Issue 20 I MAY/JUNE I 2012
Upstream Dialogue
Crude Oil Forecast, Markets & Pipelines
The 2012 Canadian Crude Oil Forecast and Market Outlook is
June 2012 Crude Oil Forecast, Markets & Pipelines
now available, offering a new forecast to 2030 along with an 1
updated assessment of potential market and infrastructure options.
CAPP Events & Updates
CAPP Speaker Series – Vaughn
Industry in the news PAGE two
Palmer, political columnist for the
Employee perspectives
Vancouver Sun. June 13, 2012, Calgary, Alta CAPP Speaker Series –
u Meet Jason Currie, offshore installation manager of the SeaRose platform. PAGE five
Innovation and technology
Todd Hirsch, economist
u Researchers are creating tiny solutions to large challenges in the oil and gas industry
and author. June 19, 2012, Calgary, Alta
Industry practice and regulations PAGE seven
CAPP Investment Symposium, December 10 to 12, 2012, r ou Mark y Toronto, Ont ars! calend CAPP is moving the 2012 Investment Symposium to Toronto. Check CAPP`s website in the next few weeks for program details.
using metagenomic research. Page six
Relationships behind the resource u The Talisman Energy Choir is bringing smiles to people’s faces with a joyful noise. PAGE nine
Keeping employees informed about Canada’s oil and gas industry I