Droplet | Animation Bible

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Based on the original character by Ingrid Rovira All images by Caramel Š 2017





Main Characters


Episodic Characters


Other Characters


The World Tech Specs






Droplet is the son of the Sky and the Salty Sea. He’s small, sensitive and optimistic. His curiosity to discover his own place in nature will be what starts his adventures inside and outside the sea. Throughout the series Droplet will discover his transforming powers on nature and will learn to collaborate with his new friends to preserve the environment and work towards the common good.


Droplet’s adventures are auto-conclusive stories aimed at preschool audiences and made as entertaintment as well as environmental education. In each chapter Droplet will run into a anthropogenic problem (negative impact on the environment caused by man) often depicted as a monster. But he will also meet characters to befriend and who will help him solve the problem set in the chapter.


To face the adversities, Droplet can also count on his ability to change state. Being formed by water he can become solid, liquid or gaseous at will. So he can roll as a snowflake, swim into the depths of the sea as a drop or fly through the sky as a cloud. In an almost omnipresent way, Father Sky and Mother Sea will always be there to advise and protect Droplet when they consider necessary. Throughout the series Droplet will discover his nature, his ability to make a positive impact on the environment and the value of cooperation to achieve common goals. Through the stories, the protagonist and the audience will learn the basics of nature (animal and plant species, their environment and behavior) as well as the incidence that man causes on this ecosystem and how to reduce its negative impact.


Droplet Droplet is the main character of the show. He is the son of the Sky and the Salty Sea. He is sensitive, optimist, honest and adventurous. He can change state at will: solid, liquid or gaseous. His mission is to preserve the environment while helping us improve our habits. First, though, like the young viewers, he will have to discover how nature works and which problems are present.





Mummy Sea & Daddy Sky Father Sky and Mother Sea are Droplet’s parents. They are his point of reference, but won’t intervene if they don’t consider it strictly necessary. They are lovely and generous, even a bit distant they are always available for his son.


Ep.01 FRIENDS In episode 1 Droplet will meet three animals that live together in a sewer. They are dirty and a bit deranged. They suffer the problem of pollution, suffering from all the waste that ends up thrown into the sea. They are who show Droplet who Monster Po is.


Octopus He is the spokesman of the group and the least deranged. He’s fearful and wears a dirty tin as a hat.

Crab He’s funny and quite nervous. Moves fast and is always ringing his tweezers arms raised.

Seagull She’s the most deranged by the pollution. No longer can fly and only moves her neck hysterically.

Ep.01 VILLAIN Monster Po It’s a monster created by the pollution from the city. It feeds with the smoke coming out from cars and factories. As the villain of the first episode it represents a general anthropogenic problem (the polluting agents of the environment) facilitating the understanding os the show’s dynamics.

Small Pos They are Monster Po’s children, small pollution clouds that can come out from any chimney or exhaust pipe.




Under the sea The context of the show is basically the natural environment and the marine one in particular has a central presence. While the action does not take place in any specific location, each chapter will be contextualized in one of the existing seas or oceans to be able to show concrete flora, fauna and anthropogenic problems that are coherent with the educational value of the show. 22


Out of the sea The marine context will be complemented with other natural land and urban settings to be able to appreciate the contrast between the environment and the human footprint.


Season chapters x Episode length 39 x 7’ Target Preschool 0-3 y.o. Genre Adventures / Educational Lenguage English Animation style Digital 2D



as a responsible entertainment product, taking into account a modern look and narrative, to capture kid’s attention, but also with constructive themes and content that promote a responsible education. These contents could be translated into three sections: Natural environment: Basic knowledge of the environment that the kids will develop later in the school curriculum: flora, fauna, ecosystem, landscape, climate. Environmental responsibility: The human action on the environment and its consequences, the encouragement of its preservation. Ethical values: Conscience of the environment, individual responsibility, cooperation.


DROPLET’S POINT OF VIEW To narrate the adventures and discover these previously mentioned aspects, the show presents an innocent, curious and adventurous protagonist.

Droplet is part of this environment that we want to talk about, because he’s a drop of water. And that is not any element, it is one essential for the ecosystem’s life. As a newborn, his innocence and curiosity puts him at the same level of his audience (0-3 year olds) thus creating a relationship of equals perfect for discovering together the passion for knowledge and the emotion for adventure.




www.droplet.cat 34

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