Portfolio Creative Direction MAAD Univ of Leeds - Marina Utami 2016

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The Brief: Designing a communication campaign to change the Indonesian behaviour towards SARA in their daily life. Client:

*SARA is an acronym of Suku (Tribe), Agama (Religion), Ras (Race), and Antar Golongan (Intergroup Relation)

Final Output Study Area Project Plan

Communication Campaign

Cultural Conflict, Social Issue May


- Clear brief

- Survey Analysis

- Topic Research

- Target Audience Research

- Mind Map

- Key insights

- Survey July


- Define Strategy and Concept

- Execute Ideas

- Generate Ideas

- Integrated Campaign Ideas - Assembling Portfolio

September - Final Artwork - Final Presentation

01 Research Indonesia Indonesia • 14.000 islands with 5 major islands: Java, Sumatera, Kalimantan (Borneo), Sulawesi and Papua (Irian Jaya). • The 4th most populous country in the world (255 million). • 300 ethnic groups and cultures. • 742 local languages. • 5 religions: Islam, Hindu, Budha, Christian, and Confucious. • Mongoloid, Foreign Ethnics (Arab, India).

“Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” • The meaning of “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” is “Unity in Diversity” • “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” comes from the old Javanese poem “Kakawin Sutasoma” by Mpu Tantular in the 14th century. • The original poem itself was produced to help tolerance between the Hindu and Buddha kingdom in 1500BC. • The slogan was used because it is perfect to describe the condition of Indonesian society. • It becomes the official national motto and specifically mentioned in the article of 36A of the Indonesia Constitution. • The slogan was put in Pancasila - the principals of Indonesia - in the shape of the bird “Garuda”, the mystical bird of Lord Vishnu.

Ethnic Groups Indonesian Ethnic Groups based on regions/islands: • Java : Javanese, Sundanese, Bantenese, Betawi, Tengger, Osin, Badui. • Madura: Madurese. • Sumatera: Malays, Batak, Minangkabau, Acehnese, Lampung, Kubu. • Kalimantan: Malays, Dayak, Banjar. • Sulawesi: Makassarese, Buginese, Mandar, Minahasa, Buton, Gorontalo, Toraja, Bajau. • Lesse Sunda Islands: Balinese, Sasak. • Moluccas: Nuaulu, Manusela, Wemale. • Papua: Dani, Bauzi, Asmat. Several foreign ethnics: • Chinese: spread widely in Java, Sumatera, Kalimantan. • Arabs: known as the source of the Islamic religion and have assimilated with the local people from Betawi, Malay, Java and Sunda. • Indian: concentrated in Pasar Baru Jakarta and Kampung Kelling in Medan. • Indos: mixture of Indo native with the European. • Japanese: ex-japanesse soldiers occupied as businessman and investor based in Jakarta and Bali. • Korean: Mostly are businessman and investor.

Religion • Muslim: 97.8% • Hindu: 1.69% • Buddhist: 0.72% • Protestant: 5.7% • Catholic Roman: 3%

Race • Papua Melanosoid. • Semang. • Weddoid. • Malay/Mongoloid. • Cina/Mongoloid. • Keturunan Lainnya.

Age Structure (2010) • Minor 0-14 years old : 27.3% • Workforce 15-64 years old : 66.5% • Retiree 65 years old : 6.2% • Median age is 28.2

02 Research Sabang Merauke

The Name “Sabang Merauke” originally comes from the cities on both ends of Indonesia. Sabang is the city on the Sumatra Island on the top west side of Indonesia, and Merauke is the city in Papua Island on the bottom east of Indonesia. The client use the name “Sabang Merauke” as the acronym as well; “Seribu Anak Bangsa Merantau Untuk Kembali” which means “One Thousand Children Wanders to Come Back Home”. The Organization • The student exchanges programme between areas in Indonesia. • Children from different areas will live for 2-3 weeks with the host family in Jakarta. • The goal is to introduce the culture on the other side of Indonesia and expand network starting from teenagers. • The mission is to teach tolerance and value of “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika”. • Keywords: Education, Tolerance, Indonesia, Nationalism. The History Founded in the year of 2013 by the organisation name Yayasan Seribu Anak Bangsa, where they send a batch of 15 students to Jakarta each year. It was co-founded by 6 people who had experienced student exchange programme during their youth. After came back to Indonesia, they built the company, gathered the volunteers, and worked together for the sake of the movement. The Activities • The programme duration is one batch per year. • Each day the student will learn different kind of programmes, such as Culture Day, National Day, Career Day, Sports & Fun Day, Religious Day etc. It also includes the topic about SARA tolerance with plenty of inspiring speakers.

The Application The application consist of 3 groups: 1. Adik Sabang Merauke (Younger Sister/Brother Sabang Merauke). • Students in Junior High School outside of JABODETABEK (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi). • Granted the parent permission to fly outside of their area. 2. Kakak Sabang Merauke (Older Sister/Brother Sabang Merauke). • University student who lives in JABODETABEK who are willing to become the mentor for the Adik Sabang Merauke. • In charge of the safety and the responsibility of Adik Sabang Merauke during their stay. • Become the Sabang Merauke’s Ambassador. 3. Family Sabang Merauke. • The family who host Adik Sabang Merauke during their stay in JABODETABEK. • Have a high quality of life, good education and profession. • Give protection for Adik Sabang Merauke. The Support They accept supportive assets from the society such of: • Donation: Financial or logistic assets such as transport, accommodation and any other kind of properties • Volunteer: Blogger, photographer, videographer and other manpower needed. • Event: Painting auction to gather donation. • Social Media Promotion: Youtube, facebook, twitter, and instagram. • Website: Providing Information about the programme. • Public competition: Gerakan Rayakan Perbedaan Sabang Merauke (Celebrate Diversity Movement Sabang Merauke)

03 Research SARA PROBLEM RESEARCH The Name • SARA is an acronym of Suku (Tribe), Agama (Religion), Ras (Race), and Antar Golongan (Inter-Group Relation). • The term “SARA” was introduced during the New Order regime (1966-1998) where the 2nd President of Indonesia, Soeharto was ruled. • The name “SARA” was meant to be a neutral term for the diverse group in Indonesia. As the mass media often use “SARA” term to refer to the conflicts, the name itself has changed into a negative connotation in the society. • The discrimination first started during the Dutch Colony (1602-1945). The Dutch developed Indonesian caste of society by using the political tactic called “Divide et Impera”, which means “divide and conquer”. Most Prominent Past Conflicts 1. The May Tragedy (13-15 May 1998) • The riot between the Pribumi (local people) and the Tionghoa people that resulted in mass murders, house burning and women raping cases. • The 3rd President, Habibie, gathered a Fact Researcher team after the riot to cope with the tragedy. 2. Religion Conflict in Ambon (1999) • The conflict between the Moslems and the Christians who lives in Ambon. • The longest conflict in Indonesian history; 4 years. 3. Sampit Tragedy (2001) • The conflict occurred in Sampit, Borneo between the Dayak Tribe (the local people in Borneo) and the Madura tribe (the comer from Java). • The conflict started with the murder of one of the Madura people. • The most ruthless riot in Indonesian history.

4. Government vs The Separatist (various years) • Some groups have been trying to attack the government regarding the unequal treatment of their areas which led them to riot for independence. • The groups that have been growing in the past: Gerakan Aceh Merdeka (Free Aceh Movement), Republik Maluku Selatan (Republic of South Mollucas). 5. Syiah Group Attack in Sampang (2012) • The conflict started with the murders of several people from Syiah Group which concluded with burning houses in the area. 6. Poso Conflict (2012) • The conflict started between the Moslem and Christian communities in the Center Sulawesi. PROBLEM ANALYSIS The SARA Conflicts Initial reasons of the conflict and lack of tolerance between the diverse group: 1. Ethnocentrism. 2. A personal/individual problem which provoked into a massive issue. 3. The difference of beliefs: influenced by family, tradition and education system. 4. Less Communication between each group. 5. Social and economic jealousy. The Problem Evaluation The conflict that has occurred in several areas, gives impact to the society daily life; SARA discrimination and injustice. THE CAMPAIGN BENEFITS • Resurrect the slogan “Bhinneka Tunggal Ika” (Unity in Diversity). • Diminish the SARA discrimination in daily life by accepting the diversity in Indonesia. • Increase the tolerance between each group in Indonesia.



Research Survey

The Survey • The survey was first conducted on 17th of May 2016 by spreading it online through social media for 2 weeks. • The number of participants at the end of the week was 343 respondents. • The survey used Indonesian language. • The questions were divided into multiple choices answers and form related answers; Quantitative and Qualitative data collection methods. • The questions that related in the survey were:

The link for the survey: https://goo.gl/n7xPAQ

1. Respondent’s demographics profile.

2. Respondent’s SARA group profile.

3. Respondent’s SARA conflict opinion.

4. Respondent’s SARA experience.

5. Respondent’s SARA social circle.

6. Respondent’s suggestion for the solution.

The Results Participant’s Age

Participant’s Gender




years old



years old

years old



years old


55.4% Participant’s Last Education


Participant’s Birth Areas


16% 7.3%


5% Master




Participant’s Proffesion

Junior Highschool

31.8% DKI Jakarta 46.1% Jawa 13.7% Sumatera 8% Kalimantan 9% Sulawesi

5% 1% 0% 0% 0%

Bali Nusa Tenggara Timur Nusa Tenggara Barat Maluku Papua

Participant’s Marital Status

8.5% Entreprenuer





7.6% Unemployed

31.5% Students






Married & Have Children

SARA related questions

Survey’s Word Map

Several keywords were appear from the questionnaire regarding the SARA harassment experience.

Key Insight • The family has a very big influence about SARA intolerance.

- The family who teaches their children to tolerate SARA indifference since their childhood tend to be open minded until they reach adulthood. On the other hand, the families who control their children’s social life tend to grow up with SARA prejudice and resulted in doing discrimination.

• Childhood’s memories affect a person’s personality.

- People mostly remember SARA discrimination starting from their childhood.

• The most common SARA harassment: insult by words. • Social label, prejudice, and stereotyping affects people’s career and academic life. • The older generation takes SARA as a serious matter than the young generation. • Young generations care about SARA matters when it comes to marriage. • Correlation between the level of education with the SARA discrimination tendency.

- People with high-level education; ethnocentrism.

- People with low-level education; do not understand the benefit of tolerance.

• Young generation tends to have diverse friendship; although some confessed they have limitations during their friendship.


Research Target Audience

Demographic • Young mother. • 25-35 years old. • Various tribe, religions, races, and groups (SARA). • Lives in Jakarta. • High education; Bachelor/Master Degree. • Work: housewife and entrepreneur. • Social Class: AB1. • Family cycle: Parenthood • Young Adult - Adult. • Trendy, stylish and update to fashion. • Have 1 child: 3-5 years old. Activity • Aside being a housewife, she spends her time working as an entrepreneur. • Trying to keep the balance between work and family. • Attend many family gathering during the weekend and national holiday. • Entertainment: go shopping in the mall, take the children to the playground, go for a culinary trip, go on vacation with the family. • Often hang out with other mothers from their own SARA group. • Involved in the religious community. • Sports: go to the gym during her leisure time.

THE TARGET AUDIENCE MOOD BOARD Interest • Family Oriented. • Fashion trend-setter. • Enjoy parenthood. • Likes to use the sophisticated guaranteed brand. • Tech-savvy; often use social media. • Create comfortable home. • Likes to shop her children’s needs. • Likes to be involved in the social movement. • Care about her social status Opinions • Want to look as a young, trendy and cool mom. • Care about their friends/other mothers judgment. • Do not want their child to have a connection with other SARA group. • Concern about the child’s education and behaviour in the society. • Wants to have a good family image in the society. • Care about the environment, fashion, and motherhood related. • A good bond with their family, especially the parents. • Likes to be the center of attention. • Do not like to try new things before seeing the evidence. THE KEY INSIGHTS • Trust and care about her reference groups opinion. • Follow the opinion leaders and new trends. • See the evidence before trying something new. • Get involved in social movement increase her social status.


Several types of women based on the SARA groups that have significance difference and large number in Jakarta: • East Indonesian woman: Mostly comes from Ambon and Maluku. They migrated to Jakarta to find jobs and stable life. • Tionghoa woman: Tionghoa race is widely spread around Indonesia and has a relationship gap with the Pribumi (Local) people. • Sundanese woman: The tribe is well known for the beauty and the success in career. • Muslem woman: Almost 98% people in Indonesia are Muslim.


Creative Strategy

Key Insight Based on the survey, the crucial stage for developing SARA intolerance is during childhood. Parents especially the mothers tend to control their children’s social life, which influences their perspective about other SARA group until adulthood. Once they become parents, they will also control their children with the same rules as they had in their childhood. The result is that the discrimination attitude cycle runs in the family. Strategic Objectives The campaign objective is to break SARA discrimination cycle in the family by accepting the diversity in children’s social life. Proposition

Key Insight Parents tend to control children’s social life


SARA Discrimination

Regardless their SARA group, the first priority for Mothers is her child. She


care about her child’s behaviour, way of thinking and the future. Using the

Applied until Adulthood

children’s perspective in the campaign will be able to communicate the message effectively. Human Truth Children are innocent. They still have a pure mind in which they do not recognize any kind of ‘SARA’ term yet.




Accept diversity in

Communicate through

We are the same

children’s social life

children’s perspective

Creative Concept The concept is to make the target audience realise that no matter where we come from or which group we belong to, we are the same human being.


Idea Generation

GENERATION IDEAS 1. Concept: We Are The Same • The idea: Indonesian Hand • The message: We are based the same as human being, even though our looks are different. • The Insight: The similarity among the Indonesian people. Several kinds of objects were generated by using the mind map based on the concept, such as hands, blood, body organs, skeleton, and other human assets.

GENERATION IDEAS 2. Concept: We Are The Same • The Idea: Stick figure children • The message: Children’s friendship sees no difference • The insight: Children usually draw people by using stick figure. This explains that the children see their friends as the basic human being.

GENERATION IDEAS 3. Concept: We Are The Same • The idea: Mother & Children drawing experiment Diversity through children’s eyes. • The message: Children from any different SARA group see their mothers as the same human being. • The insight: Children usually draw people by using the stick figures; this shows that their perspective as a human being regardless any SARA indifferences.

GENERATION IDEAS 4. Concept: Lonely • The idea: Isolating your child by words. • The message: Forbidding children to play with other can make them feel lonely. • The insight: Children always remember parent’s words until adulthood. Based on the survey, almost 50% of the respondents experienced that their parents dictated them when they were children not to play with others from different SARA group.


Idea Development The idea is to develop ‘the diversity from children’s eyes’ by using a simple drawing experiment between the children and their mothers. The integrated campaign will be divided into 3 steps: Step 1: Raising Awareness Campaign • The objective is to raise the awareness of the target audience, changing their perspectives about how they perceived people from different SARA group. Step 2: Engaging Audience • The objective is to engage the target audience to get involved in the movement by taking the picture (Step 1) and shared it in the social media. Step 3: The Action • The objective is to have the Target Audience make a real action; Gather their children with other SARA group. • The event will gather the mother with children all over Indonesia in one place. The purpose of the event is to let their children blend with other SARA groups. • The event can also promote Sabang Merauke programme and recruit the target audience to become the famili Sabang Merauke for the next batch. Tone Of Voice Insightful, Playful and Positive.


Media Planning

Media Objectives • Step 1: the objective is to increase the frequency of getting the high awareness with which the target audience are exposed to. • Step 2: the objective is to increase the frequency to get involved the social media buzz and also to increase the website traffic. • Step 3: the objective is to increase the promotion frequency to get them to come to the “Arisan Ibu Sabang Media” event. Media Opportunities • The media opportunities will be based on the social circle of the target audience. • Several kinds of media that will gain Opportunity To See (OTS):

- Above the Line ; Out Of Home

- Under The Line ; Print Ad

- Online Media


- Ambient Media

The Media Mix The media schedule for one year campaign will be divided according to the steps. TVC & Video Commercial Online • The idea of the mother-children experiment will be easier to comprehend by using the video. Therefore, the primary media will be using the TVC and Video Commercial online. • Placement: Video Ad website (Youtube). Print Ad - Out Of Home, Magazine, Poster • Print Ad will also increase the reach of Target Audience’s Opportunity To See (OTS) of the campaign. • Placement: around the playground area in Jakarta, preschool, shopping centre, children’s swimming pool, airport, gym, cafe and supermarket. Internet - online banner • The secondary media will use social media, website and blogs that often visited by the Target Audience. • The Target Audience likes to be part of online community, therefore putting the ads in the e-newsletter will increase the OTS. • Placement: facebook, twitter, youtube, mommiesdaily.com, vimela.com, and google ads for other websites. Internet - Campaign Website • This campaign website as the main platform of the campaign. it will become the main link of the Call To Action for the entire advertising, as it will provide the key information about the campaign. Ambient Media • Using the ambient media in several public places such as airport and shopping centre.

10 Final Concept

“Ibu Sabang Merauke” Campaign Name • “Ibu” means “mother” with formal interpretation in the Indonesian Language. • “Ibu Sabang Merauke” means the mother from Sabang until Merauke - the whole Indonesia area. Logo • Using the same colour scheme with client’s logo; brighter red to give more impact. • The hashtag to emphasize the social media movement. • The website link as the main hub of the campaign. • The paper background suggests the idea of the campaign about the children’s drawing. • The font: playful, handwritten, and connection. • The brushes stroke: playful and artistic. • The tone of voice: powerful, fun, positive.

“Arisan Ibu Sabang Merauke” Campaign Name • “Arisan” means “Gathering” in the Indonesian language. The term is mostly used by women and have female connotation throughout the country. The tradition is several women collect their money per month, put it all together and draw a lottery to decide who gets the money on each month. • “Jakarta 17.08.17” is the date of the event. 17th August is also the Independence Day of Indonesia whereas thebig celebration for the whole country. Logo • The “Arisan” font: trendy, elegant, fashionable • Using playful pastel colour ribbons around the logo to signify party and celebration.


4 Children enter the

Children draw their

The 4 mothers enter

The mothers guess which

The Setting

room one by one

own mother

the room

one is her child’s drawing

The mothers are confused

The mothers guess the

to choose the drawing

wrong drawing

TVC Storyboard

The main message

Revealing the mother with

Sabang Merauke Logo

her child

Call to Action

TVC Screenshots

STEP 1 - PRINT AD Print Ad

STEP 2 - VIDEO Video Promotion



Campaign Website

www.ibusabangmerauke.com The website content: • Home: the landing page • About: The valuable information about the campaign and the Sabang Merauke programme. • How to Join: the information about how to join the movement. • The Gallery: gather all the images with the hashtag “Ibusabangmerauke” across the social media. • Sabang Merauke Programme: information about how to become the famili of Sabang Merauke • Contact Us: form for users to contact directly with the campaign committee


Media Application Youtube Video Ad


Placement Around the playground and preschool area, road near shopping centre, and airport highway in Jakarta.


Placement Around the supermarket, shopping centre, children’s swimming pool, and gym in Jakarta.

Facebook Proifle Picture Generator


Placement Newsletter Banner in FemaleDaily.com, Zalora.com, Hijabenka.com, Berrybenka.com, Wolipop.com, Fimela.com, Vemale.com

Banner Online

Placement Banner in FemaleDaily.com, Zalora.com, Hijabenka.com, Berrybenka.com, Wolipop.com, Fimela.com, Vemale.com

Youtube Masthead Banner

Ambient Media

Placement In the supermarket’s toilet, shopping centre, children’s swimming pool, and gym in Jakarta.

Print Ad - Magazine

Placement Cosmopoliotan, Femina, Bazaar, Wanita Indonesia


The Bibliography http://www.ukhtiindonesia.com/anak-anak-diharamkan-belajar-menggambar-dalam-islambenarkah/ http://sabangmerauke.org https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indonesia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditions_of_Indonesia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_Indonesia#/media/File:Indonesia_Ethnic_Groups_Map_English.svg https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhinneka_Tunggal_Ika http://news.okezone.com/read/2016/02/25/340/1320731/lima-konflik-sara-paling-mengerikan-ini-pernah-terjadi-di-indonesia http://rudybyo.blogspot.co.id/2011/04/pengertian-sara-suku-ras-agama-dan.html http://www.academia.edu/5627377/10_CONTOH_KONFLIK_DI_INDONESIA http://tango.image-static.hipwee.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/tumblr_static_tasa.jpg https://childcare35.files.wordpress.com/2015/01/a21.jpg http://assets.tokohindonesia.com/berita/ti_titidlm.jpg http://cdn.klimg.com/kapanlagi.com/g/aih_cantiknya_putri_astrid_tiar_mempesona_bagai_peri_kecil/p/astrid_tiar_dan_annabelle-20141008-006-acat.jpg http://femaledaily.com/about/ https://hrexach.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/same4.jpg https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-nvOUrnPZxSA/VjiKeTJPWnI/AAAAAAAAAW4/qZ5ZRqS4TCw/s1600/25_anak-anakIndonesia.jpg https://aws-dist.brta.in/2016-02/original_700/0_0_1000_666_1d5fbc3e8a500d2deb1e1536e0e7266abb64763d.jpg https://cdns.klimg.com/newshub.id/news/2015/10/11/22633/78993-wanita-indonesia.jpg

https://www.brilio.net/life/30-artis-ini-cantiknya-indonesia-banget-bikin-cowok-nggak-kuat-151011q.html http://www.an-nabawi.com/images/hijab8.jpg http://www.redio.in/asset/upload/2015/08/ini-dia-style-ootd-ala-zaskia-adya-mecca-yang-super-kece-intip-yuk-MjAxNS0wOC0zMSAxMDo0NjowNQ==.jpg https://app.xtensio.com


Sponsored by Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP -Lembaga Pengelola Dana Pendidikan) scholarship, Ministry of Finance, The Republic of Indonesia

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