Kings Monkton School
Kings Monkton School is a co-educa�onal independent school for 3–18-year-olds in the heart of Cardiff. We recognise the difficult �me children and families have had during the pandemic and the concerns of parents over the learning gap many children from other schools are now facing. At Kings Monkton School our innova�ve and personalised curriculum is live streamed from our classrooms so that all children can access their lessons and fully partake in class, even when at home. This has meant that our full curriculum has been delivered, individual learning pathways maintained, and one-on-one wellbeing support given to all our pupils, even during lockdown. Our pupils do not have gaps in their learning. Our class sizes, capped at 18, means that our experienced teachers can really know and understand your children, their needs, and their strengths, allowing them to be the best they can be. We do not believe in entrance examina�ons, as our philosophy is that all children can learn and excel if they have the right care, a�en�on, and guidance. If a child has difficulty learning, then we change the way we teach as we are the professionals who are here to get the best from your children. This year we have fully embraced and sympathe�cally supported our pupils through their GCSEs and A levels, understanding the challenge they are all facing. We achieve some of the best results in Wales. We also genuinely care, and the wellbeing of your children is our primary focus, whether it is reconnec�ng with nature through our biodiversity and sustainability projects; managing stress and anxiety through our yoga classes and peer mentoring scheme; or achieving their dreams through outstanding teaching and wide range of extracurricular ac�vi�es. We li� our children up and remove the barriers so they can excel. Kings Monkton School is a family of pupils, staff, families, and friends, that is embedded in our community, and being so is incredibly important to all of us during these difficult �mes. As a family we support and care for each other, and by joining Kings Monkton School your whole family will become part of this thriving community – whether this is joining us for our outdoor produc�on of High School Musical in Bute Park in July, helping build our city garden, a�ending our annual charity walk and picnic, suppor�ng this year’s A Dog’s Trail across the city, or for more formal ceremonies such as our Presenta�on Evening. What makes us different is our investment in your child’s future and we are commi�ed to providing the best possible holis�c learning experience; lead by our Principal, Paul Norton, our school is a posi�ve place to learn and work. Your child will leave our school as well rounded, successful, and resilient life-long learner. By inves�ng in your child’s future, they will thrive in our happy and caring family. Call Admissions to come and meet us and have a look around or book a taster day for your child to come and spend �me in our school.
Join our Happy family! Kings Monkton School, 6 West Grove, Cardiff, CF24 3XL Phone: 02920 482 854 CARDIFF TIMES 17