Cardiff Met SU External Trustees Pack

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External Trustee Recruitment Pack

Registered Charity No. 1148990



Contents 3

Key Information for Applicants


Welcome from the Chair


What Is a Trustee & Why do we need them?


About Cardiff Met SU


The Role of the Board of Trustees


External Trustee Person Specification


How to Apply

Key Information For Applicants Recruitment Timetable Application closes:

19th February 2024


Week of the 19th February 2024

Notif ication of candidates for interview:

Week commencing 26th February 2024


4th & 5th March 2024

Appointments and induction:

April 2024

Additional Information For further information on the Students’ Union (SU) and its work can be found on our website www.cardiff You can also contact the Chair of the Board of Trustees and SU President, Natalia-Mia Roach at nroach2@cardiff, or the SU Chief Executive, Will Fuller at wfuller@cardiff to discuss the role further.

How to apply To apply to join us as an external Trustee, please send your CV, together with a covering letter setting out why you are interested and what you will bring to the role, to the Bev Bambrough, SU Policy & Procedure Advisor at bbambrough@cardiff, by 19th February 2024.


Welcome from the Chair We are delighted that you are interested in

enhance the effectiveness of our governance

joining our board at Cardiff Met Students’

structure. Additionally, we are embarking on

Union. We are excited to share this opportunity

a strategic planning journey to design our

to make a direct impact on students studying

mission and organisational vision, setting a

at Cardiff Metropolitan University.

clear course for the future.

Your role as an External Trustee will be

This is an exciting time to join our Trustee



Board and be part of the positive changes

direction of our Students’ Union, ensuring

taking place within our Students’ Union. As

that the voices and needs of our diverse

we work towards shaping a vision that aligns

student body are represented at the highest

with our students’ aspirations and needs,

level. Your unique perspectives, skills, and

your involvement will be crucial in driving this

experiences will contribute signif icantly to

transformative process.




the effective governance of our organisation. For further information on the Students’ We’ve recently conducted a comprehensive

Union and its work can be found on our

governance and democracy review, marking

website, www.cardiff

the beginning of a transformative phase for our Students’ Union. As part of our














we are actively implementing changes to




Executive Off icer, Will Fuller via email at wfuller@cardiff to discuss further.

Natalia-Mia Roach Students’ Union President and Chair of the Trustee Board 23/24


What is a Trustee & Why do we need them? Cardiff Met SU is a charity (registered Charity No. 1148990) and is governed by a body called the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees is the highest decision-making body in the Union, with overall responsibility for the management and administration of the Students’ Union, including its governance, budget and strategy. Trustees are responsible for providing appropriate oversight, and leadership to the SU in pursuit of its strategic objectives to fulf il its charitable purpose. External Trustees provide charities essential expert skills and guidance f rom outside of their sector. It can be easy for organisations like charities to spend all of their time focussed on the specif ics of their work without pausing to look for expertise f rom further af ield. External Trustees are selected based on their skills, experience and what value they can bring to the Board. Having a diverse mix of skills, experiences, backgrounds and industries among our External Trustees is crucial to running a highly effective Board.

About Cardiff Met SU Th is i s an exc i t i n g t i m e to b eco m e a t r u ste e

The SU provides services for students in line

with Cardi ff M e t S U h av i n g u n d er t a ke n a

with its charitable objectives. Representing

Governance and Democracy review in 2022/23.

the views of over 12,000 students at Cardiff

Th e revi ew ma d e reco m m en d a t i o n s which

Metropolitan University, across two academic

will e nabl e t h e S U to d evel o p s t r u c t u res to

sites in Cardiff. The SU plays a key role in student

su ppor t s t ude nts to h ave a s t ro n g er vo i ce in

life offering social, cultural, recreational, and

th e de c i s i on-ma ki n g p ro ces s w i t h i n t h e SU.

sporting opportunities for students across

Ove r t h e n ext two yea rs t h e b oa rd w i l l se e

both campuses. Enabling students to form

th e re por t i mpl em en ted , wi t h g u i d a n ce an d

communities and support networks to keep

lea de rs hi p f rom t h e B oa rd to d ri ve t h e se

them on track during their studies. Helping

chan g e s .

to develop social skills needed to succeed in what will be life after university, through volunteering opportunities.

Futura Marketing & Promotions Limited Trustees









Futura Marketing and Promotions Limited. The subsidiary operates independently f rom the charity but is wholly owned by it and exists to generate income through business activity which do not align with the charitable objectives of the SU.

Governance Under the Articles, the Board of Trustees is responsible for the management and administration of the Union, including its governance, budget, and strategy. The Board has power to overrule any decision or policy of the members, where it is considered, there are f inancial implications, a breach of legal requirements, a contravention of the Union’s aims and objects, or the carrying out of the Board’s responsibilities are affected. Trustees are appointed for a maximum period of three years, with the opportunity to be re-appointed for a further three-year term.

The Trustees have power to delegate their functions to committees or individuals. There are 1 standing committee – The Finance and Services Committee, comprising the Off icer Trustees and 2 students board members.

Day-to-day management of the operation and administration of the SU is delegated by the Trustees to the Chief Executive. The Chief Executive reports to Trustees at each Board of Trustees’ meeting, and as necessary between meetings, and to the Committees of the Board.


The role of the Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees is the SU’s governing body. It has overall responsibility for the management and the administration of the students’ Union, including its governance, budget, and strategy. Made up of 2 elected off icers’ trustees, and 6 student trustees and 3 external trustees. As the SU is an incorporated charity, Trustees are also appointed as company directors.

Collective responsibilities of all Trustees:

• To ensure that the SU works to fulf il its charitable purpose, and that it acts within its constitution. • To ensure the SU complies with charity law, company law, and other applicable legislation, regulatory requirements, and best practice. • To comply with the provisions of the SU’s Articles of Association, and to always act in the best interests of the Union. • To ensure the f inancial stability of the SU, and that its resources are properly managed and only used for the purposes for which they are intended. • To ensure that effective strategic planning is in place, that appropriate goals and targets are set, and effective processes for monitoring and evaluating performance are in place. • To ensure that effective governance policies and procedures are in place in relation to the SU’s activities. • To ensure that effective controls are in place to identify and manage risks. • To actively contribute to the work and decisions of the Board. • To support and constructively challenge the Chief Executive. • To uphold the aims and values of the SU and to protect its name and reputation. To adhere to the Nolan Committee’s seven principles of public life: selflessness, • integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, and leadership.


Additional responsibilities of External Trustees • To bring an external perspective to the work of the Board, based on your experience and independent judgment. • To use any specif ic professional skills and experience to assist the Board in reaching sound decisions and, where appropriate, to offer guidance on matters falling within those specif ic areas.


External Trustee Person Specification All applicants should; • Be willing and able to allocate suff icient time to fulf il the duties and responsibilities of the role. • The ability to think strategically and see the bigger picture. Be a ‘critical f riend’ - able to challenge constructively, and exercise sound independent judgment. • Have effective communication skills and the ability to relate to, and communicate effectively with, people at all levels. • Have experience of working in a leadership, or management role in an organisation (private, public , or voluntary) using influencing and negotiating skills. • Have experience of working in, or with, an organisation that requires an understanding of the needs of, and engagement with, multiple stakeholders. • Have a commitment to our values and culture. • Have the enthusiasm to apply your experience, understanding and skills for the benef it of the SU, its members and their educational and personal development, and wellbeing.

We are particularly keen to receive applications f rom people with experience in any of the following areas, but this is not essential - we will consider all applications based upon what you can bring to the role of Trustee:

We are looking to appoint three External Trustees to join us to support our continued progression. We are looking for Trustees with expertise and interest in any of the following areas to add value to our Board: • Strategic development, and risk management • Higher Education or SU experience • Business development or entrepreneurship • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion • Finance, including experience of managing and scrutinising budgets


Time Commitment The Board meets at least four times each year, usually in the early evening, and additional Board meetings may be convened as necessary. Board members will also need to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and may also be asked to sit on additional committees as the Board moves forward in developing its structures to support good decision making. You will also need to have time to prepare for meetings by reading papers to ensure that matters are dealt with in a timely fashion between meetings of the Board.

Statutory Restrictions Being a Trustee is an important role and some people are disqualif ied by law f rom acting as a charity trustee. • Those who are under 18 years of age. • Those who are disqualif ied as accompany director. • Those who have an unspent conviction for an offence involving dishonesty or deception (such as f raud). • Those who are undischarged bankrupt (or subject to sequestration in Scotland) or have a current composition or arrangement including an individual voluntary agreement with creditors. • Those who have been removed as a trustee of any charity by the commission (or the court) because of misconduct or mismanagement. • Further restrictions came into being in August 2018, these include disqualif ication if you are on the sex offenders register, unspent convictions for a wider range of offences, which include bribery and money laundering, or for disobeying and instruction of the commission. As part of the application and appointments process, you will be asked to sign a declaration that you are legally entitled to become a trustee, and we will also ask for two references.


Valuing Diversity As an organisation responsible for representing the interests of a diverse body of students, we fully encourage applicants f rom all demographics and backgrounds so that our Board is as diverse as the students we represent.

We are committed to establishing a positive working environment for all, that is fair, equitable and f ree of discriminatory practice. We welcome applications f rom individuals regardless of their race, sexual orientation, sex, religion or belief, age, gender or disability, pregnancy and maternity, and marriage and civil partnership.

Support We recognise this may be your f irst role as a Trustee, or you may be an experienced Trustee. Regardless of your experience we provide a full training and induction for new Board members.

Renumeration Charity Trustees may not be paid for their work as a trustee. However, trustees can be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred to undertake the role as trustee, in line with the SU expenses policy.

Cardiff Met SU is limited by guarantee. Successful appointed trustees will be covered by liability insurance for the duration of the term of off ice.


Conflict of Interest Due to the nature of the role, we believe that current and former staff within the last six years are conflicted and are unable to apply. There is no staff rep role within our Board level governance as a student led organisation. We do accept feedback and ideas which can be directly provided to the Chief Executive Off icer or via HR

Recruitment Timetable Application closes:

19th February 2024


Week of the 19th February 2024

Notif ication of candidates for interview:

Week commencing 26th February 2024


4th & 5th March 2024

Appointments and induction:

April 2024

Useful Links www.cardiff Charity Commission

Cardiff Met SU Memorandum and Articles of Association

Cardiff Met SU Constitution

Cardiff Met SU Governance and Democracy Review


How To Apply We are seeking to appoint 3 trustees as follows.

1 x 2-year appointment 23/24 – appointment April 2024 2 x 3-year appointment 2024/2025 appointment Summer 2024

There is also the option to extend appointments for an additional term of 3 years, with agreement of both parties.

To j oi n us as an Ex tern a l Tr u s tee, p l ea se se n d yo ur CV, two re fe re e s, a co mpl e te d e q u a l i ty m o n i to ri n g fo rm, to g e th e r with a cove rin g letter expl ai ni n g why yo u a re i n teres ted an d what yo u wo uld b rin g to th e rol e to B ev B a m b ro u g h , S U Po licy & Pro ce d ure Ad viso r at bbam b ro ug h @ c a rd i f f m e t . a c .u k by 19 t h Fe b ruar y 2024 .

Registered Charity No. 1148990



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