Automotive influencers W
ho could have predicted what was going to happen to the motor industry this time last year? We suspect that even Mystic Meg would have had her work cut out as 2012 proved just how much the car business can surprise us all once in a while. Not only did the economy drop into and rise from a recession, but the year started out with the SMMT predicting a modest 1.84m new cars would be bought by hungry customers. Mid-year the organisation decided to up the estimation to 1.95m saying customers were hungrier than they initially
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expected. And then by the year’s end, would you believe it? Two million cars were sold by dealers. Putting aside the rumours surrounding strong UK car sales, if there was ever a reason why predictions were a tricky art, 2012 was probably it. That’s why we’ve spoken to some of the very biggest names in the industry in an attempt to come up with a colourful and interesting picture of what we might be expecting in 2013. We’ve brought together 15 automotive influencers and asked them five set questions. Here’s what they have to say.