Paulerspury People August 2014

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Paulerspury People August 2014

The Newsletter of The RREC Paulerspury Section


Paulerspury People - August 2014

Paulerspury People

August 2014

The Newsletter of the Rolls-Royce Enthusiasts’ Club - Paulerspury Section

Contents Not a Lot of People Know That


The Chairman’s Bit


Ludlow Weekend


Annual Rally and Concours


Broadwell House Driving Day and Picnic


With a Little Help from My friends


Kimbolton Country Fayre


Harpenden Highland Gathering


Future Events Reminder


Notice of AGM


P & A Wood Open Day


Future Events Diary


Committee Contacts


Front Cover Photograph: Steven and Mia Murrays Silver Wraith silently won Most Elegant Car in Show at the Annual Rally and Concours

Paulerspury People - August 2014


Not a Lot of People Know That Rolls-Royce personnel were referred to by initials: Sir Henry was known simply as 'R'.

An aristocratic lady once asked Sir Henry, "What would happen if the factory at Derby produced a bad car?" Sir Henry answered, "Madam. The man on the gate would not let it out of the works".

“My father told me that if you saw a man in a Rolls Royce you could be sure he was not a gentleman unless he was the chauffeur.�

"If automobiles had followed the same development cycle as the computer, a Rolls-Royce would today cost $100, get a million miles per gallon, and explode once a year, killing everyone inside."


Paulerspury People - August 2014

The Chairman’s Bit Welcome to this edition of the Paulerspury People. I hope now that the weather has improved you will have all had the opportunity to get out and about in your Club cars whether on Club events or privately. The Section has enjoyed some good events this year, more of which are written about within these pages and others are still to come. It is the variety of events that make these outings interesting and well attended and to that end we are actively seeking other things to do or places to visit. If you would like to suggest or organise an event, your committee would be delighted to hear from you, just call any of us (details at the back of this edition) or email our events co-ordinator, Janet Dolan at Some events take longer in the planning and one such is currently being organised by Linda and Chris Ball for May next year. It is a weekend break away in Suffolk and further details can be found in this edition. Whilst something like this may be a little ambitious for a ‘new’ organiser, simpler suggestions are equally as welcome. The Section continues to grow. As new members are notified to the Section by the Hunt House, our membership co-ordinator, Mark Warnock, actively contacts them and introduces the Section. He then mails them back copies of our magazines and a Section membership form, most of which he receives duly completed within a few days. Notice of our AGM in December is contained within this issue and nominations are welcomed as always for members to join the committee. The notice provides details on how to nominate or be nominated and the date by which forms should be returned to the Secretary. Note also, change of venue for our AGM on the future events page. If you have something that you think other members might be interested in, do let us know. Perhaps you have a car with a particularly interesting past (I know one new member has recently acquired a Roll-Royce preiously owned by The Duke of Windsor), you may have been on a journey to distant parts in your Club car or have a collection which you would like to introduce. If it is something you would like to share with fellow members, email Ensure you motor safely throughout the summer months and I look forward to seeing you at a Section event soon.

Barry Gallafent Paulerspury People - August 2014


Shropshire Hills & Ludlow Weekend - Friday 9th May As working folk, most of our preparations like packing and getting the car ready all have to happen in the morning of departure. Needless to say we spend longer over the packing than planned but that is mostly because I cannot stand having “detritus� (overflow luggage) in the rear cabin and everything has to fit like a jigsaw in the small boot that Hooper & Co left us after they constructed the body of The Lily Beament (1953 Silver Wraith ALW40). At least the limited boot capacity ensures that there is enough cabin space to host a party (more on that later). We were not too late in departing and had a super drive in lovely weather right across the country up to Shropshire. We made up for time by eating a service station sandwich enroute (we like to live dangerously!) The closer we got to our destination, the lovelier the countryside became. We love the rolling hills and even The Lily B seemed to eat up the twists and turns as she wafted silently along. We arrived mid afternoon at the Overton Grange Hotel & Spa just outside of Ludlow. It is in a stunning setting and the car park was already full of club cars (their owners were already in the bar!) The Overton Grange is an Edwardian building and a maze of stairs and corridors. So, after taking oxygen on board, we finally scaled to the top of several staircases to find a lovely large room waiting for us. We were home for the next few days.

6 Outside Overton Grange

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That evening the dinner was in the hotel and was a real treat. The staff were attentive and the food absolutely lovely all washed down with some great wines (but they did run out of bitter before dinner). Dinner over, I asked our organisers, Steve and Janet Dolan, if I might have a word with the group. They indulged me and I handed out lots of sheets of paper. Big mistake! Before I could even start on what I intended the first paper plane whizzed past me! Gaining control of the crowd I led them in a complicated process of folding the paper they had in half and then in half again, several times over. What did they now have in their hands? A ludlow! What is it used for? Propping a table leg! A piece of paper or card folded over and stuck under the leg of a table to stop it wobbling is a ludlow. Although the word has fallen out of use I am on a life mission to re-introduce it. With that done, the members of the Paulerspury Section reverted to type and started lobbing paper planes all over the dining room. As we retired to the bar, a few of the gentlemen and I stole away to set up our own little drinks party in The Lily Beament. We drained the port she was carrying in one round so relied upon alcohol supplies from the cars of Peter Parsons and Keith Davies. What would you rather have? A larger boot or space to become a gentlemen’s club in the evening? The gentlemen decided the latter was more important! Saturday 10th May As ever, up and out first thing to clean the car off. The overnight rain had nicely lifted

Outside Overton Grange Hotel

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Berrington Hall

Lily Beament on the Black and White Trail

Parked in Leominster ready for the run


the dirt. Gradually, more and more chaps came to inspect their cars and most gave them something of a wipe down (although I am sure some were just going through the motions!) Then we went in for a hearty breakfast before heading out on the Black & White trail Steve and Janet had planned for us. Unfortunately, Dave and Sue Knighton’s 20/25 had “failed to proceed” before the weekend so they were without a club car. Sad for them but great for us as we got to have them as company in The Lily B for the drive. The drive was just perfect. It took in lots of the little villages and highlighted the great number of traditional medieval black timber and whitewashed buildings in the area. We did the whole run and even got what we reckoned was the best value cream tea in the country – full cream tea £2.95! Ha! Unfortunately, when we headed out again we got slightly lost (although certain we were following the instructions) and ended up taking the rather wide (ok, let’s say it – fat!) Lily B down the narrowest lanes you can imagine. It made heads turn! After the drive we popped back to the hotel to collect Bert and Wendy Gladwin’s Bentley Arnage. They had gone with Barry and Ruth Gallafent but Janet wanted the car on display at Berrington Hall (National Trust) where we parked on display in front of the house for the afternoon. That enabled me to get Mia to drive an Arnage. She loved it! I want one! At the Hall we had a light lunch in the kitchens (yes, I ate below stairs – how novel!) We then had time to wander through the Hall and around the grounds but the weather was starting to close in so most of us headed back to the bar in the Overton Grange. Once more we dined at the hotel so were not disappointed. Now the bar was properly stocked with bitter so we were happy again although, having run Lily B dry of port, I had to resort to sending back to the bar for my glass to be refilled as the gentlemen’s club was once again in session.

Steven D Murray Sunday 11 May Everyone was cleaning their cars in preparation for the Marches Classic Car run – some started at 6.15 am! By 9.30, we all left for the Mortimer Forest Run, but as always, I missed an important turning, and drove into Ludlow instead. But a few others did the same so I didn’t feel such a wally. Very pleasant drive through the forest, with little traffic, a few spots of rain and a stress-free drive to the assembly point at the Arkwright car park in Leominster for the Marches Transport Festival Classic Car Run to Ludlow Castle. There were quite a few interesting classic cars on display and cyclists in period costumes careering about on veteran bikes. The Mayor of Leominster arrived to launch the run, appropriately driven to the car park in Steven Murray’s 1953 Silver Wraith. 8

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Our cars were lined up neatly by Steve Dolan and looked very impressive and attracted much attention and admiration of other classic car owners. We left for Ludlow in convoy after the other classic cars departed, and arrived at our special parking area at the Ludlow Market, where Steve Dolan again marshalled the cars into a well-ordered line. Despite a cold wind, the Ludlow food festival was in full attendance, and offered something for all tastes - although I tried smoked peanut butter with Marmite: an acquired taste methinks! (Derek Freeman, the Club’s official taster can be seen testing a hamburger …) Several members went into the town for lunch, partly to get out of the wind. Plenty of live music, a beer tent and a great assortment of classic cars made a perfect afternoon. By 3.30 pm, most of our group had left to return to Overton Grange, to prepare for the coach ride to The Riverside Inn, Aymestrey, where we enjoyed not just a dinner, but superb entertainment. Heading up the bill was Barry Gallafent, who managed to sing all of the verses of Benny Hill’s “Fastest Milkman in the West”, assisted during memory lapses by Mark Warnock. Amazing what a mis-spent youth these two must have had! Much community singing of hymns (!) pop songs and football songs followed, plus a ribald rendition of the “Sheik of Araby” and a monologue by Dave Knighton. All in all, it was a full and most enjoyable day to end the rally.

Bert and Wendy were spotted shopping

Musical and humourous entertainment

Paulerspury People - August 2014 Special parking for the Section

9 Classic cars in the castle grounds

Dinner at Overton Grange Hotel

Steve and Janet Dolan receiving a token of appreciation from all on the trip

Monday 12 May The rally over it was time to say our goodbyes and make the long journey home, some of us stopping enroute to visit local places that we hadn’t had time to over the weekend. It really does take a lot of time, money, and planning, to ensure the success of these runs, and without exception we all had a wonderful break. Grateful thanks to Steve and Jan for the hard work they put in and their attention to detail.

Terry and Judy Weston

RREC Annual Rally and Concours - Sunday 22nd June 2015 This year the rally took place for the very last time, at Rockingham Castle and we were blessed with the best weather we have had there for some time. The section get together took place at Derek and Sylvia Freemans Silver Cloud III and was probably one of the best attended and of the longest duration of any similar gathering. There were drinks and nibbles for all and at times you could number fifty section members. Thanks to Derek and Sylvia for organising it. There were mixed ideas of whether the rally was smaller or larger than last year but the general consencus was that it was about the same. There were a good number of trade stands and pre-owned dealers but more had been promised for the ladies to see and do, and this did not appear to be the case. Dining in Style

10 Excellent attendance at the tailgate party

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On the Saturday, there had been a celebratory gathering of the ‘Continentals’ at the Castle, where some fifty vehicles were paraded. I understand that this was an enjoyable event but have no more information to relay at this time. I will endeavour to include a specific article next time. Our Section managed to scoop some awards (as is almost becoming usual now), with Andrew Underwood taking 1st in Class 14 Concours and Best Semi-Novice Effort with his Silver Shadow and Mike Martin 1st in Class 14 Touring with his Silver Shadow. Steven and Mia Murrays Silver Wraith was awarded ‘Most Elegant Car in Show’. I apologise to anyone I haven’t mentioned but if you let me have the information, I will include it next time. Next year the Annual Rally will move to Burghley House which is something to look forward to. As Rockingham Castle are sad to see us go, I have witnessed a letter from them to the rally committee, thanking them for the past five years and complimenting them on their professionalism and efficiency, further stating that they had been a pleasure to work with. They wished the Club well with its move to Burghley House and said that we would be welcome back at Rockingham at any time should ever we wish.

Barry Gallafent

Mike Martin - 1st in Touring - Class 14

Paulerspury People - August 2014

Steven and Mia Murray - Most Elegant in Show

Andrew Underwood - 1st in Concours - Class 14

11 Chris and Linda Ball - 2nd in Concours - Class 20

Broadwell House Driving Day and Picnic - Sunday 6th July 6th July, Silverstone weekend, the thought of making the journey from Northampton to Broadwell House in beautiful Warwickshire was not one I was looking forward to. Sue and I duly set off with sandwiches and flask in hand ready for the delays in traffic on its way to Silverstone. There was no need to worry as the roads were empty. We arrived in the beautiful surroundings of Adrian and Linda Denhams home. After parking the car, we were surprised at the variety and number of other cars that had come to support the Driving Day and picnic. During the day, money is raised to support The Warwickshire and Northamptonshire Air Ambulance, such an important charity. Many members may not know what the day consists of. Each year Adrian and friends raise money for charity whilst having good fun at the same time. Adrian, Linda, David and plenty of other helpers put on a fabulous day for the benefit of members and ultimately, the air ambulance. In front of Adrian and Linda’s house, welcome refreshments were provided as we enjoyed a catch-up with friends old and new. Many then walk around the site to admire the selection of cars ranging from a 1920’s Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost up to modern day Rolls-Royce and Bentleys. There was a good selection of non R-R & B’s too. Lunch was a picnic where we joined friends old (BG) and new, washed down with a wine or two, as other did the same at their cars.

12 Seeking shade from the early afternoon sun

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A variety of models attended

Steve Dolan checks the Chairmans reversing skills

After lunch, we went for a stroll to view the driving course and take our seats for the afternoon entertainment. The driving course is laid out with cones and straw bales. The driver goes around the course stopping in garages and reversing into a coned area as quickly and safely as he or she can, whilst he passenger jumps out of the car and puts little wooden balls into a metal bucket. Throw it in, the ball jumps out and you lose points. It is good exercise with all the running about. Adrian delighted in telling us he experimented in getting the right combination of ball and bucket. Last year, I managed to do a 360 degree doughnut in a Mulsanne S, so this year “Friends� decided to pile in the back to add ballast to my active rear end. Many cars enjoyed the course with lots of red flags for breaking the rules. All sorts of cars entered form very old to very new. Rolls Royce and Bentley had their own class and other makes had their own class. A Field Marshall Tractor sped around the course,

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13 Dennis Sewell receiving his winners trophy from Adrian Denham



car is likely to rise in value whilst simultaneously allowing hours of endless fun – which is more than can EH VDLG RI D EDQN DFFRXQW ´ Service and repair 6DLG IHOORZ 'LUHFWRU 0DUWLQ +DZHV “The increase in value is great QHZV IRU RZQHUV DV LW MXVWLÂż HV WKHP investing in their pride and joy and, instead of running it into the ground, maintaining it in tip-top condition and making necessary repairs. Âł6SDUHV DUH UHDGLO\ DYDLODEOH IRU most British classics – even those that cost hundreds of thousands to

Paulerspury People - August 2014

buy new. This allows an increasing number of enthusiasts to run the likes of period Rolls-Royces and Bentleys as weekend fun cars – vehicles they could probably only have dreamt DERXW RZQLQJ Âż UVW WLPH DURXQG 6RPH of our customers even make money out of them by leasing them for ZHGGLQJV RU Âż OP DQG 79 ZRUN ´ Restoration Of course, steel was of notoriously bad quality immediately post war and corrosion protection for cars largely unheard of, making a part or full restoration almost inevitable at some VWDJH 6DLG 0DUWLQ RQH RI WZR VNLOOHG fabricators within the Chris Lee’s team: “What parts we can’t obtain we make from scratch. There is nothing we can’t tackle, inside or out, from retrims to woodwork restoration and mechanical overhauls to total body repairs. Once the latter are complete, our renowned paintshop swings into

DFWLRQ HQVXULQJ WKH Âż QLVK UHĂ€ HFWV WKH quality of what now lies underneath. “In recent times we’ve carried out such major work on numerous Rolls-Royces and Bentleys – eg a V 6LOYHU &ORXG ,,, &RQWLQHQWDO that the proud owner collected and immediately drove non-stop WR 0RQDFR 2XU PDQ\ FXUUHQW tasks include the comprehensive refurbishment of our own Corniche Convertible, that will then be offered for sale. Whatever your needs, Chris Lee’s Ltd is the perfect partner for helping to keep your car absolutely DX SRLQW ´


Paulerspury People - August 2014


gaining a credible last place. It was a shame about the chap who fell off the back of another tractor. A Fiat 500 won the ‘Others’ trophy while Paulerspury section did very well, Dennis Sewell coming 1st, Barry Gallafent 2nd and myself 3rd. The previous winner on 8 occasions was Steven Dolan who decided to let the others have a go. Steve still acted as ballast, navigator and ‘ball dropper’ though. With the driving over, we headed back to Adrian’s lawn where a raffle was drawn, followed by the presentations to the winners. The weather remained dry and mostly sunny all day, although a brisk breeze was present. The final challenge was to reload the car with our bits and bobs and head home. It was a great day and many thanks are due to our hosts. We are looking forward to next year’s event and hope to see more of you there. A total of £1666 was raised for this worthwhile charity. Around 60 cars attended so it was a good turnout for this enjoyable relaxing day.

Sue & David Cooper

With a Little Help From My (Paulerspury) Friends “Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and make it better. When it does not exist, design it.” This is one of the more famous quotations from Sir Henry Royce, says Jürgen Büch from Germany, and when he became appointed Registrar of the new SZ Register by the Management Board in January of this year, himself said “I had to have my own ideas how to do this, as members have every right to have high expectations of their Register and of me. Ed. With a surprisingly long list of models and types (very close to 5000 cars on the RREC database), it is understandable that it is more than just a challenge to establish and run a Register with the potential of having two or three thousand members. But things are working very well now after I have co-opted a number of other volunteers with specific skills. Among them, Rolls-Royce historian Marinus Rijkers from The Netherlands, who is well known for his internet lists of models and types under, and Richard Charnley from Somerset. While Marinus keeps the data and files, Richard, who is a publisher by profession, produces a high quality Register magazine containing 68 pages. The magazine is called ‘The Spirit’. It will appear in October as an ePaper and also as a printed ‘Collectors’ edition. 16

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Member David Diewerge from Luxemburg has also been co-opted. David has completely restored his Bentley Eight at home. He acts together with Mark Yuasa from Japan, as the Registers Technical Consultants. David did everything on his car and everything he did, was photo documented. He will write a series of articles on specific jobs which can be done at home and is only as far away as your telephone in case you need help. But please note, more technically minded volunteers are still needed! As the number of members is expected to be very high it is clear that one big annual gathering would not be possible. Instead a number of regional meetings will be held from 2015, which will be spread all over the world. The fact that this Register is now active is due to the help of some members from the Paulerspury Section, in particular Chairman Barry Gallafent, with whom I have become friends and who was of ‘immense help’ before and during the start. Also RREC ‘Message Board Guru’ Philip Sage was always available when help was needed, and a lot of help was needed in the beginning if you live 600 miles away from The Hunt House. The Register is open to all owners and non-owners of Rolls-Royce and Bentleys cars of the SZ range. Among them Silver Spirit, Silver Spur, Rolls-Royce Corniche from 1983, Bentley Mulsanne, Eight, Turbo R, Continental R/S/T and all derivatives. If in doubt, simply check your VIN. If the fourth letter is a Z, than this Register is yours! Here is an example chassis number SCAZS0000BCH02770. Forms to register can be downloaded from the SZ Register page on or requested via email at Membership is free, as is the magazine is to all SZ Register members. I look forward to welcoming you.

Jürgen Büch RREC SZ Registrar Paulerspury People - August 2014


Kimbolton Country Fayre - Sunday 13th July 2015 The House and Parklands of Kimbolton Castle where Queen Catherine of Aragon was incarcerated by King Henry VIII until her death in 1536, was the setting for this event. Jointly organised by the Rotary Club of Kimbolton Castle and the Sporting Bears Car Club by permission of Kimbolton School, the largest gathering of classic cars in Eastern England were on display. The drivers of more than 800 cars, everything from Alfa Romeo, Bond Bug and Bugatti to a Vauxhall Cresta turned up with families and friends to enjoy the sunshine and the wide range of entertainment. There were craft stalls, a country food court, car care products, tea and beer tents along with a Ferris Wheel, huge bouncy castle and fun for the children. The afternoon was rounded off with a Battle of Britain Memorial Flypast. That Merlin engine sound!! Despite the clash of two Paulerspury Section events on the same day, twelve Club cars attended. Their presence was organised by Val and Danny Yates and it was a pleasure to see so many new and recently joined members gather round the Yates Corniche Convertible. Two cars deserve special mention. New member Mike Grimes brought his 20 HP registration number XP-77. This car was originally a private order on Derby by Edward Windsor, HRH the Prince of Wales for his personal use. As history recounts his reign as King Edward VIII was short lived. The other car which some of you may remember affectionately known as Duggie, registration number DGU 1, this 1936 25/30 Mulliner Sedanca De-Ville had been owned by our late President, Eric Barrass. Present owner Dave Reynolds would be pleased to expand his records and history of this car and the days when it was driven by Eric himself. If any of you can help contact could be arranged if necessary through the Section Secretary.

18 Mike Grimes’ 20 H.P. ...

... and Paulerspury People - August 2014 a previous owner

It must have taken you ages to clean Jim

A good turnout for the first time at Kimbolton

A great event in a wonderful setting. Perhaps one for the diary in 2015.

Pat and Jim Fleming Harpenden Highland Gathering - Sunday 13th July 2015 Another new event for the section calendar, when section member, David Morgan, remarked he had attended in 2013 and how he felt it would suit the members. He was not wrong! The members that were able to attend were treated to a prime position at the top of the hill in Rothamsted Park overlooking the main arenas. The Harpenden Lions were our organisers and despite a slightly dodgy PA system, the event was very well run.

Paulerspury People - August 2014

A gathering of the Clans at Harpenden


Constant display activity

Keith Davies explains the skill of caber tossing

A relatively small number of cars were there to be welcomed by David who had arrived at the crack of dawn to secure the best spot. After a little contra tent with a couple of the other exhibitors, David remained firm and the Section enjoyed the best view. No sooner had we arrived, Raelene appeared with extra tables and a mountain of canapes and sandwiches. David had already set up the drinks station It’s this way gentlemen, trust me! and we were treated to champagne with our snacks. The usual chatter ensued with the distant (and sometimes not too distant) sound of lone pipers practicing. The day included Scottish dancing displays, Dog and Duck shows, Hawksdrift Falconry and John Evans the legendary head balancing strongman! There were numerous pipe and drum marching bands to enjoy and plenty of side stalls with tasty treats and fund raising stands for local charities. In the main arena we had the chance to experience the traditional tossing of the caber and heaving a stone over a high bar! The day concluded with the massed Pipes and Drums performing traditional favourites. David and Raelene were, as ever, gracious and generous hosts and we thank them for a thoroughly good day out.

Mark Warnock 20

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Future Events - A Reminder Do check event dates and locations carefully as there may be more than one event organised on the same day. This is aimed at providing for a variety of interests and creating availability in different areas. Section members are always welcome to suggest events that may be of interest or to offer to organise an existing event. Contact details for our events coordinator, Janet Dolan, can be found on the contacts page of this magazine. Booking for any event is done, as always, by completing the enclosed form(s) and returning them to the organiser with the relevant entry fee enclosed. Event organisers will endeavour to confirm your booking by email, so do please, be sure to include yours on the form, CLEARLY written. Some forms wil be available closer to the event. Two more prestigious Classic Car events have been brought to our attention, Classics In The Walled Garden at Luton Hoo on 2nd July and Classics On Th Common, Harpenden on 30th July. The organisers would welcome a contingent of Club cars to attend but our calendar has not allowed time to incorporate these properly this year. We hope to be able to for 2015. More information can be found on these if you visit the Section website

Three Day Break in the Beautiful Vale of Dedham Sunday 17 May to Tuesday 19 May 2015 inclusive Why not take a walk in John Constable’s footsteps and see the sights immortalised in his paintings. This enchanting part of the country is located on the Suffolk and Essex border and was the birthplace of the renowned artist. We are organising a three night House Party at the Maison Talbooth, a stunning hotel overlooking the Vale, where all 12 bedrooms, lounges, dining room, swimming pool, luxury hot tub, pool house, tennis court and gardens are exclusive to us during our stay. The cost is £1270 (incl VAT) per couple and includes the following: Afternoon tea on day of arrival, Champagne reception each evening, three course set menu dinners with wines each evening, full post-dinner bar from 8:30pm to Midnight each evening, overnight accommodation and full English Breakfast. Rooms at the Maison Talbooth will be allocated on a strictly first come, first served basis and because there are only 12, we have booked another 3 deluxe bedrooms in Milsom’s, which is a small hotel in the group situated less than 2 minutes away from the Maison. For guests staying at Milsom’s a courtesy Range Rover will be at your disposal as all meals, with the exception of breakfast, will be taken at the Maison. Paulerspury People - August 2014


As always, visits to local places of interest will be organised. To avoid disappointment book your place as soon as possible and send a deposit of ÂŁ270 per couple made out to the RREC Paulerspury Section to the address given on the enclosed booking form. To find out more about Maison Talbooth, visit maisontalbooth

Chris and Linda Ball Formal Notice The Annual General Meeting of the RREC Paulerspury Section will take place at 11:00 a.m. on Sunday 7th December 2014 at Corner 5 Restaurant, Box End Park, Box End Rd, Bedford MK43 8RQ

Agenda 1.

Welcome 2. Apologies for absence 3. Minutes of the AGM December 2013 4. Chairman’s Report 5. Treasurers Report 6. Approval of the Accounts 7. Matters or Motions for discussion or determination (as previously notified to the secretary)


Election of the Committee Current members standing for relection:Barry Gallafent, Stephen Dolan, Kathryn Martin, Mark Warnock, Janet Dolan, Ruth Gallafent, Derek Freeman


Paulerspury People - August 2014

Information Pertaining to the AGM and Election of Committee Members Any Motion – for discussion or determination at the AGM, must be duly proposed and seconded by Section Members and submitted to the Section Secretary at least 42 days before the AGM. Nomination Forms – are enclosed with this edition of the Paulerspury People. These must be completed and returned to the Section Secretary by Noon on Sunday 26th October 2014. The Section Committee – will comprise not less than four and not more than seven elected Section Members. Definition of a Paulerspury Section Member – a Section Member is a member of the RREC whose dues have been paid for the current year (or be a life member) or a New Member who has registered with the Paulerspury Section within the last twelve months. Note 1 – In accordance with Clause 5.3 of the Rules for Sections dated 3rd November 2009, in the event there being more nominations than places, members attending the AGM will be balloted at the time. Note 2 – Ballot Papers will only be issued to Section Members producing a valid membership card on the day and whom the Membership Co-ordinator can confirm is duly registered as a Section Member. Note 3 – In accordance with Clause 4.4 of the Rules for Sections dated 3rd November 2009, if a Section Member is unable to attend the AGM in person, that Section Member may appoint, in writing deposited with the Secretary at least 14 days before the meeting, the Chairman of the meeting as his or her proxy. Such a proxy shall direct the Chairman how the proxy vote is to be cast on each and every item on the agenda. A proxy vote shall only be deemed validly cast if the original signed proxy is available for inspection for the duration of the meeting by any Section Member present. An instrument appointing a proxy shall be a form which is usual or which the committee shall approve. Nominations for the Paulerspury Section Committee 2015 – are invited from members who wish to serve on the committee with effect from the AGM on 8th December 2014 Nominees Should Note That 1.

Existing Committee Members if willing to stand, will be deemed to be nominated

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A Nomination Form is enclosed with this edition of the PP.


Nominees, Proposers and Seconders must comply with the definition of a Paulerspury Section Member (above).


Forms must be completed in full, signed and returned to the Secretary in a sealed envelope, clearly marked ‘Nomination Form’.


It is the responsibility of the Nominee to ensure safe arrival of the form with the Secretary before Noon on Sunday 26th October 2014.

P & A Wood Open Day Several Section members helped staff from the Hunt House promote the Club at the annual P & A Wood open day on Sunday 1st June. To say it was an extravaganza would be an understatement. Attention to detail is the P & A Wood catch phrase and they certainly paid attention to ‘every’ detail on this day. Their staff had worked tirelessly for weeks ensuring everything was just right. The focal point of the day was the official opening of the ‘New Rolls-Royce’ showroom. Ultra modern inside, it is contained within a period style building which perfectly balances each side of the road between their two sites. Upon turning the corner in Great Easton, you would truly believe you had been transported back in time. Radio 2 DJ, Chris Evans officially cut the ribbon opening the showroom as Paul and Andrew Wood thanked both staff and customers alike for their support over many years. Ultra modern workshop facilities housed clients cars undergoing maintenance, repair or restoration, whilst the rest of the site was adorned with others which had been very kindly loaned for the day. AX 201 was there too, where she was being prepared for the annual rally. Haurel and Lardy traversed the site frequently in their model T Ford and took time to pop in and visit the Club stand in the marquee but the finalé was a true spectacle. Andrew Wood has long been interested in flying and indeed flew himself until being taken ill last year. Many of his friends took to the skies from a nearby airfield and put on a wonderful display for us all, culminating in a 15 minute Spitfire display from a pilot clearly reluctant to leave. 24

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Pre-Owned showroom

‘New Rolls-Royce’ showroom

Ultra-Modern interior

Constantly revolving display

Original workshop

Chris Evans talks to the crowd

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Waiting anxiously for the next aircraft to display

Haurel and Lardy with 25 Ailsa Plain (Hunt House Staff) and Ruth Gallafent

Future Events Diary Sunday 17th August Annual Summer Picnic Royal Masonic School for Girls Rickmansworth Park, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire, WD3 4HF Organisers: Steve and Janet Dolan Sunday 24th August Little Gransden Air Show & Classic Car Show Fuller’s Hill Farm Little Gransden, Cambs., SG19 3BP Organisers: Barry and Ruth Gallafent Sunday 14th September Treasure Hunt and Lunch Venue: Bedford Arms, Oakley Organisers: Kathy and Mike Martin with Barry and Ruth Gallafent Sunday 5th October Autumn Amble Venue: The Sheene Mill, Melbourn, Herts Organisers: Mark and Kay Warnock Sunday 9th November Visit to Chris Lee (R-R & B Repairer and Restorer) followed by Lunch nearby Venue: Chris Lee, London End, Old Beaconsfield, Bucks. Organisers: Barry and Ruth Gallafent Sunday 7th December AGM and Christmas Lunch Venue: Corner 5 Restaurant, Box End Park, Nr Kempston, Beds Organisers: Barry and Ruth Gallafent Sunday 17th - Tuesday 19th May 2015 Three Day Break in the Beautiful Vale of Dedham Venue: Dedham, Suffolk. Organisers: Chris and Linda Ball 26

Paulerspury People - August 2014

Paulerspury Section Committee Chairman and Editor

Derek Freeman (Sylvia) Tel: 01234 823255 (Home)

Barry Gallafent (Ruth) 222b Wolverton Road Blakelands Milton Keynes, MK14 5AB Tel: 01908 216804 Mobile: 07785 398271

Secretary Steve Dolan (Janet) The Old Stables Heathencote, Northants, NN12 7LE Tel: 01327 351460 Mob: 07739 848368

Treasurer Kathryn Martin (Mike) Tel: 01234 714092

Attention Smart Phone Users Scan any of these QR codes to find out more about what the section is up to.

Section Website

Events Coordinator Janet Dolan (Steve) The Old Stables Heathencote, Northants, NN12 7LE Tel: 01327 351460 Mob: 07841 989608

Membership Coordinator Mark Warnock (Kay) Tel: 07792 906771 (Mobile)

Committee Members Ruth Gallafent (Barry) Tel: 07900 523152 Paulerspury People - August 2014


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