3 minute read
Sam Sugarman brings magic to Cardiff and the Vale
by Natalie McCulloch
Magic is something that has captivated and enthralled people for over 2,500 years with the first recorded magic act being performed in Ancient Egypt in 2,700 BC by a magician called Dedi. Centuries later we’ve seen magic transformed by performers such as Uri Gellar, Harry Houdini, Paul Daniels and David Copperfield. Not forgetting fictious magicians such as Harry Potter whose creator, J K Rowling, deduced “Its important to remember that we all have magic within us.”
For some people magic may have formed a part of their upbringing whether that be sitting in front of the TV as a child and watching Paul Daniels and Debbie Mcgee perform, or more recently David Blaine or Dynamo, or practicing tricks for family and friends having been gifted a magic set for Christmas, or having witnessed mesmerising magic at a local event.
Magic has many avenues and angles and is now less about glamourous assistants being sawed in half or having a headless bird brought back to flight and more focused on ‘close up’ magic which can capture people’s attention, encourage their curiosity, and draw them in with intrinsic intrigue.
One local young man who is keen to bring magic to Cardiff and the Vale area is Sam Sugarman. His passion for magic came from watching Dynamo as a 7-year-old which he recalls was ‘the best thing ever!’. This led him to buy a magic trick from a shop in Cardiff and ask for a magic set for Christmas. Sam recalls being instantly absorbed by the power of magic and spending hours on end on YouTube learning every trick he could. Years later Sam has perfected his performances and is now the youngest professional magician in Wales and is keen to share with others the benefits of having magic in their lives.
“I wouldn’t be who I am today without magic” Sam states, “It really helped me during the pandemic, and I would love to reach out to people and help them find magic as a tool for developing confidence, social skills and keeping occupied”
Sam was amazed by how big the magic community in Cardiff is thanks to societies such as ‘Cardiff Magic Society’ which meet twice weekly to perform new tricks, learn from like minded people and discuss all things magic! The society has enabled Sam to make really good friends, occupy his time wisely and travel to magic conventions such as those in Blackpool with people who share his passion for performing.
Magic isn’t all about fun and games eitherLearning how to perform magic tricks has many benefits such as encouraging problem solving, lateral thinking, concentration and confidence in public speaking. The research on the art of learning magic, is far and wide, alongside its effects on its audience whether this be the general public or for those in health and social care settings.
If you feel your life could do with a bit of magic in it why not contact Cardiff Magic Society on Facebook to enquire about how to get involved….?

For those who are less of a performer but are keen to see real live magic happen before their very eyes, Sam encourages people to come and ‘see for themselves’ at local restaurant ‘Ego’ where he performs every Sunday lunchtime 1pm-4pm. Situated between Penarth and Lavernock. ‘Ego’ invites you to enjoy freshly cooked Mediterranean food, cocktails and local cask ale, served with a smile and exceptional value with the additional bonus of free entertainment for all. Sam also does private functions such as weddings, parties and fêtes where he can tailor a more personal performance.
Sam tells me that he is sometimes met with people saying magic is ‘just for kids’ or feeling shy to engage but when they do, they love it! “I do tricks and routines for all ages. Generally, people find it entertaining and memorable. I get told it makes their day and adds an extra oomph to their experience at Ego and, it keeps them coming back for more!”
Sam witnesses how people interact during the performances, putting down phones and iPads and engaging no matter what age. These performances are seemingly bringing much needed joy and fun into people’s lives. Why not see for yourself?
Sam concludes that “For me the best part of performing is leaving a lasting impact on my audience and providing a memorable and entertaining experience.” He would love to invite you to be part of it!
Please join Sam on a Sunday lunchtime at “Ego” The Schooner, Lavernock Rd, Lavernock, Penarth CF64 5UP

Or contact him privately on sam.sugarman2609@ gmail.com, 07516454132 or via his website SamSugarmanMagic.com.

Useful resource:-
“Achieving the impossible: a review of magicbased interventions and their effects on wellbeing”. Wiseman, R and Watt, C. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih. gov/pmc/articles/PMC6286798/#:~:text=Cognitive%20 skills,%2C%20self%2Dcontrol%20and%20memory. https://www.egorestaurants.co.uk/restaurant-penarth/