3 mi
Speed Workout: This week we are up to 800m repeats (2 laps), running them in what is known as the Yasso format. For this workout you simply run the equivalent marathon time as an 800m split. For example: Goal Marathon Time of 4:00:00 hours = 4:00 minutes per 800m split. Focus on pacing and running each lap evenly For specific chart click HERE.
Tempo: This week Advanced runners have a continuous 4 mile tempo run. Aim to run even or negative splits, with your last mile split being your fastest. For your specific tempo pace you can reference the pace chart HERE.
4 mi @ Easy Pace
3 mi
Easy Pace 4 mi
Easy Pace 4 mi
Tempo Pace
TRAINING: WEEK 4 (JAN 16-22) Rest or Strength Training
Rest or Strength Training 5 mi
9 mi
Easy Pace 4 mi Run 2, Walk 1
6 mi
1-2 mi Warm Up 6-8 x 800m Yasso Format 3-4 min rest 1-2 mi Cool Down 1-2 mi Warm Up 6-8 x 800m Yasso Format 3-4 min rest 1-2 mi Cool Down 1-2 mi Warm Up 6-8 x 800m Yasso Format 3-4 min rest 1-2 mi Cool Down
5 mi
Easy Pace Strength Training
3 mi @ Easy Pace Strength Training 3 mi @ Easy Pace Strength Training 6 mi
9 mi
Long Run Pace
Easy Pace Strength Training Rest or Strength Training
Long Run Pace 11 mi
Rest Rest Rest
Long Run Pace 13 mi
Easy Pace Strength Training Rest
Easy Pace Strength Training 3 mi Run 2, Walk 1 Strength Training
Rest Rest Rest Rest
Rest 6 mi
Long Run Pace 9 mi Run 4, Walk 1
Easy Pace 3 mi Run 2, Walk 1