Wedding 2013 vol 1

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2013Makeuptrends S ty l eexclus iv e Ther unwaysofChanelandGucci ,andcel ebr i t yf as hi oni s t asl i keKi m Kar das hi anandJenni f erLopezar e s et t i ngt hi ss eas on' sbr i dalmakeupt r ends .Thi ss eas ont r adi t i onall ooksar egi v i ngwayt obol dand dar i ngmakeup( whodoes n’ twantaJLogl ow? ! ) . Thi ss eas on' sbr i desar ecal l i ngf orf l awl es s ,gl owi ngs ki nf ort hei rdr eam day.Ai r br us hmakeupi scut t i ng edget echnol ogyandi nhi ghdemand.I t ' st heeas i es twayt ocr eat eaper f ectcompl ex i on.Al i ght wei ght al t er nat i v et oat r adi t i onalf oundat i on,i thasout s t andi ng,l ongl as t i ngr es ul t sandf eel sl i keyouar e wear i ngnot hi ngatal l ,apar tf r om yourf abul ouswhi t egownt hati s .Ai r br us hi nggi v esyout hef l ex i bi l i t yt o bui l dt hecov er age,cont ourands cul pt .Goodcov er aget hatl ooksandf eel snat ur ali snotonl yappeal i ng t omakeupar t i s t s ,butt obr i desaswel l . Mov eov erdi amonds ,t hi ss eas onf al s i esar eagi r l ' sbes tf r i end!Whet heryouchoos es t r i pl as hesorl as h ex t ens i ons ,t heyaddacl as s i cel egancet oanyl ook.Las heshav ecomeal ongwayov ert heyyear s ,ar e v er yl i ght wei ghtandf l ex i bl eandar eof t enmadef r om nat ur alhai r ss uchasmi nk. Mor eandmor ebr i deswants ex ys mokeyeyesf ort hei rweddi ng.Ther ear emanyv ar i at i onsoft he t r adi t i onalbl ackandgr eys mokeyeye.Foral es sdr amat i cef f ect ,gowi t hgol ds ,br onz esanddeep br ownsf oras of t erf i ni s ht hats t i l ldel i v er st hatgl am f act or . Wear es eei ngt wot ypesofl i pst hi ss eas on:bol dbl oodr edandcr anber r yl i psi nmat t ef i ni s hesandt he “ j us tbi t t en”nat ur all ook.Li ps t ai nsar ehott hi ss eas on,goopygl os s yl i psar enot . Whet heryou' r egoi ngf orav i nt ageHol l ywoodl ookorwantas unki s s edgol dengoddes s ,makes ur et o doat r i alr unwi t hyourmakeupar t i s tf ort hebes tr es ul t s .

wr it tenbyJe s sicaCh urch er

Wi t hov er8year sex per i enceasapr of es s i onalmakeupar t i s ts hei sknownf orheradv anceds ki l l si n cr eat i ngf l awl es scompl ex i ons .Shehasanex t ens i v ebackgr oundwor ki ngwi t hi nt hel ux ur ycos met i c i ndus t r y,ons eti nt het v /f i l mi ndus t r yofVancouv er ,andnowwi t hi nt hebr i dali ndus t r yofNanai mo.

$3500 Et er nal 8 hour sofpr of es s i onalphot ogr aphy Di gi t alcopyoff ul l yedi t ed i mages Ful lpr i nt i ng per mi s s i on 10x 10 20 page,10 s pr ead f l us h mountphot ogr aphi cal bum 2 8x 8 20 page,10 s pr ead f l us h mountpar ental bums Cus t om s l i des how Phot o boot h Engagements es s i on ( $5700 v al ue) $2800 Ev er l as t i ng 10 hour sofpr of es s i onalphot ogr aphy Di gi t alcopyoff ul l yedi t ed i mages Ful lpr i nt i ng per mi s s i on 10x 10 40 page,20 s pr ead f l us h mountphot ogr aphi cal bum Cus t om s l i des how Engagements es s i on ( $5300 v al ue) $2200 Ador e 8 hour sofpr of es s i onalphot ogr aphy Di gi t alcopyoff ul l yedi t ed i mages Ful lpr i nt i ng per mi s s i on 10x 10 20 page,10 s pr ead f l us h mountphot ogr aphi cal bum Cus t om s l i des how Engagements es s i on ( $3500 v al ue) $1800 Cher i s h 4 hour sphot ogr aphy Di gi t alcopyoff ul l yedi t ed i mages Ful lpr i nt i ng per mi s s i on 8x 8 20 page,10 s pr ead f l us h mountabl um ( $2000 v al ue)

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