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room with a view I colori della natura e quelli dell’arte si fondono in un seducente e armonioso gioco di geometrie, riflessi e contrasti.

Max capitonné Max capitonné Max capitonné Max capitonné Max capitonné Max capitonné Max Max Max Max Max Max Max rollò Max rollò Max rollò Marlene Marlene Marlene Marlene Marlene

basso 05 basso 09 basso 11 basso taglio vivo 15 basso taglio vivo 17 alto 21 27 31 33 35 39 41 45 49 53

boiserie boiserie boiserie boiserie decò boiserie

Academy Academy Academy Academy Academy Academy

alto intero alto basso basso sommier alto intero

61 65 69 73 75 81 85 89 91 93 99

Oscar275 liscio Oscar325 capitonné soft

105 109



Ludwig basso Ludwig basso

119 123

Vivian Vivian Vivian Vivian

129 133 135 137

Chorus Chorus

143 147

Dylan Dylan

155 161

Technical section


Max capitonnè basso H14 con piedi squadrati in acciaio H14 with squared steel feet H14 mit eckigen Füßen aus Stahl





Max capitonnè basso H28 con pedana in alluminio H28 with aluminium baseboard H28 mit Podest aus Aluminium



Max capitonnè basso H28 con piedi squadrati in acciaio H28 with squared steel feet H28 mit eckigen Füßen aus Stahl



NIGHT Bond Street London City



Bond Street takes its name from Sir Thomas Bond



Max capitonnè basso taglio vivo H14 con piedi squadrati in acciaio H14 with squared steel feet H14 mit eckigen Füßen aus Stahl



Max capitonnè basso taglio vivo H28 Box doppia alzata con piedi squadrati in acciaio H28 Box double raised bedspring with squared steel feet H28 Box zweifach anhebbarer Rahmen mit eckigen Füßen aus Stahl





Max capitonnè alto H28 con piedi squadrati wengé H28 with squared wenge feet H28 mit eckigen Füßen aus Stahl in Wengé

Tetris contenitore Frontalino rivestito in pelle Cabinet with leather-covered front Bettkasten mit Front mit Lederbezug

Ori Kami l’arte orientale





Max H28 con piedi squadrati in acciaio H28 with squared steel feet H28 mit eckigen FĂźĂ&#x;en aus Stahl





Max H28 Box con pedana in alluminio H28 Box with aluminium baseboard H28 Box mit Podest aus Aluminium

Il canto silenzioso della notte



Max H28 con piedi squadrati in acciaio H28 with squared steel feet H28 mit eckigen FĂźĂ&#x;en aus Stahl



Henri Matisse

Il y a des fleurs partout pour qui veut bien les voir 34

Max H22 Box con piedi squadrati inclinati alluminio H22 Box with squared slanted aluminium feet H22 Box mit eckigen schrägen Füßen aus Aluminium




Max H14 piedi cilindro curvi in acciaio H14 curved cylindrical steel feet H14 runde gebogene FĂźĂ&#x;e aus Stahl



Max H14 piedi squadrati in alluminio color bianco H14 squared aluminium feet in white colour H14 eckige Füße aus Aluminium Farbe weiß



Pouf quadrato Base in acciaio Square pouf on steel base Quadratischer pouff mit Gestell aus Stahl



Max rollò H22 Box con pedana in alluminio H22 Box with aluminium baseboard H22 Box mit Podest aus Aluminium





Max rollò H22 con piedi squadrati in acciaio H22 with squared steel feet H22 mit eckigen Füßen aus Stahl



Summer in Florence

Max rollò H22 Box con piedi squadrati wengé H22 Box with squared wenge feet H22 Box mit eckigen Füßen in Wengé

Le voyage dans les couleurs



Paris 24/06/200



Pouf soft


Pouf soft Elle


La chiarezza è una giusta distribuzione di ombre e di luci Wolfgang Goethe

Velvet poltrona Armchair / Sessel 58


Marlene boiserie Sommier Max H22 Bedbase Max H22 Liege Max H22





Marlene boiserie Sommier Academy H20 Bedbase Academy H20 Liege Academy H20





Louvre Paris 14fĂŠvrier

Marlene boiserie Sommier Max H28 Bedbase Max H28 Liege Max H28

Tetris contenitore Frontalino rivestito in pelle Cabinet with leather-covered front Bettkasten mit Front mit Lederbezug





Marlene boiserie Sommier Max H22 Bedbase Max H22 Liege Max H22

Tetris contenitore Piedi in acciaio Cabinet with steel feet Bettkasten mit FĂźĂ&#x;en aus Stahl



Marlene decò boiserie Sommier Max H22 Bedbase Max H22 Liege Max H22



Oscar panchetta capitonnè Piedi in acciaio Upholstered low shelf with steel feet Ablage Capitonnè mit Füßen aus Stahl

Oscar pouf capitonnè Piedi in acciaio Steel feet Füßen aus Stahl



Academy alto intero H20 con piedi squadrati in acciaio H20 with squared steel feet H20 mit eckigen FĂźĂ&#x;en aus Stahl





Il passato rivive ogni giorno perché non è mai passato. proverbio Africano


Academy alto H20 con piedi squadrati in acciaio H20 with squared steel feet H20 mit eckigen Füßen aus Stahl


LĂ dove ci si ama non scende mai la notte



Academy basso H20 con pedana in alluminio H20 with aluminium baseboard H20 mit Podest aus Aluminium



H20 con piedi squadrati in acciaio H20 with squared steel feet H20 mit eckigen FĂźĂ&#x;en aus Stahl



Academy sommier H20 con piedi inclinati wengé H20 with slanted wenge feet H20 mit schrägen Füßen in Wengé





Godiva divano

Adam panchetta


Materasso trapuntato Low shelf with quilted mattress Ablage mit Gesteppter Matratze



I miei riferimenti Academy alto intero H20 con piedi squadrati in acciaio H20 with squared steel feet H20 mit eckigen FĂźĂ&#x;en aus Stahl







Eleganceetstyle Nell’accogliente penombra, si coglie la testimonianza di un’intimità esclusiva, di un ozio rigenerante, di momenti trascorsi senza pensare al tempo.

Oscar275 liscio H28 con pedana in alluminio H28 with aluminium baseboard H28 mit Podest aus Aluminium

Tetris contenitore Cabinet Bettkasten





Oscar325 capitonné soft H20 large con piedi squadrati in acciaio H20 large with squared steel feet H20 large mit eckigen Füßen aus Stahl









mon voyage redĂŠmarre

Ludwig basso H28 con piedi squadrati in acciaio H28 with squared steel feet H28 mit eckigen FĂźĂ&#x;en aus Stahl





Ludwig basso H28 con piedi cilindro in alluminio H28 with cylindrical aluminium feet H28 mit runden FĂźĂ&#x;en aus Aluminium

Antoni Gaudi BarcellonacittĂ metropolitana





125 124



Vivian H28 con gonna H28 with skirt H28 mit Volant





Vivian H22 con piede a cono in alluminio H22 with cone-shaped aluminium feet H22 mit Kegel FĂźĂ&#x; aus Aluminium



Vivian H14 con piedi a cilindro inclinato in acciaio H14 with slanted cylindrical steel feet H14 mit runden schrägen Füßen aus Stahl



Vivian H28 box doppia alzata con gonna H28 box double raised bedspring with skirt H28 Bettkasten zweifach anhebbarer Rahmen mit Volant





h c e k a r r a Roadtom

Chorus H14 con piedi inclinati in acciaio H14 with slanted steel feet H14 mit eckigen FĂźĂ&#x;en aus Stahl






H28 con piedi a bombetta color bianco H28 with bowler feet in white colour H28 mit gewölbten Füßen Farbe weiß








Kondi poltrona

Albert pouf

Armchair / Sessel



Dylan H28 con piedi squadrati inclinati wengé H28 with squared slanted wenge feet H28 mit eckigen schrägen Füßen in Wengé






Dustin divano Materasso trapuntato SofĂ with quilted mattress SofĂ mit Gesteppter Matratze



Dylan H22 con piedi cilindro in alluminio H22 with cylindrical feet glossy aluminium H22 mit Runde FĂźĂ&#x;e Hochglanz-Aluminium



Dustin divano 162




Max capitonnè basso

Letto MAX capitonnè matrimoniale h. 14 testiera bassa 1 Letto Max capitonnè testiera bassa matrimoniale h. 14 160x200 cm chiodato piedi squadrati grandi h. 17 cm acciaio 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Rollò con cerniera 80 cm 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm

Art. 832/300 Cat. E

Art. 990/012 Art. A65/006 Art. 819/005 Art. 905/ 020

Cat. Raso Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. E

1 Double bed Max upholstered with low headboard H. 14 160x200 cm nailed Large squared feet H. 17 steel 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 1 Roll cushion with zipper 80 cm 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm

Art. 832/300 Cat. E

1 Double bed Max upholstered with low headboard H. 28 160x200 cm nailed with aluminium baseboard 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 2 Roll cushions with zipper 80 cm 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 70x70 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm

Art. 831/190 Cat. E Plus

1 Double bed Max upholstered with low headboard H. 28 160x200 cm nailed squared feet 17x17 H. 5 steel 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 1 Plain double bedspread 160 cm 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge

Art. 831/190 Cat. E Plus

1 Double bed Max upholstered with low headboard H. 14 160x200 cm “taglio vivo” (external stitching) nailed large squared feet H. 17 steel 2 Roll cushions with zipper 80 cm 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm. 2 Pillowcases 1 Cushion 60x60 cm

Art. 843/002 Cat. E Plus

Art. 990/012 Art. A65/006 Art. 819/005 Art. 905/ 020

Cat. Raso Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. E

1 Doppelbett Max capitonnè mit niedriges Kopfteil Art. 832/300 H. 14 160x200 cm genietet Eckige große Füße H. 17 aus Stahl 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen für Doppelbett 160 cm Art. 990/012 1 Nackenrolle mit Reißverschluss 80 cm Art. A65/006 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. 819/005 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm Art. 905/ 020

Kat. E

1 Doppelbett Max capitonnè mit niedriges Art. 831/190 Kopfteil H. 28 160x200 cm genietet mit Podest aus Aluminium 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen für Doppelbett 160 cm Art. A33/003 2 Nackenrollen mit Reißverschluss 80 cm Art. 831/190 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. A38/009 1 Kissen 70x70 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. 990/002 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm Art. 905/001 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm Art. 905/017

Kat. E Plus

Kat. Atlas Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. E

pag. 5

Max capitonnè basso

Letto MAX capitonnè matrimoniale h. 28 testiera bassa con pedana in alluminio 1 Letto Max capitonnè testiera bassa matrimoniale h. 28 160x200 cm chiodato con pedana alluminio 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm 2 Rollò con cerniera 80 cm 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm

Art. 831/190

Cat. E Plus

Art. A33/003 Art. 831/190 Art. A38/009 Art. 990/002 Art. 905/001 Art. 905/017

Cat. Mistolino Cat. E Plus Cat. C Cat. Raso Cat. E Cat. E

Art. A33/003 Art. 831/190 Art. A38/009 Art. 990/002 Art. 905/001 Art. 905/017

Cat. Mistolino Cat. E Plus Cat. C Cat. Raso Cat. E Cat. E

Kat. Halbleinen Kat. E Plus Kat. C Kat. Atlas Kat. E Kat. E

pag. 9

Max capitonnè basso

Letto MAX capitonnè matrimoniale h. 28 testiera bassa 1 Letto Max capitonnè testiera bassa matrimoniale h. 28 160x200 cm chiodato piedi squadrati 17x17 h. 5 cm acciaio 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Copriletto liscio matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito

Art. 831/190 Cat. E Plus

Art. 786/050 Art. 930/007 Art. 930/005 Art. A65/003

Cat. Raso Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must

Art. 786/050 Art. 930/007 Art. 930/005 Art. A65/003

Cat. Raso Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must

1 Doppelbett Max capitonnè mit niedriges Kopfteil H. 28 160x200 cm genietet eckige Füße 17x17 H. 5 aus Stahl 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Glatte Tagesdecke für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand

Art. 831/190 Kat. E Plus

1 Doppelbett Max capitonnè mit niedriges Kopfteil H. 14 160x200 cm “taglio vivo” (Außennaht) genietet eckige große Füße H. 17 aus Stahl 2 Nackenrollen mit Reißverschluss 80 cm 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen 2 Kissenbezüge 1 Kissen 60x60 cm

Art. 843/002 Kat. E Plus

Art. 786/050 Kat. Atlas Art. 930/007 Kat. Must Art. 930/005 Kat. Must Art. A65/003 Kat. Must

pag. 11

Max capitonnè basso taglio vivo

pag. 15

Letto MAX capitonnè matrimoniale h. 14 testiera bassa 1 Letto Max capitonnè testiera bassa matrimoniale Art. 843/002 h. 14 160x200 cm taglio vivo chiodato piedi squadrati grandi h. 17 cm acciaio 2 Rollò con cerniera 80 cm Art. 843/002 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm. Art. 990/007 2 Federe Art. 980/002 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm Art. 843/002

Cat. E Plus

Cat. E Plus Cat. Raso Cat. Rialto Cat. E Plus

Art. 843/002 Art. 990/007 Art. 980/002 Art. 843/002

Cat. E Plus Cat. Raso Cat. Rialto Cat. E Plus

Art. 843/002 Art. 990/007 Art. 980/002 Art. 843/002

Kat. E Plus Kat. Atlas Kat. Rialto Kat. E Plus

Max capitonnè basso taglio vivo

Letto MAX capitonnè matrimoniale h. 28 box testiera bassa 1 Letto Max capitonnè testiera bassa matrimoniale Art. 843/002 h. 28 box doppia alzata 160x200 cm taglio vivo chiodato piedi squadrati 17x17 h. 5 cm acciaio 2 Rollò con cerniera 80 cm Art. 843/002 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm. Art. 985/001 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm Art. 843/002

Cat. E Plus

Cat. E Plus Cat. Giudecca Cat. E Plus

1 Double bed Max upholstered with low headboard Art. 843/002 Cat. E Plus H. 28 box double raised bedspring 160x200 “taglio vivo” (external stitching) nailed squared feet H. 17 steel 2 Roll cushions with zipper 80 cm Art. 843/002 Cat. E Plus 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm. Art. 985/001 Cat. Giudecca 1 Cushion 60x60 cm Art. 843/002 Cat. E Plus

1 Doppelbett Max capitonnè mit niedriges Kopfteil H. 28 box zweifach anhebbarer Rahmen 160x200 “taglio vivo” (Außennaht) genietet große Füße H. 17 aus Stahl 2 Nackenrollen mit Reißverschluss 80 cm 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen 1 Kissen 60x60 cm

Art. 843/002 Kat. E Plus

1 Double bed Max upholstered with high headboard h. 28 180x200 cm Squared feet 20x20 cm h. 8 wenge 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 180 cm 2 Roll cushions with zipper 90 cm 1 Plain double bedspread 180 cm 2 Pillow cover with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 70x70 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm

Art. A45/003 Cat. D

1 Doppelbett Max Capitonné hohes Art. A45/003 Kopfteil h. 28 180x200 cm Eckige Füße 20x20 cm h. 8 in Wenge 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen für Doppelbett 180 cm Art. 990/006 2 Nackenrollen mit Reißverschluss 90 cm Art. A45/003 1 Glatte Tagesdecke für Doppelbett 180 cm Art. 930/009 2 Kissenbezüge mit bezogenem Rand Art. 930/009 1 Kissen 70x70 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. 930/009 1 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. A38/025 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm Art. 905/018

1 Double bed Max. h. 28 160x200 cm nailed Squared feet 17 x17 h. 5 cm steel 1 Plain double bedspread 160 cm 1 Plain double bedspread 160 cm 1 Blanket 140x230 cm 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x30 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 70x70 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge

Art. 831/066 Cat. E Plus

1 Double bed Max h. 28 box 160x200 cm with aluminium baseboard 2 Roll cushions with zipper 80 cm 1 Plain double bedspread 160 cm 1 Duvet 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm

Art. A38/002 Cat. C

Art. 843/002 Kat. E Plus Art. 985/001 Kat. Giudecca Art. 843/002 Kat. E Plus

pag. 17

Max capitonnè alto

Letto MAX capitonnè matrimoniale h. 28 testiera alta 1 Letto Max capitonné testiera alta matr. h. 28 180x200 cm piedi squadrati 20x20 cm h. 8 wengè 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 180 cm 2 Rollò con cerniera 90 cm 1 Copriletto liscio matrimoniale 180 cm 2 Coprifedera con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm

Art. A45/003

Cat. D

Art. 990/006 Art. A45/003 Art. 930/009 Art. 930/009 Art. 930/009 Art. A38/025 Art. 905/018

Cat. Raso Cat. D Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. C Cat. E

Art. 831/066

Cat. E Plus

Art. 930/007 Art. A60/007 Art. A64/ 008 Art. A60/007 Art. A60/007 Art. A64/008 Art. A61/003

Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must

Art. 990/006 Art. A45/003 Art. 930/009 Art. 930/009 Art. 930/009 Art. A38/025 Art. 905/018

Cat. Raso Cat. D Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. C Cat. E

Kat. D

Kat. Atlas Kat. D Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. C Kat. E

pag. 21


Letto MAX matrimoniale h. 28 1 Letto Max matr. h. 28 160x200 cm chiodato piedi squadrati 17x17 h. 5 cm acciaio 1 Copriletto liscio matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Copriletto liscio matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Plaid 140x230 cm 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x30 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito

Art. 930/007 Art. A60/007 Art. A64/ 008 Art. A60/007 Art. A60/007 Art. A64/008 Art. A61/003

Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must

1 Doppelbett Max h. 28 160x200 cm genietet Eckige Füße 17 x17 h. 5 cm aus Stahl 1 Glatte Tagesdecke für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Glatte Tagesdecke für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Plaid 140x230 cm 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x30 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 70x70 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand

Art. 831/066 Kat. E Plus

1 Doppelbett Max h. 28 Bettkasten 160x200 cm Mit Podest aus Aluminium 2 Nackenrollen mit Reißverschluss 80 cm 1 Glatte Tagesdecke für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Daunendecke 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm

Art. A38/002 Kat. C

Art. 930/007 Art. A60/007 Art. A64/ 008 Art. A60/007 Art. A60/007 Art. A64/008 Art. A61/003

Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. Must

pag. 27


Letto MAX matrimoniale h. 28 box 1 Letto Max matrimoniale h. 28 box 160x200 cm con pedana alluminio 2 Rollò con cerniera 80 cm 1 Copriletto liscio matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Piumotto 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm

pag. 31

Art. A38/002 Cat. C Art. A38/002 Art. A64/001 Art. A63/001 Art. 819/003 Art. A38/013 Art. 819/005 Art. 905/006

Cat. C Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. C Cat. Must Cat. E

Art. A38/002 Art. A64/001 Art. A63/001 Art. 819/003 Art. A38/013 Art. 819/005 Art. 905/006

Cat. C Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. C Cat. Must Cat. E

Art. A38/002 Art. A64/001 Art. A63/001 Art. 819/003 Art. A38/013 Art. 819/005 Art. 905/006

Kat. C Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. C Kat. Must Kat. E


Letto MAX matrimoniale h. 28 1 Letto Max matrimoniale h. 28 160x200 cm Art. A07/014 Cat. Must Piedi squadrati 17x17 h. 5 cm acciaio 2 Rollò con cerniera 80 cm Art. A07/014 Cat. Must 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm. Art. A33/001 Cat. Mistolino 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm con bordo rivestito Art. 679/020 Cat. D 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito Art. A07/014 Cat. Must 1 Plaid Cashmere 130x170 cm Art. 514XFLC150002 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm Art. 905/017 Cat. E

1 Double bed Max h. 28 160x200 cm Squared feet 17x17 h. 5 cm steel 2 Roll cushions with zipper 80 cm 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm. 1 Cushion 70x70 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cashmere Blanket 130x170 cm 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm

Art. A07/014 Cat. Must Art. A07/014 Cat. Must Art. A33/001 Cat. Mistolino Art. 679/020 Cat. D Art. A07/014 Cat. Must Art. 514XFLC150002 Art. 905/017 Cat. E

1 Doppelbett Max h. 28 160x200 cm Eckige Füße 17x17 h. 5 cm aus Stahl 2 Nackenrollen mit Reißverschluss 80 cm 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen 1 Kissen 70x70 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Plaid Kaschmir 130x170 cm 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm

Art. A07/014 Kat. Must Art. A07/014 Kat. Must Art. A33/001 Kat. Halbleinen Art. 679/020 Kat. D Art. A07/014 Kat. Must Art. 514XFLC150002 Art. 905/017 Kat. E

pag. 33


Letto MAX matrimoniale h. 22 box 1 Letto Max matrimoniale h. 22 box 160x200 cm Art. A62/026 Piedi squadrati inclinati 10x10 h. 12 cm alluminio lucido 2 Rollò con cerniera 80 cm Art. A62/026 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm Art. 974/003 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito Art. 819/018 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito Art. 819/005 1 Cuscino 45x45 cm con bordo rivestito Art. A58/001

Cat. D Cat. D Cat.Giudecca Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must

1 Double bed Max h. 22 box 160x200 cm Art. A62/026 Slanted squared feet 10x10 h. 12 cm glossy aluminium 2 Roll cushions with zipper 80 cm Art. A62/026 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm Art. 974/003 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge Art. 819/018 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge Art. 819/005 1 Cushion 45x45 cm with double-pleat edge Art. A58/001

Cat. D Cat. D Cat. Giudecca Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must

1 Doppelbett Max h. 22 Bettkasten 160x200 cm Art. A62/026 Kat. D Eckige schräge Füße 10x10 h. 12 cm aus Hochglanz-Aluminium 2 Nackenrollen mit Reißverschluss 80 cm Art. A62/026 Kat. D 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen Art. 974/003 Kat. Giudecca für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. 819/018 Kat. Must 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. 819/005 Kat. Must 1 Kissen 45x45 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. A58/001 Kat. Must

pag. 35


Letto MAX matrimoniale h. 14 1 Letto Max matrimoniale h. 14 160x200 cm Testiera con bordo rivestito Piedi piatti inclinati h 24 cm acciaio 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 2 Coprifedera con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid 140x230 cm 1 Plaid 140x230 cm

Art. 819/018 Cat. Must

Art. 786/088 Art. A63/002 Art. A63/001 Art. 819/018 Art. A64/010 Art. A64/012

Cat. Raso Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must

1 Double bed Max h. 14 160x200 cm Headboard with double-pleat edge Slanted squared feet h 24 cm steel 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double pleat edge 2 Pillow cover with double-pleat edge 1 Blanket 140x230 cm 1 Blanket 140x230 cm

Art. 819/018 Cat. Must

1 Double bed Max H. 14 160x200 cm nailed squared feet H. 17 white painted aluminium 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 1 Cushion 70x70 cm with double-pleat edge 2 Cushions 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x30 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 2 Blanket 140x230 cm 1 Blanket 140x230 cm

Art. 832/001 Cat. E

Art. 786/088 Cat. Raso Art. A63/002 Cat. Must Art. A63/001 Cat. Must Art. 819/018 Cat. Must Art. A64/010 Cat. Must Art. A64/012 Cat. Must

1 Doppelbett Max h. 14 160x200 cm Kopfteil mit bezogenem Rand Flache schräge Füße h 24 cm aus Stahl 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand 2 Kissenbezüge mit bezogenem Rand 1 Plaid 140x230 cm 1 Plaid 140x230 cm

Art. 819/018 Kat. Must

1 Doppelbett Max H. 14 160x200 cm genietet Eckige Füße H. 17 aus weiss farb. Aluminium 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Kissen 70x70 cm mit bezogenem Rand 2 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x30 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand 2 Plaids 140x230 cm 1 Plaid 140x230 cm

Art. 832/001 Kat. E

Art. 786/088 Kat. Atlas Art. A63/002 Kat. Must Art. A63/001 Kat. Must Art. 819/018 Kat. Must Art. A64/010 Kat. Must Art. A64/012 Kat. Must

pag. 39


Letto MAX matrimoniale h. 14 1 Letto Max matrimoniale h. 14 160x200 cm Art. 832/001 Cat. E chiodato piedi squadrati h. 17 cm alluminio colorati bianco 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm Art. 786/010 Cat. Raso 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm con bordo rivestito Art. A38/009 Cat. C 2 Cuscini 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito Art. A38/009 Cat. C 1 Cuscino 50x30 cm con bordo rivestito Art. 819/003 Cat. Must 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito Art. A38/009 Cat. C 2 Plaid 140x230 cm Art. 819/003 Cat. Must 1 Plaid 140x230 cm Art. A63/002 Cat. Must

pag. 41

Art. 786/010 Art. A38/009 Art. A38/009 Art. 819/003 Art. A38/009 Art. 819/003 Art. A63/002

Cat. Raso Cat. C Cat. C Cat. Must Cat. C Cat. Must Cat. Must

Art. 786/010 Kat. Atlas Art. A38/009 Art. A38/009 Art. 819/003 Art. A38/009 Art. 819/003 Art. A63/002

Kat. C Kat. C Kat. Must Kat. C Kat. Must Kat. Must

Max rollò

Letto MAX rollò matrimoniale h. 22 con pedana in alluminio 1 Letto Max rollò matr. h. 22 box 160x200 cm con pedana alluminio 1 Completo lenzuola matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid 140x230 cm 1 Plaid Cashmere 170x175 cm

Art. A70/011 Cat. D Art. 009/013 Cat. Cotone Art. A30/010 Cat. Mistolino Art. A70/011 Cat. D Art. A64/015 Cat. Must Art. A64/015 Cat. Must Art. 514XOHC000002

1 Double bed rollò h. 22 box 160x200 cm With aluminium baseboard 1 Double bed sheets + 2 pillowcases set cm 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 1 Cushion 70x70 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Blanket 140x230 cm 1 Cashmere Blanket 170x175 cm

Art. A70/011 Cat. D

1 Double bed rollò h. 22 160x200 cm nailed Black brackets Squared feet 17x17 h. 5 steel 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 1 Double quilt 15x15 160 cm 1 Plain double bedspread 160 cm 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 2 Cushions 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm

Art. 831/058 Cat. E Plus

Art. 009/013 Cat. Cotone Art. A30/010 Cat. Mistolino Art. A70/011 Cat. D Art. A64/015 Cat. Must Art. A64/015 Cat. Must Art. 514XOHC000002

1 Doppelbett Max Rollò h. 22 Bettkasten 160x200 cm Art. A70/011 Kat. D Mit Podest aus Aluminium 1 Bettwäsche-Garnitur für Doppelbett 160 cm Art. 009/013 Kat. Baumwolle 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen Art. A30/010 Kat. Halbleinen für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Kissen 70x70 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. A70/011 Kat. D 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. A64/015 Kat. Must 1 Plaid 140x230 cm Art. A64/015 Kat. Must 1 Plaid Kaschmir 170x175 cm Art. 514XOHC000002

pag. 45

Max rollò

Letto MAX rollò matrimoniale h. 22 1 Letto Max rollò matr. h. 22 160x200 cm chiodato Staffe nere Piedi squadrati 17x17 h. 5 acciaio 1 Completo lenzuola matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Quilt trapuntato 15x15 matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Copriletto liscio matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 2 Cuscini 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm

Art. 831/058 Cat. E Plus

Art. 990/009 Art. 819/018 Art. 900/007 Art. 819/018 Art. A38/025 Art. 905/015

Cat. Raso Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. C Cat. E

Art. 990/009 Art. 819/018 Art. 900/007 Art. 819/018 Art. A38/025 Art. 905/015

Cat. Raso Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. C Cat. E

1 Doppelbett Max Rollò h. 22 160x200 cm genietet Art. 831/058 Schwarze Halterungen Eckige Füße 17x17 h. 5 aus Stahl 1 Bettwäsche-Garnitur für Doppelbett 160 cm Art. 990/009 1 Gesteppter Quilt 15x15 für Doppelbett 160 cm Art. 819/018 1 Glatte Tagesdecke für Doppelbett 160 cm Art. 900/007 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. 819/018 2 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. A38/025 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm Art. 905/015

Kat. E Plus

Kat. Atlas Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. C Kat. E

pag. 49

Max rollò

Letto MAX rollò matrimoniale h. 22 BOX 1 Letto Max rollò matr. h. 22 box 160x200 cm Art. A64/012 Cat. Must Staffe nere Piedi squadrati 20x20 h. 8 cm wengè 1 Copriletto liscio matrimoniale 160 cm bicolore Art. A64/010+A64/011 Cat. Must 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito Art. A64/011 Cat. Must bordo Art. A64/010 2 Cuscini 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito Art. A64/010 Cat. Must bordo Art. A64/011 1 Cuscino 45x45 cm con bordo rivestito Art. A64/012 Cat. Must

1 Double bed Max rollò h. 22 box 160x200 cm Art. A64/012 Cat. Must Black brackets Squared feet 20x20 h. 8 cm wenge 1 Plain double bedspread 160 cm two colours Art. A64/010 + A64/011 Cat. Must 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge Art. A64/011 Cat. Must edge Art. A64/010 2 Cushions 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge Art. A64/010 Cat. Must edge Art. A64/011 1 Cushion 45x45 cm with double-pleat edge Art. A64/012 Cat. Must

1 Doppelbett Max Rollò h. 22 Bettkasten 160x200 cm Art. A64/012 Kat. Must Schwarze Halterungen Eckige Füße 20x20 h. 8 cm in Wenge 1 Glatte Tagesdecke für Doppelbett 160 cm zweifarbig Art. A64/010 + A64/011 Kat. Must 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. A64/011 Kat. Must Rand Art. A64/010 2 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. A64/010 Kat. Must Rand Art. A64/011 1 Kissen 45x45 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. A64/012 Kat. Must

1 Double bed base Max h. 22 160x200 cm nailed Squared feet 17x17 h. 5 cm steel 6 Panels 97.5x38 cm 6 Panels 65x38 cm 2 Blanket 140x230 cm 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 2 Roll cushions with zipper 80 cm 1 Cushion 70x70 cm with double-pleat edge 2 Cushions 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x30 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm

1 Doppelliege Max h. 22 160x200 cm genietet Art. 844/003 Eckige Füße 17x17 h. 5 cm aus Stahl 6 Platten Abmessungen 97.5x38 cm Art. 844/003 6 Platten Abmessungen 65x38 cm Art. 832/001 2 Plaids 140x230 cm Art. 819/003 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen für Doppelbett 160 cm Art. A33/001 2 Nackenrollen mit Reißverschluss 80 cm Art. 844/003 1 Kissen 70x70 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. A38/009 2 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. A38/009 1 Kissen 50x30 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. 819/003 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm Art. 905/009

pag. 53

Marlene boiserie e Sommier Max

pag. 61

MARLENE Boiseire e Sommier Max matrimoniale h. 22 1 Sommier matr. Max h. 22 160x200 cm chiodato piedi squadrati 17x17 h. 5 cm acciaio 6 Pannelli misura 97.5x38 cm 6 Pannelli misura 65x38 cm 2 Plaid 140x230 cm 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm 2 Rollò con cerniera 80 cm 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm con bordo rivestito 2 Cuscini 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x30 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm

Art. 844/003

Cat. E

Art. 844/003 Art. 832/001 Art. 819/003 Art. A33/001 Art. 844/003 Art. A38/009 Art. A38/009 Art. 819/003 Art. 905/009

Cat. E Cat. E Cat. Must Cat. Mistolino Cat. E Cat. C Cat. C Cat. Must Cat. E

Art. 844/003 Cat. E Art. 844/003 Art. 832/001 Art. 819/003 Art. A33/001 Art. 844/003 Art. A38/009 Art. A38/009 Art. 819/003 Art. 905/009

Cat. E Cat. E Cat. Must Cat. Mistolino Cat. E Cat. C Cat. C Cat. Must Cat. E

Kat. E Kat. E Kat. E Kat. Must Kat. Halbleinen Kat. E Kat. C Kat. C Kat. Must Kat. E

Marlene boiserie e Sommier Academy

MARLENE Boiseire e Sommier Academy matrimoniale h. 20 1 Sommier Academy matrimoniale h. 20 160x200 cm Piedi squadrati inclinati 10x10 h. 8 cm wengè 2 Pannelli misura 97.5x38 cm 2 Pannelli misura 97.5x38 cm con cricchetto 2 Pannelli misura 97.5x38 cm 2 Rollò con cerniera 80 cm 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Plaid 140x230 cm 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid Cashmere 170x175 cm

Art. A68/002

Cat. Must

Art. A67/002 Cat. Must Art. A68 /002 Cat. Must Art. A64/004 Cat. Must Art. A68/002 Cat. Must Art. A33/001 Cat. Mistolino Art. A67/002 Cat. Must Art. A68/002 Cat. Must Art. 514XOHC000001

1 Double bedbase Academy H. 20 160x200 cm Slated Squared feet 10x10 H. 8 cm Wengè 2 Panels 97.5x38 cm 2 Push-release panels 97.5x38 cm 2 Panels 97.5x38 cm 2 Roll cushions 80 cm 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 1 Plaid 140x230 cm 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cashmere blanket 170x175 cm

Art. A68/002 Cat. Must

1 Double bedbase Max h. 28 160x200 cm nailed with aluminium baseboard 4 Panels 97.5x38 cm 2 Upholstered panels 97.5x38 cm 4 Panels 65x38 cm 2 Upholstered panels 65x38 cm 1 Shelf 65x20 cm 1 Plain double bedspread 160 cm 1 Cushion 70x70 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x30 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge 2 Cashmere blankets 170x175 cm

Art. 832/001 Cat. E

1 Double bedbase Max h. 22 160x200 cm nailed Squared feet 17x17 h. 5 cm steel 8 Panels 65x38 cm 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 1 Plain double bedspread 160 cm 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x30 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm

Art. 832/300 Cat. E

1 Double bedbase Max h. 22 160x200 cm nailed Squared feet 17x17 h. 5 cm steel 6 Panels 65x38 cm 3 Panels 65x38 cm Decò 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 1 Plain double bedspread 160 cm 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x30 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm

Art. 832/300 Cat. E

Art. A67/002 Cat. Must Art. A68 /002 Cat. Must Art. A64/004 Cat. Must Art. A68/002 Cat. Must Art. A33/001 Cat. Mistolino Art. A67/002 Cat. Must Art. A68/002 Cat. Must Art. 514XOHC000001

1 Doppelliege Academy H. 20 160x200 cm Art. A68/002 Kat. Must Eckige schräge Füße 10x10 H. 8 Wengè 2 Platten Abmessungen 97.5x38 cm Art. A67/002 Kat. Must 2 Platten Abmessungen 97.5x38 cm mit Klappforrichtung Art. A68 /002 Kat. Must 2 Platten Abmessungen 97.5x38 cm Art. A64/004 Kat. Must 2 Nackenrollen mit Reißverschluss 80 cm Art. A68/002 Kat. Must 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen für Doppelbett 160 cm Art. A33/001 Kat. Halbleinen 1 Plaid 140x230 cm Art. A67/002 Kat. Must 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. A68/002 Kat. Must 1 Plaid Kaschmir 170x175 cm Art. 514XOHC000001

pag. 65

Marlene boiserie e Sommier Max

pag. 69

Marlene boiserie e Sommier Max

MARLENE Boiseire e Sommier Max matrimoniale h. 28 con pedana alluminio 1 Sommier matr. Max h. 28 160x200 cm chiodato con pedana alluminio 4 Pannelli misura 97.5x38 cm 2 Pannelli capitonnè misura 97.5x38 cm 4 Pannelli misura 65x38 cm 2 Pannelli capitonnè misura 65x38 cm 1 Mensola porta oggetti misura 65x20 cm 1 Copriletto liscio matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x30 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito 2 Plaid Cashmere 170x175 cm

Art. 832/001

Cat. E

Art. 832/001 Cat. E Art. 832/001 Cat. E Art. 832/001 Cat. E Art. 832/001 Cat. E Art. 906/501 Cat. E Art. A64/015 Cat. Must Art. A38/009 Cat. C Art. A64/015 Cat. Must Art. A38/034 Cat. C Art. 514XOHC000002

Art. 832/001 Cat. E Art. 832/001 Cat. E Art. 832/001 Cat. E Art. 832/001 Cat. E Art. 906/501 Cat. E Art. A64/015 Cat. Must Art. A38/009 Cat. C Art. A64/015 Cat. Must Art. A38/034 Cat. C Art. 514XOHC000002

1 Doppelliege Max h. 28 160x200 cm genietet Mit Podest aus Aluminium 4 Platten Abmessungen 97.5x38 cm 2 Platten Capitonné Abmessungen 97.5x38 cm 4 Platten Abmessungen 65x38 cm 2 Platten Capitonné Abmessungen 65x38 cm 1 Ablagekonsole Abmessungen 65x20 cm 1 Glatte Tagesdecke für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Kissen 70x70 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x30 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand 2 Plaids Kaschmir 170x175 cm

Art. 832/001 Kat. E Art. 832/001 Kat. E Art. 832/001 Kat. E Art. 832/001 Kat. E Art. 832/001 Kat. E Art. 906/501 Kat. E Art. A64/015 Kat. Must Art. A38/009 Kat. C Art. A64/015 Kat. Must Art. A38/034 Kat. C Art. 514XOHC000002

MARLENE Boiseire e Sommier Max matrimoniale h. 22 1 Sommier matr. Max h. 22 160x200 cm chiodato Piedi squadrati 17x17 h. 5 cm acciaio 8 Pannelli misura 65x38 cm 1 Completo lenzuola matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Copriletto liscio matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x30 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm

Art. 832/300

Cat. E

Art. 832/300 Art. A33/001 Art. 819/009 Art. 819/009 Art. A64/004 Art. 905/017

Cat. E Cat. Mistolino Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. E

Art. 832/300 Art. A33/001 Art. 819/009 Art. 819/009 Art. A64/004 Art. 905/017

Cat. E Cat. Mistolino Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. E

1 Doppelliege Max h. 22 160x200 cm genietet Eckige Füße 17x17 h. 5 cm aus Stahl 8 Platten Abmessungen 65x38 cm 1 Bettwäsche-Garnitur für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Glatte Tagesdecke für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x30 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm

Art. 832/300 Kat. E

1 Doppelliege Max h. 22 160x200 cm genietet Eckige Füße 17x17 h. 5 cm aus Stahl 6 Platten Abmessungen 65x38 cm 3 Platten Abmessungen 65x38 cm Decò 1 Bettwäsche-Garnitur für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Glatte Tagesdecke für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x30 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm

Art. 832/300 Kat. E

Art. 832/300 Art. A33/001 Art. 819/009 Art. 819/009 Art. A64/004 Art. 905/017

Kat. E Kat. Halbleinen Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. E

pag. 73

Marlene decò boiserie e Sommier Max

pag. 75

MARLENE Boiseire decò e Sommier Max matrimoniale h. 22 1 Sommier matr. Max h. 22 160x200 cm chiodato Piedi squadrati 17x17 h. 5 cm acciaio 6 Pannelli misura 65x38 cm 3 Pannelli misura 65x38 cm Decò 1 Completo lenzuola matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Copriletto liscio matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x30 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm

Art. 832/300

Cat. E

Art. 832/300 Art. 832/300 Art. A33/001 Art. 819/009 Art. 819/009 Art. A64/004 Art. 905/017

Cat. E Cat. E Cat. Mistolino Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. E

Art. 832/300 Art. 832/300 Art. A33/001 Art. 819/009 Art. 819/009 Art. A64/004 Art. 905/017

Cat. E Cat. E Cat. Mistolino Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. E

Art. 832/300 Art. 832/300 Art. A33/001 Art. 819/009 Art. 819/009 Art. A64/004 Art. 905/017

Kat. E Kat. E Kat. Halbleinen Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. E

Academy alto intero

Letto ACADEMY matrimoniale h. 20 testiera alta intera 1 Letto Academy matr. testiera alta intera h. 20 160x200 cm Piedi squadrati 17x17 h. 5 cm acciaio 1 Quilt matrimoniale 160 cm trapuntato 30x30 cm 2 Rollò con cerniera 80 cm 2 Federe bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x30 cm 1 Cuscino 50x30 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm

Art. 843/002

Cat. E Plus

Art. A65/006 Art. A65/006 Art. A65/006 Art. 843/002 Art. A64/ 004 Art. 905/017

Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. E Plus Cat. Must Cat. E

Art. 843/005

Cat. E Plus

1 Double bed Academy high headboard h. 20 160x200 cm Squared feet 17x17 h. 5 cm steel 1 Double quilt 160 cm 30x30 cm 2 Roll cushions with zipper 80 cm 2 Pillowcases with double-pleat edges 1 Cushion 50x30 cm 1 Cushion 50x30 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm

Art. 843/002 Cat. E Plus

1 Double bed Academy with high headboard h. 20 160x200 cm Squared feet 17x17 cm h. 5 steel 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 2 Roll cushions with zipper 80 cm 1 Double quilt 15x15 160 cm 1 Cushion 70x70 cm 1 Cushion 50x50 cm 1 Cushion 70x70 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Double Cashmere blanket130x170 cm

Art. 843/005 Cat. E Plus

1 Double bed Academy with low headboard h. 20 160x200 cm Sunk with aluminium baseboard 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 1 Duvet 2 Pillowcases 2 Roll cushions with zipper 80 cm 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm

Art. A38/027 Cat. C

1 Double bed Academy with low headboard h. 20 160x200 cm Squared feet 17x17 h. 5 cm steel 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 1 Plain double bedspread 160 cm 1 Duvet 1 Cushion 70x70 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x30 cm with double-pleat edge

Art. A38/027 Cat. C

Art. A65/006 Art.A65/006 Art. A65/006 Art. 843/002 Art. A64/ 004 Art. 905/017

Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. E Plus Cat. Must Cat. E

1 Doppelbett Academy hohes durchgehendes Kopfteil h. 20 160x200 cm Eckige Füße 17x17 h. 5 cm aus Stahl 1 Gesteppter Quilt für Doppelbett 160 cm 30x30 cm 2 Nackenrollen mit Reißverschluss 80 cm 2 Kissenbezüge mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x30 cm 1 Kissen 50x30 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm

Art. 843/002 Kat. E Plus

Art. A65/006 Art. A65/006 Art. A65/006 Art. 843/002 Art. A64/ 004 Art. 905/017

Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. E Plus Kat. Must Kat. E

pag. 81

Academy alto

Letto ACADEMY matrimoniale h. 20 testiera alta 1 Letto Academy testiera alta matr. h. 20 160x200 cm piedi squadrati 17x17 cm h. 5 acciaio 1 Completo lenzuola matrimoniale 160 cm 2 Rollò con cerniera 80 cm 1 Quilt trapuntato 15x15 matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid Cashmere double 130x170 cm

Art. 786/050 Cat. Raso Art. 843/005 Cat. E Plus Art. 819/018 Cat. Must Art. 843/005 Cat. E Plus Art. 843/001 Cat. E Plus Art. A65/003 Cat. Must Art. 514XFLC150002

Art. 786/050 Cat. Raso Art. 843/005 Cat. E Plus Art. 819/018 Cat. Must Art. 843/005 Cat. E Plus Art. 843/001 Cat. E Plus Art. A65/003 Cat. Must Art. 514XFLC150002

1 Doppelbett Academy hohes Kopfteil h. 20 160x200 cm Art. 843/005 Kat. E Plus Eckige Füße 17x17 cm h. 5 aus Stahl 1 Bettwäsche-Garnitur für Doppelbett 160 cm Art. 786/050 Kat. Atlas 2 Nackenrollen mit Reißverschluss 80 cm Art. 843/005 Kat. E Plus 1 Gesteppter Quilt 15x15 für Doppelbett 160 cm Art. 819/018 Kat. Must 1 Kissen 70x70 cm Art. 843/005 Kat. E Plus 1 Kissen 50x50 cm Art. 843/001 Kat. E Plus 1 Kissen 70x70 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. A65/003 Kat. Must 1 Plaid Kaschmir Doubleface 130x170 cm Art. 514XFLC150002

pag. 85

Academy basso

Letto ACADEMY matrimoniale h. 20 testiera bassa con pedana in alluminio 1 Letto Academy testiera bassa matr. h. 20 160x200 cm invascato con pedana alluminio 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Piumotto 2 Federe 2 Rollò con cerniera 80 cm 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm

Art. A38/027

Cat. C

Art. 786/050 Art. A63/001 Art. 786/099 Art. 819/005 Art. 819/018 Art. 905/003 Art. 905/015

Cat. Raso Cat. Must Cat. Raso Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. E Cat. E

Art. 786/050 Art. A63/001 Art. 786/099 Art. 819/005 Art. 819/018 Art. 905/003 Art. 905/015

Cat. Raso Cat. Must Cat. Raso Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. E Cat. E

1 Doppelbett Academy niedriges Kopfteil h. 20 160x200 cm Art. A38/027 Innenliegende Matratze mit Podest aus Aluminium 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen Art. 786/050 für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Daunendecke Art. A63/001 2 Kissenbezüge Art. 786/099 2 Nackenrollen mit Reißverschluss 80 cm Art. 819/005 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. 819/018 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm Art. 905/003 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm Art. 905/015

Kat. C

1 Doppelbett Academy niedriges Kopfteil h. 20 160x200 cm Art. A38/027 Eckige Füße 17x17 h. 5 cm aus Stahl 1 Bettwäsche-Garnitur für Doppelbett 160 cm Art. 990/009 1 Glatte Tagesdecke für Doppelbett 160 cm Art. 819/018 1 Daunendecke Art. A60/003 1 Kissen 70x70 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. A60/003 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. A38/027 1 Kissen 50x30 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. 819/005

Kat. C

Kat. Atlas Kat. Must Kat. Atlas Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. E Kat. E

pag. 89

Academy basso

pag. 91

Letto ACADEMY matrimoniale h. 20 testiera bassa 1 Letto Academy testiera bassa matr. h. 20 160x200 cm Art. A38/027 piedi squadrati 17x17 h. 5 cm acciaio 1 Completo lenzuola matrimoniale 160 cm Art. 990/009 1 Copriletto liscio matrimoniale 160 cm Art. 819/018 1 Piumotto Art. A60/003 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm con bordo rivestito Art. A60/003 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito Art. A38/027 1 Cuscino 50x30 cm con bordo rivestito Art. 819/005

Cat. C Cat. Raso Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. C Cat. Must

Art. 990/009 Art. 819/018 Art. A60/003 Art. A60/003 Art. A38/027 Art. 819/005

Cat. Raso Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. C Cat. Must

Kat. Atlas Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. C Kat. Must

Academy sommier

Letto ACADEMY Sommier matrimoniale h. 20 1 Academy sommier matrimoniale h. 20 160x200 cm Piedi squadrati inclinati 10x10 h. 8 cm wengè 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito

Art. A66/002

Cat. D

Art. A33/002 Art. A66/002 Art. A64/009 Art. A64/009

Cat. Mistolino Cat. D Cat. Must Cat. Must

1 Double bedbase Academy H. 20 160x200 cm Slated Squared feet 10x10 H. 8 cm Wengè 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases \160 cm 1 Cushion 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 70x70 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge

Art. A66/002 Cat. D

1 Double bed Academy high one-piece headboard h. 20 160x200 cm with double-pleat edge Squared feet 17x17 h. 5 cm steel 1 Plain double bedspread 160 cm 1 Roll cushion with zipper 80 cm 1 Roll cushion with zipper 80 cm 1 Cushion 70x70 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge

Art. A64/010 Cat. Must

1 Double bed Oscar275 with plain headboard H. 28 160x200 cm Aluminium baseboard 1 Plain double bedspread 160 cm 1 Blanket 140x230 cm 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 70x70 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 45x45 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 45x45 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm

Art. A60/004 Cat. Must

1 Double bed Oscar325 upholstered H. 20 160x200 cm Squared feet 17x17 h. 5 cm steel 1 Plain double bedspread 160 cm 1 Cushion 70x70 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 2 Cashmere blankets 150x200 cm 2 Bedside cabinets Tetris 22x66x47 cm

Art. 831/110 Cat. E Plus

Art. A33/002 Art. A66/002 Art. A64/009 Art. A64/009

Cat. Mistolino Cat. D Cat. Must Cat. Must

1 Doppelliege Academy H. 20 160x200 cm Eckige schräge Füße 10x10 H. 20 Wengè 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 70x70 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand

Art. A66/002 Kat. D

1 Doppelbett Academy hohes durchgehendes Kopfteil h. 20 160x200 cm mit bezogenem Rand Eckige Füße 17x17 h. 5 cm aus Stahl 1 Glatte Tagesdecke für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Nackenrolle mit Reißverschluss 80 cm 1 Nackenrolle mit Reißverschluss 80 cm 1 Kissen 70x70 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand

Art. A64/010 Kat. Must

1 Doppelbett Oscar275 mit glattes Kopfteil H. 28 160x200 cm Podest aus Aluminium 1 Glatte Tagesdecke für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Plaid 140x230 cm 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 70x70 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 45x45 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 45x45 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm

Art. A60/004 Kat. Must

1 Doppelbett Oscar325 capitonnè H. 20 160x200 cm Eckige Füße 17x17 h. 5 cm aus Stahl 1 Glatte Tagesdecke für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Kissen 70x70 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand 2 Plaids Kaschmir 150x200 cm 2 Nachttische Tetris Abmessungen 22x66x47 cm

Art. 831/110 Kat. E Plus

Art. A33/002 Kat. Halbleinen Art. A66/002 Kat. D Art. A64/009 Kat. Must Art. A64/009 Kat. Must

pag. 93

Academy alto intero

Letto ACADEMY matrimoniale h. 20 Testiera alta intera 1 Letto Academy matr. testiera alta intera h. 20 160x200 cm con bordo rivestito Piedi squadrati 17x17 h. 5 cm acciaio 1 Copriletto liscio matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Rollò con cerniera 80 cm 1 Rollò con cerniera 80 cm 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito

Art. A64/010 Art. A64/008

Cat. Must Cat. Must

Art. A64/008 Art. A64/010 Art. A38/009 Art. A64/008 Art. 950/032

Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. C Cat. Must Cat. D

Art. A64/008 Cat. Must Art. A64/008 Art. A64/010 Art. A38/009 Art. A64/008 Art. 950/032

Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. C Cat. Must Cat. D

Art. A64/008 Kat. Must Art. A64/008 Art. A64/010 Art. A38/009 Art. A64/008 Art. 950/032

Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. C Kat. Must Kat. D

pag. 99

Oscar275 liscio

Letto OSCAR275 matrimoniale h. 28 con pedana alluminio 1 Letto Oscar275 testiera liscia matrimoniale h. 28 160x200 cm pedana alluminio 1 Copriletto liscio matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Plaid 140x230 cm 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 45x45 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 45x45 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm

Art. A60/004

Cat. Must

Art. A60/004 Art. A64/010 Art. A64/012 Art. A60/004 Art. 950/020 Art. A38/034 Art. 905/011

Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. D Cat. C Cat. E

Art. A60/004 Art. A64/010 Art. A64/012 Art. A60/004 Art. 950/020 Art. A38/034 Art. 905/011

Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. D Cat. C Cat. E

Art. A60/004 Art. A64/010 Art. A64/012 Art. A60/004 Art. 950/020 Art. A38/034 Art. 905/011

Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. D Kat. C Kat. E

pag. 105

Oscar325 capitonné soft

pag. 109

Letto OSCAR325 Capitonnè Soft matrimoniale h. 20 large 1 Letto Oscar325 capitonnè soft matrimoniale h. 20 large 160x200 cm Piedi squadrati 17x17 h. 5 cm acciaio 1 Copriletto liscio matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 2 Plaid Cashmere 150x200 cm 2 Comodini Tetris misura 22x66x47 cm

Art. 831/110

Cat. E Plus

Art. A64/004 Cat. Must Art. A64/004 Cat. Must Art. 819/018 Cat. Must Art. 513XNHC000001

Art. A64/004 Cat. Must Art. A64/004 Cat. Must Art. 819/018 Cat. Must Art. 513XNHC000001

Art. A64/004 Kat. Must Art. A64/004 Kat. Must Art. 819/018 Kat. Must Art. 513XNHC000001

Ludwig basso

Letto LUDWIG Basso matrimoniale h. 28 1 Letto Ludwig testiera bassa matrimoniale h. 28 160x200 cm chiodato piedi squadrati 17x17 h. 5 cm acciaio 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm 2 Rollò con cerniera 80 cm 1 Piumotto 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm

Art. 831/106

Cat. E Plus

Art. 990/012 Art. 831/106 Art. A19/003 Art. A38/013 Art. A38/013 Art. 905/019

Cat. Raso Cat. E Plus Cat. Must Cat. C Cat. C Cat. E

Art. 843/001

Cat. E Plus

1 Double bed Ludwig with low headboard H. 28 160x200 cm nailed squared feet 17x17 H. 5 steel 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 2 Roll cushions with zipper 80 cm 1 Duvet 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm

Art. 831/106 Cat. E Plus

1 Double bed Ludwig with low headboard H. 28 160x200 cm nailed cylindrical feet 17x17 H. 5 aluminium 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 1 Plain double bedspread 160 cm 1 Plain double bedspread 160 cm 1 Cushion 50x50 cm 1 Cushion 70x70 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x30 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cashmere blanket 150x175 cm

Art. 843/001 Cat. E Plus

1 Double bed Vivian h. 28 160x200 cm with skirt 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 1 Cushion 50x30 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge 2 Blankets 140x230 cm

Art. A65/005 Cat. Must

1 Double bed Vivian h. 22 160x200 cm Headboard cushions cone feet H. 12 cm glossy aluminium 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 1 Cushion 70x70 cm 1 Cushion 50x50 cm 2 Blankets in Lapin fur 120x180 cm

Art. A38/001 Cat. C Art. A61/004 Cat. Must

Art. 990/012 Art. 831/106 Art. A19/003 Art. A38/013 Art. A38/013 Art. 905/019

Cat. Raso Cat. E Plus Cat. Must Cat. C Cat. C Cat. E

1 Doppelbett Ludwig mit niedriges Kopfteil H. 28 160x200 cm genietet eckige Füße 17x17 H. 5 aus Stahl 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen für Doppelbett 160 cm 2 Nackenrollen mit Reißverschluss 80 cm 1 Daunendecke 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm

Art. 831/106 Kat. E Plus

1 Doppelbett Ludwig mit niedriges Kopfteil H. 28 160x200 cm genietet zylindrische Füße 17x17 H. 5 aus Aluminium 1 Bettwäsche-Garnitur für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Glatte Tagesdecke für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Glatte Tagesdecke für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Kissen 50x50 cm 1 Kissen 70x70 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x30 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Plaid Kaschmir 150x175 cm

Art. 843/001 Kat. E Plus

1 Doppelbett Vivian h. 28 160x200 cm Mit Volant 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Kissen 50x30 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand 2 Plaids 140x230 cm

Art. A65/005 Kat. Must

1 Doppelbett Vivian h. 22 160x200 cm Kissen für Kopfteil Kegel Füße H. 12 Glänzend Aluminium 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Kissen 70x70 cm 1 Kissen 50x50 cm 2 Plaids aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm

Art. A38/001 Kat. C Art. A61/004 Kat. Must

Art. 990/012 Kat. Atlas Art. 831/106 Art. A19/003 Art. A38/013 Art. A38/013 Art. 905/019

Kat. E Plus Kat. Must Kat. C Kat. C Kat. E

pag. 119

Ludwig basso

pag. 123


Letto LUDWIG Basso matrimoniale h. 28 1 Letto Ludwig testiera bassa matrimoniale h. 28 160x200 cm chiodato piedi cilindro Ø 5 h. 5 cm alluminio 1 Completo lenzuola matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Copriletto liscio matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Copriletto liscio matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x30 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid Cashmere 150x175 cm

Art. 990/ 003 Cat. Raso Art. 930/007 Cat. Must Art. 930/001 Cat. Must Art. 843/002 Cat. E Plus Art. 930/001 Cat. Must Art. 930/001 Cat. Must Art. A65/003 Cat. Must Art. 514XNGC000001

Art. 990/ 003 Cat. Raso Art. 930/007 Cat. Must Art. 930/001 Cat. Must Art. 843/002 Cat. E Plus Art. 930/001 Cat. Must Art. 930/001 Cat. Must Art. A65/003 Cat. Must Art. 514XNGC000001

Art. 990/ 003 Kat. Atlas Art. 930/007 Kat. Must Art. 930/001 Kat. Must Art. 843/002 Kat. E Plus Art. 930/001 Kat. Must Art. 930/001 Kat. Must Art. A65/003 Kat. Must Art. 514XNGC000001

Letto VIVIAN matrimoniale h. 28 1 Letto Vivian matrimoniale h. 28 160x200 cm con gonna 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Cuscino 50x30 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito 2 Plaid 140x230 cm

Art. A65/005 Cat. Must Art. 786/088 Art. A65/005 Art. A65/005 Art. 819/001 Art. 819/001

Cat. Raso Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must

Art. 786/088 Art. A65/005 Art. A65/005 Art. 819/001 Art. 819/001

Cat. Satin Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must

Art. 786/088 Kat. Atlas Art. A65/005 Art. A65/005 Art. 819/001 Art. 819/001

Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. Must

pag. 129


Letto VIVIAN matrimoniale h. 22 1 Letto Vivian matrimoniale h. 22 160x200 cm Art. A38/001 Cat. C Cuscini copritestiera Art. A61/004 Cat. Must piedi a cono h. 12 cm alluminio lucido 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm Art. 009/057 Cat. Cotone 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm Art. 843/002 Cat. E Plus 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm Art. 843/002 Cat. E Plus 2 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm Art. 905/003 Cat. E

pag. 133

Art. 009/057 Art. 843/002 Art. 843/002 Art. 905/003

Cat. Cotone Cat. E Plus Cat. E Plus Cat. E

Art. 009/057 Kat. Baumwolle Art. 843/002 Kat. E Plus Art. 843/002 Kat. E Plus Art. 905/003 Kat. E


Letto VIVIAN matrimoniale h. 14 1 Letto Vivian matrimoniale h. 14 160x200 cm senza cuscini copritestira Piedi cilindro inclinato h 24 cm acciaio 2 Rollò con cerniera 80 cm 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm 2 Federe 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito 2 Plaid Cashmere 170x175 cm

Art. A38/029 Cat. C

Art. A38/001 Cat. C Art. A33/001 Cat.Mistolino Art. A30/006 Cat.Mistolino Art. A38/029 Cat. C Art. A38/009 Cat. C Art. 514XOHC000002

1 Double bed Vivian h. 14 160x200 cm Without headboard cushions Curved cylindrical feet h 24 cm steel 2 Roll cushions with zipper 80 cm 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 2 Pillowcases 1 Cushion 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge 2 Cashmere Blankets 170x175 cm

Art. A38/029 Cat. C

1 Double bed Vivian H. 28 box double raised bedspring 160x200 cm with skirt 1 Double bed sheet + pillowcase set 160 cm 1 Double quilt 160 cm 15x15 cm 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cashmere blanket 170x175 cm

Art. A66/001 Cat. D

Art. A38/001 Cat. C Art. A33/001 Cat. Mistolino Art. A30/006 Cat. Mistolino Art. A38/029 Cat. C Art. A38/009 Cat. C Art. 514XOHC000002

1 Doppelbett Vivian h. 14 160x200 cm Ohne Kissen für Kopfteil Runde schräge Füße h 24 cm aus Stahl 2 Nackenrollen mit Reißverschluss 80 cm 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen für Doppelbett 160 cm 2 Kissenbezüge 1 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand 2 Plaids Kaschmir 170x175 cm

Art. A38/029 Kat. C

1 Doppelbett Vivian H. 28 box zweifach anhebbarer Rahmen 160x200 cm mit Volant 1 Bettwäsche-Garnitur für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Gesteppter Quilt für Doppelbett 160 cm 15x15 cm 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Plaid Kaschmir 170x175 cm

Art. A66/001 Kat. D

Art. A38/001 Kat. C Art. A33/001 Kat. Halbleinen Art. A30/006 Kat. Halbleinen Art. A38/029 Kat. C Art. A38/009 Kat. C Art. 514XOHC000002

pag. 135


Letto VIVIAN matrimoniale h. 28 box doppia alzata 1 Letto Vivian matrimoniale h. 28 box doppia alzata 160x200 cm con gonna 1 Completo lenzuola matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Quilt matrimoniale 160 cm trapuntato 15x15 cm 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid Cashmere 170x175 cm

Art. A66/001

Cat. D

Art. A33001 Cat. Mistolino Art. A33/001 Cat. Mistolino Art. 819/018 Cat. Must Art. A66/001 Cat. D Art. 514XOHC000002

Art. A33001 Cat. Mistolino Art. A33/001 Cat. Mistolino Art. 819/018 Cat. Must Art. A66/001 Cat. D Art. 514XOHC000002

Art. A33/001 Kat. Halbleinen Art. A33/001 Kat. Halbleinen Art. 819/018 Kat. Must Art. A66/001 Kat. D Art. 514XOHC000002

pag. 137


Letto CHORUS matrimoniale h. 14 1 Letto Chorus matrimoniale h. 14 160x200 cm Art. A64/006 Cat. Must Piedi piatti inclinati h. 24 cm acciaio 1 Copriletto liscio matrimoniale 160 cm bicolore Art. A64/006 + A64/008 Cat. Must 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm con bordo rivestito Art. A64/006 Cat. Must 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito Art. A64/ 008 Cat. Must

1 Double bed Chorus h. 14 160x200 cm Art. A64/006 Flat slanted feet h. 24 cm steel 1 Plain double bedspread 160 cm two colours Art. A64/006 + 1 Cushion 70x70 cm with double-pleat edge Art. A64/006 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge Art. A64/ 008

Cat. Must A64/008 Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. Must

1 Doppelbett Chorus h. 14 160x200 cm Art. A64/006 Flache schräge Füße h. 24 cm aus Stahl 1 Glatte Tagesdecke für Doppelbett 160 cm zweifarbig Art. A64/006 + 1 Kissen 70x70 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. A64/006 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand Art. A64/ 008

Kat. Must A64/008 Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. Must

pag. 143


Letto CHORUS matrimoniale h. 28 1 Letto Chorus matrimoniale h. 28 160x200 cm piedi bombetta Ø 8.3 h. 8 cm bianco 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Quilt trapuntato 15x15 matrimoniale 160 cm 1 Plaid 140x230 cm 1 Cuscino 60x60 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Cuscino 45x45 cm con bordo rivestito 1 Plaid Cashmere 150x175 cm

pag. 147

Art. A62/001

Cat. D

Art. A33/002 Cat.Mistolino Art. A38/030 Cat. C Art. A38/037 Cat. C Art. 950/033 Cat. C Art. A21/001 Cat. D Art. A38/029 Cat. C Art. 514XNGC000001

1 Double bed Chorus h. 28 160x200 cm Bowler feet Ø 8.3 h. 8 cm white 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 1 Double quilt 15x15 160 cm 1 Blanket 140x230 cm 1 Cushion 60x60 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 45x45 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cashmere blanket 150x175 cm

Art. A62/001 Cat. D Art. A33/002 Cat. Mistolino Art. A38/030 Cat. C Art. A38/037 Cat. C Art. 950/033 Cat. C Art. A21/001 Cat. D Art. A38/029 Cat. C Art. 514XNGC000001

1 Doppelbett Chorus h. 28 160x200 cm Gewölbte Füße Ø 8.3 h. 8 cm weiß 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Gesteppter Quilt 15x15 für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Plaid 140x230 cm 1 Kissen 60x60 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 45x45 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Plaid Kaschmir 150x175 cm

Art. A62/001 Kat. D Art. A33/002 Kat. Halbleinen Art. A38/030 Kat. C Art. A38/037 Kat. C Art. 950/033 Kat. C Art. A21/001 Kat. D Art. A38/029 Kat. C Art. 514XNGC000001


Letto DYLAN matrimoniale h. 28









1 Letto Dylan matrimoniale h. 28 160x200 cm Art. 818/011 Cat. D Piedi squadrati inclinati 10x10 h. 8 cm wengè 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm. Art. 009/013 Cat. Cotone 2 Rollò con cerniera 80 cm Art. 818/011 Cat. D 1 Plaid 140x230 cm Art. A64/015 Cat. Must 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito Art. A28/001 Cat. Must 1 Cuscino 50x30 cm con bordo rivestito Art. A38/013 Cat. C 1 Cuscino 70x70 cm con bordo rivestito Art. 990/002 Cat. Raso 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm Art. 905/017 Cat. E 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm Art. 905/016 Cat. E

1 Double bed Dylan h. 28 160x200 cm Slanted squared feet 10x10 h. 8 cm wenge 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm. 2 Roll cushions with zipper 80 cm 1 Blanket 140x230 cm 1 Cushion 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x30 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 70x70 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm

Art. 818/011 Cat. D

1 Double bed Dylan h. 22 160x200 cm Cylindrical feet h. 12 cm glossy aluminium 1 Duvet cover + 2 pillowcases 160 cm 1 Cushion 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Cushion 50x50 cm with double-pleat edge 1 Blanket in Lapin fur 120x180 cm

Art. A62/008 Cat. D

Art. 009/013 Art. 818/011 Art. A64/015 Art. A28/001 Art. A38/013 Art. 990/002 Art. 905/017 Art. 905/016

Cat. Cotone Cat. D Cat. Must Cat. Must Cat. C Cat. Raso Cat. E Cat. E

pag. 155


1 Doppelbett Dylan h. 28 160x200 cm Eckige schräge Füße 10x10 h. 8 cm in Wenge 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen für Doppelbett 160 cm 2 Nackenrollen mit Reißverschluss 80 cm 1 Plaid 140x230 cm 1 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x30 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 70x70 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm

Art. 818/011 Kat. D

1 Doppelbett Dylan h. 22 160x200 cm Runde Füße h. 12 cm Hochglanz-Aluminium 1 Garnitur mit Federbettbezügen für Doppelbett 160 cm 1 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Kissen 50x50 cm mit bezogenem Rand 1 Plaid aus Kaninfell 120x180 cm

Art. A62/008 Kat. D

Art. 009/013 Kat. Baumwolle Art. 818/011 Art. A64/015 Art. A28/001 Art. A38/013 Art. 990/002 Art. 905/017 Art. 905/016

Letto DYLAN matrimoniale h. 22 1 Letto Dylan matrimoniale h. 22 160x200 cm Art. A62/008 Cat. D Piedi cilindro h. 12 cm alluminio lucido 1 Completo copripiumino matrimoniale 160 cm Art. A33/001 Cat. Mistolino 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito Art. 950/033 Cat. D 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito Art. 950/027 Cat. D 1 Cuscino 50x50 cm con bordo rivestito Art. 950/032 Cat. D 1 Plaid pelliccia Lapin 120x180 cm Art. 905/017 Cat. E



12 22



Art. A33/001 Art. 950/033 Art. 950/027 Art. 950/032 Art. 905/017

Cat. Mistolino Cat. D Cat. D Cat. D Cat. E

Art. A33/001 Kat. Halbleinen Art. 950/033 Art. 950/027 Art. 950/032 Art. 905/017



pag. 161


TETRIS Tetris cabinet with leather-covered front or eco-leather

Tetris Bettkasten mit Front mit Lederbezug oder Eco-Leder

Tetris cabinet

Tetris Bettkasten


Tetris contenitore con frontalino rivestito in pelle o ecopelle





pag. 20




Tetris contenitore


pag. 105

Kat. D Kat. Must Kat. Must Kat. C Kat. Atlas Kat. E Kat. E




Kat. D Kat. D Kat. D Kat. E

Art director: Arch. Silvia Prevedello Concept: Sintony Photo: Paolo Golumelli e Marco Silotto for Studios Styling: Meri Scarpante Print: Grafiche Vianello

Le tonalità delle riproduzioni fotografiche sono puramente indicative. Per un’esatta scelta si deve fare riferimento al campionario colori. The colour shades in the pictures are merely indicative. For a precise choice it is neccesary to refer to the colour samples. Die Farbtöne der Fotos sind nicht richtungsgebend, die genaue Farbwahl sollte durch die Farbkarte erfolgen.

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