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URGENCY 2 EXTINCTION - CANIGLIA EXHIBITION: The matrix of the universe is on a collision course. Dreamers are now the tillers of an impoverished soil. The fading sounds of nature whisper in the winds to a deaf, dystopian society filled with apathy. The rapid rate at which humanity consumes without thought, violates innocence, and pushes biodiversity to the limit of catastrophe has forged a path towards extinction. The lines and frequencies of empathy are jammed by a digital society that is embedded in concrete, putting our entire planet, civilization and ecosystems at risk for the sake of greed. The urgency is to awaken our minds, before our time is up. The drawings and paintings in this exhibition explore moments caught in time that show glimpses of climate change, wars, revolution, poverty, and endangered species. Profits rule the world while real prophets are hardly seen. In my narratives, I use the ancient Greek archetype of pathos, a quality that evokes pity, melancholy and sadness, as a wake-up call. The Monarch, which represents the mysteries of the soul, love, death and rebirth, is a symbol of transition and hope that I have used in my work for the last 20 years. The monarch has the ability to lead us out of the darkness, confinement and restraints of oppression and into the light. When I was in Pompeii and Naples Italy, I had the opportunity to study the ancient mosaic of “The Leveler” from 30 BCE, which presents the Hellenistic story of death as the great leveler who cancels out all differences of wealth and class. The level with a plumb line and a weight is portrayed as a skull, and below it a butterfly represents the soul. Below that butterfly is a wheel that represents fortune. The piece is a great juxtaposition of empathy and apathy and demonstrates how death is the great equalizer in our world.

“Memento Mori-The Leveler” Napoli, Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli

The butterfly is used as both metaphor and symbol in my work, representing change, transformation, death, rebirth, and life. In this series of butterfly portraits, I am earnest in my intent to capture the ethereal, softly sensual beauty and melancholy grace of these strong women and martyrs for change. Their stories are captured as a frozen moment in time. The paintings and portraits in this exhibition emphasize and enhance the intrinsic drama, beauty, and timelessness of the human form. They also capture the struggle of inequality inherent in the human condition.


BIO Jeremy Caniglia (b.1970) is from Omaha, NE. Caniglia is a successful artist, curator, professor, and art historian. His work is showcased in private collections around the world. His art and writing are published worldwide on a regular basis and he has contributed to both joint and solo fine art exhibitions at museums and galleries that include the Society of Illustrators (NY), the Allentown Art Museum, the Walters Art Museum, Salmagundi, Abend/1261 gallery, Paul Booth/Last Rites, IX Gallery and the Joslyn Art Museum. Caniglia holds a BFA from ISU, an MFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art and a M.Ed. from Creighton University. Caniglia also studied at The Nerdrum Studio in Norway with Odd Nerdrum.

Caniglia’s is known for his emotionally charged and often unsettling work, which focuses on the human condition. Striking, illuminating, foreboding, offensive, haunting and always poignant, Caniglia's paintings wallow in the glories of expansiveness and of timeless places.

“The Fading Sounds of Nature” Oil on Canvas 40”x 60” - $10,000.

“Days of No Horizon” Oil on Board 9” x 12” - $900.

“Between the Conception, and the Creation, Between the Emotion and the Response Falls the Shadow…and the Dreamer” Charcoal on Paper 11” X14” $600.

“Set me as a seal upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm; for love is strong as death, passion fierce as the grave. Its flashes are flashes of fire, a raging flame.” Chalk and Charcoal on Paper – 11”x 14” - $600.

“A Breath to Hold” -Oil on Canvas – 24” x 30” $3000.

“Staring into the Veil” - Oil on Canvas – 11” x 14” $1500.

“I just wanted to be free, free like the wind, and if the wind fills my sails... then I am never comin’ back again” Chalk and Charcoal on Paper – 11” x 14” - $300.

“The Cry of a Hollowed Heart” - Charcoal on Paper – 11” x 14” $500.

“In the heart of silence, a climbing moon upon an empty sky, lamentation of the leaves...and drifting cries” Charcoal on Paper – 11” x 14” $500.

“The Resistance” - Charcoal on Paper – 11” x 14” $400.

“The Great Leveler” - Charcoal on Paper – 11” x 14” $500.

“New Dawn Rising” - Charcoal on Paper – 11” x 14” $700.

"With a thousand doubts and fears...with a sorrow more than tears ...some can see beyond the veil" Oil on Canvas – 10” 14” - $1200

“Out here, I can barely see my breath, surrounded by jealousy and death” Oil on Canvas – 24”x 30” - $4000.

“Frequencies, Pulses, and Illuminating Whispers” - Chalk and Charcoal on Paper – 10”x14” -$600.

“The Golden Light” - Chalk and Charcoal on Paper – 10”x14” -$500.

“Singularity” - Chalk and Charcoal on Paper – 10”x14” -$800.

"Floating Above the Drowned World" – Sanguine Chalk on Paper – 10” x 14” - $500.

"They Whispered the Promise of Spring"– Sanguine Chalk on Paper – 10” x 14” - $600.

"Time Prunes Our Wintry Skeleton As We Sing to The Fates" -Oil on Canvas – 10” X 14” - $1500.

"Dreaming Beyond the Horizon"-Oil on Canvas – 10” X 14” - $1500.

“The Sacred and Profane-Caravaggio Study” – Oil and Chalk on Paper – 10” x 14” - $800.

“The Youth are the Revolution and the Promise” – Chalk and Charcoal on Paper – 10” x 14” - $700

“The Martyr, The Monarch, and The Mercenary” – Oil on Canvas – 20” x 30” - $3500.

“Sentry” – Oil on Panel – 10” x 12” - $700.

"Ennui Dream" – Oil on Canvas – 10” x 14” - $1000.

"Approaching Storm" – Oil on Canvas – 8” x 10 “ - $800.

"We who are oppressed love those who fight against oppression and the oppressors" Graphite on Paper – 10” x 11” - $600.

"With Silent Lips, Washed Ashore-Lazarus Rising"– Graphite on Paper – 10” x 11” - $600.

“New Dawn Fades” – Graphite on Paper – 10” x 11” - $600.

"Through silent spaces memories drift, the grey lights dream, Of Rovik, where the mist-veils gleam, My love, thou art away" – Oil on Canvas - 10” x 32” - $2500.

"Symphony for War Criminals and Lost Travelers” – Oil on Canvas – 10” x 12” - $600.

“Daydreaming of the Monarchs Return” – Oil on Panel – 9” x 12” - $1000.

“Alone with My Thoughts” - Chalk and Charcoal on Paper – 10” x 14” - $500.

‘Tears of Pearl” – Oil on Panel – 10” x 14” - $700.

“Return of King Leveler” – Oil on Canvas – 12” x 12” -$800.

“These Withered Hands Have Worked for a Dream” -Oil on Canvas – 6” x 12” - $600

“I am, how little more I know! Whence came I? Whither do I go? A centered self, which feels and is; A cry between the silences; A shadow-birth of clouds at strife. With sunshine on the hills of life; A shaft from Nature’s quiver cast Into the Future from the Past; Between the cradle and the shroud, A meteor’s flight from cloud to cloud" Oil on Canvas – 10” x 14” - $1000

“The Ninth Symphony on the Nature of Light Composed by Fluttering Wings on the Night Sky Soaring Upwards” Oil on Canvas - 12” x 32” - $3000.

"Urgency to Extinction – Return of the Pollinators" – Oil on Panel – 9” x 12” -$500.

“Where Humanity Failed, Death Unveiled Metamorphosis of the Dystopian Dream” Oil on Panel – 10” x 14” - $2000.

“Mother of Exiles” -Rise Up! "You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes, You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I’ll rise.” Graphite on Paper – 10” x 14” - $600.

“Mother of Exiles, Fear Not And Walk Unafraid” Graphite on Paper – 10” x 14” - $600.

“The Return” – Graphite and Ink on Paper – 8” x 10” - $400

"Vita Brevis Breviter in Brevi Finietur - Fallen Angel” – Oil on Canvas - 20” x 30” -$2000.

"The passing traveler, catches a glance at the lonely beauty of a childhood long gone by. The lament of fallen trees, pale birds and the voices on the winds by night return...I walk the forest and gaze into her soft eye’s blue…Take me to the plotters ground, embracing falling tears like dew." Oil on Panel– 9” x 12” - $500

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