Cardiff Times October 2021

Page 51

Y Pelican

Organic, Eco Friendly Welsh Language Day Nursery My desire to open Y Pelican after my girls Emilia & Nell were born 7 years ago, came from a passion to provide children with the very best start in life and a deep interest in children’s health and wellbeing. I am very conscious about every purchase we make and the impact it has on this beautiful planet we live on.

absorbs 60% of ingredients in the products we apply. We use a local company Natural UK to recycle used nappies into plasterboard. A Cardiff based company Nature’s Little Helpers for our baby balms. Organic aromatherapy oils instead of chemical filled aerosols or air fresheners. We source our cleaning products from Delphis, their product range is derived from renewable resources and are readily biodegradable meaning no toxins go into water systems and the environment.

As a team we support local suppliers, buy our food from Watson & Pratt, organic wholesaler and Essential Trading. Our delicious nourishing meals are cooked fresh daily by our lovely cook Nicola, without unnecessary additives and unrefined sugar. We filter our water to ensure our little ones are drinking pure water free from chlorine and other harmful chemicals in tap water.

Our toys are recycled or purchased from Welsh company Babi Pur or Dorset based Myriad who specialise in natural, open ended, ecological playthings for creative, imaginative and meaningful play.

Our lighting in our nursery rooms and dining room are nonled, blue blocking light bulbs, as there is increasing evidence showing the harmful effects of artificial blue light on our overall health, especially children.

We encourage the children to go barefoot indoors for several reasons, one being it helps to strengthen the muscles in children’s feet and ankles, improving balance and posture. I could write a whole article on this!

We use high quality Kit & Kin British made biodegradable Nappies and Wipes, which don’t contain harsh chemicals and are suitable for the most sensitive of skin, something I feel is important as the skin is the body’s largest organ and

Giving your child the gift of the Welsh Language I grew up just outside of Cardiff and have always been envious of those who could speak Welsh and other languages, something I would have loved to have been exposed to as a child. I have always struggled to learn languages, despite many attempts of trying. I believe it is such a gift for children to learn a second language from a young age, it seems to give them a head start having multiple benefits and opens more doors educationally, professionally, and culturally. We hope our ethos appeals to all families interested in a Welsh-medium education for their child; where you speak Welsh or not, as our planet needs this now more than ever. Andrea Harvie Co Owner Meithrinfa Y Pelican


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