SAVE IN THE PURPLE DAY SPECIALS See more on page 2 & 8!
GREAT MEMBER RETURNS Strong results signal strong automotive industry
WELL WISHES FOR RUSSELL BECKER Capricorn bids farewell to our NSW/ACT Director
ONE DAY ONLY! Friday, 22 October 2021 9am (AWST) / 10:30am (ACST) / 12pm (AEST)
Save on selected Capricorn Rewards. Limited availability - get in while stocks last!
Spend your points at cap.coop/rewards *Special offer valid from 9am (AWST) Friday 22 October 2021, for one day only and while supplies last. Participation in the Capricorn Rewards Program is subject to the Capricorn Rewards Terms and Conditions available at capricorn.coop/tc.
David Fraser Group CEO
CEO’s message
6 Capricorn Risk Services
What happens when you make a claim?
If you’re finding it hard to attract and keep good, skilled employees, you’re not alone. Capricorn’s State of the Nation Report 2021 found 53% of Members are very or extremely concerned about the skills shortage, with 43% naming it a top five challenge affecting their business. The problem is particularly acute for panel and paint, tyre and suspension, and larger and franchise workshops. The harsh reality facing the automotive industry in 2021 is that qualified technicians are in short supply and, unless we urgently work to tackle the problem now, the situation is only going to get worse. Our industry faces stiff competition for talent. How do we attract good people when, to take an example, the mining and resources industry (which is also experiencing a skills shortage and is moving into a boom phase) can offer six-figure salaries that workshops can never match? In fact, there’s a lot we can do—both at an individual business level and an industry level. Our biggest opportunity is to encourage a new generation of talent, as this is our pipeline of future technicians, business owners, partners, and industry leaders. But first, we’ll need a change of attitude. State of the Nation found less than half of us believe young people will find the automotive industry an attractive place to make a career. We must reframe both our thinking and our messaging around this, because automotive is a fantastic industry with lots of incredible opportunities and a really exciting future. It’s time to start talking up careers in auto and stop talking them down.
7 Great Returns for Members
9 Well Wishes for Russell Becker
Capricorn bids farewell to our NSW/ACT Director
14 Future Ride 16 Another Doohan's star on the rise The Urbanaut
On four wheels
But that’s the sizzle; what about the sausage? How do we make the careers we’re selling more attractive? We can start by creating workplaces with strong and positive cultures—the kind of places young people want to work these days. Places where employees are encouraged and rewarded, and provided with incentives, opportunities and career pathways.
If you were ever considering bringing on an apprentice, now’s the time to do it. Not just because there’s a lot of support available from governments and training associations, but because our industry desperately needs them. We need new apprentices. Without them, this skills shortage will roll on and on and on, into the future, with no end in sight.
18 Member Ride 22 TaTBiz Article 24 Attract & Retain
Yours in cooperation,
Culture really matters
We can tackle pay rates, too. State of the Nation found an increase in wages and salaries in 2021 compared to 2020, but the average wage is still just $32/hr. The opportunity here is to review charge-out rates for labour. Ensuring that we are charging what our skills and experience are worth means we can pay our staff more. Maybe not triple-figure salaries, but more.
David Fraser Group CEO
Explaining complicated concepts to customers
Younger Staff!
27 Trade Volume
Rebate for Capricorn Members It can pay to be a Capricorn Member!
Capricorn Members are invited to Capricorn’s Annual General Meeting Capricorn is a Member-owned organisation and Member representation helps ensure Members’ interests are safeguarded. The Capricorn Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an important enabler of Member representation and allows Members to influence the direction of Capricorn. All eligible Capricorn Members are invited to the Capricorn AGM. This year, the meeting will be hosted as a hybrid event allowing Members to vote and attend online throughout Australia and New Zealand. If lockdown conditions permit, we would also welcome Members to attend at our West Perth offices. A key function of the AGM is the consideration of the items of business for Member voting. Members are asked to consider five items of business: •
Reviewing the financial statements, the Director’s report and the auditor’s report for the financial year ended 30 June 2021.
Ratifying the reappointment of Mr Bruce Rathie as an independent Director for a term commencing 12 October 2021 and ending on 12 October 2024.
Increasing the total aggregate Director remuneration pool to allow Capricorn to increase director remuneration in the future.
Altering the constitution to allow for virtual Annual General Meetings.
Approving a selective share buyback resolution (explained in the Annual General Meeting Information Statement).
More information for each item of business is provided in the notice of AGM sent via email to eligible Members in early October.
How to vote in the Capricorn AGM Voting in the Annual General Meeting can take place before and during the meeting. To facilitate voting prior to the meeting, during the first week of October, all eligible Members were sent an email providing a direct link to the Capricorn Vote Now platform. Members can also sign in via the Shareholder Portal in early October to access the Vote Now platform. Eligible Members can also vote whilst attending the AGM. If attending online, they can vote through the Vote Now platform. Voting will also take place in person at our West Perth offices.
How to attend the Capricorn AGM Eligible Capricorn Members can attend online via the Vote Now platform. To access the Vote Now platform easily, Members will receive a unique email with a link to the platform. Alternatively, they can access the link via the Capricorn Shareholder Portal. Subject to public health advice, Western Australian Members can attend in person at 28 Troode Street, West Perth WA 6005.
Friday, 29 October 2021 8am AWST / 11am AEDT / 1pm NZDT How to join: Members can join via unique email link or through the Capricorn Shareholder Portal
Over 2,000 Capricorn Members told us what they really think about the automotive industry. Find out what they said and how your business compares.
State Of The Nation
Available now at
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU MAKE A CLAIM? By its very nature, making a claim on your insurance or mutual protection is a stressful time. It means something has gone wrong — whether it’s an accident, a theft or a major disaster like a fire or flood.
immediately to make sure you and your family are safe, then someone from our claims team will call you back the next business day to lodge your claim.”
So, when you pick up the phone to call Capricorn Risk Services to tell them what has happened, you want the comfort of knowing the claims process will be straightforward and the person on the other end of the phone will be knowledgeable and helpful.
Next, you’ll receive a call from a claims officer, who will reconfirm all the details with you, answer any questions you have and make sure you understand exactly what you need to do next and what will happen.
But do you know what the claims process actually looks like? Lots of people don’t, but if you’re making a claim it can be helpful to know what to expect.
Exactly what happens next depends on the type of claim you’re making but, in short, your claim will be assessed to confirm the circumstances of the claim. • We may appoint an assessor to review your claim • We may appoint a builder to quote on repair • We may ask you to provide further evidence (like photographs or receipts) • We may ask you to get quotes to repair the damage.
We asked our Claims and Administration Team Leader, Anthea Jacobs, to talk us through it.
Call Capricorn Risk Services to lodge a claim If you call between 6am and 5pm AWST on a weekday, you’ll get straight through to one of our claims team. “Someone in the claims team will lodge the claim with you over the phone, putting all the details into our claims system,” Anthea said. “They’ll explain to you what claims documentation you need to provide and talk you through the next steps.” After the call you’ll be sent a lodgement email for your claim. The email will include a claim number and confirmation of the instructions on what to do next.
What if I call outside normal hours? Outside of normal business hours, you’ll go through to an after-hours service provider who will either take a message or refer you through to one of our on-call team members. “For example, if it’s an emergency, like you’ve had a fire at your property and you need action straightaway, that gets referred to the person on the after-hours phone,” Anthea said. “Any urgent action required is organised
Confirmation with a claims officer
Assessing and processing
“The type of claim and its complexity determines what actions need to happen next. This could range from getting assessments and reports to investigators or specialists” Anthea said. “In most circumstances it is straight forward. However, at times there may be some toing and froing in terms of reports to confirm the cause of damage, and to confirm that it can be accepted within the terms and conditions of the product disclosure statement (PDS).” Anthea said throughout this time, Capricorn Risk Services keeps Members fully informed of progress.
Approval, repair and replacement Once the claim has been approved we will provide a repair authority and generally you will be able to go ahead and repair or replace the items damaged or stolen or carry out the work that needs to be done to get you back up and running like you were before unless you
are otherwise instructed.
Send in your invoices for payment Once the repairs or replacements are complete, the repairer will generally send the appropriate invoices through to the claims team, who will arrange for them to be paid or for you to be reimbursed for them.
The mutual advantage While making a claim is never a fun process, it can at least be an easy and efficient one. Anthea said, that's where the mutual protection available through Capricorn Risk Services being discretionary is a real advantage for Members. “While we are bound by the terms and conditions of the PDS, our mutual protection gives us the ability to make discretionary decisions, to help you in your time of need,” she said. “This can often very much help Members get back on their feet. “For example, if a Member has had a large fire, maybe they’ve had a total loss, they may need a cash injection to get on top of things while the claim is progressing. We can consider releasing a payment to the Member just to help them cover any costs to help them continue running their business, or maybe to relocate to another property so they can start their business again. “For us it’s really about trying to think outside the box and work out what can we do to help a Member get back to the position they should be, and to keep things running for them until the claim is settled. “We have that ability to put Members first and we do. That sets us apart from a normal insurance company.”
To request a quote for mutual protection, call your Risk Account Manager today.
Contact Capricorn Risk Services 1800 007 022 I info@capricornrisk.com I capricorn.coop/risk Products sold through Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd (ABN 93 111 632 789) are: (i) discretionary risk protection products issued by Capricorn Mutual Ltd; and (ii) general insurance products issued by a range of insurers and brokered through Capricorn Insurance Services Pty Ltd. Before deciding to acquire any product you should consider the Product Disclosure Statement available from Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd to see if the product is appropriate for you. Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 460893) of Capricorn Mutual Ltd (AFSL 230038) and Capricorn Insurance Services Pty Ltd (AFSL 435197).
STRONG RESULTS SIGNAL STRONG AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY AND GREAT RETURNS FOR MEMBERS After a difficult year full of lockdowns, Capricorn’s financial results demonstrate the determination and resilience of the Australian and New Zealand automotive industry. When the 2021 financial year began, it was still under the initial uncertainty of the Covid-19 pandemic. Over the last 12 months we’ve ridden the highs and lows together, supporting each other through the tough times and celebrating the wins. Interestingly, the pandemic has created some real bright spots for the automotive aftermarket industry. With people taking their holidays at home and using their cars to commute, a lot of you are busier than ever between lockdowns. You’ve become key workers providing important services, providing the same fantastic customer service, and helping to keep cars safe on the road. The strength of your determination and resilience and your faith in our industry are demonstrated in our end of year results. Capricorn is a Member-owned organisation so our results are your results, and we cannot be more proud to announce them. Member purchases from Preferred Suppliers reached $2.59 billion this financial year, up 18.4% on 2020’s results — and, indeed, it was a record year. Capricorn’s overall profit after tax was $37.6 million. These strong results have allowed us to declare a 7% fully franked Dividend to shareholders (representing a 10% return inclusive of tax benefits) as well as a $15.0 million Trade Volume Rebate issued to Members in Bonus Points in proportion to their trade account purchases made throughout the financial year. This will help provide a welcome boost to Members across Australia and New Zealand.
We’re very proud that in such an interrupted and challenging year, Capricorn can still return record value to Members. The above distributions are in addition to the $38.5 million in Capricorn Rewards points that were earned throughout the 2021 financial year bringing total Member returns to $71 million for the 2021 financial year being our highest level of returns in Capricorn history. (Find out more on page 27). In calculating the value of our returns to Members, Capricorn considers both direct and indirect monetary benefits generated for Members. We call this our “Member Value Return”, or MVR. In 2021 Capricorn returned $92.0 million in pre-tax value to Members, which equates to an after-tax MVR of 28%. That means for every dollar invested by Members they receive a 28% return. Keep an eye on your inbox for a summary of all financial benefits you have received in your Capricorn Wealth Certificate. This certificate outlines the Rewards Points, Dividends, Trade Volume Rebate, and Mutual Protection Loyalty Rebates (if eligible) you have received over the past 12 months as well as the current value of your Shareholding. Once you have seen all the hard-earned points on your Wealth Certificate, login to capricorn.coop/rewards to check your points balance and discover all the fantastic products available through Capricorn Rewards**.
The past performance of Capricorn is no indication of future returns. Shares are issued by Capricorn Society Limited (ACN 008 347 313). No offer of shares is made in this article or publication. An offer of shares will only made in, or accompanied by, Capricorn’s Prospectus and any supplementary prospectus which is available on request or may be viewed at www.capricorn.coop under “Corporate Documents.” Before making any decision to apply for shares you should consider the Prospectus and any supplementary prospectus. Any application for shares must be made on the application form in or accompanying the Prospectus. ** Participation in the Capricorn Rewards is subject to the Capricorn Rewards Terms and Conditions which can be found at www.capricorn.coop/terms-conditions. CAPRICORN IGNITION OCTOBER 2021 7
Purple Day is back! One day only.
Be quick to snap up the savings Friday, 22 October. We’ve got even more electronics, workshop products and household goods for you to claim with your Capricorn Rewards points. Save on selected items including*
Dometic - Cool Ice 86 L CI rotomoulded icebox
Fitbit Luxe
iRobot - Roomba R692 Robot Vacuum Cleaner
SMEG 50's Style Coffee Machine
Breville The Flavour Maker 7L Slow Cooker
Samsung Galaxy buds Live
*T&Cs apply. Products subject to availability.
Purple Day commences Friday, 22 October 2021, 9am (AWST) / 10:30am (ACST) / 12pm (AEST)
Well wishes for Capricorn Member Director Russell Becker A famous little bear once said, "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard", which is how we feel saying goodbye to our Member Director, Russell Becker, this month. Russell Becker finishes his tenure as the NSW/ACT Member Director in October 2021 after serving on the Capricorn Board of Directors for a maximum term of 16 years. Russell has been a Capricorn Member since 1991 and was elected to the Board in 2005. Between 2015 and 2019 he also served as Chairman of the Board. During his tenure as a Director, Russell has helped Capricorn to grow membership from 9,000 to over 23,000 in 2021 and has seen annual Member purchases of AU$500 million grow to over AU$2 billion. Under his leadership of the Board, Capricorn has launched new products and services such as Capricorn Service Data, the New Zealand Capricorn Mobil Fuel Card, and the Capricorn Rising Stars Apprentice of the Year competition. 2019 also saw the first year Capricorn paid a Trade Volume Rebate of $5 million back to Members based on Trade Account spend. Passionate about the next horizon of the automotive industry, Russell recently contributed to Capricorn’s State of the Nation 2021 report. In the article he encouraged Capricorn Members to think about training an apprentice for the benefit of the industry. “The industry is a pretty good place. Of course, there are lots of challenges, especially with changes to technology, but I think overall the data tells us the industry is really healthy.” Russell said. Ru s s e l l h a s a l s o b e e n a m e m b e r o f Ca p r i co r n ’ s Remuneration and Nomination Committee and a Director of Capricorn Mutual Ltd and spent time on the Audit and Risk Committee.
Russell will continue to run his successful mechanical repair workshop in Dural and contribute to a number of charity and sporting organisation boards including Special Olympics, junior soccer, and motor sport. From all of us at Capricorn, especially the Capricorn Board, we thank Russell for his commitment and service and wish him all the best in his future endeavours. As another famous saying goes, ‘goodbye for now, but not forever.’
An election for the Member Director to replace Russell will take place from 15 September 2021 to 15 October 2021. More information on the candidates and how to vote can be found by logging into the myCAP Portal at capricorn.coop
better protect Victoria's environment On 1 July 2021, the Environment Protection Act 2017 came into effect in Victoria. Enforced by the Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA), the legislation aims to prevent harm to the environment and public health.
activities, including waste management and recycling. The guides demonstrate how to manage the risks, examples of how risk management can be done in simple processes, and an outline of the new legal obligations for businesses.
The centrepiece of the new act is the general environmental duty (GED) and applies to all Victorians. Under the GED, businesses are required to have reasonable knowledge about the risks their activities pose, and how to address them. In effect, the GED just makes it clear that it is your responsibility to manage your business to reduce risk to the environment.
The Act is now criminally enforceable, so it’s important all Victorian Capricorn Members familiarise themselves with the legislation. This is just a summary for general informational purposes only, not legal advice. To find out more, visit epa.vic.gov.au for tools, guides, webinars, and more.
The EPA has provided guides for managing the risks of different
For Tiago, a passion for cars means embracing EVs
Like so many people in our industry, Tiago Santos Da Silva found his passion for the automotive business while working in the family workshop. In Tiago’s case, it all started at the age of 12, in Brazil, when he started cleaning his stepfather’s workshop.
Tiago joined Capricorn last year and said being a Member had “honestly made my busy life easier.”
Today, Tiago has been in business in Perth for 15 years and has a team of four at his full-service garage in Osborne Park. Offering everything from oil and filter changes to auto-electrics to air-conditioning and roadside assistance, Tiago has also made a point of ensuring his team at Tiago Car Technology is as up-to-date with electric vehicle technology as possible.
Tiago had previously been a solo mobile mechanic, but his business has been growing successfully, thanks in part to diversifying.
“I fully advise all technicians out there to start investing in time and training into the electric car industry,” he said. “It’s easy and it’s possible.” 1 0 CAPRICORN IGNITION OCTOBER 2021
“I save time, I save paper, there’s less stress — and it’s a onestop shop,” he said. “And there’s quick communication on the phone with my suppliers.”
You can follow Tiago and his team (and experience his enthusiasm for electric vehicles) on Instagram at @Tiago_car_technology.
Capricorn Finance
Invest in your business growth.
Available now to Capricorn Members. 1800 327 437 | capricorn.coop/equipmentfinance Capricorn Finance offers business equipment finance through Capricorn Society Limited (ACN 008 347 313) and brokers business finance through Capricorn Society Financial Services Pty Ltd (ACN 129 134 667). Fees and charges, terms and conditions, and lending criteria apply.
The Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAA) is proud to announce the launch of the 4WD Innovation Zone feature at the Australian Auto Aftermarket Expo, taking place at the Melbourne Convention & Exhibition Centre, April 7 – 9, 2022. The Expo is the nation’s most comprehensive exhibition for the aftermarket industry, featuring the latest vehicle repair and servicing equipment, replacement parts, tools, and accessories, plus industry experts sharing technology and trends. As part of the process of continuous improvement, the AAAA has launched a dedicated 4WD industry section at the Expo to provide an opportunity for companies involved in 4WD modification, accessories and tuning to promote their company through a trade only B2B platform. There will be many ways for exhibitors to supercharge their business development. The Expo is a perfect platform to launch or showcase new products and services or generate brand buzz through interactive activities and competitions. Innovative new 4WD products can be entered in the Expo Awards Program and product demonstrations on the show stage provide another marketing platform. Networking opportunities at the Expo will
also be massive. Companies can connect with prospects face-to-face in a relaxed atmosphere and strengthen relationships with existing customers.
“ We are always looking at ways to extend the appeal and value of the country’s premiere aftermarket show — an event run by the industry, for the industry. Given the Australian 4WD aftermarket industry is valued at $6 billion, comprises over 2,000 businesses and employs more than 70,000 Australians, a dedicated 4WD industry space within the Expo is a logical step, and one the 4WD industry has been asking for,” said Stuart Charity, CEO of the AAAA Other exciting components of the 2022 Auto Aftermarket Expo will include a modified and classic vehicle display area in the show concourse, celebrity appearances, interactive displays, demonstrations, and competitions, plus a comprehensive and free industry education and information program.
available space already allocated. And with major 4WD companies already locking in positions as foundation members at our new 4WD Innovation Zone, demand is expected to be extremely high for the limited spaces on offer. This is a not-to-be-missed opportunity for 4WD companies looking for a boost to sales, connections and brand awareness across the industry,” Stuart said. The 4WD Innovation Zone will add to the Australian Auto Aftermarket Expo’s massive 21,000 sqm footprint, which also includes the co-located Collision Repair Expo. And with a projected 400 exhibitors and up to 10,000 trade visitors over the 3-day event, the 2022 Australian Auto Aftermarket Expo is gearing up to be the best ever. “We look forward to hosting Australia’s best 4WD parts and accessor y manufacturers, resellers and retailers between 7 and 9 April, 2022 in Melbourne. It is a great opportunity for the entire aftermarket industry to come together, to recognise and celebrate success during these challenging times,” Stuart said.
“Interest in the 2022 Australian Auto Aftermarket Expo has been unprecedented, with over 75% of
To secure your space at the 4WD Innovation Zone as part of the Aftermarket Expo, please contact Expo partner, IEC Group: 0402 067 321 or nina@iecgroup.com.au To enquire about sponsorship opportunities, please contact the AAAA on (03) 9545 3333 or michelle@aaaa.com.au. For more information on the 2022 Australian Auto Aftermarket Expo – www.autoaftermarketexpo.com.au 1 2 CAPRICORN IGNITION OCTOBER 2021
Use your Capricorn Fuel Card to get 1 x entry for every $30 spent at Ampol and Caltex stores** UNLIMITED ENTRIES! The more you shop, the more chances to win! Entries close 31 October 2021
Open a new Fuel Card account for a chance to WIN 100,000 BONUS POINTS^
Visit capricorn.coop/fuelcard and apply for a Fuel Card today! 1800 327 437 I csl@capricorn.coop I capricorn.coop *The “Free Fuel” prize is a an AmpolCash Fuel Voucher valued at $3,500, issued from Ampol. This prize is advertised as “free fuel for a year” as part of the advertisement of the Capricorn 2021 Fuel Card Promotion. This is based on fuel capacity in an average mid-sized vehicle consuming 1750 litres of fuel per year at a cost of $2/litre. The prize is not transferable and cannot be converted or exchanged for any other prize or redeemed for cash. ^The “Bonus Point” prize is 100,000 Capricorn Rewards points valued at $1,000, issued from Capricorn on behalf of prize sponsor WEX Australia. Capricorn Rewards Program terms and conditions apply. **Ampol Limited, through a subsidiary, is a licensee in Australia of the Caltex trademark, but is in the process of transitioning its network to instead trade under its own Ampol trademark. For full competition terms and conditions and Capricorn Rewards Point terms and conditions visit www.capricorn.coop/TC. ACT Permit number: TP 21/01356. Capricorn Fuel Card is provided by WEX Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 68 005 970 570) in association with Capricorn Society Limited (ACN 008 347 313). Applications are subject to Capricorn’s credit assessment criteria and Capricorn WEX Motorpass terms and conditions apply, and are available at www.capricorn.coop/tc. Login to the Capricorn website and visit Fuel Cards to find the full list of eligible sites that are part of the WEX Motorpass network. A $5 (Ex GST) monthly card fee applies. Surcharges may be charged by some service stations.
Something about this maxi smells like a Mini When does a Mini stop being a Mini?
Leonard Lord would be pleased to see the Urbanaut is also incredibly fuel efficient, having eschewed the internal combustion engine entirely, in favour of an electric drive system, thus ensuring emission-free mobility.
Anyone who owned a late 70s model Leyland Mini Clubman might argue Minis stopped being Minis when they had improved the engine design to the point where you could safely drive through a puddle without either: 1. conking out in the middle of it, or 2. having a rubber washing up glove taped over the distributor in order to avoid conking out in the middle of it.
The original Mini was also very light on mod cons. It didn’t have a radio, barely had a dashboard, and didn’t have seatbelts, all to save weight. There’s no going without the mod cons in the Urbanaut but, being autonomous, it barely needs a dashboard… so it turns into a daybed, in case you want a nap.
Classic car lovers might argue Minis stopped being Minis when the sleek new versions came along in 1999, with BMW’s very successful relaunch.
Others might argue Minis stop being Minis the minute they started to look more like maxis. And the latest Mini design released by BMW does, indeed, look more like a maxi-taxi than the low-slung character car — synonymous with the swinging 60s, The Italian Job and Mr Bean — that we all know and love. But this exciting new concept, the Urbanaut, is still very much a Mini — and not just because BMW has slapped the logo on it. We’ll get back to that in minute. First, what is the Urbanaut? The Urbanaut is Mini’s vision for what near-future electric autonomous people carrier vehicles might look like. That vision includes an interior that looks more like a living room, a front window that opens up to become something akin to an automotive verandah, and “a carefully honed approach to fragrance and sound”. This is, if that “WTH moment” didn’t give it away, a concept car. And like so many concept cars, it’s very big on big ideas and very small on practical details. But what we do know confirms the Urbanaut actually adheres to many of the original design requirements of the original Mini. When British Motor Corporation boss Leonard Lord commissioned the design of the first Mini in the mid 1950s, it was in the midst of a fuel shortage. He wanted a fuelefficient miniature car that maximised interior space while being no more than 10 feet long, four feet wide and four feet high (3 m x 1.2 m x 1.2 m). Six feet of those 10 feet (so 1.8 m) was to be given over to the passengers, not leaving much space for an engine (but enough to fit a small, fourspeed transverse engine). In the end, the first Mini released in 1959 was slightly taller (1.4 m) and wider (1.42 m), but it was still incredibly compact. The Urbanaut is 4.46 m long and BMW says it offers “maximum space on the smallest possible footprint” — true to the Mini concept. “Its height allows it to provide an interior space that can be used in many different ways and offers a whole new ease of movement inside the car,” BMW says.
True to the original Mini, the Urbanaut has minimised the number of components and unnecessary materials in the design. It actually features a high proportion of recycled materials, and most of the components of the car can, in turn, be reused or recycled. By now you’re probably wondering what the deal was with the fragrance thing. This is how Annabell Coffinet, Fragrance Designer at the BMW Group, explains it: “We wanted to link the Mini brand identity with a fragrance signature for the first time. “This waft of something intangible, refreshing and unexpected brings emotion to how the brand’s message is communicated, a kind of international signature with a high recognisability factor. It will be discreet and revealed as part of a welcome scenario.” No, we’re not convinced either. But if a fragrance change becomes the equivalent of an ‘oil and filter change’ in the future, Capricorn will be right alongside you with reliable Preferred Suppliers. There’s one last way the Urbanaut is every inch a Mini. It has been designed so you want to spend as much time in it as possible. In fact, BMW insists it has created “an urban space for people when it’s standing still, significantly increasing the amount of time they will want to use the vehicle or just hang out in it.” Anyone who has owned a Mini, especially a classic Mini, will tell you they find any excuse to spend time in their Mini. They’re never just a car: they’re a lifestyle. The fact is, Minis don’t stop being Minis just because they aren’t as small as the classic car. Minis, including the Urbanaut, are Minis because they adhere to the original concept — an energy efficient, technically advanced, compact-as-possible, family car with an innovative spirit that maximises interior space for the smallest possible footprint. Minis have a certain spirit. The Urbanaut has that spirit in spades (and a fragrance, too).
by Paul Marinelli
ANOTHER DOOHAN IS HEADING TO One of Australia’s most courageous and talented sporting heroes is five time World MotoGP Champion Mick Doohan. His tenacity despite enduring a number of horrific injuries during his stellar motorcycle racing career made him the ultimate motorsport hero to millions of fans around the world. Now another Doohan’s star is shining on the international motor racing stage. This is Mick’s 18-year-old son, Jack, who has scored his first pole position and won three races in this season’s highly competitive Formula 3 World Championship. The first question that comes to mind when we think of this second-generation Doohan is why isn’t he racing motorcycles, just like his dad did? It did start on two wheels for young Jack, blasting around his home circuit on dirt bikes in Queensland. After Jack broke his leg in an accident at just five years of age, Mick and Jack’s mother, Selena, thought it best that if Jack wanted to pursue a racing career, it should be on four wheels. Image source: jackdoohan.com 1 6 CAPRICORN IGNITION OCTOBER 2021
This made sense given the experiences that both of Jack’s parents endured throughout Mick’s MotoGP career. While for his mother, any non-motorised sport would have been far preferred, if it was going to be motor racing for Jack, from that point on it would be on four wheels or not at all. So at just 8 years of age, Jack started his karting career in 2011, winning his Cadet title on debut. He then progressed to the Australian Karting Championship in 2015, at 11 years of age, winning both the 2015 and the 2016 national titles. In 2017 he raced to third in the CIK European Karting Championship, proving without doubt that Jack Doohan was the real deal on an international stage. There is no doubt that Mick’s tuition, guidance and international contacts were major assets to Jack during his junior years. Jack has highlighted that his father’s major influence has been in mental preparation, encouraging Jack to always perform at his best and to block out all of the factors that are outside of his control — especially his competitors.
THE VERY TOP - ON FOUR WHEELS Jack’s karting success was enough for the talent spotters at Red Bull to sign the young Australian up to their Junior Driver Development Program, the start of a path that has taken several talented young drivers all the way to Formula One.
World Formula 3 Championship. A best result of eleventh for the season was a bitter pill to swallow for the 17-year-old, after having achieved so much success to that point.
The time to move to racing cars came at the age of just 14, competing in the 2018 British Formula 4 Championship, scoring three victories and finishing fifth in the title fight on debut. That season also saw the young Australian compete in selected rounds of both the Italian and German Formula 4 Championships, further extending his experience racing with highly competitive European young guns.
A team change for 2021 in the World Formula 3 Championship, competing alongside David Schumacher (nephew of seventime F1 World Champion Michael Schumacher) and Clement Novak, saw Jack blast to second in the opening race, taking his first win not long afterwards in France. He then scored his first F3 pole position (fastest qualifier) in wet and dangerous conditions at Spa in Belgium, following it up with two race victories, held again in atrocious weather conditions.
In 2019 Jack Doohan competed in the Asian Formula 3 Championship, taking an outstanding five race wins and earning the championship runner-up honours, doubling up on this effort with another second-place finish in the Asian F3 Winter Series.
There is no doubt that we are looking at a future potential Aussie Formula One star in the making with Jack Doohan. At just 18 years of age, his talent and determination mirror that of his father, who had a whole country and racing fans all over the world spellbound during the mid to late ’90s.
The realities of how important the team is to a driver’s success hit hard in 2020, in the cut and thrust world of the
ALL SMILES FOR CRAIG’S NISSAN GT-R Imagine for a moment you’re a high-schooler returning to class after the long summer break, only to discover your secret crush has blossomed over the holidays, is now supremely hot, and everyone wants to go out with them. That’s basically what happened to lifelong fans of the Nissan GT-R in 2017.
Unfortunately, by that time, most of the earlier models were a bit “rough around the edges”. Craig’s thoughts naturally turned to the 2017 model, or one of the subsequent updates, “as they have a new interior and body updates”. His search took him to Brisbane to see a GT-R in mint condition that’d only had one owner.
Nissan had gone away and given the GT-R a face lift, an interior overhaul and a power upgrade — with a 3.8-litre, twin-turbocharged, 24 valve, V6 engine and six-speed dual clutch transmission that delivered 419 kW at 6800 rpm and 632 Nm between 3300 and 5800 rpm and a top speed of 315 km/h.
“Over a pint and lunch, the deal was done,” Craig said. “The owner dropped me back at the airport in his other car, a Lamborghini Aventador SVJ with 500 kms on the clock.” (That’s a brag, Craig, but we’re totally going to let you get away with it.)
Suddenly the GT-R fans found their favourite set of wheels was really, really sexy. Among the GT-R’s long-time fans was Capricorn Member Craig Hendry, owner of H&H Automotive in Bunbury, Western Australia. “Since the R35 was released in 2009, I was always determined to get one,” he said. “After several years of hard work with some property developments, we were able to start looking.”
For many Australians the Nissan GT-R really burst onto the scene in the early ’90s, when an R32 cleaned the floor with absolutely every other team in the Touring Car Championships. The R32 was nicknamed “Godzilla”, because it was a monster from Japan, and for many the nickname has stuck (including, perhaps erroneously, to later models). But the GT-R is not beloved so much for its performance on the track but for its potential in the workshop. The aftermarket for the GT-R is enormous.
MEMBER RIDE Is there a GT-R out there without modifications? They’re not just powerful and easy to handle; they’re an expression of the people who own them — and as unique as the personalities of their owners. Back to Craig’s ’17 model GT-R. What are his plans for it? “At this stage, the car is still standard,” he said. “It has had a paint correction, ceramic coating and clear paint protection film applied to the front end. “It will see some ECU tuning soon and a new set of Forged Volk racing wheels are on back order in 20x10 and 20x12.” Craig said the GT-R would mostly be used as a street car (he has a Nissan Silva circuit car) and probably only be driven “a handful of times per month”. “It is an absolute weapon that makes me smile,” he said. “Isn’t that what it’s all about?” That’s a pretty understandable crush.
Vehicle Details Model/Year Country of origin Engine size/type Horsepower Torque Transmission Diff 0-100km/h Quarter-mile time
Nissan GT-R 2017 Japan Hand built 38 V6 Twin Turbo 419 KW 565 hp 633 NM Dual clutch transaxle, carbon driveshafts 1.5 Way Mechanical 2.8 seconds 11.1
WHO’S WHO IN COLLISION? This month Joe McFadries of the National Collision Repairer spoke with Darrall Elson and Steve Ross of Suttons Parts. NCR: By way of introduction, tell us a bit of the history of Suttons Parts. DE: Suttons Parts is part of the largest family-owned automotive company in Australia. The Suttons Group has been in business since 1943. With the need for a parts distribution to service their growing business, S u t to n s p u rc h a s e d t h e J o h n A Gilbert Group’s parts operation in 1984, now known as Suttons Parts. We are now operating out of our parts distribution warehouse with a capacity of 60,000 product lines and $11 million in inventory. Our business was traditionally known for Holden parts distribution, but with significant changes and expansion we have transitioned to a successful m u l t i - f r a n c h i s e d o p e r at i o n n o w covering 18 major automotive brands and distributors for premium refinish brands such as PPG and 3M. We pride ourselves on staff loyalty, having over 20 staff with over 20 years’ service. Our 90 staff have over 1,100 years automotive experience. We are very fortunate to be part of the Suttons Group, which is now led by the third generation, Craig and Ryan Sutton, who are very active in ensuring the group remains a successful family business and providing many opportunities for Suttons Parts to continue to grow, even in these times. NCR: And how long have you both been in the industry? DE: Steve and I have spent our entire careers in the automotive industry. We have a combined total of over 90 years! NCR: And what are the main brands and areas of focus today? SR: All brands are our focus. We have key personnel in charge of each brand, so we dedicate our
focus to each brand and ensure no brand is overlooked. We are excited about the new challenges and opportunities associated with maintaining a successful operation beyond Holden – with the introduction of Ford this year, with the acquisition of the Thomson Automotive wholesale trade business, and in September we also took over the Heartland Ford operation. Suttons Parts has a great product offering in the mechanical trade and retail side of the business in particular with ACDelco and Omnicraft brands to suit all makes and models to compete with the aftermarket stores. Our refinish department is strong with key brands such as PPG and 3M, and we are national distributors for Grippaz Gloves and many more premium car care brands. E-commerce is a big focus, with development of our genuine edge parts website, and our HSV “Lions Den” merchandise website is going strong with the Holden collectors.
market. N C R : What can you tell us about your association with Capricorn? S R : Suttons Parts has a long-standing relationship with Capricorn that spans over 30 years. We are a Capricorn Preferred Supplier for mechanical and collision customers. Capricorn has opened up many opportunities for our business, which now services almost 1,000 Capricorn members. Our relationship with Capricorn staff has been a significant reason why we have achieved over $9 million in sales annually in our Group. Utilising Capricorn resources and direct marketing to Capricorn members is also a key part to our business, growing our Capricorn sales. We see our relationship with Capricorn and their members as the key to future growth of our business. NCR: Looking ahead, what can we expect in
Relationships with manufacturers, customers and staff are also key in developing and growing our business. New technology and efficiencies are essential for us to sustain business in these tough economic times. NCR: And you’re also a key player in the collision repair industry. S R : Suttons Parts performs well in the marketplace because of our expansive inventory range and our great delivery service. With up to three deliveries per day and a team that cares for the business, we will do anything to get the parts to our customers. It is a highly competitive market – we’re competing against other OEM dealers, aftermarket and second-hand parts suppliers. Several manufacturers have implemented a price matching program to assist us to combat the “price issue”, allowing us to supply the genuine part and getting the car repaired back to original with the manufacturer’s 12-month warranty. We h av e a d e s i g n ate d co l l i s i o n te a m exc l u s i v e l y l o o k i n g a f te r o u r co l l i s i o n customers with quotes and orders across all our brands. The pandemic has certainly affected the collision business with global stock availability at an all-time low and the risk of our customers potentially losing their established businesses. The importance of continually promoting genuine parts with repairers and insurance companies remains our number one priority in the collision
the future from Suttons? DE: Hopefully we can all bounce back to preCOVID numbers once the pandemic is over. We will focus on continued growth in our current brands and additional brands due later in 2021. Technology will be the key, with greater focus and support in e-commerce as we look to develop a B2B service. Continued relationships with OEMs to ensure genuine parts remains a priority in all repairs and, as we already mentioned, Capricorn is so important to growing our business. N C R : So, in closing, what is it about Suttons that makes you stand out from your competitors? SR: Suttons Parts’ people are our key asset, and together with our product offering, our world class facility and cutting-edge technology, we surpass our competitors in the marketplace. We are confident we are “green and growing” and confident that our customers will see why Suttons Parts is the obvious choice to be their “genuine partner”.
Explaining complicated concepts to customers - by Geoff Mutton
One of the by-products of modern vehicle technology is that it makes it very difficult for workshops to explain, and therefore justify, why an expensive repair needs to be done to a customer’s car. Consider yourself blessed if all of your customers just throw their keys at you and say ‘do whatever it takes’. But when it comes to big spending, most customers will want to be walked through every item on the list. Regardless of the type of customer, remember this: customers may forget what you said, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel. It is widely accepted that customers who are better educated about what needs repairing or replacing on their car will feel more satisfied about spending money than those who feel they may have been sold something they didn’t really need. It is imperative that large, complicated and expensive repairs be explained clearly to customers. They need to understand why they are handing over their hard-earned money. This is no easy task, because many repair issues are complex and way over the heads of the average customer. Workshops must have processes in place to manage customer communication in such a way that the workshop’s reputation is upheld and the customer remains loyal.
"DON’T GET BOGGED DOWN TRYING TO EXPLAIN HOW A PART WORKS" Here are some tips for your process: Build trust Trust is the key reason why customers bring their car to your workshop. Trust is not instant, and it takes time and dedication. • smile and greet customers politely • use their name in conversations • make sure the workshop and office are neat and tidy • follow through with what you promise • prioritise repair lists with your customer • present customers with options. Take your time and read your customer’s body language You may have a long queue of cars that need finishing, but that is irrelevant to your customer. When explaining complicated concepts, give your customers your full attention and explain things slowly. Rushing explanations through will frustrate customers; what you are saying might be basic stuff to you, but totally foreign to them. Read their body language. If you are honest with them, they will let you know by body language or verbally that they understand what you are saying, or if they need more information. Perhaps they just want to pay and be on their way. Don’t get too technical Don’t get bogged down trying to explain how a part works. You will lose 99.9 per cent of them instantly. Rather, focus on the basic role the part plays in the vehicle’s operation. For example, ‘The diesel particulate filter is an exhaust device that traps nasty pollutants like soot and ash before the exhaust pipe lets them out into the atmosphere’. Explain the risks and costs of not repairing or replacing Understanding that a component is damaged might not be enough reason for your customer to get it repaired or replaced. To make their decision, customers need to know what the related risks and costs might be if they don’t get the work done. Risks and costs can be explained like this:
Be aware that different customers will have different reasons for getting something repaired or replaced. For example, a mother with a newborn would hopefully put a higher priority on safety, whereas a delivery driver would put a higher priority on reliability. Show the damaged parts Where possible, show the damaged parts from their car. Seeing the actual damaged part closes the case for most customers. If showing parts is not physically possible, take photos or videos of damage – this is now easy to do on any smartphone.Use educational material Where appropriate, external literature, videos or animations can be called on to help explain complicated concepts. These can be emailed or messaged to customers, allowing them to watch in their own time or before you call them up to discuss the issue. These materials won’t necessarily do the complete job for you, but they give the customer a better understanding of the issue, allowing you to focus more on the actual repair options. Where possible present options Once customers are satisfied that an item needs attention, they will start thinking of possible options – can they carry on for a while before getting the work done; can a second-hand part be used; can an aftermarket new part be used, or must it be a genuine part? Customers very much appreciate being presented with options as it makes them feel in control of the situation. Taking the time to run through their options will enhance your reputation and customer loyalty. As car technology becomes even more complex, this trend is likely to continue and become more commonplace. Taking the time to educate customers and using all available resources and technologies to explain complicated concepts will be a very worthwhile investment for your business.
If you don’t agree to have us carry out this service or repair: • safety – you will be putting the safety of yourself and your family at risk • reliability – the vehicle’s reliability will be impacted and placed in doubt • future cost – it could trigger more damage that will cost more money in the long run.
Want to attract and retain a new generation of staff? Culture really matters.
It seems the days of staying in a job for 10, 20 or even 40 years are long behind us. According to Forbes, the average worker stays in a job for just 4.4 years and 91% of millennials (born between about 1980 and 1995) expect to stay in a job for less than three years — which works out to a whiplash-inducing 15 job changes across their career.
There’s a particular challenge when it comes to the younger generation of employees.
Gone are the days when many employees would spend their entire careers with one company, either working their way up the ladder or making themselves indispensable on the workshop floor.
The modern reality of attracting and retaining staff
So, what’s the solution? How can our industry attract and retain good employees and, in particular, attract and retain a new generation of employees for the long-term?
It’s little wonder, given the data above, that Capricorn’s State of the Nation Report 2021 found many Members were struggling to attract and retain good staff. • 43% said finding good staff was a top five challenge to running an automotive business • 11% said they have problems retaining staff • 35% said having loyal staff was a top five indicator of success in business. 24 CAPRICORN IGNITION OCTOBER 2021
37% of Members said one of the biggest challenges facing the industry was attracting young people to work in it 46% of Members with more than five staff said attracting younger employees was a top five problem 17% said finding good apprentices was a top five challenge.
It’s about creating a good workplace culture — a physical, mental and emotional environment where people want to work.
What does a good workplace culture look like?
A third of Members told State of the Nation that having a good workplace culture was a key indicator of success in business. But what kinds of methods are Members using to create that culture? Here’s what they told State of the Nation. Ways of promoting positive culture Shout the team lunch or dinner
54% 49%
Pay for staff training and development
Provide lunch onsite
Offer bonuses
A stocked pantry/fridge Organise social events or other team-building activities
Time off in lieu
Give gift vouchers
No staff/ N/A Other
Hospitality Managerial Financial
But can creating a good workplace culture really be as simple as shouting the team lunch once in a while? In short, no. While it can be a useful way of showing your employees they are appreciated, buying Nando’s once a week won’t, in itself, create a positive workplace culture. It has to be part of a much larger picture. Here are some suggestions for proven ways to improve workplace culture if you want to attract the best talent, particularly young talent, and then keep your best employees once you have them.
Decide a clear set of shared values and expectations
Avoid the alternative “sink or swim” approach, as this is far more likely to sow the seeds of doubt in your new recruit’s mind. Similarly, there’s really no place for old-fashioned “initiations” in a modern workplace, as they can easily go too far, constitute bullying, and indicate a lack of professionalism that reflects badly on the business.
Focus on employee comfort, safety, health and wellbeing
Health and safety are no laughing matter. Show your team they are valued by making them feel as safe and comfortable as possible in the workplace. • Keep the workshop clean, tidy and well organised, with no tools left on the ground and designated walkways kept clear of clutter • Have clear safety procedures in place and insist they’re followed • Invest in protective gear like goggles and gloves and insist staff wear them for tasks that involve relevant risks • Have health and safety rules clearly posted in the workshop, hold regular safety reviews (and fire drills, etc.) • Encourage staff to report and act on hazards, to eliminate risks and make the workplace as safe as possible • Invest in tools and equipment that make the workplace safer and eliminate risks for employees who have particular health issues (e.g., a bad back) • Take health and safety seriously: don’t let it become a punchline for jokes and banter. Remember that you have legal obligations to ensure the safety of your employees and any visitors in the workplace. Upholding a strong health and safety culture in the workplace will not only result in a happier and healthier team but will also help you meet your obligations as an employer.
What are the values you expect those who work for you to share? Deciding what these values are, communicating them to staff, and leading by example help create a culture that upholds those values. Those values might be, for example: • Dignity and respect • Honesty, accountability and reliability • Paying attention to detail • Delivering on our promises to our customers and each other • Tolerance • Taking the initiative.
Hire people who fit your culture
When you’re interviewing for a new staff member, don’t just check what skills and qualifications they have, make sure they share your company values. Hire people who will support the positive workplace culture you’re building.
Onboard and train them well from day one Make your new team members feel welcome from day one with a proper onboarding process that thoroughly explains what is expected of them, where everything is, who everyone is, and what your company values are. It’s all about making your newest employee feel welcome, so they can hit the ground running and become productive, profitable members of the team as quickly as possible.
Encourage communication and collaboration
How often in life do things go wrong or get worse because people don’t communicate properly? Clear communication and good collaboration are essential in any workplace. Encourage excellent communication by setting up clear channels for sharing information, whether that’s a daily meeting, a whiteboard on the wall showing what everyone is doing, or even a staff Yammer or Slack channel. CAPRICORN IGNITION OCTOBER 2021 2 5
Make sure staff know communication runs two ways, and you want them to come to you with problems, suggestions and improvements.
Create a strong sense of identity and professionalism
Lifting the visual standard of your workshop won’t just impress your customers, it’ll create a greater sense of pride among your staff. Keeping the workshop tidy, having a smart uniform with your company logo, and keeping surfaces like the front door and reception counter clean, all help to give a strong sense of professionalism.
Identify, encourage, embrace and build up talent
People often leave jobs where they don’t get the chance to do something they enjoy or have a particular interest in. If an employee has an interest in or aptitude for a particular thing, encourage it. Send them for more training, get them to share their knowledge with other employees, and praise them for their efforts. It goes a long way to making a staff member feel appreciated.
Facilitate lifelong learning
Almost half of Members told State of the Nation they would pay for staff training and development as a way to promote a positive workplace culture. It’s an excellent way to do it because it shows your employee you think they’re worth investing in (and you want them to stick around) while also tangibly improving your productivity and the service you’re able to provide your customer. Encourage your team to nominate training they’d like to do and invest in it as part of your internal reward scheme.
Increase employees’ responsibilities
It might seem counterintuitive, but people like to be given more responsibility. It shows you trust and value them, gives them a feeling of importance and independence, and can lead to them being more productive, more innovative, and happier.
Recognise and reward effort and achievement
When someone does something good, acknowledge it. If it’s for something small, it might be a quiet, one-to-one, “well done”. If it’s for something bigger, perhaps it’s a round of applause at a staff meeting, buying in that Nando’s lunch on a Friday, or even a bonus in the form of cash, training or something from the Capricorn Rewards website. The point is, people stick around when they feel appreciated, important and valued. Something as simple as a thank you goes a long way towards achieving that.
Focus on your leadership and the talent will follow
Finally, remember that achieving a good workplace — creating a place where people want to work every day, and where they’ll want to stay for the long-term — is down to you.
The alternative might be to feel micromanaged, bored, underappreciated, and frustrated — none of which are conducive to staying in a job long-term.
The behaviour you exhibit and the behaviour you tolerate set the tone for everything and everyone else.
Build in flexibility where you can
Employees now often expect flexibility in their working arrangements. They might expect to have flexible hours, to be able to do the school run or to work from home occasionally, for example.
Set your company values and don’t just live by them, let your employees see you live by them. Do that and hopefully you’ll attract and retain quality staff for years, perhaps even decades.
Depending on the role, in a workshop environment many of those flexible working arrangements can be difficult to accommodate. However, where you can build that flexibility in, it can prevent a build-up in the kinds of frustrations that can easily result in an employee eventually handing in their notice.
Download your free copy of State of the Nation 2021.
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Trade Volume Rebate for Capricorn Members It can pay to be a Capricorn Member. This year we’re excited to return $15 Million to Members by way of a Trade Volume Rebate.
At Capricorn, we like to think we have the best Members. Through strength and struggle, you demonstrate great resilience, enthusiasm and dedication to the automotive industry. And in perfect demonstration, after another challenging year, we are proud to announce Member purchases from Preferred Suppliers reached $2.59 billion, up 18.4% on 2020’s results – and indeed another record year.
have displayed over the previous 12 months and an injection we can make to Member businesses for their future sustainability. Trade Volume Rebates are awarded as Capricorn Bonus Points and are in proportion to trade account spend. So the more purchases you put on your Capricorn Trade Account, the more you get back from Capricorn and the larger your Trade Volume Rebate.
Because Capricorn is a Member-owned cooperative organisation, our financial results are your results too. They reflect your grit and tenacity, as well as the grit and tenacity of the entire Australian and New Zealand automotive industry. That’s $2.59 billion reinvested in the Cap rico rn eco sy ste m, ma k i n g th e Australian and New Zealand automotive industry a stronger, more sustainable place.
It’s another way it pays to be a Capricorn Member.
Due to such a successful year, we are excited to be able to provide a Trade Volume Rebate to all Capricorn Members. In September you will receive a share of $15 million being returned to Members by way of Capricorn Bonus Points.
You will find your Trade Volume Rebate on your September Member statement as part of your Capricorn Bonus Points balance and included as part of your Capricorn Wealth Certificate. Keep an eye on your inbox to receive your Wealth Certificate, that also includes a summary of other financial benefits you have recently received.
The Trade Volume Rebate is a big thank you for the support Capricorn Members
Every day, in hundreds of ways, we’re striving to support you and your business and show that we really are stronger together. We’re proud to be an organisation that has no ongoing membership fees and instead returns our accumulated value to the people at the heart of our business, our Members.
Easy ways to get more back The Capricorn cooperative model is simple. The more Members spend through their trade accounts, the more they get back. So how can you increase the amount you purchase through Capricorn without increasing your overall business expenses? It's as easy as looking in your Capricorn Purple Pages for more than your parts purchases. You can also purchase products and services essential to running a business on your trade account. From stationery and office supplies to safety and PPE, and even your electricity and internet, you can find a range of Preferred Suppliers offering everything a business needs in the Workshop Equipment and Business Essentials section of your Purple Pages. Look for the green and orange tabs next time you pick up your Purple Pages.
QUEENSLAND bossairsuspension.com.au
NATIONAL ultra-vision.com.au
Ultra Vision Lighting is a family-owned business established in regional Victoria in 2004. Ultra Vision designs and manufactures LED lighting for off-road, transportation, mining and agricultural industries. Boss Air Suspension has been designing, manufacturing and supplying Air Bag Load Assist Kits for almost 20 years. Boss Air Suspension sells air bag load assist kits for utes, vans and 4X4s, to help rear suspension support heavy loads or tow heavy trailers. They also supply 12 V & 24 V air compressors, aluminium air tanks, air lines, fittings, gauges and accessories. Boss Air Suspension Airbag Load Assist Kits are designed and manufactured to Boss Air Suspension specifications and for tough Australian conditions. They have a 5 year on- and off-road warranty and a tested burst pressure of over 650 psi, and the beadlock style bolt-on system means they cannot pull apart from their mounting brackets. Contact the Boss Air Suspension team to get the correct kit and advice on custom applications.
SA/NT powerbrakes.com.au Power Brakes has been operating as a family-owned business since 1957, offering a complete brake component spare parts department and a fully equipped workshop that is capable of brake reconditioning of all components.
They manufacture LED driving lights, LED light bars and LED work lamps. Their major brands are Nitro Maxx, Raptor, Dura Vision and Atom.
Power Brakes offers brake component s l e e v i n g , b r a ke s h o e b o n d i n g , drum and disc machining, brake parts manufacturing, brake hoses manufactured to order, brake booster reconditioning and a well-stocked spare parts department.
The team at Ultra Vision are passionate about locally manufacturing products with care, building them for the demands of regional Australia. They ship Australiawide from their warehouse facilities in Swan Hill, Victoria, and Bassendean, Perth .
With stock suiting vehicles from 1942 to 2021, and a combined team experience of 351 years, Power Brakes can help no matter your enquiry.
The products they manufacture are accredited with the Australian Made Campaign.
IT’S 9,000 PLUS AUTO REPAIRERS... ...who have each other’s backs
Join us!
Capricorn Members can access mutual protection that unlike profit driven insurance, is owned by and run for, the same auto repairers who are part of it.
Find out how you’re better off with Capricorn Risk Services. 1800 007 022 | info@capricornrisk.com | capricorn.coop/risk Products sold through Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd (ABN 93 111 632 789) are: (i) discretionary risk protection products issued by Capricorn Mutual Ltd; and (ii) general insurance products issued by a range of insurers and brokered through Capricorn Insurance Services Pty Ltd. Before deciding to acquire any product you should consider the Product Disclosure Statement available from Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd to see if the product is appropriate for you. Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 460893) of Capricorn Mutual Ltd (AFSL 230038) and Capricorn Insurance Services Pty Ltd (AFSL 435197).
CAPRICORN CLASSIFIEDS Classifieds Advertising Guidelines Do you have a business for sale, have equipment that you need to get rid of, or are you just looking for a part that you haven’t been able to find? If the answer is yes, then you should advertise in the Capricorn Classifieds; it’s FREE to do so. See below for details. • The Capricorn Classifieds are for Capricorn Members only to advertise. Payment is to be organised between advertiser and purchaser. • Parts or equipment that relate to your business only may be advertised. • Businesses for sale may be advertised. • Cars for sale cannot be advertised. • Classifieds are on a first come, first served basis.
Mechanical & Tyre Service. 79 Woods Street DONALD VIC 3480 Established business of 29+ years. Prominent position in centre of town, covering large rural area. Plenty of area for growth. WIWO. Building not included. Building Leased Owner Retiring. $145,000 plus stock Phone 03 54971 202 Auto Electrical Business For Sale Armidale Northern NSW Long lease or option to purchase strata premises. Currently two auto electricians very busy. Massive potential. $120k + stock. Owner retiring but available for handover. Phone Richard 0427 751 703 Jaguar/Landrover Wrecking Business for sale, in Outer Eastern Melbourne. Established for 40 years. New and Used parts. All equipment inc Hoists, Forklift, Ford Ute, Shelving/Racking, Tools, Office Computers. $75,000 plus stock Ph: 0427270542 Mechanical Workshop, Woodford Qld Fully equip family business servicing the community since 1995. Well established customer base, large 4 bay shed (long lease available) 3 hoists, office, amenities and wash bay. Enquiries 0408767366 or dawnevandriver@hotmail.com
Depending on the number received, your classified may not appear immediately. • No positions vacant. • No pictures to be submitted. • By submitting the Online Capricorn Classifieds Ad Form, you acknowledge that the price of any goods or services shown is inclusive of GST.
Auto Electrical business in Northern Victoria. Well established business with large customer base. Includes service vehicle, tools, air conditioning equipment. Freehold available. $190,000 plus SAV. Contact Lee 03 5452 1813. Mechanical, Radiator Repair and Parts Supply Business For Sale Gold Coast. Long established, RACQ Approved, Strong Client Base, High Turnover with great potential to expand. Currently managed, also fantastic opportunity for owner operator. Call Alex 0459 424 777 Diesel Fuel Injection Clearance Sale Bosch, Hartridge test benches & tools. CAV, Bosch Zexel, GM Cat spare parts; nozzles, glow plugs filters, service kits, recon fuel pumps & injectors. Engine parts. John 0411 245 131 Business for sale Clermont Motors Central QLD. Includes commercial and 4wd parts, truck and trailer parts, tyres, windscreens, batteries. Customer base consists of mining, farming, grazing, transport and retail clients Growth potential within the region. 1400m purpose built workshop which includes pits, hoists, 3 offices, warehouse, retail display area Email: reception@clermontmotors.com.au
Mechanical Workshop, Alexandra Victoria. Well established business of 10 years with exceptional turnover and profits. WIWO. Rent or freehold options available. All reasonable offers considered. Contact 0409514502 Mechanical Workshop, Yatala Region, QLD 3 Bay fully equipped workshop. Established 1995 with very loyal customer base & various fleet customers. Excellent reputation. New 5 year lease. Phone Alan Minshull 0407 002 148 Mechanical workshop for sale, Port Stephens area NSW. Servicing, repairs, pink/blue slips and more. 5 hoists, well equipped, loyal customer base, long lease. Great location in high-growth town. Email shaznjeff@bigpond.com Automotive Workshop Eastern Suburbs Melbourne. Established business of 35+ years. Mechanical servicing and repairs. Prominent location close to major shopping centre. 4 Hoists & equipment Expression of interest Call Russell 0417339617 Mechanical Workshop for sale, Outer Eastern Melbourne. Specialized in German Cars, Family Business for 30 years, Owner retiring, Huge potential to expand, Long lease available, Call: Klaus 0466527707
How to Advertise in the Capricorn Classifieds
1. Send an email to ignition@capricorn.coop with the following details: your Member number, business name, contact details and details of your advert (no more than 30 words). 2. Capricorn must receive your classified advert by the 16th of the month preceding the publication month. If we have not received your classified advert by this date it will be published in the following month depending on the number of adverts received. 3. Check out your advert and fellow Members’ classifieds in the next edition of Ignition.
Email: ignition@capricorn.coop Publisher's General Disclaimer All information, material and content contained in this edition of Ignition is provided or sourced by Capricorn Society Limited (“Capricorn”) for general information only and is not intended to be advice or comment on any particular matter or subject. Before acting on any information you should consider the relevance of it to your own circumstances and, if necessary, take professional advice. Capricorn makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any material (including, without limitation, any third party supplier advertisement in respect of which Capricorn merely acts as a conduit) included in this edition of Ignition. To the fullest extent permitted by law Capricorn, its officers, employees, agents and representatives disclaim any and all liability to you or any other person for any loss or damage whatsoever connected with: (i) reliance on material in Ignition; or (ii) inaccuracy, error or omission in material in Ignition. Capricorn, Stronger With Capricorn, Ignition, Capricorn Travel, Capricorn Mutual and the boomerangs device are trademarks or registered trademarks of Capricorn. If you have any news or information that you think would be of interest to your fellow members, please send the information to Capricorn via email ignition@capricorn.coop.
Capricorn Society Limited ACN 008 347 313 Postal Address: Locked Bag 3003, West Perth WA 6872 Registered Office Australia: 28 Troode Street, West Perth WA 6005 Phone (08) 6250 9500 General Enquiries 1800 999 233 Members 1800 327 437 Suppliers 1800 005 322
Spot the Difference Find them all and win! 1st Prize: 4,000 points 2nd Prize: 2,000 points
LAST MONTH'S ANSWERS LAST MONTH'S WINNERS 1st Prize - 4,000 points Tim Warren Auto 2nd Prize - 2,000 points OnSite Auto Electrical
Email your answers to ignition@capricorn.coop before the 25th of October. Winners will be selected by a lucky hat draw of correct entries. Please ensure you include your Member number and email address when submitting your entry.
WORD Hunter
Find the 15 words hidden in the jumble. They could be horizontal, vertical, diagonal or backwards. See if you can find them all!
N O I T N E V N O C Hayman Island e v i s u l c x e n r o c i r Cap
22 5 JUNE - 10 JUNE 20