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Heart Month
During Heart Month we encourage our supporters to help raise awareness and vital funds for CRY

“CRY runs an amazing screening programme for the young. Our granddaughter has a heart condition we didn’t know about that was diagnosed at one of their screening sessions. She’s now being treated at Alder Hey. CRY do an amazing job and I was Happy to help with a small fundraiser last year” - Janet Flowers
“My beautiful son, Ben Coleman, passed away in September 2021 of sudden cardiac arrest. Since then, we have had wonderful support through the CRY mums Facebook group, useful brochures, telephone support and heart screenings for myself, my ex-husband, and my younger son through St. George’s Hospital.
“We’ve done the Heart of London Bridges Walk two years running, which allows his friends and mine to come together to remember, honour Ben, and help raise money for this charity. Helping raise money brings comfort that we can help other young people and their families with raising awarness of screenings, support, and research for the future” - Nicky Trangmar
“I support CRY because they offered me advice and a community through myheart when i was diagnosed with Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome” - Zenia Duell
“My beautiful and intelligent 18 year old older sister, Aashi, passed away in May 2013 from sudden cardiac death. The charity, CRY, made me more aware about sudden cardiac deaths in young people. At the time of her death, I was comforted by the resources provided by the charity and also to know that there is funding going towards screening to help prevent this happening to others.
“We hold annual bake sales for CRY - which are organised with the abundant love we have for her and the support we have for each other. I am grateful to the charity for allowing us to bring together the community in a truly special way for her, and for a great cause” - Shruti Sinha
“I support CRY because at 18 years old, I could have become one of the 12. I had an undiagnosed heart condition, Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. I was in my first term of university away from family, and I ended up in HDU (high dependency unit) critically unwell. It shouldn’t take becoming critically unwell for it to have been diagnosed.

“In my teenage years, I had gone to my GP about shortness of breath and chest pain; I was dismissed each time as unfit. But I was very active at that time in my life. If they had taken the time to do one ECG, it would have been picked up. CRY gives screenings to young people for free and has saved lives by doing so, keeping families together and preventing lifelong grief. This is an amazing thing that needs to keep going. So, thank you” - Zanna Orange
“Our eldest son and brother, Lee, passed away in his sleep from Sudden Adult Death at just 19 years old. We had no warning and no knowledge of any heart problem. We set up a Memorial Fund through CRY, and use that money to do ECG screenings at his old school. We feel that by doing this his death was not in vain and we can help save lives” - Carole, Steve, Wayne and Sam Wilson
“I support CRY after attending a charity screening day where an abnormality was detected. CRY helped me get further testing and I soon discovered that I had been born with a heart defect, and had other issues with my heart’s function that I didn’t know about. Thanks to detecting this on my ECG, I ended up receiving life saving open heart surgery at age 23. Without the CRY screening day, I don’t think I would be here now. I truly believe it saved my life”Jessica Lamb