Car and Leisure Issue 57

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Inside... Car & Leisure Buyer’s Guide

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28 58 14 44


Managing Editor Ewald van Zyl 082 569 2318 Deputy Editor Reuben van Niekerk 082 837 8801 Junior Staff Writer Johan Keyter 083 310 0936

MOTORING Launched: Kia Soul Nissan 370Z Volkswagen Golf 6 GTI Land Rover Armoured Mercedes Benz E-Class

20 22 24 26 28

Featured: BMW Z4 & Sea Doo RXT iS 255 Fiat Engine Technology Ford Focus

14 32 36

Tested: Chevrolet Lumina SS


MARINE Launched: Safety on the high seas Featured: Yamaha Waverunners Heesen Man of Steel Future by design Mercury Verado outboards



Contributor Mark Jones Art & Graphic Design Lynne-Mari Vos 082 592 8445 Photography,, Amoré Augustyn MARKETING & ADVERTISING Willem v.d. Merwe 082 530 0917 012 548 1505 SUBSCRIPTIONS 012 548 1505 ACCOUNTS

40 44 48 50

MOTORCYCLES Launched: Suzuki GSX-R1000 K9 Yamaha FZ6R

52 56

Tested: Kawasaki motorcycle technology Honda motorcycle airbag

58 60

Account Manager Loune van Zyl 083 273 5674 Published monthly by Van Zyl Publishers cc PO Box 83775, Doornpoort, 0017 Suite 2, Apple Leaf Office Park, Montana Street, Montana Park Tel: 012 548 1505 Fax: 086 672 7739

BUYERS GUIDE See the various special offers and discounts from our approved dealers. Copyright Opinions expressed in articles, news and views or in advertisements appearing in Car & Leisure are those of the Author, advertiser and do not reflect those of this journal nor it’s publisher. The mention of specific companies, people, photos or products in articles or advertisements, does not imply that they are endorsed by this publication. Some manoeuvres are extreme and we do not recommend that you attempt any said manoeuvre as portrayed in this publication without professional instruction. Car & Leisure cannot be held responsible for any injury, loss or damage of any kind whatsoever.

Issue 57 Car & Leisure



Death Of The Manual Gearshift


s a true petrol head I always

Cupra team have opted for the DSG gearbox

maybe only true for a tiny percent of the driving

enjoyed driving manual cars, they


population that have lightning fast reactions

give the true feeling of being in control of the vehicle and always

The M-DCT gearbox first seen in the M3 and now available in other BMW models is lightning

and permanently wear their racing overalls and helmets. The problem is that while there is extensive

ensuring that the car is at the right place in the

fast in the way it changes gears and can be

rev range to pull strongly, be it to overtake or

setup in a number of ways depending on how

Research and Development going into the devel-

pull out of a corner.

the driver feels like driving the car that day.

opment of automatic gearboxes, the develop-

The bonus with gearboxes like this is they often

ment of manual gearboxes is mostly standing

come with a launch control function too.


But for myself and many others who have to suffer through the daily grind that is rush hour, automatic gearboxes are becoming more and more popular.

And just look at the Porsche pricelist and you

This is why I believe that in the not too dis-

will see that almost all their models are now

tant future the so called automatic gearboxes

available with their PDK gearbox, which is a

are going to become so good that a manual

were told that worldwide 57 percent of sports-

similar dual clutch setup to Volkswagens DSG

transmission simply wont be able to compare

cars sold were equipped with an automatic gear-

and just as effective. The big surprise is how


box of sorts. In the 370Z the automatic variant

effective these gearboxes have been on the op-

is only fractionally slower than its manual

tions checklist.

Recently on the launch of the Nissan 370Z we

counterpart, a small price to pay for everyday comfort I think. Another iconic vehicle that was launched in its 6th generation this month is the Volkswagen Golf 6 GTI, the DSG gearbox option available in this model is one of the best types of automatic gearboxes available. This gives the driver the comfort of an auto but the exact same performance as the manual from 0 – 100 km/h, with the DSG only really out in the top speed department, where it is a whole 2 km/h slower. The DSG gearbox offers lightning fast gearchanges both up and down through the box. When accelerating, for instance, in third gear, fourth has already been pre-selected. The only difference is that while third gear’s clutch is closed, fourth’s is open. The advantage, of course, is that when the time arrives to actually upshift, it’s a simple matter of disengaging one clutch and engaging the other; no actual gear movement needs be made. It’s this elimination of the gear selection process that makes it so rapid. Clutch actuation is a relatively simple and quick process compared with moving gears around. It’s why these double-clutch transmissions are so much speedier than either manual gearboxes or the single-clutch automated versions such as BMW’s SMG. Acceleration is quicker because there’s less of a pause between gears, and the entire process adds more control since gear selection is so precise. This gearbox, like many, also does still offer a element of driver involvement as gears can be changed by pushing or pulling on the lever or using the F1 style paddles. Even in racing applications the manual gearbox is dying out, any proper rally car uses a sequential gearbox, while Formula One has the paddle shift steering wheel system and even World Touring car contenders such as the SEAT 57 Car & Leisure 04 Issue

Yes there is still that school of thought that believes a human will always be able to do things better than a computer, but that is

Enjoy our technology issue...cheers Reuben van Niekerk


Introducing the new FordBantam. The bakkie that works harder than any other creature on earth. Now available in the smoothest diesel engine in its category, the 1.4 TDCi. The DuraTorq TDCi engine develops 50 kW and 160 Nm, while returning a fuel consumption fi gure of 19.6km/l.* Also available in 1.3 and 1.6 RoCam petrol engines. *Manufacturer’s fi gure.

Motoring news Touring In Style


re you looking for a vehicle that is practical, sporty, and offers modern saloon comfort? Well of course, anyone

Exclusivity Is Key


ontinuing on their successful M3 range, BMW unveils the new BMW M3 Edition Models, an exclusive variation of

Sporty Spunk


ith the launch of the Renault Twingo earlier this year Reno fans in South Africa were

would, but there isn’t an especially wide

the popular sports car. Based on the M3

treated to a zesty and practical new small

range to choose from out there. And that

coupe, the M3 Edition Models offers a

car. But there is more good news for

is why BMW introduced the new BMW 5

range of four highly individual cars for

Renault fanatics in South Africa with the

series Gran Turismo, a car which defines

the true M3 connoisseur. These models

launch of the new Twingo RS sport model.

a brand new segment in the automobile

will boast perfectly harmonised modifica-

With the launch of the Twingo RS, Renault

world. The BMW 5 series is a combina-

tions in body design and interior features

claims a wider variety of people can

tion of elegance, space and comfort and

and will be available in four new exclusive

experience the thrill of owning a Renault

this future-orientated extension of the

colour schemes namely, Alpine White,

Sport model. The RS combines modern

BMW 5 series is quite unique in the upper

Black, Dakar Yellow and Monte Carlo

styling and youthful spunk with track-

middle vehicle segment. The 5 series Gran

Blue. The exterior paintwork will also be

proven performance and the motorsport

Turismo strives to bring two of BMW’s

matched on the inside with individually

heritage of Renault Sport. Like all Renault

strongest selling points, luxury and power,

matched interior designs. In addition to

sport models the Twingo RS was designed

together into a single package. And with

this the engine compartment lid will be

and developed by Renault Sport Technolo-

the BMW 5 series Gran Turismo it seems

finished in black and the BMW kidney

gies in Dieppe, France. With upgraded and

they have achieved just that. The 5 series

grille, side gills and the dual tailpipes on

sharper exterior styling and a revamped

Gran Turismo combines the proportions

the exhaust system will come in dark

sports interior the Twingo definitely looks

so typical of a BMW with an elegantly

eloxy-plated chrome. The Edition Models

the part. However Renault says the up-

designed silhouette as well as four doors

will also feature beautiful interior trim

graded looks isn’t all that the Twingo RS

with frameless windows, transforming it

in Carbon Structure Leather with white

has to offer, on the contrary the Twingo

into a harmonious and complete unit.

contrasting seams and the Black Novillo

RS features a highly tuned, twin-camshaft

Leather seats will feature bespoked

1.6 litre engine. The naturally aspirated

futuristic design themes makes the 5

contrasting seams and ensures comfort

16-valve engine produces a maximum

series Gran Turismo’s interior a place

and an exquisite look. But the features of

output of 98 kW at 6 750 rpm with a

you’ll look forward to visiting. Comfort is

the new M3 Edition Models aren’t purely

torque peak of 160 Nm at 4 400 rpm.

further enhanced by easy entry to the car,

cosmetic, all four Edition Models will come

This little powerhouse is really evident

a slightly elevated seating position, large

with specially designed light-alloy rims

when noting that the Twingo RS goes from

window areas, and an optional panorama

and a unique suspension that lowers the

0-100 km/h in 8.7 seconds and reaches

glass roof. These features coupled with

entire body by 10 millimetres, adding

a top speed of 201 km/h. The Twingo RS

exquisite materials and supreme quality

to the sporty feel of the M3. But apart

also boasts a sports tuned chassis and

of finish ensures a sumptuous feeling of

from the wide range of customisation and

ESP stability control making it a sports car

absolute comfort. The interior also offers

colour options the main aspect of the M3

at heart. The Twingo RS will be available

generous space, with legroom comparable

Edition Models will be their exclusivity.

from a recommended retail price of R195

to the BMW 7 series. Under the hood the

BMW revealed that in the interest of ex-


BMW 5 series Gran Turismo offers owners

treme exclusivity their production period

one of three engine choices, the new 3.0

is limited to just six months and that

litre straight-six petrol in the 535i, the

only twenty of these special models will

top-of-the-range V8 TwinPower Turbo in

be made available for the South African

the 550i and a 3.0 litre straight-six diesel

market on special order. Pricing for the M3

in the 530d.

Edition Models start from R831 000 for

The luxurious interior combined with

the Black and White models and R837 000 for the Yellow or Blue. So if you have the cash and you’re a hardcore BMW fanatic, you might want to take a look at the M3 Edition Model.

57 6 Issue Car & Leisure

Motoring news A Volkswagen Pickup?


et to be unveiled in the third quarter of 2009 is a new and very talked about vehicle from Volkswagen,

A Green Machine


yundai motors, South Korea’s largest automobile manufacturer recently began receiving pre-launch

Stately Comfort


olls-Royce aficionados will be pleased to learn that the new Ghost model will deliver peerless riding dynamics

the Amarok. But don’t expect another

orders for its Elantra LPI Hybrid Electric

by making use of the very latest develop-

road hugging city car, the Amarok is set

Vehicle (HEV). The car, which is the first

ments in chassis engineering. The Ghost

to be the German automobile giants first

hybrid developed by Hyundai will also

will make us of a state-of-the-art chassis

foray into the pickup segment. With the

be the worlds first car to be powered

which uses an intelligent four corner

introduction of the Amarok, Volkswagen

by a Liquefied Petroleum Injected (LPI)

air suspension system and multi link

is seeking to enter the global pickup

engine. The 1.6 litre LPI Gamma engine

aluminum front and rear axles. Accord-

market generally dominated by Japanese

will work together with a 15 kW (105 Nm)

ing to Rolls-Royce Motor Cars CEO, Tom

manufacturers. The name Amarok comes

electric motor and a Continuously Variable

Purves, “the Ghost will be as refined and

from the Inuit language whose people hail

Transmission (CVT) and will ensure that

as cosseting as anything that this marque

from Northern Canada and Greenland and

the Elantra HEV emits just 99 g/km of

has ever produced.” Designed to be fully

the name literally translates to wolf. The

CO2 and 90 percent fewer emissions than

integrated, each of the cars dynamic

Inuit regards the wolf as the king of the

an equivalent petrol powered Elantra,

handling and safety systems have been

wilderness, an impressive figure due to

qualifying it as a Super Ultra Low Emis-

engineered to work together in harmony.

its strength, robustness, endurance and

sion Vehicle (SULEV). The vehicle is also

Systems including Active Roll Stabilisa-

superiority, and this is what VW strives to

the world’s first to make use of advanced

tion, four corner air springs and Variable

associate the Amarok with. The Amarok

Lithium Ion Polymer rechargeable bat-

Damping Control operates in harmony and

will be produced in Argentina at Volkswa-

teries, these have higher energy density,

imperceptibly to the occupants of the car,

gen’s “Pacheco” plant near Buenos Airies,

lower manufacturing costs, and are more

providing the best possible comfort and

and this boasts well for South African us-

resistant to physical damage than previ-

ensuring that the tyres maintains opti-

ers as the rugged terrain in South America

ous batteries. The Elantra LPI Hybrid will

mum contact with the road. The new air

is comparable to ours, hence you can be

enter the market as a mild-type hybrid

suspension system is so sensitive that it

sure the Amarok will deliver. The Amarok’s

with an impressive fuel economy rating of

can detect even the smallest of changes;

design will be concentrated around reli-

17.8 km/l, this represents a 47 percent

for example the movement of a single

ability and suitability for off-road driving

improvement over a conventional 1.6

rear passenger from one side of the seat

which makes it a very attractive proposi-

litre auto-equipped Elantra. So if thinking

to the other, and will compensate accord-

tion. Having been developed from scratch,

green is your thing, be sure to give the

ingly. In addition to comfort this stately

the Amarok will be launched as a double-

Elantra Hybrid some thought. Hyundai is

car will be powered by a new 6.6 litre

cab pickup with four-wheel drive, and a

accepting pre-launch orders until the 7th

turbocharged V12 engine and will feature

single-cab version will be available at a

of July, a day before it officially launches

an 8-speed gearbox. So look forward to

later date. The pickup will feature state-

in the Korean market.

great style and comfort in the Rolls-Royce

of-the-art robust engineering and a powerful yet efficient common rail turbo diesel injection (TDI) of the next generation will be used in the powertrain. The Amarok will be launched in South Africa late in the third quarter of 2010 and promises to be a tough new player in the 4x4 and pickup segment.

57 8 Issue Car & Leisure

Ghost later this year.

The Grand Vitara - for a journey that’s a way of life.

SuzukiAuto_Car&Leisure.indd 1

12/12/08 12:03:37 PM

Marine news Cruising In Comfort


ow for the latest flybridge cruiser from Fairline Boats, the Phantom 48. This is the perfect live-aboard

Experience the boating lifestyle


ick out a brand new lifestyle at

outdoor lifestyle that comes with it; exhibitors

the 2009 National Boat Show

Club Marine Insurance, Compendium Insur-

featuring Dive Expo, 14 – 16

ance Group and McCrystal & Partners will

August at the Coca-Cola dome.

be at the show to help you. In fact, if it has

boat. Importer Derrick Levy of Boating

What makes the boating lifestyle so ideal is

anything to do with water, both on it and near

world is particularly impressed with this

that you’re free to go where you want. Idyllic

it you’re sure to find it at the 2009 National

15.19m (Beam 4.46m) model. “She re-

waterside and coastal destinations are just a

Boat Show featuring Dive Expo: from the

ally is an amazing craft and her spacious-

stretch of water away. And you have every-

world’s most thrilling water toys to the world’s

ness is unparalleled,” he says, “great for

thing you need in one location: your boat.

most fuel-efficient speed boats. Expect to see

entertaining.” A curved seating area and

Some of the luxury runabouts, sport boats and

some of the sexiest power boats, sail boats

a table on the flybridge accommodates

cruisers on show at this year’s National Boat

and leisure toys out on the water this summer,

six and converts to a cushioned sunbath-

Show, 14 – 16 August at the Coca-Cola dome,

try out the latest scuba diving equipment

ing area when required. The covered

inspire the imagination. There are those

and explore local and exotic boating holidays,

aft cockpit leads to a large teak bathing

that glide across the water at exhilarating

destinations and marina properties, witness

platform which can hold a 2.7 metre RIB

speeds, and those that come fully-kitted: with

spine-tingling attractions like the Wake Wars

(for quick trips ashore or just for fun) and

air conditioning, hot showers, microwaves,

Wakeboarding competition and the live Bass

is equipped with a hot and cold shower.

deep freezes, televisions – you name it. The

Africa Classic weigh-in, Rapala ‘Fishing for the

Cool contemporary interior finishes in

bonus of the latter is that you never have to

Future’ workshops, casting ponds for kids,

sophisticated American White Oak present

fork out for pricey holiday accommodation or

and get the chance to win a boating lifestyle

an expansive open plan saloon/dining

search for property, which can be very hard

and a scuba diving lifestyle worth more than R

area. The table converts electrically from

to come by in sought-after holiday destina-

200 000! Also, the economy may be sour but

a cocktail table to a dining table, seat-

tions. Andre from Twin Boats says that boating

the deals will be sweet at the National Boat

ing eight people with ease. Six to seven

is also a wonderful way to bring the family

Show. The show is the perfect opportunity

people can overnight, reaching your fa-

together, ”There’s something for everyone.

to take advantage of special discounts and

vourite destination with ease powered by

From grandma who can enjoy the tranquil-

show deals and it won’t be hard to hook more

twin Volvo Penta D9-575 EVC Shaft Diesel

lity of a day out on the water, to younger kids

than your fair share of bargain deals. You can

engines. Her top speed is 32 knots with

and teenagers who can get into healthy and

even buy your brand spanking new limited

a fuel capacity of 1 664 litres. For further

exciting water sports.” Amongst others, Twin

edition Firefish Harbour T-shirt from Firesfish

information contact Derrick Levy on 082

Boats will be showing off a 30-foot sports

Harbour in association with the National Boat

881 2607.

cruiser – a sport fishing dream that’s loaded

Show, featuring Dive Expo with a perfectly

with lifestyle; everything your heart could

clear conscience because all the proceeds

desire and more, including not one but two

will be donated to two worthy charities: the

luxurious sleeping cabins. Broderick Sports

Ikholwa Home and the Starfish Foundation.

will also showcase world-leading wakeboard,

Get to Africa’s leading boat and leisure show:

ski and performance powerboats from Mas-

the National Boat Show featuring Dive Expo at

terCraft, luxury runabouts from Cobalt, and

the Coca Cola dome, Northriding, from Friday

luxury motor yachts from Azimut. The Award

14 to Sunday 16 August 2009. Tickets will be

Winning National Boat Show represents the

priced at R60 for adults, R30 for pensioners

entire spectrum of leisure and sport boats:

and students with relevant ID and children

wakeboard boats, waterskiing boats, fishing

under 12 enter for free. For more information

boats, bow riders, deck boats, cruisers, sail-

go to

ing charter and catamarans, ski boats, sports fishing yachts, inflatables, even jet skis and trailers. Boating exhibitors include Bluewater Marine and Sport Fishing, Boating International, Agon Marine, Waterworld, Catamaran Marquee, Hansen Boatz & Toyz and Honda. Don’t worry if you’ve never been behind the wheel of a boat before because the Offshore Sailing Academy will point your compass in the right direction. What’s more, you can investigate insuring your new boat and the

57 10 Issue Car & Leisure

Marine news Success at Sanctuary Cove


fter a successful visit to the Sanctuary Cove Boat show in Australia recently, Derrick Levy of Boating World is

A Fisherman’s Dream


iviera brings a new innovation to the market, the 43 Offshore Express! This exciting sport utility craft,

Outboard Innovation


ontinuously striving to provide a reliable, convenient and performance based outboard, Yamaha has recently

pleased to report that Riviera continues as

family entertainer and game fishing ma-

unveiled its new F40F. This new four

a leader in the luxury sport fishing market

chine is ideal for those fishing trips to Mo-

stroke is a true outboard; engineered, de-

and is as popular as ever. Despite the

zambique or even further afield along the

signed, and developed specifically for the

first day of the Show being cancelled due

West coast. Importer Derrick Levy says,

marine environment. Its three-cylinder,

to the heaviest rains on the Gold Coast

“The 43 is ruggedly sophisticated with a

single overhead camshaft design means

in 50 years, eleven new Riviera boats

luxuriously functional interior and loads

powerful performance in a compact pack-

were sold with a total value of over R116

of space in the cockpit, on the helm deck

age, and that performance is available

million. A further five Riviera’s were sold

and below decks.” There are three design

in all the varying shaft-length models to

immediately after the show confirming

versions - open (which features a tuna

effectively power a myriad of applications

that the market has great confidence in

tower), targa and hardtop. The cockpit is

and designs. Used in conjunction with

the Riviera brand. There were sales across

a game fisherman’s dream! Big enough to

Yamaha’s electronic multi-point fuel injec-

all three lines in the Flybridge, Sport

fit a full game chair (or an entertainment

tion, the F40F offers dependable turnkey

Yacht and Offshore Express ranges. The

table) with space left over, this area has

starting in both hot and cold conditions.

exciting new Riviera 5800 Sport Yacht was

moulded toe kicks, fish bins on either side

A single overhead camshaft provides

launched to great acclaim by the media

and an optional live-bait well built into

precise valve timing for maximum power

and the boating public - a major victory

the transom. Forward of the cockpit, the

with minimum weight. This 6-valve, SOHC

for the company with nearly half of all

raised helm deck area is spacious enough

design efficiently exchanges intake and

reported sales at the show. The company

for six to eight adults. The saloon provides

exhaust gasses for responsive power and

also announced a new line of large Riviera

storage galore with dedicated space for

fuel efficiency. A large, on-engine water-

Motor Yachts at the show, ranging from 22

additional rod storage in the lounge. The

separating fuel filter further adds to its

to 25 metres. These new models extend

43 is well-equipped for weekends away,

long-term reliability approach, as does an

the range of options for dedicated Riviera

sleeping five comfortably. Twin Volvo

integral engine monitoring and warning

owners close to super yacht dimensions.

IPS 500 (370hp) D6 diesel engines are

system and Yamaha’s renowned Ultimate

Fairline was also well represented at the

standard equipment running Volvo IPS

Corrosion Protection System. From its

Show with a Fairline Squadron 58 and a

propulsion units. The Volvo IPS system

front-mounted gearshift and ignition key

Fairline Phantom 48 on display on which

includes traditional twin lever controls as

switch controls, to the easy-to-use Vari-

many orders were signed.

well as the joystick to simplify one-handed

able Trolling RPM Switch, it’s ergonomical-

manoeuvring of the boat, in and out of

ly designed to provide maximum control

tight marina berths.

with maximum comfort. The benefit? Ultimate convenience, expansive available information and great control, all in a compact, lightweight, easy-to-own-andoperate package. The F40F’s displacement is an impressive 747cc and it’s clocked at 40 hp @ 5 500 rpm. All in all the F40F comes together as a mixture of reliability, smooth operation, outstanding fuel efficiency and great performance to make the new Yamaha F40F an incredibly powerful and versatile engine, both for now and in the years ahead.

Issue 57 Car & Leisure


Motorcycle news

Dakar Rule Change


he organisers of the Dakar Rally have announced that from 2010, only motorcycles of up to 450cc engine capac-

2009 Erzberg Rodeo


he 2009 Erzberg Rodeo lived up to its name of being the toughest one day race in the world. DCM Chrome and KTM

Sweigers To Compete In WMX Grand Prix


eigning South African Women’s Motocross Champion and Team Red Yamaha rider Nanda Sweigers, will

ity would be allowed to compete. And

sent Darryl Curtis, Louwrens Mahoney and

compete in the fifth round of the Women’s

the first outcome of this new ‘rule’ is that

Altus de Wet to compete in the annual

Motocross World Championship at the

KTM – who’ve taken eight consecutive

Erzberg Extreme event. Split over three

Grand Prix of Teutschenthal in Germany

wins at the Dakar in recent years – have

days, riders have two days to qualify in

on the 20th and 21st June!

announced their immediate withdrawal

the prologue which is a 14Km sprint up

from the Dakar Rally. The announcement

the mountain. They get only one run per

based Kölling-Yamaha-Team came about

regarding the 450cc engine limit being

day and only the fastest 500 are allowed

very suddenly and, together with sponsor-

implemented from 2010 does seem a bit

to start the Hare Scramble on the last day.

ship assistance from Mr Price and Yamaha

unfair for KTM, whose Dakar racebikes are

After two runs Darryl Curtis qualified

The opportunity to ride for the German

Distributors South Africa, Sweigers has

fitted with 654cc single-cylinder engines.

13th, Altus de Wet 32nd and Louwrens

jumped at the chance to show off her im-

Various KTM teams and riders had already

Mahoney 37th.

mense talent in the international arena.

started preparing for the 2010 Dakar Rally

It was important to qualify within the

The Kölling-Yamaha-Team, under the

and the new rule would certainly mean

top 50 and start on the front row. Jade

leadership of team principal Carsten

that all their plans have now gone down

Gudzeit and Gray Dick also qualified in

Kölling, will provide Nanda with a fully

the drain.

10th and 22nd

race prepared Yamaha YZ250F together

‘Every sport regulation needs changes

“Tougher than anything I’ve ever rid-

with full race support, mechanic, spares,

and adjustments to new developments to

den!” were Taddy Blazusiak’s first words

fuel and lubes, race van and hospital-

retain an interest in it, but this also re-

after reaching the Red Bull arch inside

ity. When questioned about this exciting

quire the appropriate lead times. We have

the Erzberg-Arena. It was definitely the

opportunity Sweigers said: “This is just

the entire material for the 690 Rally mo-

hardest Hare Scramble of all times and

so amazing! I can hardly believe that in a

torcycles for our factory team as well as

Taddy crowned his Erzberg rodeo success

matter of days I will be racing against the

that for 50 customers motorcycles in our

with an unbelievable margin of more than

worlds best lady motocrossers in an actual

storage facility ready to be constructed in

40 minutes over the second placed rider.

Grand Prix! With such short notice there

June. Riders contracts have been finalised

The 2008 Roof of Africa winner Chris

seems so much to do and organise before

and all the team members have been

Birch came home in a creditable eighth

I get on the plane to Germany. I am really

engaged. We will now fully concentrate

place. Jade Gudzeit and Darryl Curtis

excited about this opportunity and I can’t

on the World Rally Championship and we

(DCM Chrome KTM) helped each other

wait to fly the South African flag high. I’m

will seek out alternatives,’ says Winfried

through some unrideable sections of the

realistic about my chances but I intend to

Kerschhaggl, KTM Motor Sport Director.

route finishing in 15th and 16th places.

give it my very best shot. I would like to

Louwrens Mahoney (DCM Chrome KTM)

particularly thank my sponsors Mr Price

conquered the iron giant coming in as the

and Yamaha Distributors South Africa for

21st and final finisher. Altus de Wet (DCM

making this dream come true for me.”

Chrome) got time barred after a bad start

Sweigers will be pitting her skills up

and some bottle necks out on the course

against the worlds best women moto-

got the better of him. Gray Dick had to

crossers, including the likes of Germany’s

pull out of the race due to a broken gear

Stephanie Laier, Maria Franke and Larissa

selector shaft.

Papenmeier, as well as defending champion and current series leader, France’s Livia Lancelot.

57 12 Issue Car & Leisure


BMW Z4 & Sea Doo RXT iS 255

Technology W

e journalists are lucky, or so

BMW have clearly hit the nail on the head. The

unparalleled balance of driving pleasure and fuel

they say, as we get to drive

new Z4 is the first BMW roadster ever to feature

economy. And last but certainly not least, the

and experience the latest

a retractable hard top, with a two-piece electro-

top model is available not only with a manual

cars, bikes and water craft

hydraulically retractable hardtop in lightweight

six-speed gearbox, but also with sports auto-

as they become available. That may be true,

aluminium shell construction. The hardtop opens

matic featuring seven gears and double-clutch

but we also have a job to do, which is to inform

and closes fully automatically in each case within

transmission. Boasting Dynamic Drive Control

readers and subscribers about what is good, and

20 seconds. Upon first glance, it is quite easy to

as standard, the BMW Z4 enables the driver to

what isn’t as good. But every once in a while

mistake the Z4 for a 6 series, but then you real-

vary the set-up of the drivetrain and suspension

there are new products that come out that just

ize that the bonnet is even longer, and there are

at the touch of a button in three modes. BMW

grabs the attention, not simply because they

definite styling cues that just shouts that this

iDrive, in turn, is now available for the first time

look good, but because they are loaded with

is a sports car. This car almost resembles the

as an option on the BMW Roadster, the new

technology that astounds.

iconic 850i of years gone by, but in a much more

generation of iDrive coming together with the

modern package.

optional Professional navigation system (stan-

June of 2009 turned out to be a month of surprises as far as launches go, with specifically

But it is not just the outside styling that gives

dard on sDrive35i). The most sporting and dynamic version of

the new Z4 and a brand new Sea Doo personal

the new Z4 its sporty yet luxurious persona,

water craft being launched. It only makes sense

as the interior is spacious, modern and super

the new BMW Z4 comes with the world’s first

that there would be new technology in any new

functional. The Z4 is both comfortable and styl-

straight-six power unit to feature Twin Turbo

model launch, but when it is technology that

ish, with all-round visibility up 14 per cent from

technology, High Precision Injection with direct

radically changes the way you look at these

the outgoing model. A further advantage is that

injection of fuel, and an all-aluminium crank-

machines, it demands attention.

the four side windows of the new BMW Roadster

case. The use of two turbochargers each supply-

may be lowered individually as required. The

ing three cylinders with compressed air ensures

ber of years, starting life as a Z3, and although

low seating position near the rear axle gives the

a standard of spontaneity never seen before on

it has always been a little radical in terms of

driving experience typical of a BMW Roadster.

a turbocharged engine. The power unit builds up

Now the BMW Z4 has been around for a num-

styling, it never really lived up to what it should have been. But with the latest version of the Z4,

57 Car & Leisure 14 Issue

Comprehensive use of BMW EfficientDynamics technologies serves furthermore to provide an

peak torque of 400 Newton-metres without the slightest delay, then maintaining this high level

Alive of torque throughout a broad speed range from

BMW’s newly developed sports automatic com-

to the specific characteristics of BMW’s unique

1 300–5 000 rpm. Maximum output of 225 kW

plete with a double-clutch gearbox. This ensures


comes at 5 800 rpm, and the BMW Z4 sDrive35i

even faster acceleration, combining this extra

accelerates to 100 km/h within just 5.2 seconds

performance and dynamism even in compari-

lightweight technology in the area of the front

(seven-speed sports automatic with double

son with the regular six-speed manual gearbox

axle, the double-joint construction offering ideal

clutch in 5.1 seconds). Top speed is limited to

with all the comfort features of BMW automatic

conditions for supreme dynamics thanks to kine-

250 km/h.

transmission. Sports automatic gives the driver

matic arrangement of the various components.

A particularly outstanding feature is consistent

The rear axle of the BMW Z4 Roadster, in

High Precision Injection is a key function

the choice of either an automatic gearshift or

in the philosophy to save fuel to the greatest

manual selection of gears. A newly designed

turn, stands out through its compact configura-

possible extent. Injecting fuel directly into the

electronic gearshift lever on the centre console

tion and precise wheel guidance, clear distribu-

combustion chamber, High Precision Injec-

serves to control the sports automatic whenever

tion of functions between the longitudinal arms

tion offers a cooling effect allowing a higher

required. As an alternative the driver is able to

connected to the body and the track control

compression ratio and optimising the efficiency

shift gears manually by means of paddles on the

arms pivoting on the rear axle subframe facili-

of the combustion process. The second genera-

steering wheel.

tating the set-up of the suspension. As a result,

tion of direct petrol injection developed by BMW

In the SPORT and SPORT+ modes, this

directional stability, steering behaviour and lane

ensures significant benefits in fuel efficiency

ensures significantly more powerful accelera-

change stability may all be optimised indepen-

without in any way restricting the dynamic

tion with an even faster gearshift, gears being

dently of one another.

qualities of the power unit. Hence, the BMW Z4

shifted by closing the clutch even faster than

sDrive35i achieves average fuel consumption

before, with sporting feedback going straight to

role also in the BMW Z4 segment, enhancing the

in the EU test cycle of 9.8 lites 100 kilometres,

the driver.

precision and comfort of steering manoeuvres

enhanced to an even better 9.4 litres with the

Featuring a double-joint tiebar front axle

EPS Electric Power Steering plays a leading

and at the same time reducing fuel consump-

car’s seven-speed double-clutch sport automatic

made largely of aluminium and further enhanced

tion, since the electric motor for steering power


by spring struts and a centrally guided rear

assistance is activated only when required or

axle, the new BMW Z4 comes with proven axle

desired by the driver.

As an option the top version of the new Roadster, the BMW Z4 sDrive35i, is available with

concepts in a configuration perfectly tailored

Issue 57 Car & Leisure


to set off on loose snow with the drive wheels

brated to accommodate the larger waves typical

slightly spinning. And whenever desired, the

of off-shore riding. iS supports the entire rider

driver is also able to deactivate the DSC control

environment, so the operator can stay seated,

system altogether.

while the impact from waves is absorbed by the

Which brings us to the new Sea Doo RXT iS 255. The performance segment is all about the

suspension. iS is also rider adjustable on the fly. A rocker switch on the left handle bar allows

High Precision Injection is a key function in the philosophy to save fuel highest performance and most leading edge

the rider to fine tune the suspension calibra-

technology. The 2009 Sea-Doo RXT iS 255

tion through nine different settings from soft to

model gets its performance from a supercharged

firm. This way, the operator can adapt the ride

and intercooled 255 hp Rotax 4-TEC engine.

according to personal preference and changing

And now it comes with a host of technology and

conditions. The current setting is displayed at


the top of the Interactive Multi-Function Digital

The RXT iS 255 is equipped with BRP’s all-

The new BMW Z4 comes with new high-performance brakes, fading-free characteristics, low weight, and low brake pad wear. At the same time the BMW Z4 is the first car in its segment to feature an electrical parking brake activated and released by a button on the centre console. The latest generation of DSC (Dynamic Stability Control) serves not only to activate the ABS brakes and ensure stability on slippery surfaces by activating the brakes or reducing engine power, but also comprises other functions such as Braking drying, Brake Pre-tensioning as well as a Start-Off Assist on the new BMW Z4. Acting in a similar way to a differential lock, DSC furthermore serves to prevent slip on the inner wheel in a bend running under minor load or no load whatsoever under dynamic, one-sided driving conditions. Activating the traction mode again at the touch of a button, the driver is able to raise the response thresholds for intervention by the brakes, thus enjoying the option, for example,

57 16 Issue Car & Leisure

Information Centre.

new, industry-first, Intelligent Suspension (iS)

The major benefit of iS is to enhance the PWC

System. iS delivers a smooth ride, while being

experience by allowing the rider to travel longer

incredibly versatile and very user-friendly. With

distances with more comfort and less fatigue.

15 cm of travel, the RXT iS 255 is factory cali-

For passengers, iS also means less strain, plus

ing and maneuvering in close quarters. A VTS (Variable Trim System) is also integrated into the iBR system. This intuitive VTS allows the rider to easily fine-tune performance to suit personal preference and enhance handling. The iBR also allows the rider to pre-set up and down positions using handlebar-mounted buttons. The rider can also make on-the-fly trim adjustments of +/- 4 degrees to accommodate changing water or load conditions. Also new is the stepped hull design on the RXT iS 255 model. On the S3 hull, the “step” is aft of the intake and reduces drag by creating a low-pressure zone. The benefit is more nimble handling and keeping the hull “glued to the water”. When combined with the VTS the stepped hull delivers precise, tunable handling. The RXT iS 255 S3 hull delivers a smoother, more stable ride. With its Deep-V design, narrow chine and 353 cm length, the new S3 hull is exceptionally stable. The hull design is very tolerant to lateral wave impacts, resulting in very little roll or change in direction from this cross motion. What’s more, the longer length provides more room for passengers and allows the hull to bridge waves better for a smoother ride. The S3 hull makes the RXT iS 255 exceptionally strong. Stiffer than other hull designs thanks to its ribbed construction, the S3 has the strength to better resist damage from impacts and maintain its shape even under high loads. The new, lightweight hull material is up to 15% lighter than best material currently in use. The S3 hull is built using a closed-mold process, which allows precise control over shape, in addition to increasing manufacturing efficiency and being more environmentally friendly. Both of these machines feature intelligent technology and awesome looks to match.

Prices: sDrive23i



6-speed Man




6-speed Sprts A




7-speed Sports Automatic transmission with

an enhanced feeling of security and comfort.

natural and intuitive positioning and operation of

Double Clutch

When the RXT iS 255 is turned off, or the rider

this lever, the rider controls the amount of brak-

Design Pure White sDrive23i

engages “Park” mode by pressing a button on

ing and can stop within a significantly shorter

6-speed Manual

the Info Centre, the iS system automatically

distance. The brake system works by cutting

6-speed Sprts A

lowers the centre of gravity of the watercraft by

engine power, deploying the reverse gate and

7-speed Sports Automatic transmission with

almost 76 mm for greater stability at rest.

by reapplying engine power in reverse within a

Double Clutch

The RXT iS 255 is also equipped with BRP’s

fraction of a second of applying sufficient brake lever pressure. After applying the brake, the

(iBR) system. iBR is a Sea-Doo exclusive with

system will default to neutral until the throttle is

RXT iS 255

several integrated functions: the first-ever on

reapplied. When the watercraft is stopped and the iBR

dlebars reverse; and an enhanced variable trim

lever is squeezed, it acts like a shift lever to

system. The brake system significantly increases

select reverse. For greater control, both hands

watercraft safety by providing the ability for

remain on the handlebars for all reverse func-

rider initiated and controlled slowing down, stop-

tions. With iBR, the watercraft always starts in

ping and improved obstacle avoidance. A lever

neutral, which prevents the PWC from moving

on the left handlebar controls braking, similar

on startup.

to the one found on Can-Am ATV’s. Through the

57 18 Issue Car & Leisure

This feature is especially important for dock-

Ewald van Zyl

R711 200








– sDrive23i

highly innovative Intelligent Brake and Reverse

water braking system; new hands-on-the-han-

– sDrive30i

– R725 200 sDrive35i

R 219,900.00

Issue 56 Car & Leisure




Save Your Soul Now at first glance the Kia Soul looks quite different from other cars, is it a hatchback? No. Is it a SUV? No, so what is it then?


while ago I had the privilege to

and this can be seen in its trendy design and

The Soul will sport wide customization options

drive the new Kia Soul at the of-

modern looks. According to Kia, the Soul has

with different interior and exterior styling to

ficial media launch in Franschhoek

been designed to appeal to a new generation of

choose from, whether it be sporty roadster,

in the Western Cape. Now at first

drivers by giving them something new and fresh

sensible family car or contemporary urban style.

glance the Kia looks quite different from other

to experience in the Soul. As Ray Levin from

But let’s get down to the essentials, the Soul is a

cars, is it a hatchback? No. Is it a SUV? No, so

Kia South Africa put it, Kia’s suggestion to their

five door hatchback with front wheel drive, this

what is it then? Well Kia claims to have created

customers is to “think inside the box and drive

means no mean off-roading, but you’ll still be

a new entry to the car market with the Soul,

beyond it”.

able to tackle most farm roads with it’s

calling it a CUV or crossover utility vehicle. In

With this in mind we can move on to what

impressive ground clearance of 165 mm. The

other words the Soul has the sporty looks of

makes the Soul different from other cars on

Soul also sports impressive measurements all

a hatchback with the space of a SUV, an all in

the road. In addition to filling a new gap in the

round with a wheelbase of 2 250 mm and overall

one package for the modern consumer, or so it

market with a new urban crossover vehicle, the

height of 1 610 mm, the base of the windscreen

seems. Kia has put a lot of emphasis on the Soul

Soul will also encourage customers to rethink

is also 135 mm higher than in a typical compact

being a car for the young, or the young at heart,

everything they’ve known about Kia in the past.

car. Soul drivers will also have access to 340

57 20 Issue Car & Leisure

Kia’s suggestion to their customers is to “think inside the box and drive beyond it”.

litres of luggage space in the back with the back

four-sensor, ABS anti-lock braking system. This

systems speed rated volume control, six audio

seats upright and 570 litres with the seats folded

system also incorporates an electronic brake

speakers, a 112 watt output, innovative


force distributor (EBS) which helps distribute

PowerBass technology, steering wheel mounted

braking force evenly between the front and rear

audio controls and a roof-top antenna if you


prefer going more old school.

The Soul will come standard with a 1.6 litre Gamma petrol engine equipped with performance-boosting electronic multi-point fuel

In addition to impressive performance and

Adding to this already impressive compliment

injection and continuously variable valve

safety features the Soul is also packed with

the Soul also features 16-inch alloy wheels,

timing (CVVT). This all aluminum 16-valve

goodies inside. The driver enjoys both a sporty

205/55 R16 tires, electric windows in the front

engine produces a peak power output of

and compact cockpit as well as a commanding,

and back, three-point seatbelts for all five

91.2 kW at 6 300 rpm and 156 Nm of torque

high-rise view of the road. The instrument

occupants, remote release filler cap, rear

at 4 200 rpm. This enables the soul to go from

cluster incorporates Kia’s new

window wiper, electric power steering,

0-100 km/h in 10.4 seconds and reach a top

“three-cylinder-style” look with four gauges,

air-conditioning, central locking, electrically

speed of 177 km/h. The Soul is also fitted with

namely a rev-counter, large central

heated door mirrors, a rear spoiler and front

a remarkably long wheelbase and is equipped

speedometer, engine temperature/fuel status

and rear footlights, which is impressive to say

with a fully independent front and twist-beam

meter and a bank of warning lights on the right.

the least. With this myriad of features at your

suspension system improving the driving

The cluster has red-orange negative LCS

disposal you may ask yourself if this is going to

experience and making handling a breeze. And

lighting which provides improved vision at day or

cost as much as a luxury 4x4, but luckily no.

I can vouch for this, flinging the Soul through

night, with white figures and graphics against a

The Kia Soul will go on sale for a suggested

the twisty wet roads of Franschhoek it never felt

black background. The end result is a clear and

retail price of R189 995, cheaper than most

strained or out of control, always stable on the

detailed new ‘high-tec’ look. Every Soul will also

other vehicles in its class. So instead of giving

road and easily maneuverable.

be fitted with a RDS Radio/CD player with MP3

you another prolonged feature list I’ll just say

compatibility and USB, AUX and iPod connec-

this, the Kia Soul is a brilliant car that will

power and grip the engineers at Kia haven’t let

tions in the centre console, adding to the Soul’s

definitely reinvigorate your body and soul.

up on safety either though. The Kia Soul comes

reputation as a vehicle for the modern

standard with dual airbags and a four-channel,

consumer. Even more impressive is the sound

Whilst the Soul delivers a sizeable amount of


Issue 56 Car & Leisure


Johan Keyter

Tel: + 27 (0) 12 567 0020 Issue 56 Car &3946 Leisure 00 Fax: 086 607 Email:


N iI sSsSaAnN 337700ZZ

My Fairlady Following in the footsteps of something great is never an easy task, there is the pressure of doing as well or hopefully better than your predecessor, the millions of fans and their high expectations and the fact that you must stay true to your heritage.


ention the word sportscar and a

pared to the previous model, the 370Z is lighter,

look, that is unmistakably Japanese. There is the

host of exotic names spring to

shorter and wider, with a lower centre of gravity.

traditional long, powerful bonnet and athletic,

mind, so it is rather surprising

The rear wheels are also closer to the driver for

purposeful stance.

that the Nissan Z cars hold the

a better feel and the car is a whole 80 kilograms

Under that long bonnet beats the heart of

record for the best selling sports car of all time.

lighter than its predecessor. But tighter dimen-

a monster. A new 3.7 litre V6 that provides a

But it is probably because these cars have and

sions doesn’t necessarily mean a smaller cabin.

healthy 245 kW and a broad spread of torque

still do, offer great performance, great looks, re-

Weight saving initiatives include a carbon fibre

throughout its 7 500 rpm rev range. The flat

liability and yet they can still be used everyday,

composite radiator mounting and propshaft.

torque curve is responsive throughout the rev

but most importantly Nissan Z cars have always

The propshaft also improves the engines ability

range, so much so that the car will pull from as

stood for great bang for buck. The brand new

to rapidly achieve optimum revolutions while

low down as 800 rpm in 6th gear all the way

Nissan 370Z is no different as its launch marks

providing an even stronger, rigid pathway for

to the redline without hesitation or making you

40 years of Nissan Z car’s and none of that vital

that substantial amount of twisting force being

look like a learner driver.

DNA has changed.

channelled to the driving rear wheels.

This is thanks to the application of even

Obviously the sixth generation Z is the fast-

The design is iconic Z car but with a more

further advanced Variable Valve Even and Lift

est, most high tech, agile and responsive Z ever

aggressive stance. Niceties include a flashing Z

(VVEL) technology, which despite the obvious

built and it had to be to gain acceptance from

emblem in the place of a normal side indica-

performance gains, also makes the new motor

hardened Z fans of this performance icon. Com-

tor repeater. The new car has a sharp modern

more efficient. The result is six percent more

57 22 Issue Car & Leisure

power with a 11 percent reduction in fuel con-

There is also a premium entertainment system


featuring eight Bose speakers and two subwoof-

In the safety department a full compliment of six airbags deploy in the event of a collision.

ers, that has been purpose built for the 370Z

The manual version will retail for R499 000

a 0 – 100 km/ sprint time of 5.3 seconds for

and also features an iPod dock as well as full

and the automatic for R516 000 which includes

the manual and 5.6 seconds for the 7 speed

integration for your Bluetooth cellphone.

a 3 year / 90 000 km service plan. This is only

This performance meant that Nissan claims

It sure is tough to be a sportscar in this day and age, but the new Nissan 370Z fills the shoes of a 40 year old legacy with confidence. automatic, both variations will run up to an electronically governed top speed of 250 km/h quite easily. The fact is that, worldwide, automatic vehicles are becoming more and more popular, so much so that in 2008, 57 percent of sports cars sold were equipped with an automatic gearbox of sorts. Enthusiasts now also have a choice of transmissions to have fitted to their 370Z, the automatic combines the traffic easing convenience of a full automatic with an element of driver involvement thanks to the use of the semi automatic paddle shift. For the true enthusiast a manual is still available but it too benefits from Nissans technology wand. The manual now features the worlds first SynchroRev matching six speed manual transmission fitted to the 370Z. The perfect harsh downshift is one which stabilises the vehicle entering bends at full commitment by matching engine revs with road speed so that the reengagement of the clutch does not unsettle the car, which previously needed an experienced driver to pull off. With this new system the manual transmission delivers the same levels of peerless dynamic execution to a much broader driver base by providing the ideal downshift every time thanks to an electronic blip of the throttle at the precise moment for both up and down shifts. Dynamically the chassis is now shorter which means even sharper agility, as well as lower for improved body control in all situations while extra width increases lateral grip. The 370Z also benefits from cleverly calculated weight distribution. While most believe that a 50/50 split is ideal, the 370Z has a 53/47 weight distribution formula which places more weight over the front wheels, helping with turn in, but it shifts to a perfect 50/50 as the driver unleashes all the power as they exit a corner. Electronic Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) systems ensure that even when pushing the limits of the vehicle the driver is kept as safe as possible thanks to sensors monitoring all four wheels and software that will step in instantly to put an end to life threatening slides. Inside, the cabin is certainly roomier, while cabin materials have been substantially improved. The comfortable sport seats feature leather upholstery with high grip cloth inserts and are electrically adjustable and have built in heating elements for those chilly mornings.

Book your test drive now. Global Nissan Sinoville Email: Tel: 012 543 8748

marginally more expensive than the successful 350Z that it replaces. Reuben van Niekerk


The Legend Lives On The dictionary describes an icon as ‘an important or enduring symbol’ or ‘one who is the object of great attention and devotion’. The legacy that is GTI can be described as both which is probably why this car, successful for its bang for buck performance that has always remained accessible to the masses has such a following. We drove the 6th generation at Kyalami.


better and more refined in every area.

here is an enormous pride in owning

hugely successful with around 40 percent of all

a GTI and it has a lot to do with

Golf five sales being the GTI, the fifth generation

how passionate these car owners

was also the one that really took the car back to

been so involved in motorsport means that the

are, it is not surprising to hear how

The fact that Volkswagen is and always has

its roots after two generations of slouchier GTI

brand has attracted driving enthusiasts to the

a current GTI owner has owned many of the

models. So improving on the GTI was going to

brand that pioneered the hot hatch market.

previous generation models and is planning on

be a tough task, luckily designers have kept all

staying loyal to the brand. The Golf five GTI was

the good parts and simply made the new model

57 24 Issue Car & Leisure

In terms of design the car is pure Golf and a consistently clear GTI design is true to its roots.

The honeycombe grille has been retained with

short the GTI is now even sharper and more

but this is in fact a brand new engine featuring

a red frame that hints back to the front of the

confident than its predecessors.

modified pistons and rings, a regulated oil pump,

ever popular Mk2 GTi. Other sporting accents

The car is very well balanced, steering is

a new vacuum pump, a new high pressure fuel

include new fog lights, a larger rear spoiler, twin

precise and understeer is only evident when

pump and new mass airflow sensor. VW claim

tail pipes, red brake callipers and 18 inch Detroit

you are doing something seriously wrong. Not

a 0 – 100 km/h sprint time of 6.9 seconds for

alloy wheels as standard.

that this was a huge problem on the old model

both the six speed manual and the DSG gearbox

but it has been almost completely eliminated

options. Top speed is slightly improved to 240

sufficiently roomy. Luxuries include dual zone

thanks to a nifty piece of technology called XDS,

and 238 km/h respectively.

Climatronic air conditioning, a three spoke

which is in essence an electronic transverse

leather steering wheel with aluminium trim,

differential that operates as an extension of the

and the way in which the Golf GTI automatically

GTI designed leather sport seats, multi function

electronic limited slip differential. This improves

double de- clutches when downshifting is a joy

display and a radio CD with MP3 compatibility.

traction and handling through control of the very

for any sports car driver and the sound that

Inside the GTI remains comfortable and

The GTi might not be the fastest car when judged on paper but it is a complete package that makes it the one to have. The GTi has power and style and evokes the character of the original GTi But it is behind the steering wheel that

efficient ESP system.

As always the DSG gearbox is fast and precise

goes along with this is absolutely spine tingling. The engine and exhaust note on its own is uniquely GTI, making a sporty impression that will not irritate car occupants. The biggest feather in the GTI’s cap is that it can be a comfortable family runabout, especially

the GTI comes into its own. Compared to the

An optional extra is the DCC or Dynamic

in DSG guise, that battles traffic in the week but

previous model the new car has an improved

Chassis Control that tailors the individual han-

when needed it still offers serious boy racer fun,

sport chassis, while the ride height is 22 mm

dling dynamics at the touch of a button. These

whether you get your kicks at the lights or on

lower in front and 15 mm lower at the rear.

adjustments include the steering that adjusts

your favourite piece of twisty road.

Springs, dampers and rear stabilisers have been

to provide better steering as well as continuous

completely retuned.

damper adjustment.

Kyalami can be a challenging track to drive in

Under the bonnet there is still a 2.0 litre

Safety is up there with the best. Systems include ABS, EBD, ESP, seven airbags, adjustable whiplash optimised head restraints

anger due to its range of different corners and

turbocharged engine that now produces 155 kW

and three rear head restraints, resulting in the

characteristic elevation changes but the GTI

between 5 300 and 6 200 rpm, torque is still

obligatory five star Euro NCAP rating

instills a sense of confidence in the driver and

280 Nm but is now available earlier, from 1 800

Pricing is only slightly more than the outgoing

makes mastering the track easy as it dances

rpm, and lasts longer, all the way to 5 200 rpm.

model, with the manual selling for R317 300 and

from entry to apex to exit with minimal effort,

This can be felt as the GTI pulls strongly out

the DSG going for R 331 800, what a bargain.

even through the three hair raising high speed

of the slower corners. Some might think that

corners, that can be taken almost flat out. In

VW simply upped the power of the old engine,

Reuben van Niekerk


Invincible Driving a big black Land Rover one might feel invincible, but now you can get real protection by ordering a armoured Land Rover Discovery 3 or Range Rover straight from the factory,making your car truly invincible, by means of B6 armouring.


ith the way the world is going, there is an increasing de-

visit our country. The kind of people who will buy an armoured

protection for driver and passengers. Obviously the increased weight will put strain

mand for armoured vehicles.

vehicle leave no room for compromise and that

on the suspension and braking components

There has also been an

is why they have to have a vehicle like this, to

of a traditional aftermarket armoured vehicle,

increased demand for these vehicles with events

be prepared and lessen their risk while travel-

but because this is an OE armoured vehicle,

such as the recent Presidential election and the

ling on the roads, these Land Rover models. It

meaning that it was built this way from the

upcoming 2010 Soccer World Cup, which will see

combines all the qualities of the most innovative

word go, attention has been paid in these areas.

many heads of state and important dignitaries

4x4 vehicles on the road with comprehensive

The suspension has been beefed up to handle

57 26 Issue Car & Leisure

the extra weight without a very big compro-

to leave your sight. The biggest buyers of these

Rover are beyond compare. It is the worlds

mise on handling. The braking system has also

cars will be governments, royalty, statesmen,

most complete luxury 4x4, with impressive on-

been upgraded by racing guru’s Prodrive, who

pop stars and Blue Chip business executives as

road performance complimented by its off road

made their name with the Subaru WRC team.

well as NGO’s working in conflict zones.

confidence. What is also great is how discreet

The Range Rover for example, now sports six

Bullet resistant glazing, ballistic steel armour-

the vehicle is, from the outside it looks like any

pot front and four pot rear Alcon brakes. The

ing and under floor Kevlar protection all go

other Land Rover on the road, great for those

Armoured Range Rover has undergone the same

towards ensuring it can withstand attack includ-

VIP’s that like to travel inconspicuously.

durability approval testing as all other Land

ing that by high velocity, high calibre bullets.

The armoured Range Rover is a powerful

rover vehicles, ensuring the same quality build

Standard run flat tyres will keep you moving

performer as it benefits from the 4.4 litre V8

and feel that you would get in a standard model.

following loss of pressure. Extra protection

engine and six speed automatic transmission.

comes in the form of options including an under

Other technology includes a rear view camera,

Vehicle driver training and Global After sales

bonnet fire extinguisher, tamper proof exhaust,

Premium Navigation, a touch screen DVD based

support. The driver training is very important

self sealing fuel tank and an independent oxygen

navigation system, Bi-Xenon Adaptive Front

because there is no point in having this tool and

supply to ensure a continuous flow of fresh air

Lighting System and advanced communication

not being able to use it properly, this train-

to the cabin. The B6 grading means that the

via the Personal telephone Integration System.

ing teaches defensive driving techniques and

vehicle can withstand attack from weapons up to

The Discovery is powered by the 2.7 litre TDV6

evasive driving techniques which can be used in

and including an AK74.

diesel engine .

The options list includes specialist Armoured

And of course all this comes at a price, but if

threatening situations. Global after sales support

The commanding driving position of Land

means that should your armoured vehicle need a

Rover vehicles already puts it head and shoul-

you are even thinking of buying an armoured

service or repair a technician will come do it on

ders above the crowd, helping anticipate dan-

vehicle, the price probably does not matter to

your premises, this means that the safety of the

gerous situations and diminishing the element of


vehicle itself is never compromised by it having

surprise. The capabilities of the Armoured Range Reuben van Niekerk

Issue 57 Car & Leisure




EEEEEXceptional Think E-Class and one immediately pictures luxury and technology, the new model keeps up this tradition with a host of technology aimed at keeping its occupants safe.


and 300 Nm.

he E-class has been synony-

shoulders above the rear wheel arches extend to

mous with comfort and safety for

the tail lights that are now illuminated by LED’s.

The V6 and V8 models are equipped as stan-

decades. It is not surprising that

Engine variants include, the E300 and E350

dard with a seven speed automatic transmission,

technology we first find in E-class

with direct petrol injection (200 kW) and the top

steering wheel selector lever and shift paddles. But it is the host of technology that makes

models often trickles down to other Mercedes

of the line E500 (285 kW) are included in the

Benz models before becoming the norm in many

range of engine variants in the new E Class. By

this car stand out from the rest. The new E-class


optimising engine design it has been possible to

is the first car in the world to be equipped with

reduce the fuel consumption of these models.

headlamps which adapt to the traffic situation

The look of the new E-class may have changed but it is instantly recognisable and in-

The E-Class Coupe is introduced with the

and respond automatically to avoid dazzling

creasingly modern. It retains the twin headlamp

E300 six cylinder engine which is based on the

other drivers. The optional Adaptive Highbeam

face and distinctive V-shaped front. Pronounced

previous E280 model that still produces 170 kW

Assist uses a camera on the windscreen to

57 28 Issue Car & Leisure

traditional cruise control system, ensuring stress free trips on the motorway. If the distance to the vehicle ahead decreases too quickly, the system gives the driver visual and audible warnings. With seven airbags as standard, belt tensioners, belt force limiters, crash responsive head restraints and ISOFIX child seat attachments, the new E-Class has even more extensive safety features than the preceding model. Another standard feature is the PRE-SAFE system that activates precautionary protective measures in potentially hazardous situations, so that the seat belts and airbags are able to fulfil their protective function to the full during an impact. Apart from being an extremely safe car the E-class is also an extremely comfortable car, continuing to set the standards for long distance comfort. In this new model engineers have achieved further advances with the new saloon, especially where ride, seating and climate comfort are concerned. Standard equipment includes a further improved suspension with adaptive shock absorbers. These automatically adapt to the current driving situation by reducing the damping forces when driving normally and therefore improving ride comfort. When taking bends at speed the system switches to maximum damping effect. The AVANTGARDE line features dynamic damping characteristics and a lowered suspension. The new E-class will be the downfall of the indecisive, it provides Mercedes customers with a choice of several engines and three suspension variants, but also two design and equipment lines, three wheel/tyre combinations in 16, 17 and 18 inch size, twelve exterior paint finishes and six different seat upholstery materials. The choice of interior trim has also been increased, now including high gloss exotic wood, open pored wood and brushed aluminium trim. In South Africa the E-Class has maintained its dominance in the premium luxury segment with consistent sales giving it a market share of 46 percent. Since 1947 Mercedes Benz has recognise oncoming traffic and vehicles moving

The well establiashed radar based assistance

produced more than ten million sedan vehicles

ahead and to control the headlamps so that

systems from the S class are now also option-

in this vehicle category, making the E-Class the

their beams do not reach the other vehicle. The

ally available in the E-class, which includes long

worlds most successful business saloon by far.

range of the dipped headlamp can be extended

and short distance radar. The radar supported

from 65 to as much as 300 metres. If the road is

systems are able to assist the driver with emer-


clear, the system performs a gentle transition to

gency braking. Their sensors are linked to the

E200 CGI BlueEFFICIENCY R471 000

high beam. This new system is available as part

Brake Assist PLUS system, which automatically

E250 CDI

R496 000

of the lighting package that includes bi-xenon

calculates the braking pressure to prevent a col-

E350 CDI

R617 000

headlamps, the Intelligent light system, active

lision in critical situations. When the brake pedal


R558 000

cornering lights and daytime running lights.

is pressed, the system immediately provides


R634 000

the calculated level of braking assistance. If


R788 000

Also available is a lane tracking package that includes Blind Spot Assist, which is a new devel-

the driver fails to respond to the warnings, the

opment along with Lane Keeping assist.

radar system first initiates partial braking action

Innovative technology means that the new

and then if there is still no driver response and

E-class is very sensitive to its driver attention

a collision is unavoidable, emergency braking is

level, and warns him or her of drowsiness in


good time. This new Attention Assist drowsiness

Reuben van Niekerk

Distronic Plus is a radar based proximity

detection system, that comes standard on all

control system that automatically maintains the

models, uses sensors and 70 parameters to ob-

E-Class at a set distance from the vehicle in the

serve the drivers behaviour and alert them if it

front, braking it to a standstill if necessary and

detects that they are getting drowsy, by means

accelerating when the gap ahead is sufficiently

of visual and audible warnings.

large. This system works in conjunction with the

Issue 56 Car & Leisure



Chevrolet Lumina SS

Bang for Buck T

he Chevrolet Lumina SS has been around for a while now, and for the newest generation muscle car, General Motors has subtly updated

the interior as well as the technology coupled to the automatic version for better fuel economy – all still with the driver in mind. The result is all the raw power you would expect, tempered by a degree of refinement that provides a responsive and enjoyable driving experience. The Lumina sedan has undergone evolutionary processes throughout the years, and the latest minor updates serves to add to that process. Sourced from General Motors in Australia, this model range has topped that country’s car market for many consecutive years. The vehicle was specifically designed for left-hand-drive and right-hand-drive applications, making use of clever ideas such as an integrated handbrake function so that the model platform could potentially enter any market around the world. The Lumina is still a vehicle for people looking for a spacious, well-equipped vehicle that pro-

vides exceptional power at an affordable price. More than just a mere performer, the Lumina range is surprisingly refined – offering excellent luxury, safety and convenience. The Lumina offers stylish and dynamic lines that provide a bold presence. The sporty nature of the car is emphasised by the front air dam and rear spoiler that smoothes airflow over the vehicle. Striking 18-inch alloy wheels complete the exterior styling package. The driver and front seat passenger in the Lumina SS are protected by frontal and thorax airbags while full-length curtain airbags provide protection for both front and rear sections of the cab in the event of a side-on impact. The Lumina SS boasts sharp handling and good all round stability thanks to a Linear Control Suspension – an advanced four-link system at the rear and multi-link strut system at the front. Stopping power comes with compliments from large fade resistant brakes. The Lumina SS sedan is a very driveable car with a strong feel, the engine giving responsive and torquey delivery. The V8 engine is matched to a dual exhaust, quad outlet system that is focussed on ensuring low back pressure, which assists significant increases in gas flow efficiency which in turn helps deliver power and torque increases. The 6-litre Generation IV V8 still delivers power of 270 KW at 5 700 rpm and torque of 530 Nm and 4 400 rpm. Fuel economy controls, include a regulated voltage control to reduce alternator power consumption. Although we had the manual on test, the electronically controlled six-speed automatic transmission version will shut down half of its cylinders when setting cruise control at a 110 km/h. This function further helps with fuel consumption and emissions control. The Lumina SS is packed with an extensive list of standard equipment: Power steering, remote rear view mirrors, cruise control, power windows, a height and reach adjustable steering wheel, as well as a user-friendly trip computer, including visual and audible warnings for underspeed in addition to overspeed. The driver seat is four-way power adjustable, and the driver and passenger seats offer lumbar support adjustment. The audio package consists of an in-dash six-CD changer and RDS radio. A high performance amplifier drives the speakers while steering wheel mounted satellite controls provide for easy tuning and adjustment by the driver. The system is Bluetooth cellular compatible. The Lumina SS is still one of those ultra enjoyable cars that just keeps on entertaining on the drive. The awesome V8 sound and aggressive styling adds up to a very good package, and at the price it offers excellent bang for buck. Ewald van Zyl

Barloworld City Pretoria North 466 Gerrit Maritz Street E-mail: Tel: +27 (12) 592 2825 Fax: +27 (12) 592 2866 Cell: +27 (83) 587 2128

wHErE will CHEVrolEt taKE yoU?


Engine Technology

Ahead Of The Curb

Fiat is leading the race to squeeze more performance out of their cars than anyone else.


s an established and respected

impossible dream of lowering emissions whilst

that Fiat is the first manufacturer to make use

player in the motor industry,

increasing performance Fiat has introduced its

of this new technology. At present you’ll be able

Fiat has always been known for

revolutionary new T-Jet engines.

to find the new Grande Punto and Bravo models

These motors work with the adoption of a

utilizing the T-Jet technology, and its success is

and practical road cars. But compared to other

new-generation turbo charger combined with a

evident when glancing at the sales figures, over

Italian automobile manufacturers like Ferrari

smaller capacity engine. And this allows Fiat to

850 000 Grande Punto’s sold last year. And the

or Lamborghini, most Fiat’s are practically tor-

achieve performance level comparable or even

new Grande Punto Series II models, in 1.4 T-Jet

toises. Not anymore though because Fiat is lead-

better than much higher-capacity units, but

three-door Sport and five-door Dynamic outfit

ing the race to squeeze more performance out

with significantly lower fuel consumption and

is officially SA’s best performance car in the sub

of their cars than anyone else. And surprisingly

emission levels. By adding the turbo, maximum

R180 000 bracket, and the only car in that cat-

enough, they’re starting by downsizing their

torque is increased dramatically and is made

egory to boast a turbo-petrol powerplant. Now

engines. They’re doing this to retain their ‘green’

available at a very low rpm, thus providing

let’s take a look at the specs, in the new Grande

crown as the most eco-friendly motor manufac-

quicker responses compared to conventionally

Punto the 1.4 T-Jet delivers a peak power output

turer in Europe. Now to achieve the seemingly

aspirated engines. And it’s worth mentioning

of 88 kW at 5 000 rpm and a maximum torque

producing reliable, affordable

Issue 56 Car & Leisure


of 206 Nm, with 200 Nm available at as little

inside the car that really catches your attention.

phone, scroll down names in your phonebook

as 1 700 rpm, an impressive figure to say the

And Fiat is leading the pack as far as innova-

and receive text messages through Bluetooth,

least. These results are achieved thanks to the

tion goes with many new and exciting features

all without ever taking your hands off the wheel

low inertia of the turbocharger, generating the

in their new vehicles. But probably the most

or your eyes off the road. Also introduced to

best performance in response to the accelera-

convenient thing about Fiat’s new technolo-

the system is a new portable navigation unit

tor and this smooth acceleration enhances the

gies and features is that unlike certain German

called Blue&Me Map that incorporates satellite

drive whilst producing the performance of a

manufacturers, you wont have to take out a

navigation into your Fiat. Another amazing new

true sports car with an impressive top speed of

second mortgage on your house just to afford

innovation is EcoDrive, a system unveiled at last

195 km/h. Under the power of the 1.4 T-Jet the

the optional extras, everything is standard. One

years Paris Motor Show. EcoDrive is a state-of-

Grande Punto will accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h

of the most exciting new features in the Fiat line

the-art system which offers drivers the option of

in just 8.9 seconds, and still fuel consumption

is the Blue&Me infotainment system developed

tracking their driving efficiency, it collects data

remains low, just 6.6 l / 100 km, a truly amaz-

in a partnership between Microsoft corporation

on CO2 emissions and fuel consumption levels,

ing feat by the engineers at Fiat. The revolution-

and Magneti Marelli, a part of the Fiat group and

saving them to a USB device using Blue&Me’s

ary T-Jet motors are also available in the Fiat

a company that excels in automotive technol-

versatile USB port which can then be connected

Bravo, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see them

ogy. Blue&Me is a device which offers Bluetooth

with your PC and analyzed on Fiat’s website.

filtering through more of the Fiat line-up in the

and USB connectivity and is compatible with

This amazing feature is available free of charge


most mobile phones, MP3 players and other

and in the first five months of its launch has

media devices. This device provides a hands-

seen an amazing 35 000 users. According to

free system and allows you to listen to music,

Fiat, EcoDrive’s advice can cut Europe’s CO2

But performance isn’t the only things you look at in a technology feature, it’s the finer things 57 34 Issue Car & Leisure

emissions by 700 tons, enough energy to light

Punto series sports dual front airbags, ABS with

when we look at Fiat’s recent technological of-

up Geneva for eight months! So, how does it

EBD, remote central locking, power steering,

ferings, you can’t help but be impressed. Turbo

work? Well, as you drive the system collects

front electric windows and mirrors, and a trip

charged engines that increases performance

information on how you handle the vehicle and

computer. And these features only improve as

and fuel efficiency, advanced in-car infotainment

how efficient your driving style is. You can then

you go higher into the Fiat range with the range-

systems and controls, an EcoDrive system that

upload the data and take an in-depth look at the

topping Grande Punto 1.4 T-Jet coming fitted as

allows you to track and improve your driving

consumption and emissions for each journey,

standard with ESP (Electronic Stability Program),

habits and even advanced driver assist systems

and then be advised on how to drive in a more

a feature usually exclusive to higher-end and

such as ESP. It’s safe to say that Fiat is on the

economical and environmentally friendly way.

even sports cars. The sophisticated ESP fitted

cutting edge of automobile technology, and

And by following a progressive set of tutorials

on the Grande Punto helps to ensure maximum

even better news is that these systems are

the more eco-responsible driver can expect a 15

control of the car’s dynamic behaviour and cuts

implemented not only in Fiat’s, but also in other

percent improvement in vehicle handling, which

in under extreme conditions when car stability

brands which they own such as Alfa Romeo and

in turn means a 15 percent cut in CO2 emissions

is at risk to help the driver keep control of the

Lancia. So if you’re keen on the latest and great-

and a sizeable saving on fuel.

car. When the ESP’s computer system picks up

est car

And on top of all of these features the new

instability in the vehicle, for example when the

line of Fiat Grande Punto’s for 2009 also offers

car is sliding on the road it generates a yawing

somewhere you didn’t expect to, at Fiat. Johan Keyter

extra niceties. And you’ll find these specs on

movement in the opposite direction and brakes

all of their vehicles, even the entry-level 1.2

the appropriate wheel whilst reducing engine

Active, the smallest and cheapest of the Grand

power to restore the car to full stability. So

technology, you might have to look

Issue 57 Car & Leisure



Ford Focus

Upping The Stakes The new Focus looks sleek and athletic on the road and its modern interior features assure a comfortable drive every time.


o we’ve all heard about, read about

and athletic on the road and its modern interior

the new Focus will be available in two model

and seen the Ford Focus, it isn’t

features assure a comfortable drive every

series, namely the entry level Ambiente and the

something new on the road and

time. When it came to upgrading the interior

higer-grade Si.

whilst you may say it’s a “nice” car,

Ford placed the emphasis on overall comfort

Whilst a lot of restructuring took place in

it isn’t something that is especially eye catching

and adding high-quality materials to improve

the looks department, don’t let this make you

anymore. But now Ford is striving to reinvigo-

ergonomics, this makes the inside of the new

think that the new Focus is all bark and no bite.

rate the Focus with a new series of vehicles for

Focus a beautiful and refined place to be. Sitting

Ford will offer four new engine derivatives for

2009. And Ford has gone all out in their attempt

in the cockpit the driver now sees a large-

the new Focus line, allowing drivers the option

to give the Focus a new look, the exterior has

face tachometer and speedometer set deeply

to choose between favoured fuels and engine

been remodeled, interior upgraded and refined

into individual binnacles, positioned above are

size. Spearheading the engine procession is

and new engine choices will be available for the

small-face water temperature and fuel gauges,

the new 1.8 litre Duratec which replaces the

2009 models. The Focus has been gobbling up

each surrounded by a silver bezel. Between the

previous 1.6 litre model. It produces 92 kW @

South African tarmac for about 5 years now,

two gauges there sits a large LCD screen which

6 000 rpm and has a torque peak of 166 Nm @

being produced locally in 2004 for the South

displays information like time, outside tempera-

4 000 rpm and will be available with five-speed

African and Australian markets and going on to

ture, trip meter, odometer and menu options for

manual transmission. If you want something a

sell over half a million units. The Focus is also

distance to empty, average speed and average

little bigger though you can opt for the 2.0 litre

the only model to ever win ‘Car of the Year’ titles

fuel consumption. The centre console has also

Duratec, the model remains unchanged but is

in both Europe and North America, illustrating

been redesigned with new intuitive controls for

now mated to a new five-speed gearbox with

the ability of the vehicle.

the air-conditioning, heater and ventilation sys-

sequential sport shift. It will produce 107 kW

tems and when darkness falls the centre stack

@ 6 000 rpm with a maximum torque output

thing one notices is the newly designed front-

controls becomes illuminated in a soothing soft

of 185 Nm @ 4 500 rpm. If diesel power is

end, Ford didn’t just add a new grill or badge

red light. USB connectivity on high-grade models

more to your tastes though, you’ll be pleased to

but instead revised it entirely using kinetic

and Blue Tooth capability are also featured on

learn that the new Focus will also be available

design elements. The new Focus looks sleek

the new Focus line-up. Speaking of the line-up,

in a 2.0 litre DuraTorq turbodiesel engine. Ford

Now when you look at the new Focus the first

57 Car & Leisure 36 Issue

also debuts its innovative six-speed PowerShift automatic transmission with the diesel engine, this drivetrain combination offers outstanding fuel efficiency with no compromise to driving performance. If you prefer manual power though the TDCi will also be featured with a six-speed manual gearbox. The diesel derivative sports a maximum power output of 100 kW @ 4 000 rpm and 320 Nm of torque @ 2 000 rpm. And last, but definitely not least is the 2.5 litre Focus ST, this powerhouse offers 166 kW @ 6 000 rpm and a peak torque of 320 Nm between 1 600 rpm and 4 000 rpm. But as the Focus is primarily a comfortable mid-range vehicle and not a roadster there is also a good level of emphasis put on safety and reliability. All models will feature ABS braking while Electronic Stability Program (ESP) with Traction Control (TCS) technology will make its debut with the PowerShift system, providing increased stability in any situation. Driver and passenger front airbags are also standard across the range and side curtain airbags are fitted to the high-end Si models. A solid driving experience is also instilled in the new Focus with an excellent chassis, and this coupled with precision steering provides a stable road going platform. And as Ford marketing manager, Ben Pillay puts

it, “While the major changes to the new Focus

without sacrificing its sporty edge. The new Fo-

are most visible in its new exterior and interior

cus will be available from Ford with a four year /

design elements, there have been extensive

120 000km warranty and a roadside assistance

efforts made to improve the comfort and the

plan for five years or 90 000 km.

ride and drive of the new model.” And this is the very thing that makes the Focus appealing, it’s

Johan Keyter

a good looking, mid-range car that provides a comfortable and enjoyable driving experience

Issue 57 Car & Leisure



Safety On The High Seas


inding yourself in distress on the

available in one-size fits all. Secondly we look at

the crew member carrying it. In the event of a

water is any mariner or casual boat

something a little more high-tec, the McMurdo

crew member falling overboard the base unit

owner’s biggest nightmare. And in

Fastfind 210, a satellite PLB (personal location

detects the transponders drop in signal level and

the spirit of our technology issue I

beacon) that transmits in both the 406Mhz and

then emits a high intensity audible alarm. Three

took a look at some great innovations that may

121.5Mhz frequencies. Containing an integrated

AAA power cells power each transponder which

save your life one day. First off we have the new

50-channel GPS receiver and not being larger

can be used for several weeks of continuous

Mariner Channel 150N lifejacket manufactured

than your average cell phone the Fastfind 210

service, truly an amazing piece of kit to have

by British based Parmaris. This lifejacket stands

offers recreational and professional boaters alike

when braving the open ocean. Other interest-

out due to its super slim design, not at all like

the best chance of being quickly found at sea in

ing new offerings in the marine safety industry

some of the bulky and uncomfortable lifejackets

an emergency. And then an even more intrigu-

include innovations such as personal waterproof

on sale today. This lifejacket has a small CO2

ing and useful piece of technology is the Nasa

first aid kits and automatic fire extinguishers. So

gas cylinder that is manually inflated by pulling

MOBi state of the art, fail-safe transponder man

the next time you head out on your boat, be it

a toggle on the jacket, or if you want total peace

overboard monitor. This systems works with a

on sea or your local dam, be sure to check out

of mind for your children or loved ones it’s also

base unit and up to eight active transponders

the latest marine safety equipment to keep you,

available in an automatic version that inflates

that can be given to crew members or attached

your crew and your loved one as safe as they

itself when fully immersed in water. They also

to valuable equipment. The transponders are

can be.

come standard with a whistle, oral inflation

in constant contact with the base unit and each

tube, a lifting strop, retro-reflective tapes and is

transponder can even be assigned the name of

57 Car & Leisure 38 Issue

Johan Keyter


Yamaha FZR

Will Race For Food Yamaha FZS

The first and only 1812cc engine in the industry.


The all-new Yamaha FZ Series combines

uite recently, actually just a

ultimately hunt in radically different ways to still

day before I attended the new

achieve the same end result. And that is about

an advanced hull and the industry’s largest

Yamaha FZS and FZR launch

as best a description I can give of the difference

displacement, supercharged engine in one pack-

at the Vaal river, I also had the

between the latest offerings from Sea Doo and

age for the PWC enthusiast that wants a purist

opportunity to ride the new Sea Doo RXT iS PWC

Yamaha. It really all depends on your preference

performance watercraft. This next generation of

which is also featured elsewhere in this issue.

of style.

the Yamaha GP Series offers improved handling,

Now, the first thing most people would ask

The all-new FZ Series ushers in a new era of

more power, stronger performance and more versatility than any previous Yamaha.

me is ‘which one is best?’ At first glance it is

high-performance design as the first sit down

easy to accept that the Sea Doo is the better

watercraft made for stand up riding. A new

ski, because it is loaded with brand new and

feature for Yamaha that is exclusive to the FZ

remarkably tight turning with an edge-to-edge

innovative technology, but in reality the new

Series is an innovative, three-position telescop-

inside lean character. The FZ Series features

Yamaha FZ range is a completely different ani-

ing steering column that gives the rider the

Yamaha’s exclusive, award winning NanoXcel

mal. You might as well ask me which is better, a

option to ride seated or standing, depending on

hulls and decks that are engineered using nano-

lion or a cheetah? Both are hunters that do the

where the rider is most comfortable conquering

technology to reduce overall weight. The result

same things in order to achieve a kill, but they

the water.

is a state of the art watercraft that is quick and

The FZ’s all-new hull design combines

Issue 57 Car & Leisure


nimble, but with balance and maneuverability. The FZ Series includes the two-person FZR that features a muscular coupe-like profile and the three-person FZS that offers the versatility to tow or ride with multiple passengers. Both the FZR and FZS are powered by Yamaha’s 1812cc, supercharged SHO engine that is the largest displacement engine in the PWC industry. This engine produces awesome power, but it is also the most fuel efficient in its class

Storage Capacity: 21.3 gallons / 80.6 litres Hull Material: NanoXcel High-Compression Molded Compound FAST FACTS – YAMAHA WAVERUNNERS® The most fuel-efficient line of personal watercraft and the only entire line optimized to run on regular unleaded fuel. Low RPM Mode: reduces fuel consumption by up to 26 percent. 3 Position Telescopic Handlebars: new for the

and is optimized to deliver the utmost perfor-

FZ and the industry in 2009, offers 3 different

mance using Regular Unleaded fuel. The FZ

riding positions.

styling reflects Yamaha’s racing heritage – sleek lines, deep gauge automotive instrumentation, and a masculine fastback profile with bold colors and graphics. Throttle response is instant and aggressive, and the handling is crisp and precise. A pure

The first and only 1812cc engine in the industry. The first use of nanotechnology in the manufacturing of hulls, decks and liners, which reduces weight by 25 percent. Cruise Assist: reduces throttle fatigue,

adrenalin rush. The fact is that the new Yamaha

improves towing capability, and can extend the

is a Cheetah in Cheetah clothing – lean and

range of touring.

mean, built for speed, no frills and no fuss.

No Wake Mode: sets the engine to optimum


no wake speed, is especially convenient for ma-

Engine Type: 1.8 liter, 1812cc, supercharged

rinas and long no wake zones.

four-stroke engine Displacement: 1812cc Impeller: 3 blade, stainless steel (17º pitch) Length: FZR: 131.9” / 3.35m; FZS: 132.7” / 3.37m

Reverse with Traction Control: RPM is limited in reverse to enhance maneuverability. Cruiser Concept: the industry leader in cruising capabilities and comfort. The industry’s first electronic throttle.

Beam: 48.4” / 1.23m Height: 45.7” / 1.16m

Prices (include vat):

Fuel Capacity: 18.5 gallons / 70 litres, regu-

FZR - R199 990

lar unleaded fuel Passenger Capacity: FZR: 1-2 (353 lbs.) FZS: 1-3 (529 lbs.)

57 42 Issue Car & Leisure

FZS - R196 650 Ewald van Zyl








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Heesen Man of Steel

Palatial Extravagance It seems they have reached the ideal of design and luxury in their new 50-metre giant, the aptly named Man of Steel.


or years Heesen has been one of Holland’s leading manufacturers of performance super yachts. And it seems they have reached the ideal

of design and luxury in their new 50-metre giant, the aptly named Man of Steel. This super yacht is the largest displacement yacht designed by Heesen throughout their illustrious 30-year history. The Man of Steel’s beautiful design originated from the drawing boards of Omega Architects and features interior design by Marc Wallace. As with most Heesen yachts the Man of Steel continues their design trend of sleek lines and although it’s a different type compared to the speedy 3700 the Man of Steel bears the resemblance in design, including the reverse sheer and pelican-beak bow. And its sheer size is also something to be marveled at with a third deck level topped by an extensive sun deck giving the vessel a much more imposing look. The interior of this vessel is certainly stunning beyond belief, using a fine combination

57 Car & Leisure 44 Issue

56 Car & Leisure 00 Issue

Issue 56 Car & Leisure


Man of Steel is a VIP stateroom, three additional

snorkel or scuba dive on a nearby reef, or just

guest staterooms and an entertainment room on

have some fun in the sun the Man of Steel also

the lower deck.

has a spacious aft garage where a seven metre

Taking another look at the owner’s area sees

two more jet skis and a crew boat can be found

revolving double bed in the centre of the room.

neatly squeezed onto the foredeck together with

Full-height windows offer a panoramic 180-de-

a crane for deploying them. Some other pleas-

gree view by day and by night the bed can be

antly surprising features found on this luxury

revolved to face a big screen television. And

yacht include a fully outfitted gymnasium and a

when it comes to entertaining your guests the

corridor with a floor of river pebbles under plate

Man of Steel offers a big open plan saloon on

glass which creates a dazzling environment.

the main deck which includes a designer living-

combination of Macassar veneer with black steel accents and beautiful stone floors this is a yacht fit for royalty. And this is accentuated when taking a look at the beautiful owners area which includes all of the upper deck aft of the stairway lobby and includes a study, walk-in wardrobes and a private bathroom. Also to be found on the 57 46 Issue Car & Leisure

tender and two jet skis can be kept. Additionally

the cabin itself being completely circular with a

Technically the Man of Steel also proves to

room-like seating area, a fully equipped bar and

be an exceptionally impressive vessel. With a

a formal dining area. The spectacular luxury

staggering range of 6 000 nautical miles at 10

of this vessel is also found on the electronic

knots this beauty of a yacht is capable of voyag-

entertainment level, in the seating area you

ing worldwide on her own power. Propulsion is

can find a big screen television and a high-end

gained by 2 MTU 8V 4 000 series engines and

entertainment system featuring every television

they’ll propel the vessel to a maximum speed of

channel fathomable, games and music capabili-

15.5 knots and a cruising speed of 13 knots. It

ties. Each cabin also has entertainment features

has a fuel capacity of 86 000 litres and displaces

of the like, though not on such a grand scale.

a gargantuan 550 tonnes. This palatial vessel

When stepping onto the deck passengers can

has room for 12 guests and 11 crew members,

also expect a world of luxury, the Man of Steel

so entertaining two or three families is a breeze.

boasts two hot tubs, one on the sundeck and

All in all the Man of Steel is an amazing vessel,

another aft on the bridge deck, part of the own-

bristling with innovative design themes, luxuri-

ers private area. Forward of the wheelhouse is

ous interiors and impressive technical capabili-

an open-air seating area for guests sheltered by

ties, and if you happened to be a billionaire look-

a retractable awning than can be automatically

ing for a new plaything, do invite me along.

deployed like the convertible top on a car. The seating area adjoins a circular space forward which can most impressively also serve as a touch-and-go helicopter pad. And if you feel like getting off the yacht for a while, maybe to

Johan Keyter

McCarthy - Member of the Bidvest Group

For more information, or your nearest dealer contact AMP on (011) 392 0770 or


Marine Technology

Future By Design I n the spirit of our technology issue we

The Lancer GT uses “future engine technology”

example M-hulls are especially popular because

took a look at the new range of ma-

from Mercury Marine to power its new aquatic

their hulls were designed to minimize damage

rine engine and hull designs on offer

speed demon, the speedboat comes equipped

caused by boat wakes. The M-hull design was

today. We start off with the recently

with a 377 Magnum engine which produces 325

first implemented for military use, as can be

unveiled engine by Honda Marine, the BF60, 60

hp and can propel it to a top speed of about 115

seen on the craft in the picture above. Military

horsepower outboard engine. This new design is

km/h. And having covered cruising and speeding

nautical engineers claim the M-hull is a revolu-

ideal for pontoons, small centre consoles, skiffs

lets take a look at a new bulk hauling motor

tionary new design because the more pressure

and inflatables and offers a host of Honda-

from Caterpillar Marine. Recently unveiled in

is captured in the hull tunnels, the higher the

exclusive technologies and designs. The BF60

Germany was the 6 MaK M 43 C engines which

boat rises out of the water and thus it goes

offers you the fuel efficiency and quiet running

has an astonishing combined clout of 64 000 kW,

faster and produces less drag. The M-hull design

of Honda’s established four-stroke outboard

these are the engines that will power the cruise

has started gaining commercial interest recently

engines combined with a lightweight design

ship ‘Nieuw Amsterdam’ and they show of the

being used in fishing boats and pleasure craft

and powerful acceleration. Exclusive Honda

capabilities of Caterpillar Marine Power Systems

alike due to its streamlined design. So when

technology such as their Boosted Low Speed

(CMPS) in high-end propulsion technology like

we look at new maritime innovations the future

Torque (BLAST) system and Lean Burn Control

never before. And last but not least, let’s take

seems brighter than ever, boats are becoming

combines for a smooth and efficient cruising

a look at some remarkable hull designs in the

faster, less polluting and more streamlined, look

motor. On the flip side of the coin we look at the

shape of the so called M-hull. This design has

forward to it.

speedy new engine of the Lancer GT made by

been around for a while but it seems that only

Chris-Craft, a Florida based boat manufacturer.

now it’s really catching on, in Venice, Italy for

57 Car & Leisure 48 Issue

Johan Keyter


Mercury Verado 250

Conquering The Waterways Featuring exceptional reliability, jaw-dropping power, great acceleration and surprisingly one of the quietest and smoothest rides ever produced by an outboard, it’s clear to see that Mercury has outdone themselves.


s Mercury Marine, always a leader

that reduces overall noise by up to 14 decibels

through extensive testing, over 50 000 hours

in marine engine technology

whilst at the same time tuning the engine sound

to make it the most rigorously proven control

recently set out to engineer the

to a more pleasing tone. Acoustic foam lining

system on the water today. And when it comes

perfect outboard engine, they

along the upper cowling and lower cowl also

to fuel management, SmartCraft also provides

questioned everything. Every number, every

absorbs high frequency engine noise, helping to

up-to-the second information on fuel range, lev-

scenario, every detail and everything done

give the Verado its best-in-class sound rating.

els and flow, ensuring an accurate and depend-

previously in engine design was rethought in an

You’re also in for an exceptionally smooth ride

able reading on fuel information for improved

attempt to produce one of the best performing

with the Verado, it runs smoother than conven-

efficiency and peace of mind. And lastly, no

outboards to date. And the result of this is the

tional V-block outboard motors thanks to its in-

more worries about spilling your favourite drink

Verado, according to Mercury, the world’s most

line design which provides a smoother-running,

as the boat lurches forwards, the Verado Perim-

reliable and advanced propulsion system. With a

more compact engine design.

eter Engine Mounts are twice the size of typical

power range to choose from stretching between

Worrying about precise docking manoeuvres

mounts and this innovative positioning around

200 and 300 horsepower, the six-cylinder Verado

is also a thing of the past with the Verado’s

the powerhead virtually eliminates engine-relat-

delivers an amazing driving experience.

exclusive Electro-Hydraulic Power Steering

ed boat vibration. In conclusion, if you want a

Featuring exceptional reliability, jaw-dropping

system which eliminates steering torque while

fast, reliable and smooth performing engine, the

power, great acceleration and surprisingly one of

delivering a precise steering feel. The Verado’s

Verado should be on top of the list.

the quietest and smoothest rides ever produced

extensive compliment of features continues with

by an outboard, it’s clear to see that Mercury

the SmartCraft Digital Throttle & Shift (DTS)

has outdone themselves. Noise levels have

System, this system delivers automotive-like

always been an issue with boat engines, but it’s

control, instant throttle response and smooth

a thing of the past with the new Verado’s. They

shifting by eliminating the hesitation of tradi-

use a multichambered Intake Sound Attenuator

tional mechanical cable systems. DTS has been

57 Car & Leisure 50 Issue

Johan Keyter


Suzuki GSX-R1000 K9

Sunday Samurai You have a brand new, 999 cc four cylinder engine that is lighter and shorter and is said to deliver more power and torque, with improved throttle response across the entire rev range.


he litre bike war rages on regard-

and technology in this market segment at the

nimbler handling and a more responsive ride

less of the fact that our rand is not

moment. The bike has landed at a price of R155

to go with sharper styling for 2009. This is to

worth a whole lot these days, and

650, which puts it kinda in the ballpark as it

be expected though and I will talk you through

another of the new machines to

is not quite as expensive as the R1 nor is it as

these improvement areas as we go along! From a styling point of view I think the K9 is

be unleashed at Kyalami’s Racetrack for 2009,

cheap as the ZX10 and quite close to the Blade.

following shortly after Yamaha’s R1 and Honda’s

I need to add though that this was correct at the

the best looking machine of the current crop. I

Fireblade, was Suzuki’s GSX-R1000, affection-

time of going to print and certainly could have

like the angular lines, and to be blunt, and not

ately known as the ‘K9’ by all and sundry in the

changed either way by the time you read this.

so politically correct, I think it will clean up very

So what do you get for your money?

nicely once you remove the rear number plate

I am going to get into the price quickly as

Well without stating the obvious, you get

holder like almost all do.

that seems to almost overshadow the product

more power, a lighter more compact machine,

superbike world.

57 52 Issue Car & Leisure

Unfortunately, even though they have cleaned

up the look of those massive dual exhausts by giving them a bit of an angle, they are one of the first and only things I would toss in the bin if I owned a K9. Again I am sure many will do the same and get a grumpy sounding bike at the same time, I too have never owned a superbike that I have left the standard pipe on either. Jumping on the bike before getting ready to blast around the track quickly revealed a comfy seat, decent reach to the bars and adjustable foot pegs for getting the optimal riding position just right. Sure launch day was not going to be the day to be doing multiple adjustments, but even as it was set-up the bike felt good enough to be ridden hard without perceived discomfort. Sitting there waiting for the green flag also allows one to appreciate the good ergonomics of the K9. The instrument cluster that includes an easy to read rev counter, obligatory gear position indicator, digital speedo and various selectable LCD readouts for trip and stuff is real easy to read. Letting you know that this around 180 Hp (I think because I couldn’t find a figure that was confirmed on any website) machine is just as ready for the track as it is for breakfast running is the lap timer function that I couldn’t get to work. And if I did I would not have remembered to press the button each time I came past the pits anyway and the Suzuki Drive Mode Selector

Issue 57 Car & Leisure


Switch that allows you to choose various engine and performance maps.

The power delivery is real strong through the

And here I can say that in all of my laps

entire rev range and although you know you are

around the circuit I never once felt like I had got

riding a missile, it never feels like it is trying to

things out of control and this is thanks mainly to

bits that go into making the power. You have a

kill you at every twist of the throttle. But again,

the fact that the bike is 10mm shorter but with

brand new, 999 cc four cylinder engine that is

make no mistake, come out of Nashua 2 at

a 33mm longer swing arm along with big piston

lighter and shorter and is said to deliver more

Kyalami and grab a handful and the front wheel

front forks that further improve feedback and

power and torque, with improved throttle re-

goes skyward onto the old back straight. It is


sponse across the entire rev range. You also get

certainly going to also be enough for the break-

more compression, up from 12.5:1 to 12.8:1,

fast runners too.

What isn’t hidden somewhere is the technical

larger diameter titanium valves, forged pistons,

Of course perhaps even more so on the road

shot-peened con rods and specially plated

where the surface changes quickly and can be


unpredictable, handling and the harnessing of

Fuelling this lot are new 12 hole injectors that produce a finer fuel mist for better combustion and iridium spark plugs as standard to produce

Braking is taken care of by twin 310mm front discs coupled to four-pot callipers and a single 220mm disc and calliper at the rear and did exactly what was asked of them over and over. All in all I came from my time with Suzuki’s

this power becomes more important than how

GSX-R1000 K9 very impressed, I liked the

quick this bike can get around a track.

looks, I like the way it delivered its power and

I am not even going to try and pretend to be

it certainly won’t want or have to hide away

a bigger explosion come power time. And they

a suspension expert, but just like most of you

from anything in its class on the weekly Sunday

weren’t kidding, punch the DMS switch to max

out there, I don’t want to feel a bike slipping

morning blast!

power mode and blast out onto the track and

and sliding under me and I also like to know

you can immediately feel what they are talking

that should I have to throw out the anchor, it will


stop quickly.

57 54 Issue Car & Leisure

Mark Jones


Yamaha FZ6R

Street Cred As we have said before, Supersport bikes are great for the speed crazy folk to blast around on weekends... but they don’t make much sense for everyday use.


his is where the new 2009 FZ6R fits

mid range power and torque in their new

position system with options of 20 mm higher

perfectly into the less intense world

machine, to meet the demands of todays riders.

or lower than standard. All these adjustments

of a sports commuter with its easy to control engine, light weight and

There is nothing more intimidating than a bike that is uncomfortable or too big to ride. New-

including the suspension and seat can be done with tools provided in the under seat tool kit. Performance wise the Yamaha FZ6R was

low seat height. This bike is all about motivat-

comers and lady riders alike will appreciate the

ing rider confidence and is a blast to ride around

low seat height and adjustable handlebars that

designed to go head to head with bikes such as

town and on the open road.

will put the rider comfortably in control and

Honda’s Hornet 600, Suzuki’s GSR600 and show

inspire a sense of confidence. The handle-

the way Kawasaki’s ER6f and the Suzuki SV650.

Thundercat, Yamaha designers looked for

bars can be set in two positions 20 mm apart

This is thanks to the fact that the Yamaha

improved real world reliability with low end and

from each other, while the seat also has a two

engineers have packed the FZ6R with features,

Said to be inspired by the older Yamaha

57 Car & Leisure 56 Issue

like a torquey 600cc liquid-cooled, inline four cylinder engine. This engine was borrowed from Yamaha’s championship winning Supersport bikes but has been optimised for smooth, usable power throughout the rev range. The cylinder head, crankcases, intake and exhaust manifolds as well as the electronic fuel injection system has been revised to create a new engine with unique characteristics. The camshafts have also been redesigned to fit the new shape of the intake system. Revised cam timing reduces lift and duration, taking the peak off the top end power but thickens up the mid-range. In the chassis department the FZ6R features an all new diamond shaped steel frame which uses the engine as a stressed member, as well as a simple, square steel swingarm. Suspension is handled thanks to a 41 mm fork up front and a SOQI shock out back. The fork is not adjustable but the rear shock has a seven step preload adjuster. And just because the bike isn’t overly sporty doesn’t mean it can’t look sporty. Stylish bodywork lends the FZ6R a sporty look with aggressive lines borrowed from the YZF-R series, but with more extensive wind protection, which matches the upright seating position and which is needed on a bike that will be ridden everyday in all kinds of weather. The low mounted exhaust keeps the mass centralised while adding to the modern look of the bike. Stopping is also important in everyday traffic. This is why standard Brembo master cylinders grace both front and rear ends of the bike. Upfronts are two 298 mm discs that are clamped by a dual piston calliper while a single piston calliper brings a 245 mm disc at the rear to a stop. The FZ6R proves to be a formidable opponent for any twisty road thanks to good suspension and great brakes as well as a seating position, right for every rider, that makes it easy to muscle the bike through the corners. With a focus on low and mid range rideability the FZ6R is a boon about town. It is the ideal commuter with enough mid range snap to keep the traffic light racers happy. The great fuel injection system means it pulls smoothly all the way to the 10 000 rpm redline, while the transmission has a smooth feel throughout the box. The cherry on the cake has to be the price of R78 000, which is great value for money and even more of a bargain if you look at what a Supersport bike costs these days. Reuben van Niekerk


Kawasaki Embraces Luxury Technology


he current models already gets bits

to be displayed on an LCD screen set into the

like variable valve timing, keyless

bike’s instrument panel.

ignition, tyre pressure sensors and ABS, but the next year’s bike could

The cameras used by Kawasaki are longwave “far infra-red” cameras, which pick up their

push things to a whole new level, with night vi-

images based on heat rather than light, so the

sion and head-up display (HUD) technologies.

system is ideal for highlighting people or animals

Borrowing technology from luxury cars are

in the road but can’t identify objects that are no

said to have developed infrared night vision

hotter than the background. Using far infra-red

technology, which will let riders see beyond what

makes sense on a bike, where space is at a

a bike’s conventional headlamps can illuminate.

premium. As it needs no extra lights – the cam-

The system works via a pair of infrared cameras

eras alone can pick up heat 300 meters or more

mounted on the bike, which work together with

ahead of the bike, well beyond the range of even

the bike’s onboard computer. If these cam-

high-beam headlights.

eras ‘see’ anything (which may be beyond the

But the system goes beyond simply reveal-

headlamps illumination range and which the

ing an extended view into the darkness, as it

rider may not be able to see) in the bike’s path,

also works to actively alert riders to dangers. So

the system will issue audio/visual alerts to warn

you’re not constantly checking the dash-mount-

It is not only cars and marine craft that are benefiting from new technology. The Kawasaki 1400GTR is said to already be one of the most technologically advanced bikes on the market, but two new pieces of technology should promote it to the top of the super fast, technological empowered Grand Tourer pile. the rider. The cameras can ‘see’ objects that

ed screen for hidden dangers, the on-board

are around 300m ahead of the motorcycle, in

computer is able to identify objects and highlight

the dark, so these could be a very useful safety

them – either using the display itself or an audio

feature on a high speed motorcycle, travelling

warning via a Bluetooth headpiece in your hel-

on dark roads.

met – as well as giving extra details, for instance

Another high-tech feature that Kawasaki is working on is a head-up display system, which

a read-out of how far the object is from the bike. Given the fact the technology is available

would project information like the bike’s speed

right now, and that Kawasaki has already filed

and revs right in front of the rider’s eyes. The

very detailed patents – specifically around the

system will probably work in accordance with

way the new system mounts on the GTR and

a purpose-built helmet, which would allow this

how it integrates with the GTR’s electronics, it

information to be projected ahead of the visor,

should be on the market soon.

so the rider doesn’t have to look down at the

As well as revealing details of its night-vision

instrument cluster to access vital information.

system Kawsaki’s latest patents also hint at an-

These systems will most probably be available

other big leap in getting information to riders in

as both standard and optional fitment. Drawings

the form of helmet-mounted head-up displays.

of the design clearly reveal that the GTR is being

While initial versions of night vision are expected

used as the guinea pig for Kawasaki’s night vi-

to use a simple dash-mounted screen to display

sion, in line with its role as the firm’s technology

their images and information, the next step is to


incorporate the pictures into a readout right in

So, how does it work? The answer lies in a pair of infra-red cameras mounted behind clear

front of the rider’s eyes. This type of technology is already available

lenses set into the front of the bike’s rear-view

on expensive luxury cars, but Kawasaki is the

mirrors. Picking out images even in pitch dark-

first to adapt and engineer these systems to

ness, these work together like a pair of eyes to

work on a motorcycle. Speculation is that the

give a stereoscopic view to the bike’s on-board

bike, equipped with all this technology, will be

computer – allowing it to judge how far away

revealed at the shows in Paris and Milan later

objects are and alert the rider if there’s anything

this year.

in his path that’s beyond the reach of the conventional headlights.

Reuben van Niekerk

One of the cameras also provides an image

57 Car & Leisure 58 Issue

Issue 56 Car & Leisure




Honda Motorcycle Airbag

Saved By The Bag Another piece of car technology that has made its way to motorcycles, is the worlds first motorcycle airbag, developed by Honda. Although not available in South Africa yet, it has been tested successfully in overseas markets.


o matter how careful, prepared

monitor acceleration changes and an ECU, which

an actual crash at 72 km/h, the test illustrated

and skilled we are, there is

performs calculations to instantly determine

the strengths of using the airbag technology

sometimes the need for reassur-

when a collision is occurring. When a severe

long established in cars. The airbag, fitted near

ing support. In the unlikely event

frontal collision occurs, the four crash sensors

the biker’s tank, inflated in a fraction of a second

of an accident Honda is committed to reducing

mounted on the front fork measure the change

and visibly protected the motorcyclist from seri-

the number and severity of injuries.

in acceleration caused by the impact and convey

ous injury. In fact, the crash test dummy biker

this data to the airbag ECU, which determines

that smashed into the car at a speed of 72 km/h

research has been careful analysis of accident

a collision is occurring and whether or not it

was virtually unscathed.

statistics. Data indicates over half are frontal

is necessary to inflate the airbag. If it is then

collisions resulting in injuries from other vehicles

deemed necessary to deploy the airbag, the

protect, like the head, the neck and the chest

or the road surface. Honda engineers are con-

ECU sends a signal to the airbag inflator which

were nearly unharmed after the test. Without

stantly looking for ways to reduce the sever-

instantly responds by inflating the airbag. The

the airbag, at an accident at that speed, the

ity of injuries and have therefore developed a

airbag absorbs some of the forward energy of

driver would have likely suffered fatal head

motorcycle airbag.

the rider, reducing the velocity at which the rider


A vital aspect of Honda’s motorcycle safety

The complex dynamics of a motorcycle ac-

may be thrown from the motorcycle , this helps

cident mean the interaction between the airbag

lessen the severity of injuries caused by the

and rider can be affected by different types

rider colliding with another vehicle or the road

of crash motion, including yawing, pitching


and rolling. These factors had to be taken into

ADAC Motorwelt, with a circulation of 14

consideration during the stringent crash testing

million by far the most widely read magazine in


Germany, has performed the first independent

The motorcycle airbag system is compro-

Gold Wing airbag crash test. The extensive crash

mised of the airbag module, which includes the

test conducted by ADAC Motorwelt demonstrat-

airbag and the inflator, crash sensors which

ed the airbag’s true protective action. Simulating

57 Car & Leisure 60 Issue

Parts of the body where the airbag does not

Reuben van Niekerk




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BMW 116i 3dr BMW 116i 5dr BMW 118i 3dr BMW 118i 3dr auto BMW 118i 5dr BMW 118i 5dr auto BMW 120i 3dr BMW 120i 3dr auto BMW 120i 5dr BMW 120i 5dr auto BMW 120d 5dr BMW 120d 5dr auto BMW 130i 3dr BMW 130i 3dr auto BMW 130i 5dr BMW 130i 5dr auto BMW 120d coupe BMW 120d coupe auto BMW 125i coupe BMW 125i coupe auto BMW 135i coupe BMW 135i coupe auto BMW 120i convertible BMW 120i convertible auto BMW 125i convertible BMW 125i convertible auto BMW 135i convertible BMW 135i convertible auto BMW 320i Start BMW 320i Start auto BMW 320d BMW 320d auto BMW 323i BMW 323i auto BMW 325i BMW 325i auto BMW 330i BMW 330i auto BMW 330d BMW 330d auto BMW 335i BMW 335i auto BMW M3 Sedan BMW M3 Sedan M-DCT BMW 320i Touring

224 500 229 500 237 500 252 500 242 000 257 500 254 000 269 500 259 000 274 500 282 000 297 500 319 000 336 700 324 000 341 700 303 500 319 000 315 500 333 100 390 000 407 700 321 000 336 500 368 500 386 100 450 000 467 700 286 500 302 000 341 500 357 000 337 000 352 500 367 500 383 000 424 000 439 500 432 500 448 000 447 000 492 500 679 000 718 000 322 000





BMW 320i Touring auto BMW 320d Touring BMW 320d Touring auto BMW 325i Touring BMW 325i Touring auto BMW 320i coupe BMW 320i coupe auto BMW 325i coupe BMW 325i coupe auto BMW 335i coupe BMW 335i coupe auto BMW M3 coupe BMW M3 coupe M-DCT BMW 330i convertible BMW 330i convertible auto BMW 335i convertible BMW 335i convertible auto BMW M3 convertible BMW M3 convertible M-DCT BMW 520d BMW 520d auto BMW 523i BMW 523i auto BMW 525i BMW 525i auto BMW 530i BMW 530i auto BMW 530d BMW 530d auto BMW 550i BMW 550i auto BMW M5 BMW M5 touring BMW 650i coupe BMW 650i coupe auto BMW 650i convertible BMW 650i convertible auto BMW M6 coupe BMW M6 convertible BMW 730d standard auto BMW 740i standard auto BMW 750i standard auto BMW 750Li standard auto BMW Z4 2.0i BMW Z4 2.5si BMW Z4 2.5si auto BMW Z4 3.0si BMW Z4 3.0si auto BMW Z4 3.0si coupe BMW Z4 3.0si coupe auto BMW Z4 M coupe BMW Z4 M roadster BMW X3 xDrive 2.0d BMW X3 xDrive 2.0d auto BMW X3 xDrive 2.5i BMW X3 xDrive 2.5i auto BMW X3 xDrive 3.0i auto BMW X3 xDrive 3.0d auto BMW X5 xDrive 3.0si BMW X5 xDrive 3.0d BMW X5 xDrive 3.0sd BMW X5 xDrive 4.8i BMW X6 xDrive 35i BMW X6 xDrive 35d BMW X6 xDrive 50

337 500 360 000 375 500 386 500 402 000 344 500 360 000 383 500 399 000 546 500 572 200 703 500 745 200 524 000 539 500 624 000 649 700 790 000 831 700 410 000 426 400 386 500 402 900 447 500 463 900 520 500 536 900 521 000 537 400 686 500 702 900 982 500 1 081 500 884 500 902 500 971 000 989 000 1 191 500 1 279 000 928 000 907 500 1 135 500 1 243 500 366 500 447 000 461 800 539 500 554 300 468 500 483 300 596 000 619 500 405 000 420 100 455 500 470 600 503 500 519 500 586 000 608 500 652 500 702 000 680 000 724 000 845 500


BLS 1.9D sedan BLS 2.0T sedan BLS 2.0T sedan auto BLS 2.8 V6 auto sedan CTS 3.6 V6 VVT STS 4.6 V8

306 127 280 759 295 638 407 337 425 000 519 630

Rhino Standard 2.2 single cab Rhino Standard 2.2 single cab 4x4 Rhino Standard 2.8D single cab Rhino Standard 2.2 double cab LWB Rhino Lux 2.2 double cab SWB Rhino Lux 2.8D double cab LWB Inyathi Minibus






87 000 168 000 115 000 99 900 109 000 125 000 179 00


PT Cruiser 2.4 Touring PT Cruiser 2.4 Touring auto PT Cruiser 2.4 Limited Cabrio PT Cruiser 2.4 Limited Cabrio auto Sebring 2.4 Touring auto Sebring 2.7 V6 Limited auto Sebring 2.7 V6 convertible auto 300C 3.5 V6 auto 300C 5.7 V8 Hemi auto 300C 6.1 SRT8 Grand Voyager 3.8 LX auto Grand Voyager 2.8 CRD LX auto

R 199 900 R 209 900 R 254 900 R 264 900 R 224 900 R 274 900 R 309 900 R 369 000 R 444 900 R 539 900 R 329 900 R 369 900

CITROEN Benny 1.3 sedan Lux Benny 1.3 sedan Exclusive Chana Star 1.0 single cab Chana Star 1.0 club cab Chana Star 1.0 club cab tipper Chana Star 1.0 double cab Chana Star 1.0 double cab tipper Chana Star 1.0 mini-panelvan Chana Star 1.0 mini-panelvan (7-seater) Chana Star 1.3 single cab Chana Star 1.3 club cab Chana Star 1.3 club cab tipper Chana Star 1.3 double cab Chana Star 1.3 double cab tipper Chana Star 1.3 mini-panelvan Chana Star 1.3 mini-panelvan (7-seater) Chana Star 1.0 Rainbow Chana Star 1.0 Rainbow (10-seater) Chana Star 1.3 Rainbow Chana Star 1.3 Rainbow (10-seater) Chana Maxi 1.3 (1.5ton)

77 900 89 900 68 400 74 400 70 400 80 400 80 400 85 400 95 400 78 400 84 400 80 400 90 400 90 400 95 400 105 400 80 400 90 400 90 400 100 400 99 900

C1 1.0i C1 1.0i Play C2 1.4i VTR C2 1.6 VTS C3 1.4i C3 1.4 Hdi Look Pack C3 1.6i C3 1.6i Look Pack auto C3 Pluriel 1.4 C3 Pluriel 1.6 Sensodrive C4 1.6 Saloon C4 1.6 Hdi Saloon C4 1.6i VTR coupe C4 2.0i VTS coupe C4 Picasso 1.8 C4 Picasso 1.6 Hdi C5 2.0 Hdi auto Berlingo Multispec 1.4i Exec Berlingo 1.4i panelvan (lv) Berlingo 1.9 D panelvan (lv)


QQ3 0.8 TE 5dr QQ3 0.8 TX 5dr auto QQ3 1.1 TE 5dr QQ3 1.1 TXE 5dr auto J5 2.0 TE J5 2.0 TX J5 2.0 TX auto Tiggo 1.6 TX Tiggo 2.0 TX Tiggo 2.0 TXE auto


Spark 5DR Hatch Spark 5DR Hatch LS 1.0L Spark 5DR Hatch LT 1.0L Aveo 1.6 L A/C 5dr Hatch Aveo 1.6 LS 5dr Hatch Aveo 1.6 LS A/T 5DR Hatch Aveo 1.6 LT A/T 5DR Hatch Aveo 1.6 LS 4DR Sedan Aveo 1.6 LS A/T 4DR Sedan Aveo 1.6 LT 4DR Sedan Optra 1.6 Optra 1.6 LS Optra 1.8 LT Lumina Sedan 6.0 V8 SS auto Lumina Sedan 6.0 V8 SS 6-speed man Lumina Sedan 6.0 V8 SS auto Lumina Sedan 6.0 V8 SS 6-speed man Lumina Ute 6.0 V8 SS auto Lumina Ute 6.0 V8 SS 6-speed man Lumina Ute 6.0 V8 SS auto Lumina Ute 6.0 V8 SS 6-speed man Captiva LT 2.4 FWD 5 Speed man Captiva LT 2.4 AWD 5 Speed man Captiva 2.0 Diesel LTZ 5 Speed man Sunroof Captiva 3.2 LTZ 5 Speed auto Sunroof

69 900 83 900 83 900 99 900 149 000 159 900 169 900 149 000 159 900 169 900

Barloworld City PTANorth Tel: (012) 5292800

R 77 490 R 93 170 R 104 450 R126 970 R144 370 R155 840 R 165 700 R144 370 R 155 840 R 165 700 R 175 870 R 194 770 R 223 110 R 415 320 R 415 320 R 415 320 R 415 320 R 405 600 R 405 600 R 405 600 R 405 600

Charade 1.0 Classic Manual Charade 1.0 Classic Auto Charade Celeb Manual Charade Celeb Manual PS Charade Celeb Auto PS Copen 1.3 Manual Sirion 1.3 Std Manual Sirion 1.3 Std Auto Sirion 1.5 Sport Manual Sirion 1.5 Sport Auto Materia Man Materia Auto Terios 4x2 Manual (Soft Cover) Terios 4x2 Manual (Hard Cover) Terios 4x4 Manual (Soft Cover) Terios 4x4 Manual (Hard Cover) Terios 4x4 Auto (Soft Cover) Terios 4x4 Auto (Hard Cover) Terios 4x4 Manual (Soft Cover only) Terios 4x2 Manual (7 seater) Terios 4x2 Auto (7 seater) Terios 4x4 Manual (5 seater) Terios 4x4 Manual (7 seater) Daihatsu Delta truck 3.5 ton Chassis Cab Daihatsu Delta truck 4.0 ton Chassis Cab Daihatsu Delta truck 3.5 ton Dropside Body Daihatsu Delta truck 4.0 ton Dropside Body

R 98 500 R 119 000 R 135 995 R 164 000 R 136 000 R 148 500 R 148 500 R 165 000 R 195 295 R 220 495 R 185 000 R 205 000 R 180 000 R 235 000 R 230 000 R 260 000 R 344 995 R 159 995 R 129 995 R 139 995

Diahatsu Wonderwaters 012 - 567 0020

R 104 995 R 114 995 R 109 995 R 114 994 R 124 995 R 209 995 R 129 995 R 139 995 R 139 995 R 149 995 R 164 995 R 174 995 R 199 995 R 204 995 R 219 995 R 224 995 R 229 995 R 234 994 R 249 995 R 219 995 R 229 995 R 234 994.99 R 239 995 R 229 995 R 240 995 R 246 995 R 256 995


Caliber 1.8 SE Caliber 1.8 SXT Caliber 2.0 SXT CVT

R 184 900 R 194 400 R 204 900

Caliber 2.0 SXT CRD Caliber 2.4 SXT Nitro 3.7 SXT auto Nitro 2.8 CRD SXT Nitro 2.8 CRD SXT auto Nitro 3.7 R/T auto Journey 2.7 V6 SXT auto Journey 2.0 CRD R/T

R 239 900 R 214 900 R 324 900 R 344 900 R 354 900 R 354 900 R 259 900 R 349 900


Palio II 1.2 Active Base 5dr Palio II 1.2 Active (lv) 5dr Palio II 1.2 GO! 3dr Palio II 1.2 GO! 5dr Fiat 500 1.2 Pop Fiat 500 1.4 16v Sport Grande Punto 1.2 Active 3dr Grande Punto 1.4 Active 5dr Grande Punto 1.4 T-jet Dynamic 5dr Grande Punto 1.4 T-jet Sport 3dr Bravo 1.4 T-Jet Active 5dr Bravo 1.4 T-Jet Sport 5dr Bravo 1.9JTD Dynamic MultiJet Multipla 1.6 Active Multipla 1.9 Multijet Panda 1.1 Active Panda 1.2 Dynamic Panda 1.2 Climbing 4x4 Panda 1.4 16-valve 100 HP Doblo’ Cargo 1.4 Scudo Combi 2.0 Multijet 8-seater Ducato 2.3 Vetrato minibus Ducato 2.3 MH1 panelvan (10m3) Ducato 2.3 MH2 panelvan (11.5m3) Ducato 2.3 LH2 panelvan (13m3) Ducato 2.3 LH2 Strada 1.2 EL Strada 1.4 X-Space Base Strada 1.6 EL

R 81 400 R 99 900 R 88 800 R 90 900 R 150 500 R 180 800 R 118 000 R 132 800 R 183 600 R 191 900 R 203 400 R 226 200 R 237 600 R 231 500 R 257 700 R 103 700 R 122 500 R 147 900 R 169 700 R 142 700 R 363 100 R 278 600 R 272 400 R 278 100 R 302 000 R 263 600 R 95 400 R 107 900 R 110 000


Ka 1.3i 3dr Ambiente Ka 1.3i 3dr Collection Fiesta 1.4 5dr Base (2007) Fiesta 1.4 Ambiente 5dr (lv) Fiesta 1.4 TiVCT Titanium 3dr Fiesta 1.6 TiVCT Ambiente 5dr (lv) Fiesta 1.6 TiVCT Titanium 3dr Fiesta 1.6 DV6 5dr Ambiente Fiesta 2.0i ST 3dr (2007) Ikon 1.6 Ambiente Ikon 1.6 Trend Ikon TDCi Ambiente Focus-sedan 1.8 Ambiente Focus-sedan 2.0 Si Focus-sedan 2.0 Si auto Focus-sedan 2.0 TDCi Si Focus 1.8 Ambiente hatchback Focus 2.0 Si hatchback Focus 2.0 TDCi Si hatchback Focus 2.0 TDCi Si hatchback auto Focus 2.5 ST 3dr Focus 2.5 ST 5dr Territory 4.0 4x2 TX auto Territory 4.0 4x2 Ghia auto Territory 4.0 4x4 Ghia Territory 4.0 Turbo ST auto Bantam 1.3i Base Bantam 1.6i Base Bantam 1.4 TDCi Base Bantam 1.6i Montana Ranger 2.2i Ranger 2.5D Ranger 2.5TD Hi-Trail XL 4x2 Ranger 2.5TD Base 4x4 Ranger 2.5TD 4x4 Safety Ranger 3.0 TDCi XLT Hi-Trail 4x2 Ranger 2.5 TD Super Cab Hi-Trail 4x2 Ranger 3.0 TDCi Super Cab XLT 4x2 Ranger 3.0 TDCi Super Cab XLT 4x4 Ranger 4.0i V6 Super Cab XLT 4x2 Ranger 2.5TD Hi-Trail 4x2 double cab Ranger 2.5TD XLT 4x4 double cab + safety Ranger 3.0 TDCi XLE 4x2 double cab Ranger 3.0 TDCi XLE 4x2 double cab auto Ranger 3.0 TDCi XLE 4x4 double cab Ranger 3.0 TDCi XLE 4x4 double cab auto Ranger 4.0i V6 XLE 4x2 double cab Ranger 4.0i V6 XLE 4x2 double cab auto Ranger 4.0i V6 XLE 4x4 double cab auto

R 86 590 R 109 300 R 117 570 R 153 950 R 178 650 R 164 050 R 186 500 R 187 650 R 198 601 R 141 550 R 157 950 R 162 200 R 185 590 R 235 150 R 243 800 R 269 750 R 185 590 R 235 150 R 254 850 R 269 750 R 287 690 R 308 650 R 330 401 R 375 900 R 410 000 R 453 800 R 101 950 R 115 950 R 141 250 R 147 060 R 140 850 R 173 810 R 197 300 R 234 950 R 246 700 R 261 990 R 221 850 R 284 670 R 328 670 R 244 200 R 238 490 R 294 550 R 332 600 R 344 500 R 376 750 R 388 800 R 286 300 R 297 100 R 338 990

Honda Menlyn (012) 470 9200

Honda Hatfield (012) 342 4290

Jazz 1.4 V-TEC LX Man Jazz 1.4 V-TEC LX Aut Jazz 1.5 EX V-TEC Man Jazz 1.5 EX V-TEC Auto Jazz 1.5 V-TEC EX-S Man Jazz 1.5 V-TEC EX-S Auto Civic 1.8 V-TEC LXi sedan Man Civic 1.8 V-TEC LXi sedan Auto Civic 1.8 V-TEC Exi sedan Man Civic 1.8 V-TEC Exi sedan Auto Civic 1.8 V-TEC VXI sedan Man Civic 1.8 V-TEC VXI sedan Auto Civic Hatch 1.8 V-Tech EXI Man Civic Hatch 1.8 V-Tech EXI Auto Civic Hatch 1.8 V-Tech VXI Man Civic Hatch 1.8 V-Tech VXI Auto Civic Hatch 2.2 C-TDI Man Civic Type R 2.0 V-Tec Man Civic Type R Championship Ed Man FR-V 1.8 V-TEC Man FR-V 1.8 V-TEC Auto Accord 2.0 V-TEC sedan Man Accord 2.0 V-TEC sedan Auto Accord 2.4 V-TEC sedan 17” Man Accord 2.4 V-TEC sedan 17” Auto Accord 2.4 V-TEC sedan 18” Man Accord 2.4 V-TEC sedan 18” Auto Accord 2.2 D-TEC sedan 17” Man Accord 2.2 D-TEC sedan 17” Auto Accord 2.4 V-TEC 17” Tourer Man Accord 2.4 V-TEC 17” Tourer Auto Accord 2.2 V-TEC 17” Tourer Auto CR-V 2.4 V-TEC RVI Man CR-V 2.4 V-TEC RVI Auto CR-V 2.4 V-TEC RVSI 17” Man CR-V 2.4 V-TEC RVSI 17” Auto CR-V 2.4 V-TEC RVSI 18” Man CR-V 2.4 V-TEC RVSI 18” Auto CR-V 2.2 C-TDI RVSI Man S 2000 2.0 V-TEC Man

R 166 900 R 178 900 R 187 900 R 199 900 R 201 900 R 213 900 R 210 900 R 222 900 R 224 900 R 236 900 R 251 900 R 263 900 R 239 900 R 245 900 R 261 900 R 279 900 R 289 900 R 304 900 R 314 900 R 261 900 R 274 900 R 283 900 R 297 900 R 329 900 R 343 900 R 338 900 R 352 900 R 363 900 R 381 900 R 357 900 R 371 900 R 402 900 R 331 900 R 345 400 R 374 900 R 388 400 R 381 900 R 395 400 R 396 900 R 423 900

H1 Bus 2.4 GLS (9-seater) H1 Panelvan 2.4 GL (3-seater) Bakkie 2.6 Chassis Cab Bakkie 2.6 Deck 1.3 ton Bakkie 2.6 Tipper Truck HD72 Chassis Cab Truck HD72 Tipper Truck HD65 Chassis Cab






R 295 900 R 236 900 R 146 900 R 152 900 R 174 900 R 269 900 R 364 900 R 237 900 McCarthy Menlyn (012) 3692000

McCarthy Villieria (012) 331 0034

KB 200i LWB KB 200i LWB Fleetside KB 240i 4x4 Fleetside KB 360iV6 Extended Cab LX KB 240i double cab LE KB 240i double cab 4x4 LE KB 360i V6 double cab LX KB 360i V6 double cab 4x4 LX KB 360i V6 double cab 4x4 LX auto KB 250c LWB KB 250c LWB Fleetside KB 250 D-TEQ 4x4 Fleetside KB 300 D-TEQ LWB LE KB 250 D-TEQ Extended Cab LE KB 300 D-TEQ Extended Cab 4x4 LX KB 250 D-TEQ double cab LE KB 250 D-TEQ double cab 4x4 LE KB 300 D-TEQ double cab LX KB 300 D-TEQ double cab LX auto KB 300 D-TEQ double cab 4x4 LX KB 300 D-TEQ double cab 4x4 LX auto

R 138 202 R 145 760 R 243 287 R 268 652 R 264 092 R 318 835 R 309 943 R 357 823 R 367 285 R 173 793 R 181 237 R 252 247 R 263 990 R 241 064 R 325 983 R 290 221 R 333 826 R 328 274 R 336 277 R 370 739 R 378 662


Daily 35S12V8 panelvan Daily 35S12V10 panelvan Daily 35S15V12 panelva

R 225 150 R 250 800 R 230 000


Picanto Base Man Picanto Base Auto Picanto LX Man Picanto LX Auto Picanto EX Man Picanto EX Auto Rio 1.4 Man High Rio 1.4 Auto High Rio 1.6 Man Sport Rio 1.6 Auto Sport Pro_cee’d 2.0 Man Pro_cee’d Sport 2.0 Man Sedona 3.8 V6 EX Auto Sedona 2.9 CRDi EXN Man Sedona 2.9 CRDi EX Auto Carens 2.0 CCVT Man Carens 2.0 CCVT Auto Sportage 2.0 4x2 Man Sportage 2.0 4x2 Auto Sportage 2.0 4x4 Man Sportage 2.0 4x4 Auto Sportage 2.7 4x4 Auto Sportage 2.0 CRDi 4x4 Man Sportage 2.0 CRDi 4x4 Auto Sorento 2.5 CRDi 4x2 Man Sorento 2.5 CRDi 4x2 Auto Sorento 3.8 V6 4x2 Auto Sorento 2.5 CRDi 4x4 Man Sorento 2.5 CRDi 4x4 Auto Sorento 3.8 V6 4x4 Auto K2700 Workhorse Chassis Cab - PS K2700 Workhorse - PS K2700 Workhorse Tipper - PS Soul 1.6 Man


Kia Wonderwaters Tel: 012 567 0020

R 102 995 R 111 995 R 114 995 R 124 995 R 131 995 R 142 995 R 154 995 R 164 995 R 177 995 R 187 995 R 249 995 R 289 995 R 373 995 R 373 995 R 383 995 R 243 995 R 253 995 R 248 995 R 258 995 R 263 995 R 273 995 R 297 995 R 292 995 R 302 995 R 319 995 R 343 995 R 348 995 R 349 995 R 373 995 R 378 995 R 152 995 R 158 995 R 180 995 R 189 995

Land Rover Pretoria (012) 369 2400

HUMMER JAGUAR H3 Man 4WD H3 Auto 4WD H3 Adventure 4WD H3 Adventure auto 4WD H3 Luxury 4WD H3 Adventure V8 auto 4WD H3 Luxury V8 auto 4WD


Atos Prime 1.1 GLS A/C Manual i10 1.1 GLS Manual i10 1.1 GLS Automatic i10 1.2 GLS Manual i10 1.2 GLS Automatic Accent 1.6 GLS A/C Manual Accent 1.6 GLS HS Manual Accent 1.6 GLS Automatic Accent 1.6 GLS Manual 3DR Azera 3.3 GLS Automatic Elantra HD 1.6 GLS Manual Elantra HD 1.6 GLS Automatic Elantra HD 2.0 GLS Manual Getz 1.4 GL A/C Manual Getz 1.4 GL HS Manual Getz 1.6 GL Automatic Getz 1.6 GL HS Manual Getz 1.6 HS Manual Sport Getz 1.5 CRDi HS Manual Sonata 2.4 GLS Manual Sonata 2.4 GLS Automatic Tiburon Coupe 2.0 GLS Manual Tiburon Coupe 2.7 V6 GLS Automatic Tucson 2.0 GLS 4x2 Manual Tucson 2.0 GLS 4x2 Manual Mono Tucson 2.0 CRDi 4x4 Automatic Tucson 2.7 GLS 4x4 Automatic Santa Fe 2.2 CRDi 4x2 Manual Santa Fe 2.2 CRDi 4x4 Manual 7 Seater Santa Fe 2.2 CRDi 4x4 Automatic Santa Fe 2.2 CDRi 4x4 Automatic 7 Seater Terracan 2.9 CRDi Manual Terracan 2.9 CRDi Automatic Terracan 3.5 Automatic

R 412 650 R 417 900 R 454 650 R 459 900 R 490 350 R 495 250 R 541 886 Hyundai Zambesi Tel: 012 523 2700

R 91 900 R 105 900 R 115 900 R 112 900 R 122 900 R 146 900 R 159 900 R 169 900 R 162 900 R 374 900 R 189 900 R 199 900 R 201 900 R 127 900 R 143 900 R 158 900 R 145 900 R 149 900 R 162 900 R 248 900 R 259 900 R 246 900 R 296 900 R 239 900 R 242 900 R 299 900 R 294 900 R 374 900 R 384 900 R 409 900 R 419 900 R 319 500 R 335 500 R 319 500

XF 2.7D V6 Luxury XF 3.0 V6 Luxury XF 4.2 V8 Premium Luxury XF 4.2 V8 SV8 Super charger XJ 4.2 V8 SV8 Sovereign XJ 4.2 V8 R Super charger XJ 4.2 SV8 Super charger XK-coupe XK-convertible XKR 4.2 coupe Super charger XKR 4.2 R convertible Super charger

R 540 00 R 530 000 R 645 000 R 830 000 R 719 000 R 794 000 R 867 000 R 995 000 R 1 035 000 R 1 080 000 R 1 160 000


Jeep Compass 2.0 CRD Limited Jeep Compass 2.4 Limited Jeep Compass 2.4 Limited CVT Jeep Patriot 2.0 Limited Diesel Jeep Patriot 2.4 Limited Jeep Patriot 2.4 Limited CVT Wrangler 3.8 Sport Wrangler 3.8 Sahara auto Wrangler 2.8 CRD Sahara auto Wrangler 3.8 Rubicon Wrangler Unlimited 3.8 Sahara auto Wrangler Unlimited 2.8 CRD Sahara auto Wrangler Unlimited 3.8 Rubicon auto Jeep Cherokee 2.8 CRD Sport Jeep Cherokee 2.8 CRD Sport auto Jeep Cherokee 3.7 Sport auto Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.0 CRD Laredo auto Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.0 CRD Overland auto Jeep Grand Cherokee 3.7 V6 Laredo auto Jeep Grand Cherokee 5.7 Overland auto Jeep Grand Cherokee SRT8 Jeep Commander Limited 5.7 Jeep Commander 3.0 Limited auto Jeep Commander 3.0 Extreme Sport auto

R 299 900 R 259 900 R 269 900 R 279 900 R 249 900 R 259 900 R 239 900 R 279 900 R 314 900 R 299 900 R 304 900 R 339 900 R 324 900 R 339 900 R 349 900 R 299 900 R 444 900 R 519 900 R 379 900 R 494 900 R 599 900 R 499 900 R 519 900 R 439 900

Defender 90 2.4 County S/W Defender 110 2.4 Pick-Up a/c, r/cd Defender 110 2.4 Pick-Up H/C a/c, r/cd Defender 110 2.4 Hard Top a/c, r/cd Defender 110 2.4 County a/c, r/cd, c/lock Defender 130 2.4 D/Cab H/C Pick-Up a/c, r/cd New Discovery 3 L319 V6 Diesel S New Discovery 3 L319 V6 Diesel SE New Discovery 3 L319 V6 Diesel HSE New Discovery 3 L319 V8 Petrol SE New Discovery 3 L319 V8 Petrol HSE Freelander 2TD4 S Freelander 2TD4 S Auto Freelander 2TD4 SE Freelander 2 TD4 SE Auto Freelander 2 TD4 HSE Freelander 2 TD4 HSE Auto Freelander 2 3.2 i6 S Freelander 2 3.2 i6 SE Freelander 2 3.2 i6 HSE Range Rover Sport HSE 4.4 V8 Range Rover Sport S/C 4.2 V8 Range Rover Diesel 3.6 V8 Range Rover Big Body “Vogue” 3.6 TDV8 Range Rover Big Body S/C 4.2 V8

R352 000 R 331 500 R 342 000 R 342 000 R 389 500 R 389 500 R 550 000 R 593 000 R 663 000 R 545 000 R 658 000 R 377 500 R 387 500 R 404 000 R414 000 R 453 000 R 463 000 R 383 500 R 410 000 R 459 000 R 811 000 R 882 000 R 862 000 R 1,105 000 R 1,135 000


IS250 6M IS250 6A GS300 6A GS300 SE GS450 GS450h E-CVT LS 460 6A SC430 6A RX350 auto RX350 XE auto RX400h V6 E-CVT (200kW)

R 345 300 R 361 700 R 522 300 R 570 300 R 625 700 R 670 400 R 922 600 R 818 300 R 544 700 R 607 300 R 661 000

Elise 1.8 IIIR Elise 1.8 SC Exige 1.8 Exige 1.8 S Exige 1.8 SC Europa S

R 499 000 R 599 000 R 535 000 R 715 000 R 599 000 R 660 000


Xylo 2.5 CRDe E2 8 seater Xylo 2.5 CRDe E8 8 seater Xylo 2.5 CRDe E8 7 seater Scorpio 2.0 4x2 7 seater Scorpio 2.0 4x2 8 seater Scorpio 2.6TD 7 seater Scorpio 2.6TD 7 seater 4x4 Scorpio 2.6 CRDe 7 seater Scorpio 2.6 CRDe 7 seater 4x4 Bolero NEF 2.5TD 4x2 loader Bolero NEF 2.5TD 4x2 flatbed Bolero NEF 2.5TD 4x2 Bolero NEF 2.5TD 4x4 Bolero NEF 2.5TD double cab 4x2 Bolero NEF 2.5TD double cab 4x4 Scorpio Pik-up 2.5TD 4x2 Scorpio Pik-up 2.5TD 4x4 Scorpio Pik-up 2.5TD double cab 4x2 Scorpio Pik-Up 2.5TD double cab 4x4

164 900 194 900 199 900 171 000 174 600 183 000 220 200 197 200 229 900 116 900 117 500 127 995 174 990 154 990 184 990 157 900 194 900 199 900 239 900


Mazda2 1.3 Active Mazda2 1.5 Dynamic Mazda3 1.6i Mazda3 Sport 1.6 Original Mazda3 2.0 Dynamic Mazda3 Sport 2.0 Dynamic Mazda3 2.3 Individual Mazda3 Sport 2.3 Individual Mazda3 2.3T DISI MPS Mazda5 2.0 Original Mazda5 2.0 Individual Mazda6 2.0 Original Mazda6 2.0 Active 6-speed Mazda6 2.5 Dynamic Activematic Mazda 6 2.5 Individual Mazda MX-5 2.0 Soft top Mazda MX5 Roadster coupe Mazda RX8 Renesis 5-speed Mazda RX8 Renesis Hi Power 6-speed Mazda CX-7 2.3 MPS AWD auto BT-50 2500TDi SLX 4x2 BT-50 2.6i 4x2 BT-50 2.6i 4x4 BT-50 Drifter 3000CRDi SLX 4x2 BT-50 Freestyle 2.5TDi 4x2 SLX BT-50 Freestyle 2.5TDi 4x4 SLX BT-50 Freestyle 3.0 CRDi 4x2 SLX BT-50 2500TDi SLX 4x2 double cab BT-50 2.6i SLE 4x2 double cab BT-50 2.6i 4x4 double cab (safety) BT-50 Drifter 3000CRDi SLE 4x2 double cab BT-50 3000CRDi SLE 4x2 double cab auto BT-50 3000CRDi SLE 4x4 double cab

153 571 171 050 181 050 195 401 237 449 237 350 264 880 261 500 299 850 239 771 286 100 250 950 273 750 310 330 318 280 296 170 330 510 324 400 375 000 421 100 240 950 185 770 223 750 263 200 260 130 305 100 286 050 304 401 289 790 271 950 327 991 339 990 372 101

B200 CDI B200 CDI Autotronic C180K Classic C180K Classic auto C180K Classic Estate C180K Blue Effeciency Sedan C180K Blue Effeciency Estate C200K Classic C200K Classic auto C200K Classic Estate C220 CDI Classic C220 CDI Classic Auto C220 CDI Classic Estate C280 Elegance auto C280 Elegance Estate auto C320 CDI Elegance auto C320 CDI Elegance Estate auto C350 Elegance auto C350 Elegance Estate auto C63 AMG C63 AMG Estate CLC200 K Sports coupe CLC350 Sports coupe CL 500 coupe CL 600 Bi-turbo coupe CL63 AMG 7G-tronic CL65 AMG Bi-turbo 5-speed auto CLK350 convertible 7G-tronic CLK500 convertible 7G-tronic CLK63 coupe AMG CLS350 7G-Tronic CLS500 7G-Tronic CLS 63 AMG E 200 K Classic Speedtronic E 200 K Speedtronic E 220 CDI auto E 280 auto E 320 CDI auto E 350 auto E 500 auto E 63 AMG auto E500 Guard S 320 CDI 7G-Tronic S 350 7G-Tronic S 500 7G-Tronic S 500 L 7G-Tronic S 600 L 7G-Tronic S 63 AMG 7G-Tronic S 65 AMG 7G-Tronic S600 Guard SL 500 5.5 V8 auto SL 600 5.5 V12 auto SL 63 5.5 V8 AMG auto SL 65 6.0 V12 AMG auto SLK 200 Compressor SLK 350 AT 7G-Tronic SLK 55 AMG 7G-Tronic R320 CDI R500 ML 320 CDI 7G-Tronic ML 350 7G-Tronic ML 500 7G-Tronic ML63 AMG 7G-Tronic GL320 CDI 7G-Tronic GL500 7G-Tronic Viano 2.2 CDI Trendline Viano 3.0 V6 CDI Ambiente Vito 115 CDI Crew Cab Vito 115 CDI Panelvan Vito 115 CDI Crew Bus Vito 120 CDI Crew Bus Vito 120 CDI Sport 8 seater Sprinter 308 CDI Panelvan Sprinter 309 CDI Panelvan Sprinter 315 CDI FC single cab Sprinter 315 CDI Panelvan Sprinter 416 CDI High roof panelvan Sprinter 518 CDI double cab

308 000 321 000 314 000 327 700 232 000 314 000 323 000 334 000 347 700 343 000 354 000 367 700 363 000 424 000 433 000 453 000 462 000 455 000 464 000 765 000 774 000 353 000 427 000 1 455 000 1 910 000 1 885 000 2 220 000 710 000 798 000 919 000 712 000 870 000 1 160 000 393 000 431 000 454 000 505 000 561 000 577 000 725 000 1 039 000 1 729 000 900 000 880 000 1 100 000 1 190 000 1 500 000 1 480 000 1 950 000 5 900 000 1 370 000 1 865 000 1 775 000 2 140 000 498 000 655 000 844 000 661 000 763 000 650 000 640 000 742 000 1 105 000 825 000 940 000 451 896 568 062 316 236 269 154 373 920 454 860 478 800 265 620 271 434 266 760 311 220 346 788 364 002



A170 Classic A170 Classic Autotronic A180 CDI Classic A180 CDI Classic Autotronic A200 A200 Autotronic B170 B170 Autotronic B200 B200 Autotronic B200T B200T Autotronic

222 000 235 700 253 000 266 700 264 000 277 700 253 000 266 000 283 000 296 700 303 000 316 000

MINI Cooper MINI Cooper auto MINI Cooper S MINI Cooper S auto MINI Cooper S Works MINI Cooper Clubman MINI Cooper Clubman auto MINI Cooper S Clubman MINI Cooper S Clubman auto MINI Cooper convertible MINI Cooper convertible CVT MINI Cooper S convertible MINI Cooper S convertible auto

199 500 214 560 252 500 267 560 299 500 216 000 231 060 262 500 283 560 272 500 288 600 327 500 343 600






Lancer 1.5 GLX Lancer 2.0 GLX Lancer 2.0 CVT auto Outlander 2.4i GLX 4x4 Outlander 2.4i GLX CVT 4x4 Pajero 3.2 Di-D GLS SWB auto 4x4 Pajero 3.2 Di-D GLS LWB auto 4x4 Pajero 3.2 Di-D GLX LWB auto 4x4 Pajero 3.8i V6 GLS SWB auto 4x4 Pajero 3.8i V6 GLS LWB auto 4x4 Triton 2.4 MPI double cab Triton 2.5 Di-D double cab Triton 3.5 V6 4WD double cab Triton 3.2 Di-D 4WD double cab Triton 3.2 Di-D 4WD auto double cab Triton 2.5 Di-D Club cab Triton 3.2 Di-D Club cab 4WD Triton 3.5 V6 Club Cab


Micra 1.4 Visia+ 3dr Micra 1.4 Visia 5dr Micra 1.5dCi Tekna 3 dr Micra 1.5dCi Acenta+ 5dr Tiida 1.6 Visia sedan Tiida 1.6 Visia+ sedan auto Tiida 1.8 Acenta sedan 6 speed Tiida 1.6 Visia+ hatch Tiida 1.8 Acenta hatch Livinia 1.6 Visia Livinia 1.6 X-Gear Visia Grand Livina Acenta Qashqai 1.6L Visia Qashqai 2.0L Acenta Qashqai 2.0 dCi Acenta 4x2 Qashqai 2.0 dCi Tekna 4x4 350Z coupe 350Z Roadster X-Trail 2.0 XE 4x2 6 speed X-Trail 2.5 4x4 SE 6 speed X-Trail 2.5 4x4 SE CVT X-Trail 2.0 dCi XE 4x2 X-Trail 2.0 dCi SE 4x4 X-Trail 2.0 dCi SE 4x4 auto Murano 3.5i V6 4wd X-tronic Pathfinder 2.5DCi 4x4 LE Pathfinder 2.5 DCi 4x4 LE tiptronic Pathfinder 4.0 V6 4x4 LE tiptronic Patrol 3.0Di GL Patrol 4.8 GL Patrol 4.8 GRX tiptronic Patrol Pickup 4.2D 4x4 Patrol Pickup 4.2 TDi 4x4 NP200 1.6 8V Base NP200 1.6 16V S NP200 1.5dCi Base NP200 1.5dCi SE NP300 2.0i swb NP300 2.0i lwb NP300 2.4i SC hi-Rider 4x2 NP300 2.4i lwb 4x4 NP300 2.5 Tdi S lwb single cab NP300 2.5 Tdi High Rider single cab NP300 2.5 Tdi lwb 4x4 single cab NP300 2.5 Tdi double cab NP300 2.4i Hi-Rider double cab NP300 2.4 Hi-Rider 4x4 double cab NP300 2.5 tdi Hi-Rider double cab Navara 2.5 dCi 4x2 double cab Navara 2.5 dCi 4x2 double cab auto Navara 2.5 dCi 4x4 double cab Navara 4.0 V6 4x2 double cab Navara 4.0 V6 4x2 double cab auto Navara 4.0 V6 4x4 double cab Navara 4.0 V6 4x4 double cab auto Primastar 1.9 dCi Interstar 2.5 dCi panelvan HR Interstar 2.5 dCi taxi Cabstar 20 Cabstar 20 double cab

205 000 230 500 247 500 326 000 381 000 494 000 594 000 508 000 461 000 580 500 272 500 298 000 358 000 362 000 379 000 262 000 331 000 272 000

Global Nissan Sinoville Tel: 012 - 543 8700

126 500 146 000 174 500 180 500 159 000 193 000 214 500 178 000 212 500 139 900 151 000 171 000 220 500 273 000 295 000 320 000 460 000 520 000 268 300 359 000 379 000 299 000 371 000 391 000 463 000 421 900 446 500 453 900 559 500 573 000 644 500 314 700 348 500 99 800 129 800 139 800 169 800 127 000 147 000 200 000 215 000 169 000 215 000 230 000 217 000 252 000 303 000 267 000 330 900 341 900 374 900 330 900 348 900 371 900 400 900 329 000 293 000 395 000 217 000 284 000

McCarthy Menlyn (012) 3692000







SsansYong Gezina, PTA (012) 335 7978

McCarthy Villieria (012) 331 0034

Corsa 1.4 lite 3dr Corsa 1.4 lite (lv) 3dr Corsa 1.4 Essentia (lv) 5dr Corsa 1.4 Enjoy auto 5 dr Corsa 1.6 OPC+ Turbo 5dr Astra 1.6 Essentia Astra 1.8 Sport Astra OPC+ Corsa Combo 1.4 Corsa Utility 1.4 (lv) (2007) Corsa Utility 1.4 Club Corsa Utility 1.8 Corsa Utility 1.8 Club Corsa Utility 1.7 Dti Corsa Utility 1.7 Dti club Vivaro 1.9 CDTi Enjoy bus Vivaro 2.0 Base Vivaro 1.9 CDTi base panelvan Vivaro 1.9 CDTi Base panelvan (lv)

87 440 98 650 155 520 189 600 249 930 199 530 239 560 335 660 155 940 105 500 132 490 129 840 151 010 148 370 172 220 325 990 230 150 245 010 256 090


107 X-Line 1.0 207 XL 1.4i 3dr 207 XR Plus 1.4 Vti 5dr 207 1.6 VTi 5dr 207 1.6 Gti THP 3dr 207 1.6 Hdi 5dr 207 CC Sport One 1.6 207 CC Sport Two 1.6 THP 308 X-Line 1.6 VTI 5dr 308 XS 1.6 VTI auto 308 1.6 hdi 5 dr 6 speed 308 1.6 XT 1.6 THP 5dr 308 SW 1.6 Vti 5dr Partner 1.6 Partner 1.6 Hdi Partner 1.9 D delivery Expert 2.0 HDI panelvan L1H1 Boxer MH 2.2 Hdi Boxer MH 2.2 Hdi XLH 4 ton Boxer MH 2.2 Hdi panelvan 3.3 ton Boxer LH 3.o Hdi panelvan

124 900 141 850 155 580 192 800 228 700 202 550 243 880 275 500 197 500 249 500 246 500 252 900 250 588 155 900 168 200 143 000 248 550 239 500 314 900 275 500 313 500


Boxster PDK Boxster S PDK 911 Carrera PDK 911 Carrera convertible PDK 911 Carrera S PDK 911 Carrera S convertible PDK 911 Carrera 4 PDK 911 Carrera 4 convertible PDK 911 Carrera 4S PDK 911 Carrera 4S convertible PDK 911 Targa 4 911 Targa 4S PDK 911 Turbo 911 Turbo tiptronic Cayman PDK Cayman S PDK Cayenne 3.6 V6 Tiptronic Cayenne S Tiptronic 4.8 V8 Cayenne GTS 4.8 V8 Cayenne GTS Tiptronic 4.8 V8 Cayenne 4.8 V8 Bi-Turbo tiptronic Cayenne 4.8 V8 Bi-Turbo S tiptronic

595 000 695 000 1095 000 1195 000 1195 000 1295 000 1195 000 1295 000 1295 000 1395 000 1275 000 1375 000 1950 000 1990 000 650 000 795 000 595 000 750 000 995 000 995 000 1495 000 1695 000

Saga 1.3 Gen.2 1.6 GL Gen.2 1.6 GL auto Satria Neo 1.2 Savvy 1.2 Sport Auto Satria Neo Persona 1.6 Arena 1.5i Arena 1.5 GLX


Twingo 1.2 Dynamique Twingo 1.2 Dynamique Plus Clio III 1.4 Extreme 5-dr Clio III 1.4 Extreme 3-dr Clio III 1.6 Extreme 5-dr Clio III 1.6 Extreme 3-dr Clio III 1.6 Extreme 5-dr A/T Clio III 1.6 Dynamique 5-dr Clio III 1.6 Dynamique 3-dr Clio III 1.5dCi Expression 5-dr Clio III Renault Sport 2.0 3-dr Logan 1.6 MPI Expression Megane Sedan II 1.6 Authentique Megane Sedan II 1.9 dCi Dynamique Megane Hatch II 1.6 Shake It! 5-dr Megane Hatch II 2.0 Shake It! 5-dr Megane Hatch II 2.0T GT 5-dr Megane Hatch II 1.9 dCi Dynamique+ 5-dr Megane Renault Sport 2.0T 5-dr Megane Renault Sport 2.0T R26 3-dr limited edi Megane Renault Sport 2.0T R26 3-dr special edi Megane coupe cabriolet II 1.6 limited edition Megane coupe cabriolet II Dynamique 2.0T Megane coupe cabriolet II Dynamique 2.0 A/T Megane coupe cabriolet II Dynamique 1.9 dCi Scenic II Joie de vivre 1.6 Limited Edition Scenic II Dynamic 1.9dCi Scenic Navigator 2.0 Scenic Navigator 1.9 dCi Grand Scenic II 1.9 dCi dynamique Sandero 1.4 8v Authentique 5-dr Sandero 1.6 8v Expression 5-dr Sandero 1.6 Expression pack 5-dr Sandero 1.6 Expression pack 5-dr Sandero 1.6 8v Dynamique 5-dr Koleos 2.5 4x2 Manual Dynamique Koleos 2.5 4x4 Manual Dynamique Koleos 2.5 4x4 CVT Dynamique Premium Koleos 2.0 dCi 4x4 manual Dynamique Premium Kangoo Express 1.4 Gen07 Kangoo Express 1.5 dCi Gen07

109 995 155 995 165 995 104 995 128 995 143 995 148 995 88 995 120 995

Renault Wonderwaters 012 - 567 0020

R 129 000 R 138 000 R 156 000 R 159 000 R 168 000 R 171 000 R 179 000 R 173 500 R 173 500 R 172 000 R 244 000 R 116 500 R 179 000 R 239 000 R 198 000 R 222 000 R 255 000 R 250 000 R 297 000 R 315 000 R 331 000 R 290 000 R 343 000 R 305 000 R 345 000 R 223 000 R 275 000 R 275 000 R 285 000 R 291 000 R 98 800 R 111 800 R 126 800 R 136 800 R 142 800 R 292 000 R 313 000 R 362 000 R 378 000 R 142 000 R 155 000


9-3 1.9 TiD Linear 6 speed 9-3 2.0 LPT linear 9-3 2.0T Vector 9-3 2.8 V6 Aero auto 9-3 2.0 Sports Combi stationwagon auto 9-3 2.0 T5 Linear 5 speed converible 9-3 2.0 T5 Linear auto converible 9-3 2.8 V6 Aero Converible auto

250 971 278 554 326 865 397 687 298 579 448 434 507 444 507 444


fortwo pure coupe auto MHD fortwo pure coupe auto fortwo turbo pulse coupe auto fortwo turbo passion convertible auto

149 000 149 000 161 000 180 000

Kyron M200 Xdi 4x2 Man Kyron M200 Xdi 4x2 Auto (5 spd T-tronic) Kyron M200 Xdi 4x4 Man Kyron M200 Xdi 4x4 Auto (5 spd T-tronic) Kyron 270 Xdi AWD Man Kyron 270 Xdi AWD Auto (5 spd T-Tronic) Musso Sports Pick up 4x2 Auto Musso Sports Pick up 4x4 Auto Rexton 270 Xdi Auto LS T-tronic Stavic SV 270 xdi Auto (5spd T-tronic) Stavic SV 270 xdi Man Low Spec Actyon Sports 4x2 Man Actyon Sports 4x2 Auto (6 spd T-tronic) Actyon Sports 4x4 Man Actyon Sports 4x4 Auto (6 spd T-tronic)

R 279 995 R 299 995 R 299 995 R 314 995 R 349 995 R 369 995 R 244 995 R 284 995 R 439 995 R 334 995 R 299 995 R 259 995 R 274 995 R 294 995 R 309 995

SUBARU Impreza 1.5R 5 door Impreza 2.0R 5 door Impreza 2.5 WRX 5 door Impreza 2.5STI 5 door Legacy Sedan 2.0R Legacy Sedan 2.0R auto Legacy 2.5 GT Premium sedan Legacy 2.5 GT Premium sedan auto Legacy 2.0R Wagon Legacy 2.0R Wagon auto Legacy 2.5 GT Premium Wagon Legacy 2.5 GT Premium Wagon auto Forester 2.5 X Forester 2.5 X auto Forester 2.5 XT Forester 2.5 XT auto Outback 2.5i Outback 2.5i auto Outback 3.0R auto Outback 3.0R premium auto Tribeca 3.6 Auto


174 000 225 000 309 000 489 000 239 000 251 000 379 000 379 000 249 000 261 000 395 000 395 000 269 000 301 000 349 000 364 000 291 000 303 000 353 000 399 000 516 000

Suzuki Tel: 012 - 4230900

Swift 1.5 GL MT Swift 1.5 GLS MT Swift 1.5 GLS AT

R 141 900 R 158 900

Swift 1.5 GL MT Swift 1.5 GLS MT Swift 1.5 GLS AT SX4 2.0 MT SX4 2.0 AT Jimny 1.3 VVT MT Grand Vitara 2.4 MT Grand Vitara 2.4 AT Grand Vitara 3.2 AT

R 141 900 R 158 900 R 172 900 R 204 900 R 219 900 R 179 900 R 315 900 R 330 900 R 377 900


B-Line LE Indica 1.4 LEi Indica 1.4 DLS Indigo 1.4 GLS Indigo 1.4 GSX Indigo 1.4 SW GLS Indigo 1.4 SW DLX Xenon 3.0 Dicor 4x2 single cab Xenon 3.0 TD 4x4 single cab Xenon 3.0 TD double cab 4x2 Xenon 3.0 Dicor double cab 4x4 Safari 2.2D 4x4 Telcoline 2.0 4x2 TDI Telcoline 2.0 4x2 double cab TDI Telcoline 2.0 4x4 TDI Telcoline 2.0 4x4 double cab TDI Telcoline 3L Diesel Worker

75 995 84 995 113 995 104 995 126 995 104 995 124 995 134 450 179 995 179 995 199 995 253 995 106 900 129 995 159 995 189 995 104 995

Yaris T1 3 door Yaris T1 5 door Yaris 1.3 T3 5 door Yaris 1.3 T3+ 5 door auto Yaris Sedan 1.3 T3 Yaris Sedan 1.3 T3+ auto Auris 1.4 RT Auris 1.6 RS MMT Auris 1.8 RS Auris 2.0 RS D-4D Corolla 1.3 Professional Corolla 1.4 Professional Corolla 1.6 Professional Corolla 1.6 Advanced MMT Corolla 1.8 Advanced Corolla 1.8 Exclusive auto Corolla 2.0D-4D Advanced Corolla 2.0D-4D Exclusive Corolla Verso 160 Corolla Verso 180 TX Prius Hybrid Avanza 1.3 S Avanza 1.5 SX Rav4 2.0 GX 5dr 4x4 Rav4 2.0 VX 5dr 4x4 auto Rav4 2.2 D-4D GX Fortuner 3.0 D-4D 4x2 Fortuner 3.0 D-4D 4x2 auto Fortuner 3.0 D-4D 4x4 Land Cruiser Prado 3.0DT Land Cruiser Prado VX 3.0DT auto Land Cruiser Prado 4.0 VX auto Land Cruiser 70 4.5 Pick-Up Land Cruiser 70 4.2 TD Pick-Up Land Cruiser 70 Station Wagon 4.2D Land Cruiser 200 VX 4.7 auto Land Cruiser 200 VX 4.5 diesel auto Avanza 1.3 panelvan Quantam 2.7 Panelvan Quantam 2.7 10 seater Quantum 2.7 Ses’fikile 14 seater Quantum 2.5 D-4D panelvan Quantum 2.5 D-4D 10 seater Quantum 2.5 D-4D 14 seater Hilux 2.0 VVT-i Hilux 2.7 VVT-I Raised Body Raider Hilux 2.5 D-4D Hilux 2.5 D-4D Hi raised Body SRX Hilux 2.5 D-4D Hi 4x4 SRX Hilux 3.0 D-4D Raised Body Raider Hilux 3.0 D-4D 4x4 raider Hilux 2.7 VVT-I Raised Body Raider dc Hilux 4.0 V6 I Raised Body Raider dc auto Hilux 4.0 V6 4x4 Raider dc auto Hilux 2.5 D-4D Raised Body Raider dc Hilux 3.0 D-4D Raised Body Raider dc Hilux 3.0 D-4D Raised Body Raider dc auto Hilux 3.0 D-4D 4x4 Raider dc Hilux 3.0 D-4D 4x4 Raider dc auto


TenaCiti 1.4i CitiStorm 1.4i CitiSport 1.6i Golf 1.6 trendline Golf 1.9 TDI ComfortLine Golf 1.9 TDI ComfortLine DSG Golf 2.0 Trendline Golf 2.0 FSI Sportline Golf 2.0 TDI Sportline Golf 2.0 GTi Golf 2.0 Gti DSG Golf 5 R32 DSG Golf 6 1.4 TSI Trendline Golf 6 1.4 Highline Golf 6 1.6 Trendline Golf 6 2.0 TDI Highline New Beetle 2.0 Highline New Beetle 2.0 Highline auto New Beetle 1.8T New Beetle 2.0 Convertible Scirocco 1.4 TSI Scirocco 2.0 TSI Scirocco 2.0 TSI DSG Jetta 1.6 Trendline Jetta 1.6 Comfortline tiptronic Jetta 1.9 TDI Comfortline

McCarthy Toyota Sinoville Tel: (012) 567 9600

116 200 126 400 152 300 178 200 155 100 181 100 189 400 226 200 230 500 258 900 177 200 169 800 193 400 218 400 215 400 251 500 237 600 264 000 221 200 268 800 330 500 129 600 153 700 287 700 356 200 363 700 335 300 345 500 375 600 486 500 542 000 542 000 358 400 382 700 421 700 848 300 885 000 132 700 237 200 307 000 242 600 250 500 320 200 332 200 153 100 221 000 176 400 215 300 258 500 254 800 298 000 283 200 326 000 389 400 294 700 319 800 330 400 363 800 374 200

McCarthy Volkswagen Tel: (012) 567 9313

79 700 83 100 100 450 206 500 246 000 260 500 212 000 259 500 282 900 297 900 312 400 404 000 227 900 272 900 214 400 298 000 259 600 271 100 279 900 321 700 282 000 322 000 336 500 204 500 237 400 242 000

Jetta 1.9 TDI Comfortline DSG Jetta 2.0 Trendline Jetta 2.0 FSI Sportline Jetta 2.0 TFSI Sportline Jetta 2.0 TFSI Sportline DSG Jetta 2.0 TDI Sportline Passat 1.8 TSI Comfortline Passat 1.8 TSI Comfortline tiptronic Passat 1.9 TDI Highline Passat 2.0 TDI Highline Passat 2.0 TDI Highline DSG Passat 2.0T FSI Sportline Passat 3.2 V6 FSI Sportline Tiguan 1.4 TSI Trend & Fun 4Motion Tiguan 1.4 TSI Track & Field Tiguan 2.0 TDI Track & Field Tiguan 2.0 TDI Track & Field tiptronic Tiguan 2.0 TSI Track & Field Tiguan 2.0 TSI Track & Field tiptronic Eos 2.0 FSI convertible Eos 2.0T FSI convertible Eos 2.0T FSI DSG convertible Polo 1.4i Trendline Polo 1.6i Trendline Polo 1.6i Comfortline auto Polo 1.8T GTi Polo 1.9 TDI Highline Polo 1.9 TDi Highline Polo 2.0 Highline Cross Polo 1.6 Cross Polo 1.9 TDI Highline Polo Classic 1.4 trendline Polo Classic 1.6 Trendline Polo Classic 1.6 Comfortline auto Polo Classic 1.9 TDi Highline Polo Classic 1.9 TDi Highline Polo Classic 2.0 Highline Touran 1.6 Trendline Touran 1.9 TDI Trendline Touran 1.9 TDI Trendline DSG Touran 2.0 TDi Highline Touran 2.0 TDi Highline DSG Touareg 2.5 R5 tdi Tiptronic Touareg 3.0 V6 TDI Touareg 3.6 V6 FSI tiptronic Touareg 4.2 V8 tiptronic Touareg 5.0 V10 Tdi tiptronic Touareg R 5.0 V10 Tdi tiptronic Caddy 1.6i Base Caddy 1.9 TDI Base Caddy Maxi 1.9 Tdi Life (7 seater) Caddy panelvan 1.6i Base Caddy panelvan 2.0 SDi Base Caddy panelvan 1.9 TDi Base Caddy Maxi 1.9 Tdi Beach 1.9 TDI 6 speed Beach 2.5 Tdi 6 speed Beach 2.5 Tdi 4Motion Caravelle 2.5 TDi 6 speed Caravelle 2.5 TDi Tiptronic Caravelle 2.5 TDi 6 speed Caravelle 2.5 TDi Tiptronic Caravelle 2.5 TDi 4Motion Caravelle 3.2 V6 Tiptronic California 2.5 TDi 6 speed California 2.5 Tdi 4Motion Kombi 1.9 TDI swb Kombi 2.5 TDI 6 speed swb Kombi 2.5 TDI Tiptronic swb Pick up 1.9 TDI lwb single cab Pick up 2.5 TDI lwb single cab Pick up 2.5 TDI lwb single cab 4Motion Pick up 2.5 TDI lwb single cab Pick up 1.9 TDI double cab Pick up 2.5 TDI lwb double cab 4Motion Panelvan 1.9 TDI swb Panelvan 2.5 TDI swb Crew Bus 1.9 TDI swb Crew Bus 2.5 TDI swb 6 speed Crew Bus 2.5 TDI swb tiptronic Crew Bus 2.5 TDI swb 4Motion Crafter 35 2.5 TDI panelvan Crafter 35 2.5 TDI panelvan Crafter 50 2.5 TDI panelvan Crafter 50 2.5 TDI panelvan extra lwb

256 500 209 500 255 200 291 500 306 000 277 000 266 800 278 300 267 900 293 300 307 800 331 000 393 900 296 000 304 500 352 000 364 300 377 500 389 800 341 000 385 000 398 500 133 100 153 900 184 200 229 900 201 200 220 900 189 700 189 700 218 600 139 400 159 700 190 000 206 800 206 800 195 600 241 000 268 000 282 500 313 500 328 000 517 500 574 500 519 000 647 500 812 000 922 000 190 200 217 200 240 200 152 500 163 000 177 700 186 000 355 600 385 800 412 800 455 400 469 900 478 800 493 300 500 800 517 000 543 700 573 700 368 800 404 900 419 400 205 400 229 500 257 500 250 100 216 900 269 000 250 400 290 400 298 400 335 100 349 600 357 100 307 300 333 300 394 900 373 200






C30 1.6 C30 2.0 C30 2.5 T5 C30 2.5 T5 Geartronic C70 2.5 T5 C70 2.5 T5 Geartronic S40 2.0 S40 2.4i S40 2.4i Geartronic S40 2.0D S40 2.0D Powershift S40 2.5 T5 S40 2.5 T5 Geartronic S40 2.4 D5 Geartronic S60 2.0T S60 2.0T auto S60 2.4 D5 S60 2.4 D5 GearTronic S80 2.5T Geartronic S80 3.0T Geartronic S80 3.2 Geartronic S80 V8 Geartronic S80 D5 Geartronic V50 2.0 V50 2.0D V50 2.0D Powershift V50 2.4i V50 2.4i GearTronic V50 2.5 T5 V50 2.5 T5 GearTronic V50 D5 Geartronic XC60 D5 manual XC60 D5 GearTronic XC60 3.0T Geartronic XC70 3.2 Geartronic XC70 D5 Geartronic XC90 D5 geartronic 5 seater XC90 3.2 Geartronic 5 seater XC90 V8 Sport geartronic R-Design 5 seater

216 500 241 000 297 000 307 000 511 500 521 500 256 500 277 500 287 500 282 500 298 000 317 500 327 500 329 000 301 500 313 500 354 000 365 500 405 000 524 000 444 000 590 500 444 000 261 500 287 500 303 000 282 500 293 000 322 500 332 500 334 000 469 500 481 000 515 000 475 500 487 500 547 000 536 000 637 000




(Includes pre-rig for motor. Excludes trailer & motor) Paradise Series Paradise 220 R 235,000 Paradise 250 R 262,000 Paradise 250 Enntertainment R 276,000 Paradise 250 Sundeck R 279,000 Paradise 290 R 299,000 Paradise 290 Sundeck R 328,000 Tropical Series Tropical 180 Fish and Party R 115,000 Tropical 210 Fish and Party R 169,000 Tropical 180 Family R 132,000 Tropical 210 Family R 169,000 Tropical 250 R 210,000 Tropical 250 Sundeck R 205,000 Tropical 270 POA Tropical 290 Sundeck R 250,000


Aqua Scape Aqua Scape Ultra Clifton Clifton 18 Clifton 20 Clifton Skier SkiCraft SkiCraft Leisure Tijuana Tijuana 17 Tijuana 19 O/B Tijuana 19 I/B



SugarSand Oasis Oasis LX Calais Calais LX Mirage Mirage LX Mirage Fun & Fish Tango Super Sport Tango Super Sport GT Tango Xtreme Tango Xtreme GT Sting StarCraft Deck Boats Aurora Star Step 190 Aurora Star Step 200 Aurora Star Step 221 Calais 2310 FD 161 Cruise FD 191 Cruise FD 226 Cruise Limited 1950 O/B Limited 2000 I/B Limited 2000 O/B Limited 2009O/B Limited 2010 I/B Limited 2010 O/B Limited 2015 I/B Limited 2015 O/B Limited 2210 I/B Limited 2210 O/B Limited 2310 I/B Limited 2410 I/B Limited 2410 O/B


Runabouts Cruiser 2650 Express Limited 1600 O/B Limited 1700 I/B Limited 1700 I/B fish Limited 1700 O/B Limited 1700 O/B Fish Limited 1700 I/B Sport Limited 1800 I/B Limited 1800 I/B Fish & Ski Limited 1900 RE Limited 19010 I/B Limited 2100 RE Limited 2150Cuddy RE Limited 2312Cuddy RE Pontoons Classic 140 Cruise Classic 140 Fish Classic 180 Classic 180 RE Classic 180 RE Fish Classic 200 2 Point Classic 200 4 Point Classic 200 CR Classic 200 RE CR Classic 200 RE CR Fish Elite 206 Elite 206 CR Elite 206 RE Elite 206 RE CR Elite 226 Elite 226 CR Elite 226 RE Elite 226 RE CR Elite 226 RE CR Camper Elite 226 RE CR Weekender Elite 226 Sport Fish RE CR Elite 246 Elite 246 CR Elite 246 CR Camper Elite 246 CR Weekender Elite 246 RE Elite 246 RE CR Limited 200 CR Limited 200 RE CR 4 Point Limited 240 CR Limited 240 CR 2 Point Limited 240 CR 4 Point Majestic 216 CR Majestic 236 CR Majestic 256 CR Starfish 227 CR Starfish 227 RE CR Starfish 246 CR Starfish RE CR Gekko Revo 7.1 Revo 6.7 Revo 6.7i GTR 22 GTX 22 GTO 22 GTS 20



Supreme V232 V212 V208 V220 220SP







Crownline Crownline 180BR Crownline 200LS Crownline 210LS Crownline 230LS Crownline 260LS Crownline 270BR Crownline 320LS Crownline 220EX Deck Crownline 240EX Deck Crownline 250CR Crownline 270CR Crownline 255CCR Crownline 275CCR Crownline 315SCR Malibu Malibu Response Lxi Malibu Wakesetter VLX Malibu Response 21XTI Malibu Wakeset 23XTI Malibu Wakeset 23LSV QuickCatch QuickCatch 16 F/C QuickCatch 16 C/C QuickCatch 186 F/C QuickCatch 186 C/C Sunsport Sunsport 1700BR Sunsport Limited Sunsport 1800BR Sunsport 170 SunDeck Sunsport 170 SunDeck Econo Sunsport 180 SunDeck Sunsport 190 SunDeck Sunsport 2100 OBR Sunsport 2100 IBR Outrage 2100 BR

Edenvale Tel: (011) 452 8280

POA POA R 585,000 POA POA POA POA R 685,000 R 795,000 POA POA POA POA POA R 550,000 R 830,000 R 760,000 POA POA R 169,500 R 165,000 R 249,500 R 245,000 R 115,000 R 125,000 R 129,500 R 159,500 R 119,500 R 139,500 R 219,500 R 269,500 R 345,000 R 225,000


Riviera Flybridge 33 Series II Flybridge 37 Flybridge 40 Flybridge 42 Flybridge 47 Flybridge 51 Flybridge 58 Flybridge 51 Enclosed Flybridge 61 Enclosed Flybridge 60 Flybridge Sport Cruisers M360 M400 3600 Spots Yacht 4700 Sports Yacht Superceded Models M290 M370 M430 33 Series I Flybridge Riviera 47 Riviera 58 Fairline Phantom Phantom 50 Phantom 48 Phantom 40 Squadron Squadron 74 Squadron 68 Squadron 68 Squadron 68 Squadron 58 Squadron 58 Squadron 58




Azimut Fly 39E 42E 43 46E 47 50 55E 62E 68E 75 80 85 105 116 Azimut Open 43S 62S 86S 103S Cruiser Yachts 280CXi 300 Cxi 310 Express 330 Express 340 Express 370 Express 390 Sports Coupe


395 Motoryacht 415 Express Motoryacht 420 Express 447 Sports Sedan 455 Express Motoryacht 460 Express 497 Express Motoryacht 520 Express 560 Express Cobalt Boats 200 Bowrider 212 Bowrider 220 Bowrider 222 Bowrider 232 Bowrider 240 Bowrider 250 Bowrider 252 Bowrider 262 Bowrider 263 Cuddy Cabin 272 Bowrider 282 Bowrider 302 Bowrider 323 Day Cruiser 343 High Performance Monterey Boats Sports Boats 180 FS 194 FS 214 FS 214 FSC 234 FS 234 FSX 248 LS 248 LSC Super Sport 268 SC 268 SS 298 SC 298 SS 298 SSX Deck Boat 220 EX 243 EX 263 ES 263 EX Cruisers 250 CR 270 CR 290 CR 322 CR 330 SY 350 SY Centurion Boats Enzo SV240 SV230 SV216 Storm Typhoon C4 Avalanch / C4 Lightning C4 Cyclone C4 Tornado Air Warrior Elite V C4 Elite Bowrider T5 Family Sport Concourse C4 Escalade Escalade C4 Elite C4 Elite Bowrider T5 Tahoe Boats Ski & Fish Q4 SF Q6 SF Q7i SF Runabouts Q4 L Q4 Sport Q6 Sport Q7i Q8i Deck Boat 195 I/O 204 215 I/O 216 WT 222 228 265 Tracker Pontoons Nitro Bass Mako Deep Sea Rampage 45 Convertible 41 Express 38 Express 33 Express




price Targa Targa 62 Targa 62 Targa 52 Targa 52 Targa 52 Targa 47 Targa 47 Targa 44 Targa 40 Targa 40 Targa 38 Targa 38 Formula 240 Bow Rider 260 Bow Rider 280 Bow Rider 260 Sun Sport 280 Sun Sport 330 Sun Sport 370 Super Sport 400 Super Sport 27PC 31PC 34PC 37PC 40PC 45 Yacht 48 Yacht 271 Fastech 292 Fastech 353 Sport 353 Fastech 382 Fastech Rinker FV250 FV280 FV300 FV320 FV350 FV370 FV400 FV420 Formula 240 Bow Rider 260 Bow Rider 280 Bow Rider 260 Sun Sport 280 Sun Sport 330 Sun Sport 370 Super Sport 400 Super Sport 27PC 31PC 34PC 37PC 40PC 45 Yacht 48 Yacht 271 Fastech 292 Fastech 353 Sport 353 Fastech 382 Fastech

33 Banta CE 30 Express



Air Nautique Series 210 220 226 Crossover Series 211 216 226 236 Ski Series 196 206



2600 SS Cuddy Bow Rider 2500 Mid-Cabin Cruiser 2300 SS Sport Cuddy 2100 SS Sport Cuddy 2600 SS Dual Console 2400 SS Dual Console 2400 SS Single Console 2100 SS Fun Cruiser 2300 SS Bow Rider 2200 SS Bow Rider 2100 and 2200 Extreme 2100 SS Bow Rider 2200 SS Bow Rider 180 SE Bow Rider 190 SE Bow Rider 200 SE Bow Rider





(Prices include smallest recommended outboard) Africa Boats deckExtreme runabout sunExtreme runabout Angler slipExtreme 17 slipExtreme 19 AquaQuad Classic Ute Buccaneer africaExtreme 380 africaExtreme 420 africaExtreme 470 africaExtreme 500 africaExtreme 5.5 africaExtreme 6.0 deckExtreme 17 Falcon Inflatables ribExtreme 4.5 ribExtreme 5.1 ribExtreme 5.75 ribExtreme 6.4 ribExtreme 7 Mallards celeb170 celeb190 celeb210

R 250,632 R 125,661 R 133,555 R 220,906 R 55,206 R 113,722 R 66,404 R 66,404 R 93,865 R 133,511 R 144,015 R 174,887 R 116,144 R 101,340 R 130,853 R 188,577 R 179,986 R 180,645 R 134,630 R 208,903 R 240,187


Jet Ski 800SX-R STX-12F STX-15F Ultra 250X

R 61,995 R 95,995 R 109,000 R 139,995

Esprite 17 Infinity 181 Elite 18 Excel 19 SunPrince 204 Style 215 Style 232 Infanta Inflatable Inflatable Inflatable Inflatable

R 100,000 R 120,000 R 118,000 R 158,000


R 100,000 R 118,000 R 128,000 R 200,000

RZ2 24Vé 22Vé 20V 22i 21i 20i



GTI 130 Regal Red GTI SE 130 Abyss Blue GTI SE 155 Abyss Blue GTI 130 Regal Red *Rental* WAKE 155 Viper Red WAKE PRO 215 Black-Red GTX 155 Cosmos Blue GTX 215 Cosmos Blue RXP 215 Bright Yellow RXP-X 255 2008 Mod RXP-X 255 RS Hyper Silver RXT 215 Bright Yellow RXT 215 Silver Metallic RXT-X 255 2008 Mod RXT-X 255 RS Hyper Silver GTX Ltd iS 255 Topaz Mist Metallic RXT iS 255 Bright Yellow


WATERWORLD Tel: (011) 462 4390

R 119,900.00 R 129,900.00 R 149,900.00 R 129,900.00 R 169,900.00 R 199,900.00 R 179,900.00 R 189,900.00 R 184,900.00

R 194,900.00 R 229,900.00 R 219,900.00


1450 BR Sensation 1600 BR Sensation 1700 BR Sensation 1800 BR Sensatio 1900 BR Sensation 1900 IBR Sensation 1900 Deck Sensation 2000 BR Sensation 2000 IBR Sensation 2100 I-Deck Sensatio 2100 BR Deck Sensation



BassSeeker Boats Bass Seeker 570 Bass Seeker 480 Escape Boats Escape 17 Escape Cat 510 Escape19 Focus Boat Focus BR Horizon Boat Horizon 17 Sportsman Boat Sportsman Suzumar Boats


R 220,000 R 350,000 R 400,000


6.5 Sport Inflatable 250 RatCat Sport Fisher Pencil RatCat 5.5m Tri-Maran





2000 Pretoria Yamaha Tel: 012-4040090/1/2


R154 294 R184 384 R287 532 R201 064 R283 000 R199 700 R312 654 R319 597

Fazer Boats FAZER X & 130 HP FAZER X & F115 HP FAZER XT & 130 HP FAXER XT & F115 HP FAZER XTC & 130 HP FAZER XTC & F115 HP FAZER 19 & 200 HP FAZER 19 & F225 HP FAZER 19 WR & Z200 HP LEGACY 17 & 130HP

R148 800 R176 200 R171 966 R201 221 R178 347 R207 502 R268 216 R350 798 R371 305 R165 653


R254 209 R261 519 R307 990 R305 055 R339 254 R349 732 R392 665 R403 531

Waverunners Model FX140 FX140 Cruiser FX160 High Output FX160 High Output Cruiser GP1300R GP1300R LTD SJ700 VX110 Sport VX110 Deluxe VX110 Cruiser VX700

R121 100 R122 240 R127 140 R129 000 R115 000 R125 000 R56 801 R95 200 R99 999 R99 999 R84 600




Suzumar 2.90A Suzumar 310RIB Suzumar 390A Unreel Boats Unreel CC Unreel CC Unreel CC





ATV Mini Kolt 50 Cobra100R Cobra 100 High Performance Cobra 180 Sport RS Cobra 220 Sport Cobra350S Crossland 300 Side by Side Cube 300 Cube 350 Recreational ATV TE450 BUGGY Bugrider 250SS Special Bugrider 250 Twin Seater


R 10 500 R 14 600 R 17 995 R 16 995 R 19 995 R 29 995 R 30 995 R 52 995 R 76 995


G450X G650 Xcountry G650Xmoto F650 GS F 800 GS F800S F800ST R1200RT R1200 HP2 Sport R1200GS HP2 mega R1200GS FL R1200S R1200R R1200GS Adventure FL K1200LT FL K1200S K1200R K1200GT K1300S K1300R K1300GT

Buell Lightning City X Buell Lightning Long Buell Lightning Low 1125CR 1125R Buell Ulysses touring Buell Ulysses


R 109 000 R 125 000 R 125 000 R 155 000 R 155 000 R 149 000 R 145 000

GT650R GT 250R RX125D GV650


R 72 950 R 44 950 R 23 950 R 78 950

Honda Menlyn (012) 470 9200

WATERWORLD Tel: (011) 462 4390

R 39 995 R 25 500 R 38 500


Road Bikes RS 125 Pegaso 650 Strada Shiver 750 Dorsoduro 750 Mana 850 Tuono 1000 R Tuono 1000 R Factory RSV1000 R RSV 1000 R factory Adventure Bikes Pegaso 650 Trail Off road racing Enduro RXV450 2007 Enduro RXV450 2008 Enduro RXV550 2007 Enduro RXV550 2008 Motard SXV450 2008 Motard SXV550 2008 Motard SXV550 2009





R 54 995 R 85 995 R 89 995 R 89995 R 122 995 R 122 995 R 139 995 R 135 995 R 159 995

DS 250 Renegade 2008 Renegade 500cc Renegade Std 800cc Renegade X 800cc Outlander 400 Outlander 400 Max Outlander 400 Max-XT Outlander 500 XT Outlander 500 Max-XT Outlander 650 Outlander 650 XT Outlander 650 Max Outlander 650 Max-XT Outlander 800 Outlander 800 XT Outlander 800 Max Outlander 800 Max-XT Outlander 800 Max-XT LTD

R 34 900 R 89 900 R 119 900 R 139 900 R 154 900 R 98 900 R 113 900 R 124 900 R 119 900 R 135 900 R 119 900 R 129 900 R 135 900 R 146 900 R 136 900 R 147 900 R 149 900 R 162 900 R 178 900

R 87 994 R 66 000 R 74 000 R 68 000 R 76 000 R 75 000 R 77 000 R 103 155

Lifestyle 011 690 2600

R 79 040 R 68 250 R 75 500 R 88 510 R 105 525 R 88 500 R 99 750 R 149 350 R 224 952 R 153 500 R 133 000 R 115 850 R 105 050 R 143 500 R 194 500 R 135 950 R 114 000 R 155 770 R 163 140 R 153 900 R 183 810


Sportster Standard Sportster Low Sportster Roadster Sportster Iron Sportster Custom Sportster XR1200 Sportster Low Sportster Nightster Sportster Custom Dyna Super Glide Street Bob Dyna Super Glide Custom Dyna Fat Bob Softail Custom Softail Night Train Softail Fat Boy Heritage Softail Classic Softail Rocker Softail Rocker Custom Softail Cross Bones Road King Road King Classic Electra Glide Standard Electra Street Glide Electra Glide Ultra Classic CVO Ultra Classic CVO Dyna Fatbob CVO Springer CVO Road Glide V-Rod Night Rod Special Muscle

R 87 000 R 90 000 R 102 000 R 105 000 R 105 000 R 129 000 R 118 000 R 113 000 R 129 000 R 175 000 R 185 000 R 199 000 R 214 000 R 210 000 R 248 000 R 254 000 R 230 000 R 261 000 R 234 000 R 263 000 R 276 000 R 241 000 R 284 000 R 314 000 R 449 000 R 339 000 R 369 000 R 379 000 R 214 000 R 229 000 R 227 000


R 142 999 R 137 999 R 147 999 R 102 999 R 117 999 R 83 999 R 109 999 R 118 999 R 94 999 R 106 999 R 32 999 R 12 999 R 108 999 R 95 999 R 74 999 R 61 999 R 34 999 R 35 999 R 16 799 R 15 999 R 14 999 R 11 999 R 21 449 R 29 999 R 19 999 R 30 999 R 78 999 R 62 999 R 35 999 R 19 999 R 10 999 R 82 999 R 21 999 R 42 999 R 40 999 R 49 999 R 65 999 R 75 999 R 45 999 R 63 999 R 77 999 R 89 999

ROAD BIKES EX250K9F Ninja250R ER6-N 2008 ER6-N 2009 ER650F std ER650F ABS ZR750 2008 ZR750 2009 ZR1000 2008 ZR1000 2009 SUPER SPORTS ZX6-R 2008 ZX6-R 2009 ZX6-R 2009 Monster ZX10-R 2008 ZX10-R 2009 ZX14 NINJA 2008 ZX14 NINJA 2009 ZX14 NINJA 2009 Special Edition ZZR1400 ABS 1400GTR ZG 2008 1400GTR ZG 2009 CRUISER VN900B9 CLASSIC VN900C9 CUSTOM VN900C9 CUSTOM Special Edition DUAL PURPOSE KLE650 VERSYS 2008 KLE650 VERSYS 2009 KLR650 2009 MOTOCROSS KX65 2008 KX65 2009 KX85B 2008 Big Wheel KX85B 2009 Big Wheel KX125M 2008 KX250T 2008 Four Stroke KX250W 2009 Four Stroke KX250W 2009 Monster KX450E 2009 Four Stroke KX450E 2009 Monster ENDURO KLX140 2009 KLX450 2009 ATV KVF360A PRAIRIE 4X4 KVF360B PRAIRIE 2X4 KVF650F BRUTE FORCE I KFX450R KFX700 V FORCE SIDE BY SIDE KAF400A MULE610 4X4 KAF400B MULE600 2X4 KAF950F MULE4010 DIESEL KRF750 TERYX 2008

R 45 995 R 64 500 R 72 995 R 64 500 R 67 800 R 74 995 R 85 995 R 94 995 R 99 995 R 89 995 R 119 995 R 124 995 R 119 995 R 149 995 R 125 995 R 149 995 R 152 995 R 114 995 R 129 995 R 179 995 R 96 995 R 96 995 R 99 995 R 69 500 R 89 995 R 54 995 R 19 995 R 21 995 R 24 995 R 27 500 R 43 995 R 54 900 R 79 995 R 83 995 R 84 995 R 73 995

990 Supermoto R 990 Supermoto T Adventure 990 Adventure 990 Adventure 990 Adventure R Hard enduro 690 Enduro 690 Enduro R 950 Super Enduro 950 Super Enduro Erzberg Duke 690 Duke 990 Super Duke 990 Super Duke R RC8 1190 RC8 1190 RC8 1190 RC8 R

R 137 999 R 131 999 R 127 999 R 141 999 R 145 999 R 89 999 R 92 999 R 119 999 R 129 999 R 92 999 R 124 999 R 135 999 R 174 999 R 180 000 R 225 000


ATV Fox 100 Rustler 200 XL 2x4 Rustler 260 XL 2x4 Rustler 260B Rustler 300 2x4 Rustler 300 4x4 Rustler 400 4x4 Rustler 520 4x4 Rustler Rebel 300 Scooter Prince 70 Eggy 125

R 15 000 R 25 000 R 34 000 R 35 000 R 38 000 R 46 000 R 54 000 R 67 000 R 60 000 R 6 500 R 8 950

price FK110SD AGRICULTURAL TF125 DR200SE TRAIL 126cc - UP DL650 DR650SE DL1000 ROAD 126cc - 800cc DRZ400SMK8 DRZ400SMK9 GSR600 GSX-R600 GSF650S GSX650F SV650S GSX-R750 ROAD 800cc - UP GSXR1000K8 GSX-R1000K9 GSF1250S GSX1300BK GSX1300R COMPETITION RM85 RM85LK8 RM125 RM250 RMZ250 RMZ450 QUADRUCYCLES LT-F160 LT-F250 LT-Z250 LT-F400F LT-A400F LT-R450 LT-A750X OFF ROAD DR-Z125L DR-Z400E CRUISER VZ800/Z VLR1800K9

R 14 450 R 21 500 R 29 800 R 87 000 R 67 000 R 109 000 R 61 850 R 68 650 R 69 900 R 111 400 R 71 200 R 74 500 R 68 700 R 118 995 R 146 100 R 155 650 R 92 000 R 116 900 R 163 000 R 36 400 R 37 400 R 43 800 R 56 500 R 61 700 R 78 570 R 32 500 R 48 950 R 49 950 R 74 200 R 59 800 R 89 900 R 19 820 R 61 400 R 99 900 R 155 000


R 29 995 R 74 995 R 65 995 R 59 995 R 72 995 R 57 500 R 59 500 R 79 995 R 69 995 R 159 995 R 124 995


Minicycles 50 SX 65SX MX 85 SX 125 SX 250 SX 250 SX-F 450 SX-F Enduro 2-stroke 125 EXC 200 XC-W 250 XC-W 300 XC-W Enduro 4-stroke 250 XCF-W 450XC-W 530 XC-W ATV 450 XC 525 XC 450 SX 505 SX Supermoto 450 SMR 690 SMC 690 Supermoto 690 Supermoto R 990 Supermoto




R 28 999 R 36 999 R 39 999 R 59 999 R 68 500 R 69 999 R 77 999 R 61 999 R 67 999 R 74 999 R 76 999 R 79 999 R 83 999 R 85 999 R 81 999 R 89 999 R 99 999 R 99 999 R 84 999 R 91 999 R 84 999 R 89 999 R 124 999

Scooters PMX110 Naked T-Rex 125 G-Max 125 G-Max 200

R 15 995 R 16 995 R 19 995 R 26 500


Recreational ATV Trailblazer 330 Scrambler 500 4x4 Outlaw 525 IRS Utility ATV Trailboss 330 Sportsman 300 Sportsman 500 HO Sportsman 800 EFI Sportsman 550 XP Sportsman 850 XP Ranger Ranger 500 EFI Ranger 700 EFI XP Ranger RZR Ranger 6x6

R 62 500 R 105 500 R 125 500 R 64 750 R 77 000 R 93 00 R 118 500 R 125 000 R 145 000 R 149 000 R 165 000 R 211 000 R 212 500

Daytona 675 Daytona 675 LE Street Triple 675 Street Triple 675 R Bonneville 865 Carb Bonneville 865 EFi Bonneville T100 865 2007 Bonneville T100 865 2008 Bonneville T100 EFI Bonneville T100 EFI 50th Bonneville America EFI Speedmaster EFI Scrambler 865 2007 Scrambler 865 2008 Scrambler EFI Thruxton Carb Thruxton EFI Sprint ST 1050 Sprint ST 1050 ABS Speed Triple 1050 Speed Triple 2 1050 Tiger 1050 Tiger 1050 ABS Rocket III Rocket III Classic Rocket III Touring


R 94 500 R 99 500 R 83 500 R 93 500 R 73 500 R 88 500 R 79 500 R 88 500 R 93 500 R 99 500 R 89 500 R 92 500 R 68 500 R 79 500 R 88 500 R 79 500 R 92 500 R 109 995 R 114 995 R 98 500 R 113 500 R 119 500 R 124 500 R 178 500 R 184 500 R 194 500

031 710 6400


MODEL SCOOTER AN125 AN400 AN650A 0 - 125cc EN125-2A COMMERCIAL AX100

R 13 900 R 65 460 R 96 500 R 15 500 R 9 269

MODEL PW50 TTR50E PW80 TT-R110E TTR125LWE BW100 XC125E TMAX 500 YBR125SD DT125 DT175

R 11 960 R 12 250 R 14 280 R 22 695 R 28 560 R 17 945 R 14 934 R 91 155 R 15 790 R 29 500 R 30 975


R 26 500 R 32 445 R 36 668 R 32 130 R 48 450 R 33 558 R 79 588 R 89 385 R 121 099 R 106 050 R 119 600 R 148 655 R 151 052 R 151 498 R 156 560 R 171 700 R 176 750 R 197 455 R 199 500 R 85 000 R 229 000 R 34 000 R 116 500 R 165 000 R 89 000 R 87 413 R 119 180 R 155 000 R 19 999 R 36 575 R 48 000 R 42 500 R 43 500 R 59 500 R 65 500 R 78 254 R 60 594 R 75 743 R 88 500 R 62 693 R 87 035 R 89 528 R 106 998 R 107 134 R 130 000 R 137 280 R 141 440 R 142 480 R 30 594 R 31 615 R 34 866 R 35 937 R 51 974 R 58 000 R 66 000 R 76 500 R 69 500 R 66 944 R 62 394 R 77 500 R 73 500





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