Free planning tools for setting up a business - Negotiating Skills
! Negotiating skills ! Scotwork ! ! Top 5 tips for preparing to negotiate: i.
Make sure you set aside time to prepare. Even if it is only 10 minutes between receiving a phone call and having to return it, some preparation is better than none.
ii. Think about an agenda for the negotiation. What are the issues on the table? It may be valuable to set the agenda prior to the meeting commencing so that both sides can prepare effectively. iii. If you are about to negotiate on a set piece issue think about taking along a team with you. The team should be prepared effectively and have set roles. A well drilled team creates an advantage when the meeting begins. iv. Practice your response. In your team think about how you will respond to the various 'plays' that the other side might make. Spend time developing 'what if' responses to how the other side may play their agenda. v.
Test any contentious issues with stakeholders. Make sure you have the authority and backing to take any tough decisions you may need to take.
! ! Who Makes a Good Negotiator?: !
For almost 40 years we have been helping clients define how their organisations can benefit from improved negotiation skills. A question we get asked over and over is who makes a good negotiator? What traits and skills do they possess? Watch the videos below to find out what these traits are. Find good videos below - loads of 2 minute snippets of how to become a good negotiator advice.
7 Deadly sins of negotiating Loads of videos on this page about how people go wrong in negotiating and how to avoid it Courses Do you want to develop your existing negotiating skills, learn new skills and techniques, gain confidence in handling difficult conflicts and achieve measurably better deals? Scotwork negotiation courses allow participants to: • Understand the structure underlying all negotiations • Identify the appropriate skills used in negotiations
• Practise these skills in a constructive learning environment • Deliver a measurable improvement in performance. Our negotiation training courses are unique. They produce behaviour change and deliver a measurable improvement in performance. We do this through intensive and enjoyable skills coaching, delivered by engaging expert practitioners.
Growing business - 10 steps to better negotiating skills
! Explaination of each of these points in the website but worth noting/taking a look at! -Preparation is everything
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-Tailor your response -Listen carefully -Be mentally prepared -Discuss, don’t sell -Take some time out -Understand your position… …and get to know theirs -Everyone’s a winner -Objection handling