ne of the many benefits of being a Capricorn Member is complimentary access to Capricorn Service Data which is, without doubt, an incredibly valuable workshop information resource for servicing modern vehicles. Powered by world-leading automotive data providers Autodata, Capricorn Service Data covers more than 34,000 makes and models. This provides Capricorn Members with instant and accurate online service information which would otherwise cost $876 excl. GST per year in subscription fees. A new addition to Capricorn Service Data is the Service Advisor feature. The Service Advisor function gives automotive workshop offices, reception staff and technical staff the ability to quickly and easily find what OEM services are required and what optional work should be recommended for each customer’s vehicle. Capricorn Service Data’s new Service Advisor component also supports easier quoting and repair cost estimating for
customers. After selecting a vehicle within Capricorn Service Data by model in the usual manner, Members can now bring up a one-page view of all replacement intervals and service times. This information includes key parts for services, outlined in plain language. This presents a fantastic opportunity to illustrate to customers what current and upcoming work may be needed. According to Capricorn Automotive CEO Bradley Gannon, Capricorn is always seeking to make operating automotive service and repair businesses more rewarding and efficient for its 20,000 plus Members located across Australia and New Zealand. “The new Service Advisor component to the Capricorn Service Data suite is a timesaving benefit that enables Member technicians to concentrate on their work and help front-of-house staff to easily provide customers with accurate information relating to upcoming service or repair work,” Mr. Gannon said.
The new Service Advisor feature has been optimised to function across both desktop and touchscreen devices, making it easy to present to customers on a tablet, notebook or monitor. This is yet another benefit of membership in Australasia’s largest automotive cooperative that enables automotive businesses to become more efficient and profitable while providing premier customer service.
See for yourself. Login to Capricorn Ser vice Data via to tr y the new Service Advisor feature. To find out more about how you can take advantage of Capricorn Service Data, speak to your Area Manager.