MS Art Gr7u3-Collage

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Paper Cuts: Collage Project 3: Collage mid Feb ~ mid April (8-10 Weeks) Unit Objective: To brainstorm, develop and create a collage depicting a theme.

Students are evaluated on process, participation as well as end-product. *lessons and assignments may be subject to change due to teacher’s discretion

Unit wiki:

Approaches to Learning: Organisation, Thinking & Reflection Key words: Arrangement, Balance, Collage, Composition, Communication, Community, Decorative, Depth, Design, Mask, Metaphors, Overlap, Service, Space, Stencil, Texture, Theme Class wiki link:

Week 1 - Introduction Distribute unit packs to be put in folders. AOI: How do we live in relation to others? As a class, brainstorm and discuss. Unit Question: How do we visually communicate a concept or theme? Brainstorm in small groups and record your answers in your developmental workbooks. Please title and date your work. Be prepared to share your answers. Compare and contrast 2 works of art: Romare Bearden’s "Back Home" (1970) & Ariel’s "None Had Your Rhythms" (2006). How are they similar and different? What concept or story is the artist telling or trying to convey? Discuss Unit Concept: Collage/cut paper can be used to create and express meaning, statement, memory or story. View Collage Slideshow: In this unit, you will be creating a cut paper/collage piece examining our unit question and connecting it to our Area of Interaction on Community and Service (How do we live in relation to others?). Frank Curkovic & James McCrory


Paper Cuts: Collage Choose a theme from below and begin brainstorming the topic, exploring various avenues. This is an important step as it will help you develop ideas, motifs, symbols, resources etc. Your brainstorm will be used in your evaluation and you should add to it throughout the weeks. Begin brainstorming your theme now. Possible Themes: • Community • Culture clash/converging cultures • Change • Imperialism • Revolution • Transformation • Renaissance • Industrialisation Homework: Continue with your brainstorm and preview the Matisse slideshow under week 2 on the class wiki for the next lesson. (Required)

Week 2 - Matisse Have some students share their brainstorms from previous lesson. View the following slideshow on Matisse. As you view, discuss any views you may have regarding the work, techniques used, shapes, colours etc. Students create their own small collage in the style of Matisse exploring an aspect from their brainstorm. What shapes, representations and colours etc. could be used? Homework: Complete Matisse collage. Gather images from newspapers/magazines that may connect to your brainstorm. (Required)

Week 3 - Research/ Experimentation / Planning

Review Rubric Students should begin researching their theme. You are not creating your final composition yet! Explore the various avenues you brainstormed. You may need to do some background research for your topic. What will be your internet search terms? Make notes regarding your theme and collect pictures to use as reference. All these items should be organised in your developmental workbook neatly with appropriate titles, references and dates. Drafting sketches to assist your ideas is permitted. Your research will be evaluated! Some areas to consider: Symbols, Metaphors, Colour, Types of paper, Decorative elements Homework: As required

Week 4 & 5 - Research/ Experimentation / Planning

cont'd - Students may wish to explore/experiment with collage techniques as well. Homework: As required

Week 6, 7, 8, 9 - Final Project

Students begin creating their summative piece Homework: As required

Week 10 - Presentation & Reflection Frank Curkovic & James McCrory


Attach photo here

Paper Cuts: Collage

You will need to include an artist statement and self reflection with your piece. In paragraph form, please include the following information as well as key vocabulary used in class. (Note: Each number below should be a new paragraph.) 1. Briefly, describe your composition. 2. Describe your theme and how you decided to depict and create your collage. What images, symbols etc. were used and why? 3. Describe your progress when planning and the difficulties you had in this project. Provide examples to support your statements. 4. What do you think you have learned, or improved on? Provide examples to support your statements. 5. If you had to repeat this project, what would you improve on, do differently and why? Provide examples to support your statements. Name:


Composition title:

Frank Curkovic & James McCrory


Frank Curkovic & James McCrory


Student Self-Evaluation / Teacher Evaluation Grade 7 Project 3: Collage MYP Unit Question: How do we visually communicate a concept or theme? Significant Concept: Collage/cut paper can be used to create and express meaning, statement, memory or story. Level 0

Level 1-2

Level 3-4

Level 5-6

Level 7-8

Level 9-10

A. Knowledge & Understanding (as evident in brainstorms, sketches, plans etc.) The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors listed.

A1: The student shows limited awareness with a limited brainstorm and draft sketches and digital draft compositions which show limited signs of limited modification.

A1: The student shows satisfactory awareness through a brainstorm and draft sketches and digital draft compositions which show satisfactory signs of modification.

A1: The student shows good awareness through a well explored brainstorm and with at least 2 draft sketches and digital draft compositions which show good signs of modification.

A1: The student shows excellent awareness through a well explored brainstorm and with at least 2 draft sketches and digital draft compositions which show excellent signs of modification and development.

A2: The student shows limited ability to relate research and processes (sketches) to influence their work.

A2: The student demonstrates some basic language of the arts and a satisfactory ability to relate research and processes (sketches) to influence their work.

A2: The student uses the basic language of the arts and has a good ability to relate research and processes (sketches) to influence their work.

A2: The student uses the basic language of the arts and has an excellent ability to relate research and processes (sketches) to influence their work.

A3: The student is able to develop a limited ability to to relate elements and context (theme) to their own work.

A3: The student is occasionally able to relate elements and context (theme) to their own work.

A3: The student has a general ability to relate elements and context (theme) to their own work.

A3: The student has an excellent ability to relate elements and context (theme) to their own work.

B1: The student has a highly limited ability create a well balanced, attractive and thematic composition.

B1: The student has a limited ability to create a well balanced, attractive and thematic composition.

B1: The student is able to create a well balanced, thematic composition in a satisfactory manner.

B1: The student is able to create a good, wellconsidered, balanced, thematic composition.

B1: The student is able to successfully create a well considered, balanced, thematic composition.

B1: The student shows a highly limited proficiency in using decorative, symbolic and/or thematic elements.

B1: The student shows a limited proficiency in using decorative, symbolic and/or thematic elements.

B1: The student shows a satisfactory proficiency in using decorative, symbolic and/or thematic elements.

B1: The student shows a good proficiency in using decorative, symbolic and/or thematic elements.

B1: The student shows an excellent proficiency in using decorative, symbolic and/or thematic elements.

B2: The student’s technical skills (cutting, arranging, layout, glueing etc.) are highly limited.

B2: The student’s technical skills (cutting, arranging, layout, glueing etc.) are limited.

B2: The student has satisfactory technical skills (cutting, arranging, layout, glueing etc.)

B2: The student has good technical skills (cutting, arranging, layout, glueing etc.).

B2: The student has excellent technical skills (cutting, arranging, layout, glueing etc.).

B. Application The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors listed.

Frank Curkovic & James McCrory


Level 0

Level 1-2

Level 3-4

Level 5-6

Level 7-8

Level 9-10

C. Reflection & Evaluation The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors listed.

C1: The student shows a limited ability to identify or describe their own progress.

C1: The student is able to give a satisfactory description of their own progress.

C1: The student is able to give a good description of their own progress and identify areas that have been easy or challenging.

C1: The student is able to give an excellent description of their own progress and identify areas that have been particularly easy or challenging.

C2: The student shows a limited ability to identify either strengths or weaknesses in their own work, and this is often ineffective or incomplete.

C2: The student is occasionally able to identify either strengths or weaknesses in their own work, although this may be ineffective or incomplete.

C2: The student is generally able to identify strengths and weaknesses in their own work.

C2: The student can competently identify strengths and weaknesses in their own work.

C3: The student receives feedback constructively.

C3: The student receives feedback constructively.

C3: The student C3: The student receives feedback in receives feedback. a limited way. D. Artistic Awareness & Personal Engagement The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors listed.

D1: The student shows limited commitment in using artistic processes.

D1: The student shows satisfactory commitment in using artistic processes.

D1: The student shows good commitment in using artistic processes.

D1: The student shows commitment in using artistic processes.

D2: The student shows limited curiosity, selfmotivation and a willingness to take risks.

D2: The student occasionally shows some curiosity, or selfmotivation or a willingness to take some risks.

D2: The student generally shows some curiosity, selfmotivation or a willingness to take risks.

D2: The student demonstrates curiosity, selfmotivation or a willingness to take risks.

D3: The student works with peers only with direction or with much encouragement.

D3: The student generally works with peers in a positive way, with encouragement.

D3: The student usually works with peers in a positive way, with little encouragement.

D3: The student supports, encourages and works with peers in a positive way.

Student Comments (optional):

Frank Curkovic & James McCrory


Student Self-Evaluation / Teacher Evaluation Grade 7 Project 3: Collage MYP Unit Question: How do we visually communicate a concept or theme? Significant Concept: Collage/cut paper can be used to create and express meaning, statement, memory or story. Level 0

Level 1-2

Level 3-4

Level 5-6

Level 7-8

Level 9-10

A. Knowledge & Understanding (as evident in brainstorms, sketches, plans etc.) The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors listed.

A1: The student shows limited awareness with a limited brainstorm and draft sketches and digital draft compositions which show limited signs of limited modification.

A1: The student shows satisfactory awareness through a brainstorm and draft sketches and digital draft compositions which show satisfactory signs of modification.

A1: The student shows good awareness through a well explored brainstorm and with at least 2 draft sketches and digital draft compositions which show good signs of modification.

A1: The student shows excellent awareness through a well explored brainstorm and with at least 2 draft sketches and digital draft compositions which show excellent signs of modification and development.

A2: The student shows limited ability to relate research and processes (sketches) to influence their work.

A2: The student demonstrates some basic language of the arts and a satisfactory ability to relate research and processes (sketches) to influence their work.

A2: The student uses the basic language of the arts and has a good ability to relate research and processes (sketches) to influence their work.

A2: The student uses the basic language of the arts and has an excellent ability to relate research and processes (sketches) to influence their work.

A3: The student is able to develop a limited ability to to relate elements and context (theme) to their own work.

A3: The student is occasionally able to relate elements and context (theme) to their own work.

A3: The student has a general ability to relate elements and context (theme) to their own work.

A3: The student has an excellent ability to relate elements and context (theme) to their own work.

B1: The student has a highly limited ability create a well balanced, attractive and thematic composition.

B1: The student has a limited ability to create a well balanced, attractive and thematic composition.

B1: The student is able to create a well balanced, thematic composition in a satisfactory manner.

B1: The student is able to create a good, wellconsidered, balanced, thematic composition.

B1: The student is able to successfully create a well considered, balanced, thematic composition.

B1: The student shows a highly limited proficiency in using decorative, symbolic and/or thematic elements.

B1: The student shows a limited proficiency in using decorative, symbolic and/or thematic elements.

B1: The student shows a satisfactory proficiency in using decorative, symbolic and/or thematic elements.

B1: The student shows a good proficiency in using decorative, symbolic and/or thematic elements.

B1: The student shows an excellent proficiency in using decorative, symbolic and/or thematic elements.

B2: The student’s technical skills (cutting, arranging, layout, glueing etc.) are highly limited.

B2: The student’s technical skills (cutting, arranging, layout, glueing etc.) are limited.

B2: The student has satisfactory technical skills (cutting, arranging, layout, glueing etc.)

B2: The student has good technical skills (cutting, arranging, layout, glueing etc.).

B2: The student has excellent technical skills (cutting, arranging, layout, glueing etc.).

B. Application The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors listed.

Frank Curkovic & James McCrory


Level 0

Level 1-2

Level 3-4

Level 5-6

Level 7-8

Level 9-10

C. Reflection & Evaluation The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors listed.

C1: The student shows a limited ability to identify or describe their own progress.

C1: The student is able to give a satisfactory description of their own progress.

C1: The student is able to give a good description of their own progress and identify areas that have been easy or challenging.

C1: The student is able to give an excellent description of their own progress and identify areas that have been particularly easy or challenging.

C2: The student shows a limited ability to identify either strengths or weaknesses in their own work, and this is often ineffective or incomplete.

C2: The student is occasionally able to identify either strengths or weaknesses in their own work, although this may be ineffective or incomplete.

C2: The student is generally able to identify strengths and weaknesses in their own work.

C2: The student can competently identify strengths and weaknesses in their own work.

C3: The student receives feedback constructively.

C3: The student receives feedback constructively.

C3: The student C3: The student receives feedback in receives feedback. a limited way.

D. Artistic Awareness & Personal Engagement The student does not reach a standard described by any of the descriptors listed.

D1: The student shows limited commitment in using artistic processes.

D1: The student shows satisfactory commitment in using artistic processes.

D1: The student shows good commitment in using artistic processes.

D1: The student shows commitment in using artistic processes.

D2: The student shows limited curiosity, selfmotivation and a willingness to take risks.

D2: The student occasionally shows some curiosity, or selfmotivation or a willingness to take some risks.

D2: The student generally shows some curiosity, selfmotivation or a willingness to take risks.

D2: The student demonstrates curiosity, selfmotivation or a willingness to take risks.

D3: The student works with peers only with direction or with much encouragement.

D3: The student generally works with peers in a positive way, with encouragement.

D3: The student usually works with peers in a positive way, with little encouragement.

D3: The student supports, encourages and works with peers in a positive way.

Teacher Notes/Comments:

Parent Signature: Parent Comments (optional):

Frank Curkovic & James McCrory



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