World Theatre Day – March 27th 2023 by Natalie McCulloch
Laurence Olivier once stated that “I believe that in a great city, or even in a small city or a village, a great theatre is the outward and visible sign of an inward and probable culture”. Considering this, it would appear Cardiff is most certainly a city to be complimented for its culture!
to consider immersing yourself in the joy of theatre!
Cardiff itself is fortunate to house an array of theatres, arts and performance venues and offer opportunities to be involved in the culture of art and entertainment on various levels. The Welsh Millennium Centre, St David’ s Hall, Chapter Arts Centre, The Sherman Theatre, The Theatre Café in Roath and even an open-air theatre in Sophia Gardens are just some of the local theatre prospects on our doorsteps.
March 27th celebrates ‘World Theatre Day’ which has been marked internationally since 1962 to promote theatre in all its forms worldwide and to make people aware of the value, work and enjoyable opportunities which arts/dance and entertainment brings to communities. Alongside this, the day is a celebration for those who can see the value and importance of the art form “theatre”, and acts as a wake-up-call for governments, politicians and institutions which have not yet recognised its value to the people and to the individual and have not yet realised its potential for economic growth.
Whether you’re an entertainment enthusiast or new to the arts, March is an excellent month
Oscar Wilde once remarked that “I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most