Paulerspury People April 2013

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Paulerspury People April 2013

The Newsletter of The RREC Paulerspury Section


Paulerspury People - April 2013

Paulerspury People

April 2013

The Newsletter of the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club - Paulerspury Section

Contents Not a Lot of People Know That


The Chairman’s Bit


Sunday Lunch at The Red Lion


Sunday Lunch at The Rising Sun


St George’s Day Run and Lunch


Secretary’s Notes


Pedal to the Metal TV Programme - An Invitation


Forthcoming Events


Committee Contacts


Front Cover Photograph: Peter and Sue Walton’s 1933 Rolls-Royce 20/25 Saloon by Barker

Paulerspury People - April 2013


Not a Lot of People Know That In the film ‘The Yellow Rolls-Royce’, the original car used was a yellow Barkerbodied Phantom II but sharp eyed Rolls-Royce watchers will observe that the car changes at least twice in the course of filming. (Clue - position of spare wheel).

The Peninsula Hotel in Hong kong once had a fleet of ten Rolls-Royce’s for use by its guests.

When American troops entered Mussolini’s headquarters in Rome at the end of the fighting in Italy, among the things they ‘liberated’ were two Rolls-Royce motor cars - the property of the fascist dictator.

Alfred Vanderbilt II was reported as selling his Rolls-Royce for an excellent reason: “Every time I get out of it, everything else seems like an anti-climax.”


Paulerspury People - April 2013

The Chairman’s Bit

Barry Gallafent

It is almost May, where has the first part of this year gone? The weather has not been kind to us, indeed the first Sunday lunch saw no club cars at all and very few members braved the snow. The second we fared better but in March, again with the snow, we had just one club car out. Actually looking around the car park on these occasions, we could easily have been mistaken for the Jaguar Driver’s Club! As I write, the sun shines, so let us hope better weather is on its way.

You will have noticed the letter from our Membership Secretary, Mark Warnock, enclosed with this edition of the PP on the back of which a membership survey form is provided. Do take a few minutes to complete the form and return it to us in the Pre-Paid envelope provided, it will ensure we have the most up to date details on you as a Paulerspury Section member, enabling us to better communicate with you and understand your requirements from the Section generally. Returning the form will ensure you continue to receive the Paulerspury People quarterly and that we are not mailing it to people who for any reason, no longer wish to receive it, thereby wasting valuable Section funds. In the coming weeks, in addition to the usual calendar of events, some of your committee members will be turning out on a few weekday evenings hoping to meet one or two more of you. We will choose a suitable pub venue in four separate county locations where you can just turn up and have a chat with us and find out who we are and what we do. Bring your club car if you like or just walk the dog. Whatever you choose, we will be pleased to see you. Existing members are welcome too, the more the merrier. No booking is required for these meetings, just turn up, we’ll be there. All dates and venues are listed under forthcoming events. As the Annual Rally approaches, I would like to remind you that you need to get your forms back to the Hunt House by Friday 24th May if you want to park your club car in its own class on the rally field. This year our tailgate party will be hosted by Derek and Sylvia Freeman at their Silver Cloud III which will be parked in Class 13. All Paulerspury Section members are welcome to come along, we will be delighted to see you there. Recently we have gained some new Section members and were very pleased to see them along at events almost immediately. On our St George’s Day Run we were fortunate enough to have four new members attend their first event and some ‘almost new members’ already attending their third. If you have not yet been along Paulerspury People - April 2013


to a Section event, why not give it a try? We are a friendly, welcoming bunch of enthusiasts’, intent on enjoying whatever we do, with or without our club cars. Well that’s all from me this time. Don’t forget to fill in and return your membership survey form and I hope to see many of you soon.

Barry Gallafent Chairman

Sunday Lunch - The Red Lion - East Haddon 24th February 2013 It seemed strange at first venturing North West of our usual ‘patch’ for Sunday lunch but strange, it was not. The Red Lion, whilst concealed in the quiet village of East Haddon, is easily accessible from the A5, the M1, the A45, so although you might not ordinarily come across it on your travels, it is easy enough to find another day. The weather was not especially kind to us and although a handful of local club cars The Red Lion - East Haddon were turned out for the occasion, many members chose to keep theirs at home. This does not of course spoil the day and fine fayre followed on from the arrival chat in the bar. The food was of an excellent quality as was the service that provided it. The Red Lion is described in the Michelin Guide as ‘Taking Food Seriously’ and that it does. In the courtyard across the way from the Pub itself, can be found The Shires Cookery School. Here the proprietors offer daytime and evening classes as well as gourmet cooking weekend’s. If you don’t fancy yourself as a future Heston Blumenthal or Marco Pierre White, you can just sign up to watch! We were delighted to see some new members in attendance as well as welcoming some long standing members to their first Paulerspury Section event. We hope to see them all at many more. The Chairman made mention of some older members as well as others who have lost their life partners, finding difficulty in getting to some of our events. Some are 6

Paulerspury People - April 2013

Empty plates, always a good sign

Peter Parsons is a bit late with grace

simply too far for them to travel to and others, when the weather is inclement, a little too dangerous for them to travel to alone. He asked that the more able of us consider our fellow members who might be in this situation and perhaps offer to bring them along on occasion if they are passing almost by their door.

Early bird line up


Sunday Lunch - The Rising Sun - Halls Green 24th March 2013 One would be forgiven for thinking that Christmas came late when we turned up for our informal lunch at The Rising Sun in Halls Green near Letchworth Garden City. Our resident Father Christmas played by Peter Parsons managed to get his sleigh stuck in Preston some 15 miles away courtesy of the stupid women in his TomTom. It took the steady hand of Mrs Christmas to get him back on course. The rest of us waited patiently for this drama to play out before we could tuck in to the delicious food on offer. The hours seemed to roll by slowly waiting for the food but the convivial company helped pass the time. The setting of The Rising Sun is quite deep in the countryside. On our way to the pub we were treated to some magnificent snow sculptures crafted by the wind through the hedges. The Conservatory where we ate looked out over the snow clad fields. Thirty one hardy souls enjoyed a pleasant lunch and only a few had to cancel due the highly unusual snowy conditions. Most of us wisely decided this was not the time to bring our cherished cars out but it was good Paulerspury People - April 2013 Awaiting Lunch


Cosy in the conservatory

to catch up on what work had been done to them during the closed season. Thank you to David Davis for putting this one together.

Chris Bellringer St George’s Day Run and Lunch Highgate House - Creaton - Northants Sunday 21st April 2013 Keith Davies chatting with new members Peter and Sue Walton

Margaret and Alan Fuller rose to the tasks of: Nice Day, Nice Run, Nice Lunch It was as the booking form said “usually very popular, book early”. The run as everyone there noticed coincided with FBHVC National drive it


Paulerspury People - April 2013

An excellent turnout for St George

day, every year National Drive It Day is purposefully held on the Sunday nearest to 23 April. Why? Because it commemorates the 64 cars that left London on the first day of the Thousand Mile Trial on 23 April 1900. Organised by the Automobile Club it started from London and went through Bristol, Birmingham, Manchester, Derby, Kendal, Carlisle, Edinburgh, Newcastle, Leeds, Sheffield, Nottingham, Loughborough and Northampton. They arrived back in London on the 13th May. It left from Grosvenor Place, London and there were 84 entries of whom 64 actually started. By Edinburgh 51 were still running. 35 were considered to have completed the whole trial achieving full average speed throughout. Including. Private entry12hp Panhard ( Hon. C. S. Rolls), (Goggle it if you are interested) Numerous prizes were awarded at the conclusion of the trials, the gold medal for the best car in any class being bestowed on Mr. Roll’s Panhard. The road had lots of people getting their cars out, to demonstrate how many historic and interesting machines are still on the road today. We had 24 cars on the run, I am sure the first real outing of the year for many cars, mine included. The instructions said leave at 11.15 to enjoy a ride around Northamptonshire and Leicestershire and arrive back at Highgate House in time for 3 course lunch. (Drinks not included). So that’s what we did. On what really seemed like the first in actual fact nice day of spring with lots of people (64) going on a run around what turned out to be a very pleasant part of the countryside, Market Harborough was a place I had never been to before and looked very nice.

Paulerspury People - April 2013 Peter and Sue Walton chat with Graham Tomalin

9 More friendly chatter

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Paulerspury People - April 2013

Peter and Sue Walton’s 20/25

Steve Dolan attaches his St George’s flag

New members, David & Sue Cooper

Early arrivals under the section flag

We had a nice time practicing our maths, our car always seems to go that bit further than most and we were adding 1/10, 2/10, 3/10, till we got lost and had to add a bit more, never mind everyone got back. There was the St. Georges day award for new members who had done the most for the club, presented by the Chairman to Andrew and Caroline Sykes for their excellent support of Section events since joining just a few months agao. Alan Fuller also announced a visit to Aston Martin at Newport Pagnell for £10, (you can put me down for that one). Paulerspury People - April 2013


Chris Goddards’ 1995 Bentley Turbo R Andrew and Caroline Sykes’ 1934 20/25 by Park Ward

Peter Kingabys’ 1979 Shadow II Peter and Audrey Nightingales’ Phantom V by James Young

Alan Goddards’ Corniche


Prototype Electric Ghost in disguise

Dennis and Sue Sewells’ 1964 Silver Cloud III

Paulerspury People - April 2013

Steven and Mia Murrays’ 1954 Silver Wraith

David and Margaret Wells 2000 Arnage Red Label alongside Keith Waltons’ 2000 Silver Seraph

Martin Coopers’ 1975 Silver Shadow

Derek and Sylvia Freemans’ 1963 Silver Cloud III

As Barry said to me when I first submitted the article “I would appreciate a few more words, it is this kind of thing that encourages others to join us another day”. This is very true, honestly I would encourage members of the Section who have not been to events such as this to come along and see for themselves what fun they can be, you will be very welcome, we had four new Section members at this event, plus I would remind everyone that you can always bring non member guests. There is no finer way of enjoying your car than to be using it with like minded people.

David Hennessey Paulerspury People - April 2013


Secretary’s Notes There has been much discussion recently over car club events, specifically rallies and treasure hunts, as to whether the organisers need the approval of the Motor Sports Association. Clearly there is a fine line between those events requiring approval and those which don’t. Reproduced below, by kind permission of the FBHVC, is the current interpretation of the rules. Rest assured, we are aware of these regulations and will make sure all Paulerspury Section events comply.

Authorisation is required by the Motor Vehicles (Competitions & Trials) Regulations 1969 (as amended) for competitive events on the Public Highway. The vast majority of scenic tours organised by motor clubs are non-competitive and therefore do not require authorisation. Organisers should however be aware that if they introduce an element of competition to their event it would then come under the remit of the legislation which is part of the Road Traffic Act. For instance, if you included some treasure hunt type clues or had awards or penalties the event would become subject to authorisation of the route. Authorisation of events in England and Wales are administered by the Competition Authorisation Office (CAO) at the MSA, Scotland has a separate office at the Royal Scottish Automobile Club The MSA considers the presentation of ‘finishers’ awards’ an indication that competition has taken place. To avoid an event being classed as a competition do not use the word ‘award’ when describing any plaques, certificates, mementos or souvenirs that may be given to those taking part. Within the legislation, Regulation 5 permits certain competitive events to be automatically authorised, so there is no requirement for formal authorisation. This is where the 12 cars rule comes in. You can organise an event with a competitive element which is automatically authorised if the total number of vehicles does not exceed 12. It should also be noted that this competitive element can also affect an entrant’s Road Traffic Act insurance as most policies specifically exclude cover for competitions. We would advise all competitors to check their policies before entering such events. MSA Clubs In addition to noting the above, any MSA recognised clubs who organise a scenic tour will require a Certificate of Exemption which is a type of permit. The MSA term these types of event as touring assemblies and they have to be non-competitive to comply with the MSA General Regulations. 14

Paulerspury People - April 2013

Touring Assemblies

Is an MSA Permit/Certificate of Exemption required? Route Authorisation required Do I need to contact the Route Liaison Officer? Treasure Hunts (12 cars or fewer) Is an MSA Permit/Certificate of Exemption required? Route Authorisation required Do I need to contact the Route Liaison Officer?

Non MSA MSA Registered Registered Club Club No No No

Yes Yes Yes

No No No

Yes No Yes

Treasure Hunts (13 cars or more) Is an MSA Permit/Certificate of Exemption required? Route Authorisation required Do I need to contact the Route Liaison Officer?

No Yes No

Yes Yes Yes

Concours Is an MSA Permit/Certificate of Exemption required? Route Authorisation required Do I need to contact the Route Liaison Officer?

No No No

Yes No No

Forthcoming TV Programme - Pedal To The Metal The Section have received the following invitation which has been passed on to us by The Hunt House. If you are interested in taking part, please contact the signatory directly by telephone or email as shown on the bottom of this invitation Dear RREC Member’s I am writing with regard to a television series called Brian Johnson’s Pedal to the Metal which Back2Back are currently producing for Discovery. The series will see the AC/DC lead singer explore the social history of some of the UK and Italy’s most iconic motor vehicle manufacturers including Rolls Royce, Mini, Alfa Romeo, and Ferrari. We are searching for enthusiasts, collectors, designers, engineers, or drivers with exceptional, unusual, and/or unique Rolls Royce’s, who might be interested in contributing to an episode we are producing about the iconic marque. The programme will explore the social history and contemporary manufacturing of Rolls Royce but in addition we’re really keen to find characters who’d be able to illustrate just why Roll Royce has remained so popular and enduring over the past century. Paulerspury People - April 2013


I was wondering whether any members of the Rolls Royce Enthusiasts Club might be interested in speaking to us about their unique cars and/or passion for the brand – we’re basically looking for people with great stories connected to their Rolls Royce. So whether it’s a company who have a fleet of Rolls Royce hearses (like John Duckworth’s in Sunderland) or a mechanic who has turned his Rolls Royce into a drag racing car (like the team at WG Racing), or someone with a very rare Rolls Royce, or even one that’s previously been owned by Royalty, we’d be interested in hearing from them! Anyone from the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club who you could suggest or put us in contact with would be greatly appreciated. I can be contacted on the number below or this email address – please feel free to pass my details on to anyone in your club who you think might be interested in speaking to me. Kind regards, James Pearson - Assistant Producer - back2back productions ltd Telephone: 01273 227700

Forthcoming Events Thursday 30th May Down Your Way Come and meet some of the section committee from 7.00p.m. at The Folly Inn, London Road, Towcester, Northamptonshire, NN12 6LD Organiser: Barry Gallafent

Thursday 6th June Down Your Way Come and meet some of the section committee from The Three Tuns, 57 Main Road, Biddenham, Bedfordshire, MK40 4BD Organiser: Derek Freeman Friday 14th - Sunday 16th June RREC Annual Rally and Concours Organisers: Hunt House

Saturday 1st June St Leonards Annual Fete 2 - 5 p.m. followed by a Barbecue hosted by Graham and Julia Swallow HP23 6NW Organisers: Graham and Julia Swallow Tel: 01494 758228 Email: 16

Thursday 20th June Down Your Way Come and meet some of the section committee from The Bell Hotel Market Square, Winslow, Buckinghamshire, MK18 3AB Organiser: Stephen Dolan Paulerspury People - April 2013

Sunday 23rd June Driving Day and Picnic Broadwell House, Warks Organiser: Adrian Denham

Sunday 20th October Autumn Road Run Toddington, Bedfordshire Organisers: Barry & Ruth Gallafent

Thursday 27th June Down Your Way Come and meet some of the section committee from The Two Chimney’s Stotfold Rd, Letchworth Garden City, Hertfordshire SG6 4JS Organiser: Mark Warnock

Thursday 24th - Friday 25th October Visit to Rolls-Royce Motor Cars at Goodwood. Lunch prior to and dinner and accommodation afterwards Goodwood, Sussex. Organisers: Barry Gallafent and Derek Freeman **This event cannot be booked until forms are sent out with the July Paulerspury People**

Wednesday 24th July Visit to Hook Norton Brewery followed by Lunch at a nearby pub Organiser: Derek Freeman Sunday 18th August Annual Picnic Venue: Hughenden House High Wycombe, Bucks.. Organiser: Steve Dolan Sunday 25th August Little Gransden Classic Car Show and Vintage Air Display Little Gransden, Cambs. Organisers: Barry & Ruth Gallafent Sunday 8th September Treasure Hunt and Lunch The Old Swan Astwood, Bucks.. Organisers: Barry & Ruth Gallafent Route by: Kathy and Mike Martin Wednesday 25th September Visit to Aston Martin Works Service and Heritage Centre Newport Pagnell, Bucks.. Organisers: Alan and Margaret Fuller **Limited Spaces - Book Early** Paulerspury People - April 2013

Sunday 17th November Bedfordshire Pub Lunch Venue TBC Organiser:David Davis Sunday 8th December AGM & Christmas Lunch Mitchell Hall, Cranfield Organiser: Val Yates PLEASE NOTE: The Club’s standard terms and conditions of entry apply to all events and these can be found on the back of all event booking forms. The ONLY way to secure a place on or at any event* is to complete and return the relevant form to the event organiser. It is your responsibility to ensure that your form has been received and that your booking has been accepted. *Down Your Way meets require no booking, just turn up for a chat. Everyone welcome, bring your car or not, it’s up to you. 17

Paulerspury Section Committee Attention Smart Phone Users Chairman and Media Editor

Scan any of these QR codes to find out more about what the section is up to.


Barry Gallafent (Ruth) 222b Wolverton Road Blakelands Milton Keynes, MK14 5AB Tel: 01908 216804 Mobile: 07785 398271 Steve Dolan (Janet) 191 Baldwins Lane, Croxley Green, Rickmansworth Hertfordshire, WD3 3LL Tel: 01923 778207 (Home & Fax)


Kathryn Martin (Mike) Tel: 01234 714092

Events Coordinator

Ruth Gallafent (Barry) Tel: 07900523152 (Mobile)

Membership Coordinator

Mark Warnock (Kay) Tel: 07792 906771 (Mobile)

Committee Members

David Davis (Diana) Tel: 01462 674347 Val Yates (Danny) Tel: 01234 708513 Derek Freeman (Sylvia) Tel: 01234 823255 (Home)



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