In The Words Of
By Carl Marsh
One can only hope that we all get to spend Christmas together, but it’s a fact that COVID-19 has put a stop to some normality. Perhaps you will be able to see your loved ones, and at the time of writing this, that may be the case, but who knows! Regardless, do stay safe and keep those around you even safer. To cheer us all up and seeing how this year has been much of a write-off, I came across a show on YouTube called The Martin Decker Show; and I interviewed the guys involved. Made from home (in a bathroom), very socially distanced (the same person does the filming and acting) and it’s what we all need!
Ultimate Travel List by Lonely Planet - £19.99 Nobody can travel, but if they can, there’s no guarantee you won’t have to self-quarantine at home for weeks on end. So, seeing as you can’t go on holiday, I thought it would be best to bring the holidays to you in the comfort of your own home. Armchair holiday surfing might be the new norm for the foreseeable and Lonely Planet’s Ultimate Travel List has 500 of the best places to visit on Earth. It will give you wanderlust and possibly the valuable time to plan your ultimate trip, so when the time comes that we all can venture to places far and wide, this book will be the catalyst for those plans.
with the book previously, this Lift-the-Flap Atlas will teach the youngster about the planet via more than 100 flaps for them to explore. This is very, very detailed; even I was enriched with lots of information I got from it. This is perfect bedtime reading also for the child or parent to read to him/her/them.
Concrete Plans - Certificate 15 - All digital platforms Written and directed by Will Jewell, and starring two of Wales best-known actors, William Thomas (Torchwood & Hinterland) and Steve Speirs (The Tuckers & Stella), this was also primarily filmed just outside of Brecon. Also starring talented actors like Goran Bogdan, Kevin Guthrie, Chris Reilly, Amber Rose Revah and Charley Palmer Rothwell, you’d be mistaken thinking this was anything but a small independent production. I don’t know what favours Will Jewell pulled for this stellar lineup, but all I will say is, well done. The film is maybe not for all the family to view, it’s a thriller of the claustrophobic variety, that falls just short of being classified as gory, or does it! I had access to an early viewing of this film, and it had me hooked late into the early hours, maybe not for fright reasons but because I wanted to watch it all in one sitting. A bonus (for me) was that Orbital’s Paul Hartnoll created the music throughout, somebody I admire a lot. That is all for this month, I will see you next month, but most importantly, Have a very ‘MERRY CHRISTMAS’, however best you can! Carl Marsh
Lift-the-Flap Atlas by Lonely Planet Kids - £12.99 With the last book more than likely aimed at the teenager and above, Lonely Planet Kids have an excellent little flap-up book that will cater to the younger audience. So whilst the parents may be dreaming (planning) about faraway places
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