MS Art Gr8U1-Perspective

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My Surrealist Room:Perspective Drawing in Project 1: Perspective Aug ~ Oct (9 Weeks)

Unit Objective: To create a Surrealist artwork in one or two point perspective.

Students are evaluated on process, participation as well as end-product. *lessons and assignments may be subject to change due to teacher’s discretion

Unit wiki link: Key Vocabulary: Perspective Horizon Surrealism Realism Illusion Vanishing point Eye level Overlapping 3D Crates

Week 1 - Introduction to One Point Perspective -Students are introduced to one point perspective -Students draw a room in one point perspective with furniture Homework: Complete drawing your room. Tutorial videos available on class wiki.

Week 2 - Surrealism -Review previous lesson. Have Ss share their homework and discuss. Warm up: Using the crate technique, quickly draw a chair. Task 1: Students given the 2 prints to look at in pairs to discuss (5mins). What do you see? -View videos in class and in small groups, brainstorm “Surrealism” Task 2: Students continue practicing adding more furniture to their room. Students share work to critique. Homework: View photo links on class wiki

Week 3 - Introduction to Two Point Perspective

Task 1: Interpret artwork by Tetsuya Ishida and Giorgio de Chirico Task 2: Tutorial video/drawing on Two Point Perspective Homework: Complete your 2 point perspective drawing and watch video on class wiki.

Week 4 - Planning

Frank Curkovic

Task 1: View previous student work to critique Task 2: Planning phase of work -You will need to carefully plan your work.You will create a large composition either in marker, coloured pencil or in tempera paint. -Will you have a theme or statement for your work (i.e. alienation, loneliness, advertising, religion etc.).

My Surrealist Room: Drawing in Perspective -Decide if you will use one point or two point perspective. Will it be a room or landscape? Interior or exterior? -Brainstorm some ideas for your work. It is normal to often create several sketches to try out your ideas. -Will your paper be placed portrait or landscape? Where will your horizon line be placed (low, eye-level or high)? What items will be in the room? What structures will be in your landscape? Where will they be placed? Will you change their sizes? Will you incorporate symbolism? -What surrealist elements will you incorporate (refer to paintings by Magritte, Dali and other Surrealist artists). -Jot ideas down on your planning sheet. -Visualize the scene in your head. -Discuss your ideas with another student. Review rubric. Students may begin drafting their final piece if a planned sketch was provided. This should be done lightly in HB pencil. Homework: Have plan and planned sketch completed by next class

Week 5 - Project Students continue drafting out their layout. Homework: No homework is given in the next 4 weeks as students are permitted to use the art room during lunch hour or after school as they see fit to work on their compositions. Watch video on class wiki (optional).

Week 6 - Project

Students continue working on their project. Pencil work should finish this week. Homework: (as in week 5)

Week 7 - Project

Students continue working on their project and should be on the colour stage. Teacher to demo coloring techniques if required. Students should consider tone and value to show shadow. Homework: (as in week 5)

Week 8 - Project

Final week for students to complete work. Homework: Art work due next week!

Week 9 - Presentation & Evaluation -Student self-reflection & teacher evaluation

Frank Curkovic

My Surrealist Room:


Attach photo here

Name: Composition title:

Frank Curkovic

You will need to include an artist statement/self reflection with your piece. In paragraph form, please include the following information as well as key vocabulary used in class. Describe your composition. Describe how you incorporated Surrealist elements into your picture. Describe the difficulties and successful elements you had in this drawing. What do you think you have learned, or improved on in this project? If you had to repeat this project, what would you improve on or do differently and why? Class:

Frank Curkovic

Grade 8 Project 1: My Surrealist Room Unit Objective: To create a Surrealist artwork in one or two point perspective Level 0

Level 1-2

Level 3-4

Level 5-6

Level 7-8

Level 9-10

Knowledge & Understanding The student demonstrates very limited knowledge of the artform studied.

The student demonstrates limited knowledge of the artform studied.

The student has a very limited understanding of topic language, concepts and processes that support their current work.

The student has limited understanding of topic language, concepts and processes that support their current work.

The student demonstrates a satisfactory awareness of the artform studied as evident in their developmental workbook.

The student demonstrates a good awareness of the artform studied as evident in their developmental workbook.

The student demonstrates an excellent awareness of the artform studied as evident in their developmental workbook.

The student has a good knowledge of topic language and a good understanding of the concepts and processes that support their current work.

The student has well developed topic language and an excellent understanding of the concepts and processes that support their current work.

The student has considered one-point or two-point perspective and addressed it a limited level.

The student has considered one-point or two-point perspective and addressed it at a satisfactory level.

The student shows good skill in using onepoint or two-point perspective.

The student shows an excellent proficiency in using one-point or two-point perspective.

Composition techniques are applied at a limited level with some indication of planning. There is an emerging proficiency in applying Surrealist elements.

The composition has some indication of planning.

There is a well planned composition with Surrealist elements efficiently employed at a good level of proficiency.

There is a carefully planned and balanced composition with an effective ability to employ Surrealist elements.

The drawing is appropriate for the task.

The drawing addresses the purpose and shows a high level of creativity.

The student has satisfactory understanding of topic language and a satisfactory understanding of the concepts and processes that support their current work.

Application The student has not addressed one-point or two-point perspective level. There are no attempts at creating composition and no indication of planning. The drawing is inappropriate for the task.

The student has addressed one-point or two-point perspective at a very limited level. Composition techniques are applied at a very limited level with no indication of planning. There are inappropriate attempts at Surrealist elements. The drawing is inappropriate for the task.

The drawing has limited expression for the task.

There are indications of Surrealist elements. The drawing is satisfactory for the task.

Reflection & Evaluation The student records his or her artistic development and processes with very little reflection and carries out a very limited evaluation of his or her work.

The student records his or her artistic development and processes with little reflection and carries out a limited evaluation of his or her work.

The student reflects on the progress they have made and carried out a satisfactory evaluation though some aspects may be unrealistic or incomplete. The student attempts to use feedback in their artistic development and processes with guidance.

The student critically reflects and describes the progress they have made at different stages of their work and carries out a good evaluation by identifying some strengths and weaknesses in their work with some examples.

The student critically reflects and describes the progress they have made at different stages of their work and carries out an excellent evaluation by identifying strengths and weaknesses in their work with several examples.

The student uses feedback in their development and processes with little guidance, which informs his or her artistic development and processes.

The student intentionally uses feedback in their development with appropriate consideration of his or her artistic processes.

The student shows good commitment in using his or her own artistic processes.

The student shows excellent commitment in using his or her own artistic processes and skills.

Personal Engagement The student shows very limited commitment in using his or her own artistic processes. The student demonstrates very limited curiosity, selfmotivation, initiative and a willingness to take informed risks.

The student shows limited commitment in using his or her own artistic processes. The student demonstrates limited curiosity, selfmotivation, initiative and a willingness to take informed risks.

Comments (if any):

Frank Curkovic

The student shows satisfactory commitment in using his or her own artistic processes. The student demonstrates satisfactory curiosity, selfmotivation, initiative and a willingness to take informed risks.

The student generally demonstrates curiosity, self-motivation, initiative and a willingness to take informed risks.

The student actively demonstrates curiosity, self-motivation, independence, initiative and a willingness to take informed risks.

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