Our Strategy 2018-2021

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OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021 1

OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021

2 OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021


OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021 3

Cardiff University Students’ Union (the Union) is recognised as a leading students’ union and an integral part of Cardiff University. The next three years will see the Union confirm its place at the heart of the Cardiff student experience and will create more opportunities to impact on students’ lives. Our Strategy 2018-2021 sets out our vision and priorities so that we take advantage of the once in a generation opportunities in front of us and work with Cardiff University to create a sector-leading, inclusive and engaging student and learner experience.

OUR STRATEGIC VISION orking with every Cardiff student to W enhance their University experience.

OUR VALUES tudent leadership S Inclusion Partnership Diversity

5 OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021


OUR PURP SE Cardiff University Students’ Union advances the education of students at Cardiff University for the public benefit by: Promoting the interests and welfare of students at Cardiff University during their course of study and representing, supporting and advising students;

OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021 5

eing the recognised representative B channel between students and Cardiff University and any other external bodies; and Providing social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities and forums for discussions and debate for the personal development of its students.

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OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021 7

Maintain our place at the heart of student life and prepare for the Centre for Student Life.

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AIM The Union will strive to make Cardiff’s Student Support offer one of the best in the UK.

ACTIVITIES Working in partnership with the University to develop the Centre for Student Life building on Park Place that will be attached to the current Union building and will be the home of the University’s student welfare and support services from 2020. Ensuring that Heath campus students get the same level of support and access to facilities as those at the Cathays campus. Increasing our activities and services at the Heath campus and working with the University and others to ensure that the gap in student experience between the campuses doesn’t grow.

OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021 9



All students are aware of the help, support and guidance they can receive from the Union, the University and others.

Our students succeed and more of them are satisfied and engaged with their Students’ Union.

The Centre for Student Life building opens in 2020.

Students will feel more supported by their university.

The Union building’s access, visibility and provision of services is enhanced once the Centre for Student Life is open. The Union will have committed resources to support students at the Heath campus and will have developed improved social and learning facilities. 90 of students are satisfied with the Union. 80 of students have engaged in our activities and services during their time at university.

90 80


of students are satisfied with the Union.

of students have engaged in our activities and services during their time at university.

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OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021 11

We will develop our role as the home of the student voice, cultivate our relationships across the University and enhance communication with our stakeholders.

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AIM The Union represents the interests of students well because of its close partnership with the University. The Union will further develop its role as the home of student representation and the student voice.


of students will be satisfied that we represent their academic interests.

ACTIVITIES Representing students’ academic interests at School, College and University-wide level. Working with the University to support and empower students to make their voices heard. Developing relationships with academic and professional services staff beyond the University Executive Board. Establishing new communications methods to begin engaging with diverse stakeholders and developing meaningful conversation with those we already engage with.

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80 of students will be satisfied that we represent their academic interests.

Our students feel more empowered and assured that their voices will be heard.

More support is offered and used by a fully recruited cohort of academic reps. The Union will be regularly communicating and working with a range of University staff at all levels of the institution. The Union’s communications to students are informed by high quality data, are segmented intelligently and tailored to students’ needs within their student life cycle.

The curriculum is positively impacted by student leaders and learner feedback.


OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021




OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021 15

We will create and support the development of sectorleading activities and services that help make students succeed.

16 OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021

AIM he Union will ensure that T Cardiff students have access to the best facilities and services, recognised for their high quality and links to the broader student and learner experience.

ACTIVITIES Working in partnership with the University to integrate student support and registry functions so that students get the help they need in one place. Ensuring that students studying at the Heath, Newport and elsewhere in the City can access equivalent, high quality provision in locations suitable to their needs. Developing opportunities to participate in Student Voice activities and developing the Union’s employability-linked services such as Jobshop, Cardiff Volunteering and Skills Development. Continually striving to improve our range of student activities and services. Developing partnerships with external organisations to gain SENT access to specialist facilities. ! Developing our digital communications and online activities.

OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021 17



Student activities and services are used by over 80 of all students.

he Union’s activities and T services are recognised for their high quality, efficiency and student leadership. The student experience is positively impacted through a deeper level of engagement.

tudents get access to high S quality services from the Union, regardless of where they study. The Great Hall is redeveloped. The former Graduate Centre is reabsorbed into the Union. The Jobshop is developed in a renewed partnership agreement. We will have partnerships with external organisations. We will have impact data that demonstrates the positive impact the Union has had on students’ lives. igital performance is tracked D and annual targets are set for greater reach and practical use.

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OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021 19

We will engage with Heath Park and less-engaged student communities so that the Union means something to every Cardiff student.

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AIM he Union will continue T to broaden its appeal so that students from all backgrounds and circumstances feel engaged, represented and a part of the Union.

ACTIVITIES Developing and delivering engagement plans for Heath Park students, postgraduates, Welsh speakers, international students and those studying at Central Square and in Newport. Committing to additional resources to support these activities and establish bespoke engagement targets for each group of students. Developing ongoing activities and services so they are recognised for their high quality, efficiency and student leadership. Increasing the number of volunteer and paid work opportunities in running these activities and services to ensure that students are central to planning night time activities and major events such as Freshers’ Week, Varsity and the student awards week.

OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021 21



he Union has a visible presence T at each disparate campus location.

Heath Park, International, Welsh speaking, postgraduates and students based in other locations are engaged and satisfied with the Union.

ore students will be employed M and will volunteer to run the Union’s activities and services. tudents will take meaningful S planning roles in developing major events and night time activities.

Students from all backgrounds and circumstances feel engaged

The Union will better represent the diversity of its student members.

22 OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021




The Union will prioritise people development and ensure that its volunteers and staff have the right skills and competencies to deliver its strategic vision and mission.

ACTIVITIES Ensuring that all staff, volunteers and supporters are recognised for their commitments and all have a consistent experience across the Union’s work areas. Continually seeking to improve the employee experience of students.



OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021 23



At least 90 of career staff, student staff and volunteers agree that the Union is a great place to work.

Our volunteers and staff are highly motivated to succeed for students and can articulate what the Union does to enhance the student experience.

The Union achieves level three Investors in Diversity status. The Union develops a competency framework for all staff and volunteers.

Student employees will have a great experience that meets their pay, personal development and flexibility aspirations.

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OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021




AIM The Union will develop its financial resources so that it can provide a stable foundation for the organisation to grow.

ACTIVITIES Developing reserves to continue investment in new facilities and projects. Diversifying our income streams. Developing further internal controls to ensure students get value for money in delivery of services. Developing surpluses of over ÂŁ250k per annum.

OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021 25



The Union holds ÂŁ1.3M in reserves. The Union reduces its dependency on alcohol sales to fund other activities. The Union attracts funding for major capital projects. Proportionately more student staff and volunteers are involved in resource allocation and efficiency activities.

The student experience is enhanced.

The Union holds 1.3M in reserves.

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AIM The Union will complete the modern redevelopment of the Union building.

ACTIVITIES Ensuring that the Union building compliments and enhances the facilities provided within the Centre for Student Life building. Working with external organisations where necessary.

OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021 27



All of the Union building’s public spaces will have been redeveloped within 10 years.

Students gain access to the broadest possible range of sporting, social and cultural activities in Cardiff.

A greater range of social, study and performance spaces will have been developed. The Union will have established external partnerships to provide additional facilities and services to its students.

The Union building and our spaces at other campus locations feel a part of the student experience; yet distinct and different from the University’s offer.

28 OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021


DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY AIM The Union will ensure that it understands who its members are and will develop its digital technology.

ACTIVITIES Developing and providing tools for students and student groups. Making the Union’s communications more prominent and driven by demographics, circumstances and engagement. Creating an online infrastructure that is supported and accessible away from the Union’s premises. Generating new efficiencies.

OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021 29



More students are engaged with the Union online.

Students and student groups can organise their activities and develop student communities.

More digital tools are available to student groups. The Union’s online infrastructure will be supported which will mean we are more efficient with time and financial resources.

Students feel that the Union knows who they are as individuals.

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OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021 31

The Union will be asking Cardiff University to invest in the student experience over the next three years so that teaching and learning quality and student support are prioritised. We want to work together to: reate and maintain higher C quality halls of residences and support the establishment of a residence life model. nsure that the Centre for E Student Life opens on time and delivers its intended purpose. pdate all partnership U agreements between the Union and the University to reflect our joint commitment to developing the best possible student experience.

gree a comprehensive plan for A sport, fitness and wellbeing. I mprove mental health support. eveloping satellite lounges D across the campus. quicker, technology-driven A ‘Welcome to Cardiff’ experience. I mproved student retention. continued focus on the A postgraduate student experience.

32 OUR STRATEGY 2018-2021


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