem When you are standing there Waiting for the judges to call your name You think of all the possible possibilities Third, Fourth, First, Last The judges arrange the medals and take backwards glances at your opponents No doubt in their minds Unless it comes to a tie There are so many possible possibilities going on in your brain When you are standing there
Storm of The Winter Audio For Poem Cool air fills the room early in the morning as I curl up in my blankets Wishing I had turned on the heater last night My brother screams and runs to my bed Pulling open the curtains to reveal a white layer of snow covering everything in sight I can smell hot chocolate downstairs, my mom is preparing for the winter day Excited, I pull out my sled and nearly jump out the window after pulling on my coat The snow was as white as the marshmallows in my hot chocolate We played out on the icy sheet until our fingers froze off
Citiations: Hot Chocolate:
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