MS Art Gr7U1-Line Drawing

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Drawing Foundation: Line Drawing Project 1: Line Drawing

Aug ~ Oct (9 Weeks)

Unit Objective: To create a line drawing that shows texture and tone. *Composition must include a figure, a background, a middle-ground and a foreground using various line techniques, textures and tones in ink.

Students are evaluated on process, participation as well as end-product. *lessons and assignments may be subject to change due to teacher’s discretion

Unit wiki link:

Week 1 - Van Gogh’s Line

Students are shown line drawings by Van Gogh. Discuss: What techniques were used with line? How was texture created? Do the direction of lines matter? How are shadow and light shown? Task: Students to recreate one of Van Gogh's works on large A3 paper. When complete, students share work to discuss pros/cons, struggles/highlights etc. Homework: View 2 videos on class wiki

Week 2 - Intro to Line

Task 1 (45 mins): Students are introduced to different textural effects that may be done with line through marker. These techniques and effects are then applied to geometric shapes with value and tone added (worksheet to be given in class). Students to view the following video: View reference examples on page 3. Task 2 (30 minutes): Example work from Albrecht Durer & Rembrandt van Rijn Homework: Complete class work

Week 3 - Common Drawing Mistakes

Warm-up: What line techniques are used in this artwork by Van Gogh? Task: Have students practice drawing landscapes or sections of landscapes using line techniques. This should include drawing trees, bushes and clouds with value.When complete, have students critique. -Students view previous student examples for critiques. -View Common Drawing Mistakes and Suggestions ( How will students improve their work? Homework: Students should bring in any reference photos to next class to use in their final summative assessment. See "Choosing and setting the scene" section under week 4.

Week 4 - Composition

-Review Composition ( With this knowledge, you will plan and create your own composition for your summative assessment task (due week 9). The scene can be either inside or outside and will include at least one figure.You MUST collect and use your own photos and pictures as a reference, as well as references made available to you. Frank Curkovic, James McCrory, Mike Mural

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