Ignition Magazine Australia | October 2021

Page 9

Well wishes for Capricorn Member Director Russell Becker A famous little bear once said, "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard", which is how we feel saying goodbye to our Member Director, Russell Becker, this month. Russell Becker finishes his tenure as the NSW/ACT Member Director in October 2021 after serving on the Capricorn Board of Directors for a maximum term of 16 years. Russell has been a Capricorn Member since 1991 and was elected to the Board in 2005. Between 2015 and 2019 he also served as Chairman of the Board. During his tenure as a Director, Russell has helped Capricorn to grow membership from 9,000 to over 23,000 in 2021 and has seen annual Member purchases of AU$500 million grow to over AU$2 billion. Under his leadership of the Board, Capricorn has launched new products and services such as Capricorn Service Data, the New Zealand Capricorn Mobil Fuel Card, and the Capricorn Rising Stars Apprentice of the Year competition. 2019 also saw the first year Capricorn paid a Trade Volume Rebate of $5 million back to Members based on Trade Account spend. Passionate about the next horizon of the automotive industry, Russell recently contributed to Capricorn’s State of the Nation 2021 report. In the article he encouraged Capricorn Members to think about training an apprentice for the benefit of the industry. “The industry is a pretty good place. Of course, there are lots of challenges, especially with changes to technology, but I think overall the data tells us the industry is really healthy.” Russell said. Ru s s e l l h a s a l s o b e e n a m e m b e r o f Ca p r i co r n ’ s Remuneration and Nomination Committee and a Director of Capricorn Mutual Ltd and spent time on the Audit and Risk Committee.

Russell will continue to run his successful mechanical repair workshop in Dural and contribute to a number of charity and sporting organisation boards including Special Olympics, junior soccer, and motor sport. From all of us at Capricorn, especially the Capricorn Board, we thank Russell for his commitment and service and wish him all the best in his future endeavours. As another famous saying goes, ‘goodbye for now, but not forever.’

An election for the Member Director to replace Russell will take place from 15 September 2021 to 15 October 2021. More information on the candidates and how to vote can be found by logging into the myCAP Portal at capricorn.coop


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