ANNUAL REPORT ................................................ REVIEW OF 2011-2012
Cardiff University Students’ Union
STRATEGIC PLAN 2011-2014 | Cardiff University Students’ Union
YOUR VOICE taking your views to where they count
RESOURCES right resource in the right place at the right time
COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT encouraging you to positively impact on your community
EMPLOYABILITY supporting opportunities for developing your skills for your career
OUR VISION Aspiring to have a positive impact on all students’ lives and to help them enjoy their time at Cardiff
SERVICES what you want where you want it FUN AND FRIENDSHIP helping you to enjoy your time at Cardiff and meet new people
HEALTH AND WELLBEING keeping you happy and healthy while you are studying at Cardiff
Get involved, love Cardiff OUR CORE VALUES: Quality | Culture | Partnership | Communication | Sustainability | Opportunities
CONTENTS 1| 2| 3| 4| 5| 7| 8| 9| 10| 11| 12| President’s Welcome
Union Overview
Elected Officer Team 11/12 Elected Officer Team 12/13
Students’ Union Floor Maps
Athletic Union
Guild of Societies
Student Academic Reps
Cardiff Student Media
Advice & Representation
13| 14| 15| 16| 17 | 18| 19| 20| 21| 22|
Skills Development Service Student Volunteering Cardiff
The Heath Park Hub
Cardiff Student Letting
Graduate Centre
The year in pictures
PRESIDENT’S WELCOME I would like to be the first to thank you for taking an interest in our Organisation. Cardiff University Students’ Union is a charity; owned by every Cardiff University student, and is run by elected student officers supported by 80 full time career and 300 part time student staff. The Union wholly owns a limited company whose function is to trade, donating surpluses for reinvestment into services for students. As an organisation we strive to help students enjoy their time in Cardiff, make friends and leave University with skills for a future career. In short: ‘Get Involved, Love Cardiff’. The Union offers services, resources and support for its students. We use money made through bars, cafes, shops and events, along with a block grant from the University, to run and improve the services we provide. These include advice and representation, training and skills development, sport, societies and volunteering. We also support students in campaigning about the issues important to them and aspire to have a positive impact on the wider community in Cardiff. Cardiff University Students’ Union has reached one of the most exciting turning points in its 130 year history. Opportunity is all around us. In the past year the University has appointed a new ViceChancellor and senior leadership team. The atmosphere is electric and people feel that they can achieve real change. Effecting change for students is what we do in the Students’ Union, and the changing landscape of higher education has given even more legitimacy to do so.
The past year has seen us achieve NUS Wales Students’ Union of the year and 5th best Students’ Union in the UK in the 2012 National Student Survey. If you would like to have a chat about anything you read in these pages, please get in touch.
Harry Newman PRESIDENT 2012/13
| Annual Report 2011-2012
UNION OVERVIEW The Students’ Union has delivered again for its members, the University and the community. This year the Union achieved the SUEI (Students’ Union Evaluation Initiative) Bronze award, was voted the best Students’ Union in Wales by NUS and continued to develop its services for our members. We opened The Lounge development with its state of the art technologies, which has received comments from other Unions all over the UK. You will see in this report that our organisation delivers thousands of development opportunities to its members. We also provide the University with direction on the needs of our members. Very importantly, we provide advice and representation to students who have been accused by the University of breaching academic rules. Our staff have successfully represented students so that they can continue their studies, with the support they need. This has been a challenging year for the Company with a number of ‘one off’ costs impacting on the outturn at year end. This year the Company will lose over £250K, but we have very high levels of confidence that we will move back into profit in the coming year, because of the hard decisions we have made this year.
I know and trust that the work of the Union will continue for many years to come, seeking to enhance the student experience of Cardiff students while representing them to the University.
This will be my last report as Chief Executive of Cardiff University Students’ Union. I believe that our Union is the best in the UK and from my experiences, one of the best in the world. I wish you, the membership, and the Students’ Union, the very best of luck in the future.
Annual Report 2011-2012 |
ELECTED OFFICER TEAM 11/12 President: Marcus | Achievements during 11/12 • Secured funding from the University for our new Centre for Skills, Development and Enterprise on the second floor. • Undertook a job role reshuffle of the full time elected officer team. • Led the Union through major staffing restructures. • Achieved a bronze award at the Students’ Union Evaluation Initiative, SU of the year at the NUS Wales Awards and took the title of 5th best Union in the country on the National Student Survey (NSS).
Welfare and Communications Officer: Chris | Achievements during 11/12 • Launched “Environmental Champions” project with the council and SVC, encouraging students to recycle and build links with the community. • Helped develop the new SU website. • Introduced the ‘Police Nightbus’ on Wednesday & Saturdays, ensuring safer transport home from club nights. • Ran a successful and competitive 2012 Elections, ensuring high voter turnout.
Athletic Union President: Ollie | Achievements during 11/12 • Secured investment from the University for a brand new 3G pitch at Llanrumney playing fields. • Marketed the ‘Team Cardiff’ brand. • Negotiated a deal with Kukri for them to be the official kit provider for the Athletic Union and also provide up to £10,000 in sponsorship. • Secured the physiotherapy service ‘Agile Therapy’ within the Union, offering Athletic Union members discounted physiotherapy.
Finance officer: Nick | Achievements during 11/12 • Improved financial transparency: started a marketing campaign to show where the money comes from and where it goes e.g. the breakdown of where £1 spent in the SU goes. • University Hall’s social space: Secured £250,000 from the University to creating a new social space. • Achieved Bronze in Students’ Union Evaluative Initiative (SUEI). • Presented the Union’s Finances at the AGM, which were approved by the student body. • Organised the very successful end of year summer ball called ‘The Dusk Till Dawn Ball 2012’.
Societies officer: Harry Newman | Achievements during 11/12 • Redeveloped Union rooms to create dance facilities. • Built a huge new storage space for societies on the ground floor of the Union. • Ensured an increase in the number of society members, despite the introduction of a guild fee.
Academic Officer: Sam | Achievements during 11/12 • Helped secure funding for a University member of staff to help coordinate the student academic rep system. • Trained around 300 Student Academic Representatives. • Lobbied the University for extended library opening hours.
Health Care Integration Officer: Sarah | Achievements during 11/12 • Designed and launched the Heath Park Survey to all healthcare students; resulting in a much needed review into lighting, safety and transport around the Heath sight. • Developed The Healthcare Student Common Room. • Improved signage around the Heath Park campus. • Launched the first ever Union welcome event for the March intake nursing students.
Head of Student Media: Ollie | Achievements during 11/12 • Managed to create and maintain three websites gaining over 20,000 hits in the first two terms of existing. • Held a successful media awards with radio presenter Adam Catterall as host in the Hilton. • Everyone who worked for Cardiff Student Media successfully secured a postgraduate course in journalism.
| Annual Report 2011-2012
ELECTED OFFICER TEAM 12/13 President: Harry Newman | Targets for 12/13 • Secure £2million in building developments for the Union to improve Solus, the 3rd floor and the outside. • Improve the way we communicate with our members and stakeholders. • Build relationships with the new Vice-Chancellor, Chair of Council and Senior Management Team of the University. • Demonstrate to the University where they should invest in line with students’ opinions of the campus.
Welfare and Communities Officer: Megan David | Targets for 12/13 • Secure out of hours mental health support and/or weekly mental health drop-in’s run by “Mind”. • Run a successful Go Green Week and new Sustainability Awards. • Increase Honour Roll nominations.
Athletic Union President: Cari Davis | Targets for 12/13 • Develop and sign a partnership agreement with the University Sport Department that outlines roles, responsibilities and expectations. • Implement a structure for sport that allows Medic teams to continue to compete in BUCS. • Improve IMG sport structures and make the Athletic Union more inclusive to those who participate. • Secure a headline sponsor for the Athletic Union for 2013-14.
Union Development and Internal Affairs Officer: Kieran Gandhi Targets for 12/13 • Present the Union’s finances for approval at AGM. • Develop our current services and events. • Organise this year’s Summer Ball.
Societies Officer: Adam Curtis | Targets for 12/13 • Introducing RAG reps into each society. • Making Go Global bigger and better, with more societies getting involved and more students attending the weeklong festival.
Education Officer: Beth Button | Targets for 12/13 • Get all lectures recorded and put on learning central. • Get all personal tutors trained in mental health first aid.
Heath Park Integration Officer: Hannah Pask | Targets for 12/13 • To research and consequently improve the student experience of clinical placement (i.e. improve the internet provision on placement for all healthcare students). • To put on the first ever activity filled Welcome Week for the March intake nursing students.
Head of Student Media: Chris Williams | Targets for 12/13 • Create a sustainable student media which is open to all and accessible to all. • End the year with a gair rhydd app. • Give CUTV the funds and the space to fulfil their actions.
Annual Report 2011-2012 |
| Annual Report 2011-2012
Annual Report 2011-2012 |
The Athletic Union (AU) provides sporting opportunities to all students attending Cardiff University. They register and help to administrate more than 60 affiliated sports clubs, by offering services like facilities booking, event organisation, safety advice and financial assistance. The AU also helps to coordinate the Intra Mural Games (IMG) programme and organises fixtures for teams which compete in the British Universities and College Sport (BUCS) leagues and tournament.
Memberships held in sports clubs
Overview of 2011/12 2011-2012 saw 5026 memberships across 60 sports clubs. These clubs were led by 467 student volunteers who gave up their time to coach, instruct and organise others. Combined there were an average of 160 training sessions per week, therefore 4800 training sessions per year. The AU awarded a total of £75,384 as direct funding to these clubs so that they could carry out their activity.
Total Funding
direct to clubs
£75,384.66 10,080
Aims & Objectives for 2012/13 The focus for 2012/13 is to develop and sign a partnership agreement with the University Sport Department that outlines roles, responsibilities and expectations. The AU will be implementing a new structure to facilitate the continuation of medic sport. The team are also working on securing a headline sponsor for the Athletic Union for 2013-14.
instances of
students representing cardiff university a year
CASE STUDY This year, the Athletic Union reviewed the training it provided for committees and decided to adopt a different approach. A training day was held in a conference format, featuring a variety of interactive sessions that attendees could choose from. Staff from the Students’ Union volunteered their time to deliver sessions, as well as a member of staff from NUS who talked about the importance of equality and diversity. Over 150 committee members attended the initial conference and a follow up evening session was held at a later date. Using positive and constructive feedback from this year, the AU will develop this training programme for 2012/13.
| Annual Report 2011-2012
£ £
total expenditure on sport
CONTACT AU T: 029 2078 1438 E:
£ £
GUILD OF SOCIETIES Cardiff Students’ Union has over 150 societies (including student-run services and associations) affiliated as part of the Cardiff Guild of Societies. Societies are supported through funding from the Union, as well as being able to raise money themselves through membership fees and fundraising activities. Becoming a member of a society contributes a huge amount to students’ personal development, as well as giving them new skills and helping them to meet new people when they arrive in Cardiff.
Number of
guild members
Overview of 2011/12 2011/12 saw the redevelopment of the Students’ Union basement; enabling societies to have greater storage space within the Union. Funding was also granted for much needed mirrors, which were installed in the 4th floor larger meeting room; allowing dance societies to have some decent rehearsal space. Global Village was a great success, with over 6,000 downloads of the live stream around the world.
Total No. of
society members
Aims & Objectives for 2012/13 The Societies Fayre at the beginning of the year started with an increased society membership by a significant 12% compared to last year! After the success of last year’s Go Global, more societies are getting involved with the weeklong celebrations of everything cultural and international that goes on at the university and amongst the student population. This year’s RAG committee have smashed the RAG week total from last year having successfully hosted a week of charitable events. The Guild of Societies has started to invest in much needed society equipment, such as portable mirrors, speakers and projectors.
CASE STUDY 800 students, 14 Societies, 2 Events, 1 Evening. On the 6th December the Union felt truly alive. Within Solus, 10 international societies showed Cardiff University how vibrant, diverse and exciting there different cultures are. While in the Great Hall, every seat was taken within the Annual Carol Service as hundreds of students sang away to their hearts content. It’s evenings like this which brings to life the Guild of Societies motto: Strength in Diversity.
£110,712.15 money raised for charity by societies £
FUNDING Provided directly to societies
Annual Report 2011-2012 |
STUDENT ACADEMIC REPS Cardiff Students’ Union and Cardiff University work in partnership to ensure that the student voice is heard and taken seriously at every level. Student Academic Representatives play a vital role in this by attending their Student-Staff Panels within their School, and acting as a link between members of staff and their fellow students.
induction talks
Overview of 2011/12 Last year saw the end of three years lobbying for funding to increase support for the student academic rep system, resulting in the funding of a full time member of University staff to coordinate the rep system; crucial for future development.
to introduce the Student Academic Rep system
Key Achievements This academic year has seen some really exciting changes to the student academic rep system, with new branding, increased promotion through the running of induction talks, and a completely new structure to meet the new college system in the University. The student rep system is now streamed through the three colleges, with college forums replacing academic council allowing for more detailed and focused discussions around issues within the colleges. The education executives have been elected using the college structure, with two undergraduates and two postgraduates representing each of the colleges.
Aims & Objectives for 2012/13 We have trained a record number of student reps, introduced a learning central module for all reps, as well as a ‘find your rep’ section on the Website which allows you to easily contact your rep. This year also sees the Universities’ first ever ‘speak week’, a week designated to collecting student feedback, and a new conference for student academic reps. and as an office overflow.
81% Trained a record 479 student reps
of first years are
aware of the
student rep system
1 7 9
reps elected
| Annual Report 2011-2012
Previously, Student Academic Rep training occurred as a one off event within the Union for around 300 students. This year, the rep training was provided 32 times, within each of the academic schools, to nearly 500 students. Providing the training individually for each of the schools allowed it to be tailored around the specific nature of the department, and address issues relevant to the course or degree schemes.
CARDIFF STUDENT MEDIA Cardiff Students’ Union is home to a highly regarded student media organisations. Cardiff Student Media consists of weekly student newspaper gair rhydd, fortnightly student magazine Quench, student radio station Xpress Radio and student television station Cardiff Union Television.
Overview of 2011/12 Last year student media managed to create and maintain three websites gaining over 20,000 hits in the first two terms of existing. We also held a successful media awards with radio presenter Adam Catterall as host in the Hilton Hotel Cardiff. In summer of 2012, everyone who worked for Cardiff Student Media successfully went on to apply for a postgraduate course in journalism and got onto that course.
Key Achievements Students involved in student media volunteer their time to staff the paper, magazine, radio and tv station. Gair rhydd takes 283 man hours to edit and put onto the page each week, without even accounting for the amount of time it takes for contributors to write articles. Over the year, student spent 7641 hours editing gair rhydd, while students working on Quench spent 1,788 hours editing the magazine.
Aims & Objectives for 2012/13 This year marks the 1000th issue of gair rhydd student newspaper and the 40th year that Cardiff Student Media has existed - growing from just a single newspaper with a handful of contributors to a newspaper, magazine, TV Station and Radio station with hundreds of contributors.
members of the cardiff student media exec
ISSUES approximately
words per issue
135 people work on and contribute to Xpress Radio
Annual Report 2011-2012 |
DEMOCRACY The Students’ Union is a democratic organisation. Therefore it strives to represent the student population in the way it’s run. To make this possible a system of representation is in place so that students have the opportunity to be part of the decision making processes of the organisation. This means that all members of the Students’ Union dictate the direction of the organisation. At its highest level, this can be with a referendum, Annual General Meeting and with the election of the Executive Committee.
x 51
candidates ran in the Officer Elections
Overview of 2011/12
8 1 0
Student Council addressed many issues and passed policies on a range of issues, including Fair Trade, the cost of soft drinks in the Taf, Zero tolerance policy, banning Nestle products in the Union and not selling Lads Magazines in the Union Shop. The Officer Elections took place in March to elect the Executive Committee. 51 candidates were nominated, and 5018 students turned out to vote for their favourite candidates, which was an 8% decrease on the previous year and it is hoped that voter turnout will rise in 2013.
students voted in the
Key Achievements A full review of the democratic structure was undertaken in 2012 which resulted in the recommendation to restructure Student Council. These recommendations were implemented in September 2012 under the new title of the Ministry of Change.
Aims & Objectives for 2012/13 The Ministry of Change (MoC) is Cardiff University Students’ Union’s democratic structure and has replaced Student Council. Gone are the days of jargon and procedural motions. The Ministry of Change has been designed to be as accessible as possible. Students can submit ideas online via the Union website, which are then collated and sent for discussion at the relevant forum (Community, Union or University). The idea will either pass, fall or get put to a campus wide referendum, and during the whole process students can track the progress via the online Idea Tracker. In addition to this there is a Scrutiny Committee which is responsible for scrutinising the work of our 8 full-time elected officers and monitoring the progress of ongoing projects thereby holding them to account.
| Annual Report 2011-2012
6 2 1
students attended
CONTACT DEMOCRACY T: 029 2078 1433 E:
ADVICE & REPRESENTATION CENTRE The Advice and Representation Centre (ARC) has continued to provide independent, confidential advice, information and support on a range issues including academic, consumer, employment, housing, money matters, personal and much more. Students access ARC by email, telephone, drop-ins and appointments.
ARC responded to over
1500 new enquiries and cases
during the year
Overview of 2011/12 The dedicated ARC team have been successful in advising many students and assisting them to resolve their issues: academic and housing issues are the greater proportion that present to ARC but other matters include a range of enquiries and cases including money, consumer, employment and personal issues.
4400 housing booklets
Key Achievements
were distributed
The number of academic issues presenting to ARC increased with students being informed of our services by the University Registry. The changes to extenuating circumstances regulations led to a significant increase in students contacting ARC in April and May 2012. During Housing Advice Week in November, ARC worked closely with the elected officers and others to provide various activities including drafting and distributing a housing rights booklet to students living in halls of residence, and providing a letting contract checking service.
ÂŁ 2435 students through engaged with
money doctors
Aims & Objectives for 2012/13 During 2012 /2013, ARC has developed outreach services at the Heath hub and increased communication about ARC through social media platforms. ARC has also continued to work in partnership with the Student Support Centre to deliver Money Doctors, which seeks to build awareness of financial capability.
CONTACT ARC T: 029 2078 1410
Annual Report 2011-2012 |
SKILLS DEVELOPMENT SERVICE The Skills Development Service was re-named in September 2012, formerly being the Student Development Unit. It enables Cardiff University students to gain skills and knowledge through workshops and training sessions. These include employability and personal skills to help them get a job after graduation and enhance their effectiveness and potential.
Overview of 2011/12 Qualitative feedback from students remained outstanding. The relevance of skills sessions continued to be enhanced in the eyes of the university with the inclusion of 6 topics as mandatory in the new Cardiff Award.
Key Achievements The Skills Development Service trained 1288 students in 11/12, which was a rise on the previous year. Many students attended more than one course, resulting in the total number of attendees over all courses being 4,196. A lot of students successfully achieved accreditation or completed courses across the programme including 20 students who completed the sign language course, 14 students who completed STEPS to Excellence, 6 students completed Level 2 Health and Safety and 159 passed the 1st Aid course.
Aims & Objectives for 2012/13 For the start of the 2012 academic year, we aimed to recruit 12 student-peer trainers and an Assistant Training & Development Co-ordinator to assist with the delivery of sessions. This should maximise the course slots available to students both during the daytime and evening.
CONTACT SDS T: 029 2078 1489
| Annual Report 2011-2012
TOTAL Number of
= 309 T O T A L
Students who achieved
Emergency 1st Aid 159 certification
Attendances at
health, safety & wellbeing short sessions
STUDENT VOLUNTEERING CARDIFF Student Volunteering Cardiff (SVC) is a charity run by the students at Cardiff University. Students volunteer in and around the city of Cardiff working with the elderly, young, disadvantaged and vulnerable members of the community on a wide variety of different projects. Volunteering is a great way for our students to make a difference in the local community and to meet new people – it’s also a lot of fun! Students can gain lots of new skills and experience to help prepare them for life after university.
Overview of 2011/12 In 2011-12 SVC had a very productive year with even more students getting involved with volunteering than ever before. This year we aimed at focusing on shortterm opportunities and a wider range of volunteering experiences. SVC ran ten days jam-packed with volunteering events where any student could pitch-up and volunteer for a few hours only (we appreciate not everyone is able to commit to a full academic years of volunteering). This included dog-walking, gardening at a local allotment, a beach clean, a Primary School make-over to name a few.
worked with
1 0 0 0 active volunteers worked with
local schools supporteD approximately
Key Achievements SVC, in partnership with RAG also facilitated Cardiff University’s first ever Jailbreak event, raising over £5,000 towards new volunteering projects in the community. This year SVC also ran events to engage with young people from some of the deprived areas of Cardiff, providing inspirational events to showcase the University and raise aspirations of Higher Education.
Aims & Objectives for 2012/13 In 2012-13 SVC aims to expand further, offering more short-term volunteering opportunities and building more partnerships with local and national organisations. SVC will be offering more opportunities in our two most popular areas of mental-health and education. Look out for our next Volunteering Week featuring over 10 events for students to get involved with, launching with our Winter Ball on Sunday 10th February and ending with another RAG/SVC Jailbreak event on Friday 15th February.
c h i l d r e n Provided an economic value of
CONTACT SVC T: 029 2078 1494
Annual Report 2011-2012 |
THE HEATH PARK HUB The Heath Hub is the heart of Heath-based Union activity. Students can access a multitude of the services provided by the Students’ Union, including the Jobshop, Cardiff Student Letting, the Advice and Representation Centre (ARC), as well as Skills Development Service (SDS) courses. Students can cash sports and society cheques at The Hub, book meeting rooms, buy tickets for a night out, and stock up on stationary supplies and Cardiff University merchandise including hoodies and t-shirts. The Heath Hub is also the main point of contact to the Students’ Union on Park Place, with a direct phone line to the Elected Officers.
Overview of 2011/12 The launch of last year’s Heath Park Survey has led to an increased awareness of healthcare students’ needs, which has helped shape the universities priorities for 2013 and beyond. Key areas of improvement highlighted to the University include: •
• • • •
Lighting across the Heath Park Campus, considering student’s safety when visiting the Healthcare library out of hours; Increased social meeting areas; Improved signage across the Heath Campus; Further transport provision between the Heath Park and Cathay’s Campuses, and; Improved awareness of the Student Support facilities at the Heath.
Aims & Objectives for 2012/13 Through consultation with the university, the Union has been able to open the new Healthcare Student Common Room; providing a new social space for healthcare students to meet and eat together. Awareness of the activities going on at the Students’ Union has increased up at the Heath this year, with the addition of an Advice and Representation Centre at the Heath every Monday. We have also taken Union campaigns up to the Heath Park (Sort Your Life Out Week and Advice Weeks). We hope to launch a specific healthcare student development course for next year, offering healthcare students’ further development opportunities throughout the year. The Union has successfully lobbied the university to reduce drinks prices and improve food provision in the IV Lounge, and continued to develop and promote plans to create a new trophy room to display the medic sports teams’ trophies.
| Annual Report 2011-2012
6,969 students studying at heath park
student enquiries
in November 2011
159 student enquiries
in November
an increase of
COMMUNICATIONS The Communications Department is responsible for all forms of communication between the Union, its 26,000 student members, stakeholders and internally between staff. The department looks after marketing, graphic design, translation, market research, digital communication including email, social media and website content, as well as advertising and sponsorship sales. Communications is a vital central service, ensuring that students are aware of the services that are available to them and what events are happening at the Students’ Union.
Facebook ‘likes’ increased by
Overview of 2011/12 The Communications Department marketed all events, campaigns and services provided by the Union during 2011/12. This included freshers fortnight, the Dusk ‘Til Dawn Ball, Go Global festival of culture and diversity, Elections, the AGM, weekly clubnights held in the Union, and the annual Varsity rugby match, which went on to sell over 15,000 tickets. The focus on digital communication has increased and in light of this, the main Union website was revamped in June and July of 2012 using feedback from students and staff. The weekly email newsletter was also reviewed and enhanced, allowing the Union to communicate with students whether they were based in Cathays or on placements elsewhere.
Key Achievements In 2011/12, the Communications Department streamlined the social media platforms used, and worked on increasing interaction with student members through these channels. 2011/12 saw a big increase in social media interaction. ‘Likes’ on the Union fan page ( cardiffstudents) increased by 117% and Twitter followers increased by 124% over the course of the year and have almost doubled again in 2012/13.
Aims & Objectives for 2012/13 With a focus on digital marketing, a new system was installed to allow the Union to schedule tweets and facebook posts out of office hours, gaining maximum exposure from the student audience. Email is also being used to contact the whole student population, so keep your eye on your inbox for the latest news.
714 graphic design projects were undertaken
of graphic design were completed received
316,426 visits CONTACT COMMUNICATIONS T: 029 2078 1516
Annual Report 2011-2012 |
Overview of 2011/12 Although there have been a lot of economic challenges over the previous 12 months, trading within the Venues Department has been very successful. Total overall turnover has increased, with The Taf food sales increasing by 25% and wet sales increasing by over 130k. The Venues Department employs the largest student workforce at the Union including bar staff, box office assistants, and promotional assistants, and paid 35,000 hours of wages to students in 2011/12. Cardiff Venue Centre dealt with 418 room bookings, of which 60% were society and sports club bookings, as well as assisting clubs and societies to run socials, parties and other events.
the equiva
The venues and outlets include The kitchen, The Taf, Solus nightclub, the Great Hall, the Box office, and Cardiff Venue Centre (CVC).
8 tonnes of CHIPS
he taf sold in t
The Venues Department is responsible for providing a variety of food outlets, bars, live music events, clubnights, venue hire, and ticketing services to student members of the Union.
lent to
we held over
live shows
Aims & Objectives 2012/13 During the 2012/13 academic year, the Venues Department has continued student engagement to improve upon existing services and events. Cost increases have also been managed so the Union is able to offer the best value and service for the students.
CONTACT VENUES T: 029 2087 1402
| Annual Report 2011-2012
with attendance of over
175,000 pints of draught lager, beer and cider
CARDIFF STUDENT LETTING Cardiff Student Letting (CSL) is Cardiff Students’ Union’s very own letting agency. As a student service, CSL doesn’t charge agency fees, and student welfare remains the central focus.
Overview of 2011/12
CSL has had a busy year, housing more students again year on year and increasing the number of available properties. The letting agency on average saved students £80 each by not charging any agency fees. This equates to approximately £108,800 over the year, a massive saving for students and an 11% increase on the previous year.
Key Achievements CSL won ‘Best Single Office in Wales’ Award at the Times and Sunday Times Letting Agency of the Year Awards 2012, and also came runners up for both ‘Best Property Management’ and ‘Best Student Letting Agency in the UK’.
Aims & Objectives for 2012/13 In 2012/2013, CSL will be extending and renovating the existing office to make more front office space for additional staff and to accommodate more students. We will also have a back office to be used for administration and as an office overflow. The expansion will see the agency able to cater for up to eight members of staff and increased seating for students, including a new contract signing table. With the increased space we hope to provide a more efficient service and house more students than ever before.
S A V E D students
£108,800 by not charging agency fees CONTACT CARDIFF STUDENT LETTING: T: 029 2078 1525 E: W:
Annual Report 2011-2012 |
JOBSHOP Unistaff Jobshop is Cardiff University Students’ Union’s Student Employment Service (SES). The Jobshop provides a great free service to the student population in terms of providing paid part time and temporary employment opportunities.
Overview of 2011/12 The economic climate has continued to present us with challenges over the last 12 months and it hasn’t been easy in terms of sourcing new employment opportunities for students, but we have continued to maintain productive relationships with the university and our existing clients.
2 2 2 9+ additional students
Key Achievements We are very pleased with the way the Jobshop has continued to build relationships with major existing clients such as Glamorgan Cricket, Letheby & Christopher and Live Nation over the last 12 months whilst at the same time developing relationships with new clients such as Creative Events. As a result our students have had opportunities to work at several major sporting and music events held in Cardiff. The Jobshop has provided temporary work for hundreds of students over the past 12 months, both within the University and with external companies. Between August 2011 and July 2012, we provided students with 117,548 hours of paid work and put almost £970,000 directly into our students’ bank accounts.
Aims & Objectives for 2012/13 I would like to see the Jobshop maintain our excellent relationship with the University and to see our external business grow, thereby enabling us to offer even more opportunities to our students.
CONTACT JOBSHOP T: 029 2078 1535 E:
| Annual Report 2011-2012
£ £
in wages paid directly into students’ bank accounts
£ £
RETAIL The Students’ Union offers a range of retail services: the Union Shop and the IT Shop. The Union Shop sells a wide selection of official Cardiff University branded merchandise, including clothing and gift items. The Shop also offers a range of lunchtime options, confectionary, greetings cards, newspapers and magazines. The IT Shop is Cardiff University Students’ Union’s own computer repair centre. We also house stationery sales, computer consumables and accessories. As we belong to the Union all our profits get reinvested in student services and our stationery is sold at NUS prices.
Overview of 2011/12 2011/12 was a busy year for the IT Shop with sales of over £260,000. Staff training was maintained and new deals were brokered with suppliers to lessen the impact the recession is having on student customers.
Union Shop sold
7587 meal deals
saving students
Union Shop sold a total of
2 5 6 4 1 6 units of stock
Key Achievements The Union Shop sold a record amount of branded clothing during Graduation week through a satellite shop set up at City Hall. The IT Shop completed 1300 computer repairs, which represents a saving of £32,500 for student customers when compared with PC World prices.
Aims & Objectives for 2012/13 The Union Shop has launched a new range of meal deals which are already proving very popular. This will be built on throughout the year, with focus being given to gaining customer feedback on the range to ensure the Shop is providing what students want. The Union Shop will also be extending the fashion ranges of branded clothing, with the introduction of a wider range of Fair Trade products. The IT Shop is continuing their excellent repair service, improving and expanding as needed by the student community. New great value products have been introduced, and the IT Shop has continued to work with the University on changes to their network, making it the best place for help and advice.
IT Shop Repairs completed
Total amount the it shop saved students on repairs
£ 3 2,5 0 0
T: 029 2078 1454 E:
T: 029 2078 1470 W:
Annual Report 2011-2012 |
GRADUATE CENTRE The Graduate Centre is a partnership between the University and the Students’ Union; the Students’ Union provides the food and beverage in the Café Bar, as well as security support, cleaning, maintenance and technical assistance with entertainments, whilst University staff manages the Centre’s events, services and policies.
91% postgraduates rating Welcome Fortnight Events as
Overview of 2011/12
good very good
Over 1,400 postgraduate students attended events during Welcome Fortnight, with over 500 postgraduate students attended the annual ‘Vice Chancellor’s Welcome Address’ that takes place during the first week. In the Coming to Cardiff Survey, 95% of new postgraduates rated the Graduate Centre facilities as ‘Good’ or ‘Very Good’, which shows an increase from 93% the previous year.
Key Achievements A Graduate Centre was created at the Heath Park campus, costing £40,000 and providing valuable social and study space for Post Grad students.
2283 = 7065 bookings
hours of use
for meeting rooms and social space
As well, £17,441 was invested in the modernisation and refurbishment of the popular lounge, at the Cathays Park Campus.
1725 on the graduate centre’s day coach trips students travelled
across an increase of CONTACT GRADUATE CENTRE T: 029 2087 4748
| Annual Report 2011-2012
THE YEAR IN PICTURES AUGUST The Lounge opened providing study and social space, with computers, televisions and Skype pods.
SEPTEMBER 2,800 students attended the Freshers Ball featuring a packed line up of live music acts and DJ’s.
OCTOBER Popular band Noah and the Whale played to a sell out crowd in the Great Hall.
NOVEMBER Students were given a second chance to find out more about Clubs and Societies at the Activities Fayre.
DECEMBER Drink the Bar Dry brought the Autumn term to an exciting close before students left for the Christmas break.
JANUARY Refreshers Week gave students the opportunity to get involved in a range of activities including healthy eating and exercise.
Annual Report 2011-2012 |
THE YEAR IN PICTURES FEBRUARY Societies hosted an eclectic array of events as part of Go Global, the annual festival of culture and diversity.
MARCH Cardiff Student Elections caused a buzz around campus as students tried to win votes to become Elected Officers.
ARPIL The Annual Welsh Varsity Match saw Cardiff University take the cup from Swansea in an exhilarating rugby match.
MAY In its second year, the Enriching Student Life Awards rewarded Cardiff University staff for their hard work and dedication.
JUNE The hugely successful Dusk ‘Til Dawn Ball saw students celebrating from 6pm until 6am at the Students’ Union.
JULY The Union said goodbye to another amazing batch of students during a week of graduation ceremonies.
| Annual Report 2011-2012