Cardinal Columns (November 2017)

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A Different Angle New staff flock to Fondy

A self portrait by Peter Herr done in pencil. Photo Courtesy: Camryn Oestreich

Also Inside: Tennis, pg 3 Rob’s Reviews, pg 15 Vans vs. Converse, pg 23

Adviser Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor Copy Desk Chief Art Director Social Media Manager Social Media Manager Sports Editor News Editor Feature Editor Culture Editor Opinion Editor

Matthew Smith Robert Brown Brianna Burgess Vyla Shea Camryn Oestrich Bailey Breister Eliana Torres Zoe Walsh Robert Brown Robert Brown Taryn Schwind Brianna Burgess

Reporters Chase Chadwell Cameron Britton Sarah Moore Maisie Kumbier Cassandra Burke Jenna Alstrom

Madison Rebedew-Torres Kylie Fuderer Carlos Martinez Joshua Kolstad Daniel Bestul Kiara Tabbert

Fondy Student News Fond du Lac High School Room 2609 801 Campus Drive Fond du Lac, WI 54935 “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Advertisement Inquiries: Advertisements are sold in the Cardinal Columns magazines each issue. For ad space, contact or rbrownnews@ for more information regarding opportunities and prices. The editorial board reserves the right to withhold ads that the board deems inappropriate (i.e. libelous, slanderous, obscene, nudity, excessive gore, etc.) Letters to the Editor: Address all letters to the editor as such, with no more than 500 words sent to Room 2609 (Print Newsroom) or Room 1170 (Broadcast Production Room) with your name or email / Letters without names or clearly defined email addresses will not be published. The editorial board has the right to withhold such letters without notice. Integrity: The Cardinal Columns features a full-functioning editorial board staffed by trained student journalists in media ethics and reporting and led by an experienced adviser, who majored in journalism. Third-party advice is sought when ethics and legality is in question. Opinions: All opinions expressed in editorals are opinions held solely by the author(s). Editorials with bylines express the opinion of that (those) author(s). Editorials without bylines express the opinion of the editorial board. Editorials, Perspective stories and Satirical stories are held to the same standard as other journalism and all facts and viewpoints are taken into account before publishing.

‘17-’18 Member of Northeastern Scholastic Press Asscociation (NEWSPA), Kettle Moraine Press Association (KEMPA) and National Scholastic Press Associaton (NSPA). Attendee of annual JEA/NSPA fall conference. Annual Wisconsin Newspaper Association (WNA) contestant.





hanks for joining us for a spectacular year in this first issue. We look to refine our production and content to better suit students’ experiences and interests. An emphasis on student-oriented content has been ingrained in the minds and the reporting of our staff so far. This will carry on throughout the remaining three issues of the Cardinal Columns this year. Yes, we are publishing only four issues in total this school year. There are multiple reasons for this, including smaller staffing this year than year’s past, as we transition to a college course, in addition to the inclusion of Broadcast Journalism 1 and 2 to our class period. As an integrated newsroom, we plan to provide hard-hitting investigative journalism to student interest stories and everything in between in a more accessible manner through multiple platforms. These platforms include our print magazine, our website, video announcements on YouTube and our social media offerings on Twitter and Snapchat. We are the voice of the students of Fond du Lac High School and the watchdog of the school’s administration and the actions of the Fond du Lac School District. We must hold ourselves to journalistic principles and ethics, which includes easy accessibility to our news to the student body. As a reader, if you see something, you should say something. Contact the Cardinal Columns directly if you have a concern regarding anything in the high school, the school district or the administration that you would like further exploration of and a probe of the dealings within the respective departments. Or, if you have a question, comment or concern regarding our content, please direct them to us. Your input as readers makes our content better. Furthermore, if, in the unlikely event that misinformation has been put forth in our content, then please contact me immediately at We all make mistakes and we love that our content is being analyzed and fact-checked. This helps us as an organization release corrections or clarifications to “set the record straight” with our consumers. And as always, we will remind everyone that the Cardinal Columns and student media is protected by the First Amendment. With Regards,

CONTENTS 3 ATHLETICS Girls Tennis reaches for the stars (pg. 3)

5 AROUND FONDY FBLA in business with new members (pg. 5)

8 FEATURES We shine a spotlight on new staff at FHS (pg. 9-14) Rob’s Reviews: Foo Fighters, blackbear, Phoebe Ryan, more (pg. 15-17)

18 FOOD, FASHION, FILM AND MORE “American Horror Story: Cult” under our Copy Desk Chief’s ‘review microscope’ (pg. 22)

23 OPINION AND SATIRE Satire: Holidays never come too early (pg. 25)



NOV. ‘17



10/10 FOR TENNIS How teamwork lead this team to a successful season Sarah Moore, Reporter


he girls tennis team is about more than racquets and nets. The team is a close-knit group that supported each other through their 2017 season. They made countless memories and learned new skills that could only be taught through competition. One of the most important aspects of any sport are the relationships within the team. Even in a sport like tennis where you’re on the court alone, the team needs to be there to push each other to do their best. “One of the best things is always having

Bailey Breister, Social Media Manager your team to rely on and fall back on,” 2017 state qualifier Kellie Hierl ‘19 said. Team spirit isn’t the only thing that the girls tennis team have. The team received brand new courts which were finished just in time for the girls to begin practice for the start of the season. “They definitely helped,” varsity tennis player Olivia Endries ‘18 said. “The old courts had holes in them.” The structure of the courts made the girls much more productive during practice. Now, they don’t have to worry about the impending

doom of falling in one of the holes and the coaches were able to specialize practices for girls playing singles versus girls playing doubles. They were given the ability to separate and work more productively. From traveling together for away meets to running drills with each other on the court the girls on the tennis team work hard and have fun. “Just being on a team that is so fun changes you as a person on and off the court,” Hierl said.

TACKLING THE SEASON A recap of the Fond du Lac

Cassandra Burke, Reporter

Wil Everson, Reporter

football season


nding this year with a fierce game against Kimberly with a final score of 28-21, the Fond du Lac High School football team made many improvements throughout their season making this a very successful year in all. Practicing and playing hard, the players and their determination allowed them to make it to conference and beat Ar3


rowhead 17-14. After winning their conference championship, the football team was prepared to go after Kimberly to end their 67 game winning streak. Unfortunately, Kimberly was one to hold onto their position and add another game to their streak. “I’m not at all disappointed with

their efforts,” Coach Gnewuch said. “I’m proud of their effort. I’m proud of the way they battled.” Although their season was cut short, the Fond du Lac Cardinals are ready to make the changes needed to push through, and to limit their mistakes and make better executions for next year.

Fond du Lac Cheerleaders lead Fondy students in cheers for the football team.

The Fondy football team lines up on the sideline at Fruith Field.

around fondy

FUTURE BUSINESS LEADERS RISING UP FBLA is emerging as a fast-growing club that inspires students Jenna Ahlstrom, Reporter


Bailey Breister, Social Media Manager

lated things. “[FBLA] was established to allow students the opportunity to one, join networks, two, expose students to the variety of business careers, three, allow students to get involved with the community with community service or give back to the community,” FBLA adviser Logan Meyer explained. “[For students to] see first hand people working within the business world weather that be sales, accounting, or whatever it is they are interested in.” FBLA is also looking forward to their fundraising events. The program is raising money to allow them to go to the conference. “It’s a big thing for us right now,” Meyer said. “We have some money in the account, but by us fundraising it allows me to give out scholarships.” “The name is misleading,” FBLA President Tyler McCleary ‘19 said. “People think that it only deals with stuff that will involve businesses, but it will help you with your life.” With applications closed Nov. 14, Meyer looks forward to improving and expanding the program Business teacher and FBLA advisor Logan Meyer poses for a picture next year. outside his classroom between downstairs English and Social Studies.

uture Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is a program dedicated to helping kids to learn how to handle business, college and career challenges. The program has grown in the past year from eight members to 43 and the hope for this year is to attend the Regional Conference. The Regional Conference is a variety of over 40 different contests held between kids to test their skills in management with sales, accounting and other re-




FBLA Advisor and business teacher Logan Meyer

WHAT DO YOU DO FOR THE HOLIDAYS? With winter break fast approaching, some members of Fond du Lac High School shared their plans Maisie Kumbier, Reporter

Brianna Burgess, Managing Editor


reg Staerzl is excited to spend time with his family and celebrate his child’s first Christmas. On Christmas Eve, the family plays hide the pickle. Whichever child finds the pickle first gets to open one present. Grandma and Grandpa give each of the kids an early present: a pair of pajamas. To close the night, they read “The Night Before Christmas.” Staerzl’s side of the family doesn’t celebrate their Christmas until early January, so they spend the actual date of the holiday with his wife’s side of the family. Every Christmas, the family gets together for waffles and sausage. “I always look forward to it,” Staerzl said.


idee Sanchez ‘19 isn’t completely sure about her Christmas plans this year, but expects it to be relatively the same as every year. Her whole family comes over and they have a big meal. On Christmas morning, they open presents. “I’m really hoping I get a PlayStation 4,” Sanchez said while giggling.


eleste Whipple ‘18 doesn’t do much for Christmas and doesn’t have any traditions. However, the morning of Christmas Eve, she wakes up and goes shopping because she does all of her shopping last minute. “I don’t like shopping for Christmas,” Whipple said. After her shopping is done, she plans to go visit her two year old daughter and spend time with her. Come Christmas morning, she wakes up hoping Santa came.


egan Krunkos ‘21 is excited for Christmas this year. Her and her family are going to their grandparents to have a large meal. Traditionally, they open some presents and enjoy spending time with one another. Come the holiday season, Megan loves cookies and the food. “I like eating mashed potatoes and dozens of sugar cookies,” she said.

FALL H0TSPOT One of the iconic hotspots of Fond du Lac is a perfect place to get your fall on Eliana Torres, Social Media Manager


ittle Farmer is a common hot spot during the fall months because of their seasonal theme and caramel apples. Located north Fond du Lac, Little Farmer season begins in August and goes through November 26th. Little Farmer is a no-admission apple orchard and pumpkin patch where

the community is welcome to hand pick fresh apples and pumpkins. The fun doesn’t stop there, as they sell fresh baked goods, caramel apples with homemade caramel and other novelty trinkets. They also have a petting zoo, an outdoor playground and a corn maze. An amazing feature of Little Farmer is the Cafe House-- an old farm-

house converted into a cozy friendly coffee house. In there, coffee, fall drinks, and locally made ice cream are sold as a treat for those weary after picking their produce. Each room in the cafe is well decorated and filled with crafts available for purchase. The Little Farmer is a great family friendly place to check out, so make sure you stop before they close.


NOV. ‘17




Catalan political discord draws international attention amid violence and intimidation

Robert Brown, Editor-in-Cheif


he little-known autonomous community in Spain that hosts Barcelona as its capital and largest city declared independence following a referendum. The Catalan parliament declared independence following an Oct. 1 referendum where more than 90 percent of voters approved of the action. Since, Spain’s government is taking steps to ensure that the region that is a stronghold for Spanish architecture and art doesn’t leave. The Spanish government dissolved self-government and imposed direct rule, invoking Article 155 of the Spanish Constitution, which gives the national government authority to directly rule an autonomous region if they do not comply with requests from their national counterparts. The government also instructed the national police force to shut down polling stations across the region in hopes to suppress what it calls a “rebellion.” According to a Madrid government official, it was provoked. “We proved today [on Oct. 1] that our state reacts with all of its legal means

against every provocation,” Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said, according to a CNN report. In the same report, regional officials announced 800 confirmed injuries due to alleged police brutality.

The highest court in Spain sided with the Madrid government, ruling the referendum had no constitutional basis. That didn’t stop the Catalan lawmakers from seceding from the country.

After direct rule was imposed and charges filed for senior Catalan officials responsible for secession, now-dismissed Catalan President Carles Puigdemont fled Spain for Belgium, multiple sources report. Four other former high-ranking officials followed suit including the Catalan health minister, culture minister, education minister and agriculture minister, but eventually surrendered to Belgian law enforcement. The group will be back court to determine if Belgian authorities should go ahead with extradition pursuant of an EU arrest warrant invoked by Spain, the BBC reports. BBC also reports that Puigdemont’s political party declared that he doesn’t have any intention from fleeing justice, but he will only return to Spain if he is able “to defend himself in a fair and impartial process,” which he doubts he will have the opportunity in Spain. Eight officials in total are wanted in connection to the secession attempt and multiple protesters are still in police custody.

Driving: One step closer to equality Saudi Arabian Women are finally being authorized to drive


Brianna Burgess, Managing Editor

ep. 27 of this year is a monumental date for many women in Saudi Arabia, as King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud decreed that women are now allowed to drive. Historically, the world has been critical of Saudi Arabia’s “archaic” adherence to Sharia (Shari’a or Shariah), a “guide” for Muslims in every aspect of life derived from the Qur’an and Sunnah, according to the Council on Foreign Relations. The Human Rights Watch World Report 2017 details the arrest of journalist Araa Brinji for voicing


criticism of the Saudi Arabian government and support for women’s rights on social media. “Our Vision is a strong, thriving, and stable Saudi Arabia that provides opportunity for all,” Chairman of the Council of Economic and Development Affairs Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud said in regard to the detailing the “Vision 2030” plan. “Our Vision is a tolerant country with Islam as its constitution and moderation as its method. We will welcome qualified individuals from all over the world and will respect those who have come to


join our journey and our success.” Vision 2030 said The Human Capital Program created will “analyze the efficiency of our civil service.” This new law is considered to be a step in the right direction by many civil rights groups and watchdogs, as they hope to see more progress for gender equality in the future, including the abolishment of the male guardianship of women while traveling, ending discrimination in sports and harsher punishments for those still performing female genital mutilation.

FEATURE Hannah Thompson, Spanish teacher at Fond du Lac High School, posing in front of Abbey Road where the famous picture of the Beatles was taken in London. Photo Courtesy: Hannah Thompson

Porto, Portugal where Thompson sintravelled with a ckgle jansport ba . pack for 2 weeks y: Photo Courtes on Hannah Thomps

Also Inside: Steinbarth Hannah Thompson Rob’s Reviews

A DIFFERENT ANGLE Reporters find ways to look at people from a different angle Brianna Burgess, Managing Editor

GETTING DOWN AND DIRTY Science teacher loves doing mud runs Daniel Bestul, Reporter

Mark Matenaer (all)


cience teacher Mark Matenaer loves to push himself through the muck in mud runs, just like he pushes himself to do his best for his students. For the past three years, Matenaer ran with his college buddies he met while attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A mud run is where participants navigate around a course consisting of various obstacles often involving mud or water. Different races have differing levels of difficulty, but they all boil down to the same concept: having fun and pushing the limits. “Helping kids be successful” and “being a role model” are Matenaer’s main goals for his students. He also wants to be successful in mud runs. Matenaer has been in Warrior Dash, Spartan Race and Tough Mudders. Matenaer also enjoys the exercise, excitement and the obstacles he has to overcome to be successful in the race. “It’s the adrenaline rush and adventure that I enjoy,” Matenaer said.



Matenaer and his friend pose at the starting line of Warrior Dash, a mud run located in various locations around Wisconsin.

BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD Live life to be inspired: Peter Herr tells us how Carlos Martinez, Reporter


eter Herr has been drawing and working with many forms of art since he was five years old. Herr partakes in freelance design where he is designing posters and logos for companies or individuals. Art is his passion and he enjoys it very Art teacher much because it keeps him busy

and always improving and working with something. “You should always stay hungry and always shoot for improvement,” Herr said. “If you want to get better, you have to practice.” Now the 30year old is an art teacher at Fond du Lac High School. He has a degree in art Peter Herr design and education. Herr’s passion


began at the age of five when he was drawing comics and manga and always strived to get better. “Find something you love, get better and improve,” Herr said. Herr continues to pursue art because it has always been something that feels natural to him. Engaging in art keeps Herr busy and gives him great satisfaction. “I pursue art because I like seeing kids create and get inspired,” Herr said. “Art has always been my passion and it makes me feel whole. It’s like going throughout the day without music and you end up feeling weird.”

FONDY BLUES Musicians are integral to Fondy, including Brian Arthur Madison Rebedew-Torres, Reporter


rian Arthur is in a blues band that performs about four gigs a year. Arthur primarily plays the bass, but he also plays the drums, guitar and the keyboard. “Performing music is kind of like meditation,” he said. Arthur performs about three sets of songs that last about forty-five minutes with a fifteen minute break. “You really have to be in the moment when you perform, so it’s really relaxing,” Arthur said. His

performances usually gather an audience of fifty to one hundred people. Arthur also writes his own music, averaging five songs per year. He plays all of the parts and records them individually,

“PERFORMING MUSIC IS KIND OF LIKE MEDITATION.” Special Education teacher Brian Arthur

then pieces them all together to form the song he wants. Most of his music is funk music. “I like music that seems to have a real fat pocket,” Arthur said. He’s been playing music for about 30 years. His love for music brought him to Seattle, where he played the bass for about four years. “I’ve always wanted to play drums,” Arthur said. Because of that, he has focused on playing the drums for the last six months. Despite all of the years that have passed, his love for music burns brighter than ever.


NOV. ‘17


THE DISNEY TEACHER Hannah Thompson, former Disney star Kiara Tabbert, Reporter


annah Thompson could talk about Disney all day. Former Tigger character at Disney World is now Fondy High’s newest addition. “I could talk about Disney all day, but I won’t,” Thompson said. Thompson worked at Disney World for a magical six months. Originally, Hannah was auditioning to be a princess because she had the looks. Unfortunately, she was over the height requirement by two inches and ended up being the character Tigger while working there. “I’m glad you didn’t ask me what I do outside of school, because I’m

pretty boring,” Thompson said. A l though she claims to have had a boring life, Thompson had many interesting international Du experiences. Collring her second semeste ege P r of T h o m p - lege creditrogram. Through this, Freshman year, Thompso she got to . She was n took pa b "friends" son studied with Tigger e a character perfo rt in the Disney rmer and . earn colabroad during spring break in Spain. While she was in Spain, her and her friends decided to travel to Belgium, Ireland and cultured and Disney surely helped her on Portugal. Thompson then traveled her way. by herself to the southern part of “Being able to partake in the DisSpain, Scotland and eventually met ney College Program gave my life a little up with a friend in France. magic and helped me to believe Walt Dis All in all, Thompson is well ney when he said, ‘If you can dream it, you can do it,’” she said.

An official Disney graduation from the Disney College Program hosted by Mickey and Minnie that Thompson took part in.



A scenic view was found by Thompson while hiking in a small town outside of Dublin, Ireland on holiday.

Cañón del Río Lobos Natural Park near Castile and León in Spain. Much of the park is used for hiking and seeing the rustic scenery of Spain.

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Hannah Thompson (all)

St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin, Ireland, is the National Cathedral of the Church of Ireland. Founded in 1191, it has become a popular tourist sight that Thompson visited during her travels.


NOV. ‘17


A FAMILY MAN THROUGH AND THROUGH A peek into our new principal’s life Zoe Walsh, Sports Editor


atthew Steinbarth is a true family man and that viewpoint has shaped his philosophy as a principal. “I always want staff to prioritize with their family first, the students in the building second and the adult things we have to do should be third,” Steinbarth said. This isn’t surprising, as he is a father of three daughters with another child on the way. This year marks the beginning of Steinbarth’s time as principal at Fond du Lac High School, but with more than sixteen years within the education field, Steinbarth is ready to take on the challenge. A Fond du Lac native, Steinbarth has true Cardinal pride. A Goodrich graduate, he has first hand perspective of how Fond du Lac High School compares. “The upgrades that they’ve done here are way better than what I ever got to experience at Goodrich,” Steinbarth said. He went on to say that Fond du Lac High School is easier to navigate due to our pod system. Although his job keeps him busy, Steinbarth still makes time for his family while also coaching his daughter’s basketball team.



Brianna Burgess, Managing Editor “I try to utilize my weekends very sometimes they don’t see that themselves,” well for my family and do everything I can Steinbarth said. “I think I went from my to be home by 6 p.m. at least to have dinner big brother role to now more of a parent with my family,” Steinbarth said. role to try and help them see some of the Steinbarth was hesitant to take possibilities that they have and not sabothis job in the beginning, as he knew it tage their own possibilities by making would take away time that could be spent choices that are not great.” with his family. However, he decided to With so many forces putting prestake the job to make the high school better sure on every student to go to college, for his own children as well as every stu- Steinbarth hopes to help many students dent in Fond du Lac. With his eyes on the find the path that works for them, whether future of the school, Steinbarth’s goal is to that includes college or not. make the school a better place for not only One of Steinbarth’s current goals his children, but every student in Fond du is to get the Career Construction Academy Lac. underway. This “I’ve always would allow had a strong passion students to gain for all the students in preparation for Fond du Lac, not just careers in conmy own,” he said. struction. As a princi “Hopefully the pal, Steinbarth puts school in general his effort into being a starts positive mentor to his students. Steinbarth attempts to give help and care to any individual student who may need it. “I genuinely Fond du Lac High School care for all students Principal Matthew and I want what’s Steinbarth best for them all and


really focusing on helping students work towards careers that they are interested in and not just say we want all students college bound,” Steinbarth said. Steinbarth is also in the process of allowing juniors off campus lunch. Although Steinbarth doesn’t have a date set in stone, he is hoping for it to be before second semester. Steinbarth will definitely be

bringing changes to Fond du Lac High School.


Steinbarth and his family went out to dinner with his parents for his father's 67th birthday. Front (Left to Right): Sophie (10), Molly (8). Back (Left to Right): Matthew Steinbarth, Hadleigh (2), Melanie Steinbarth.

Matthew Steinbarth (all) Steinbarth's family at a Brewer's game. From left to right: Sophie (10), Hadleigh (2), Molly (8).


NOV. ‘17


artist to watch: phoebe ryan. inger-songwriter Phoebe Ryan is trying smashing into the pop scene with her beautiful vocals and with enough help, she can do it. Experience isn’t a question for the 27-year-old after working with artists like Britney Spears, blackbear and The Chainsmokers. With 1.7 million monthly Spotify listeners and 90,000 followers on the music-streaming platform, discovering her music isn’t difficult and it’s certainly some-

thing you should do whenever you’re browsing your streaming service. It appears her first real crack at the pop scene came in 2015, when she released a mashup of R Kelly’s song “Ignition” and Miguel’s song “Do You...” Whenever Phoebe Ryan is given an opportunity to show off her singing abilities, it seems she takes it and knocks it out of the park. Personally, I do not like “Ignition” or “Do You...” as

standalone tracks. (No offense, R Kelly, but your songs kinda suck.) Although when Phoebe Ryan mashed the two tracks together, I believed it to be incredibly genius and harmonious. If you want to get your Phoebe Ryan fix, look for the single “Forgetting All About You” featuring fellow singersongwriter blackbear. The innocent voice of Phoebe pairs quite well with blackbear’s deep vocals.

flashback tracks. issue’s “flashback tracks” come from arguably the most internationallyrecognized rock band in recent history. Australian hard rock and blues rock band AC/DC released their LP “Highway to Hell” in ‘79, a year before frontman Bon Scott died after an excessive night of drinking in London. It’s the last album featuring the power of Scott’s vocals before Brian Johnson took over as frontman for the band. The album highlights the wide variety

of abilities the band had back in the ‘70s, including producing a fast-paced rock song (“Girls Got Rhythm”) with a tempo that’s entirely worth it listen after listen. The song “Highway to Hell” boasts Scott’s voice from the beginning and the composition as whole continues to woo to this day. Other songs, on the other hand, take it slow (as they should.) “Night Prowler” is a creepy, catchy and sexy song that makes you wonder how


many songs from this time period were definitely motivated by the infamous expression “sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll,” which, by the way, originated from a rock song. “Love Hungry Man” is a balance of both, another strong suit of AC/DC. It’s steady, but it’s a generally “quiet” song. It eventually picks up both in pace and volume, which goes to show that AC/DC is all over the map with their style, which fans love and the band



concrete and gold: foo fighter’s ninth baby. hey’re always pioneers in tempo-shifting, message-driven music. Foo Fighters are back; They certainly hit the ground “running” with their three new singles off their newest album “Concrete and Gold” -- “Run”, “The Sky Is A Neighborhood” and “The Line” over the Spring and Summer of ‘17 before dropping the album worldwide Sept. 15. As their ninth studio album, it became the second to Screen capture from the “Making of Concrete and Gold.” top the Billboard 200. Foo Fighters frontman and former Nirvana drum- Photo Courtesy: Foo Fighters mer Dave Grohl, according to NME, lyrics, “run for your life with me.” It is objections to having it on my playlists. described the album as “The Beatles definitely a song I’ve had on repeat on One of the album’s flaws is meets Motorhead,” and it certainly Spotify for quite a while. the “The Line,” the aforementioned plays that way. I’d definitely say in a “The Sky single released in early Sept., apgood way. ave Grohl, according to Is A Neighproximately a week before the album Not many borhood” dropped. It definitely rubbed me NME, described the album as people can make seems like a wrong. Don’t get me wrong, the song’s an emotional tune “T he Beatles meets Motorsluggish, yet lyrics are beautiful, bold and delivered with political melodious in classic Foo Fighters style. The song undertones with head,” and it certainly plays that way. version of just isn’t for me. acoustics and end “Run.” It’s The album blurs the line of up in the realm of I’d definitely say in a good way. certainly one pop and rock in the best way possible. hard rock, then, of those songs that doesn’t get old. And that pop influence didn’t come at the same time, straddle the border The album’s namesake, Confrom magic. According to Forbes, the of metal and make it sound reasoncrete and Gold, offers a perspective no band brought on Greg Kurstin, a proable. Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters other song on the album comes close ducer that helped in the composition of proved again that they indeed, can. to providing to the listener. The lyrics, smash hits like Sia’s “Cheap Thrills,” Highlights on the album while rather eerie, are revealing in the Kelly Clarkson’s “Stronger (What include “Run,” the first single released, same sense, alluding to self-worth and Doesn’t Kill You),” and co-wrote songs a song that contains extreme politiinner beauty. It’s also the song where such as Adele’s “Hello.” cal undertones relating to current U.S. the tempo shifts the least on the album. But, there’s a balance and President Donald Trump. According The same can be said for that’s what is so great about everything to Genius Media Group Editor and “Happy Ever After (Zero Hour),” on this album. You are actually getting Contributor Kevin Loo and two other although, as the name suggests, it’s an “The Beatles meets Motorhead” like contributors on the song’s background, acoustic composition of symbolism Grohl described in addition to so much Grohl stated that people should rebel, sung in an optimistic tone. It isn’t the more. fight, and run for your life, thus the best song on the album, but I have no


cybersex: blackbear he breakthrough artist that brought the pop scene hits like “90210,” “Idfc” and “do re mi” as a solo artist is back with tracks. Blackbear returns for the second time in 2017 with “playboy sh*t” and “bright pink tims” among others off his upcoming mixtape “Cybersex.” The lude mixtape, set to release on the 26-year-old’s 27th birthday on Nov. 27, features a deviation from blackbear’s usual style of pop to more dominant rap style of music. Although he crosses the line from pop to rap in these two singles, that doesn’t necessarily mean they’re letdowns. “Playboy sh*t”, which dropped on Oct. 13, features a surprisingly nice beat, one I expected not from a mixtape that boasts beyond-wacky cover art. The beat almost makes up for the redundant blackbear’s new album “Cybersex” sports an overly pink theme. chorus, where bear doesn’t put much Photo Courtesy: Beartrap Records/ enthusiasm into his lyrics. Listening to previous releases by blackbear, one can tell he can bring his voice to his limits and three more singles off the mixtape; “up Although, there is one huge silver lining in he can definitely make it sound fantastic in this,” “gucci linen” and “santa monica this batch of releases. “Santa monica & la and well-produced. The song isn’t hor& la brea” brea” is one the best songs that blackbear rible, I actually all dropped has produced. Ever. It’s also fairly lengthy kind of like this [Playboy sh*t] features a before the at 4:40. It’s where his voice is supposed to one. Although, I surprisingly nice beat, one mixtape’s be and where his passion should be aimed. must say there’s Nov. 27 Slow songs are a huge part of his forte. some room for I expected not from a mixrelease. Definitely take a listen to this track. improvement. “Gucci His last album release, “Digital tape that boasts beyond“Bright pink linen” offers Druglord,” was more of an exciting set tims” slaps you wacky cover art. bear’s affluof songs for me personally. Between “do in the face with ent side in re mi,” “make daddy proud,” “chateau,” bear’s vocals with absolutely no vigor. It’s the best way possible: enraged, autotuned “juicy sweatsuits” and “hello is where i a classic rap song with stereotypical lyrics, and set to an awesome beat. “Up in this” dreamt of u and woke up alone,” it’s probmaking me question if he wrote this with stretches bear’s voice mid-verse and ably the most solid album for blackbear to his true passion in mind. The track feasounds hideous. Featured artist Tinashe date. tures Cam’ron, a 41-year-old rapper from recovers the song from rock bottom. In addition to his own vocals, he Harlem experienced in the R&B scene. Bear’s produced way better mumanages others’ talent with his capabilities Appearing from the outside to be brought sic than what this displays. He has much as producer and writer. Currently, blackon due to his experience to add to the more talent than what is featured on these bear runs a record label named beartrap song, Hot New Hip Hop (HNHH) reports singles. They’re unique, but not in the way and previously wrote and produced songs that “Killa Cam,” he’s sometimes referred of previous releases. They’re more odd for artists such as Justin Bieber, Machine to as, is often seen sporting pink, consisthan trailblazing. Again, that being said, Gun Kelly, Nick Jonas, Hoodie Allen and tent with blackbear’s new hot pink phase. these songs are nothing less than chill. Linkin Park, Gnash and G-Eazy. More recently, bear has released

Each issue, award-winning Editor-in-Chief Robert Brown breaks down buzz from the music scene and reviews some notable releases since the last issue. January’s issue will feature flashback tracks from Steve Miller Band and a full review of a highly-anticipated music release. Opinions expressed in this feature are solely the author’s. Sony Music Entertainment, Billboard, New Musical Express (TIME Inc.), Hot New Hip Hop and Beartrap Records contributed to this report as sources.


Also Inside: Music Reviews Movie Reviews Vans vs. Converse


My goal for this page is to have eveyone find something they love , regardless of interests or price. Each issue will feature a different store that has affordable styles.




Rue21 Fall Style C

A. Various brands plaid and flannel $18 B. Rue21 mid/high rise skinny jeans/ jeggings $25 C. Heathered Favorite Tee $10 D. Rue21 Distressed faux leather combat boots $35


Rue21 also has great deals in general! You can find 3$ shirts, 5$ pants, and 1$ accessories. Shoes are usually buy one get one 10$.


As a studemt, this is what I have been seeing a lot of in school. Photo Courtesy: Taryn Schwind


D Photo Courtesy: Rue21


A.Polo Ralph Lauren Cotton Jersey V Neck $45 ($20 on sale) B.Carhartt Trumbull Burnt Olive Flannel Shirt $50 C.AEO 360 Extreme Flex Skinny Jeans 60$ D. Slip-on Pro Vans $60





Must See Classic Horror Films Zoe Walsh, Sports Editor

10.“Nightmare on Elm Street”

Whether you are a horror fan or not, you can surely recognize the burnt and scarred face of Freddy Krueger. In a time when the insanely gory films known as slashers had been used to the point of boring the masses, Wes Craven created a new kind of slasher.

9. “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”

This film is one of the most gory horror films. With the skin suited leatherface, some meat hooks and a van full of young adults broken down in the wrong part of Texas, you have a film that had a hard time even finding distributors. This film is great for any lovers of gore.

8. “Scream”

Although it may be satire, this film still had a major part in creating modern horror. “Scream” is one of the few horror films that has down to earth characters. While the film made fun of horror cliches, it created a hilarious movie while also maintaining the true fright of a horror film.

7. “Dracula”

Although there are many adaptations of this classic horror tale, there is only one original. Released in 1931 starring Bela Lugosi, this film is beyond iconic. Although the film may not be scary by modern day standards, it still creates an atmosphere of darkness and death. With Dracula being one of the most well known classic horror villains, this is definitely a film worth seeing.

With iconic lines and the creation of Anthony Hopkins’ career, this movie changed the world of horror in the best way.

3. “Saw”

With one of the most fascinatingly twisted horror movie villains, this film is an incredible watch. This film truly makes you think which can be more terrifying than all of the jump scares in the world.

6. “Alien”

2. “Carrie”

5. “Psycho”

1. “The Shining”

This film may be a science fiction flick but the original is just as much horror as any other film on this list. Artist H.R. Giger created a deeply disturbing world of pervasive darkness, twisted corridors and the terrifyingly cold depths of space. This classic film helped to create a new era of horror mystique. With the iconic shower scene, this film was a masterpiece of its time.

4. “Silence of the Lambs”

This film has pushed the envelope beyond repair in the horror world.

Although it may not be the scariest movie, this horror classic never disappoints. A story that evokes just as much emotion as it does fear. The book this movie was based upon even helped to launch Stephen King’s career. This film could be nothing but number one in creating nightmares. “The Shining” is a psychological thriller that has gone down in history. With its many iconic scenes and terrifying subplots, this film is a must see for every horror fan.

MISLED MEMORIES The Mandela Effect


ave you ever remembered something happening a certain way or having a certain look, then you saw the actual image or object and realized that it is actually completely different than what you thought? Named after Nelson Mandela, the Mandela Effect is a conspiracy theory that supports the existence of parallel universes. The Mandela Effect is named after Mandela because this theory began with perhaps thousands of people believing that he died in prison in the 1980s, only to be surprised that he actually died in 2013.

These people have reported that they have a crystal clear memory of watching his funeral on TV. These memories, although they technically weren’t correct, birthed the Mandela Effect. “Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?” If that’s the line that comes to mind when you think of the queen in Snow White, you are like thousands of people across the country; wrong. Although, this line is printed on various Snow White merchandise nationwide made by The Walt Disney Co. and seems to be very well known, but that isn’t how the line is said in the movie. The line actually is, “Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest one of all?” Febreze has never been spelt as “Febreeze”, yet thousands of people clearly remember it with two Es. Kit Kat has also never had a hy-

Vyla Shea, Copy Desk Chief phen in between the “Kit” and the “Kat”. There has never been a “T” in the shoe brand Skechers although, people continue to spell it as “Sketchers”. How could so many hear a punchline or see a word from such an iconic movie or brand incorrectly, or spell a very popular candy bar name wrong? Are there that many people who misheard or misread these things or have we switched over into a parallel universe? The Mandela Effect is when you have a clear memory of something being a certain way but later finding out that it is and apparently never was the way you thought it was. Whether you explain it as bad memory or a universe switch, it happens. There is an explanation to having false memories. Your memory most likely isn’t lying to you; this is explained by The Mandela Effect.


NOV. ‘17



Reputation Three single releases from the upcoming Taylor Swift album Camryn Oestrich, Art Director


hree singles have been released this fall as a glimpse into Taylor Swift’s sixth studio album, Reputation, which will be released Nov. 10, 2017. Thus far, the songs have been fairly catchy and often get played on the radio; Many people seem to enjoy all three songs.


Oct. 20, 2017 “Gorgeous” is the most upbeat song that Swift has released this year and is also the most positive out of the three. Swift’s song also has lighter tones to it in general, using what sounds like a wooden xylophone in the background. This gives it a softer, more mellow tone in the background. It is definitely the most like the style we recognized Swift for previously, but it is still very clearly different.

“...Ready For It?”

Sep. 3, 2017 The second single released for Reputation, “...Ready For It?” is quite similar to the vibes you get from “Look What You Made Me Do.” It is a much more forceful song than previous songs, with Swift al-

most speaking the lyrics in the beginning of the songs. However, in the chorus, she is melodically singing. This creates an interesting contrast which is not really seen in the songs she has previously produced.

“Look What You Made Me Do”

Aug. 24, 2017 This song was the first to be released out of her three singles this year, It also took the No. 1 spot on Hot 100. Stealing the spot from “Despacito” by Luis Fonsi ft. Daddy Yankee who had held it previously for four months. If “Despacito” would have remained there for only one more week, it would have set an all-time record for most weeks at the top of the chart. “Look What You Made Me Do” is a relatively catchy song that differs from Swift’s usual style. In the past, we have seen relatively optimistic songs she has produced that are cheerier and very upbeat. However, this is much different. While it is still a pop song, it certainly is not the love song most people have come to associate with Taylor Swift. Instead, it is a fairly dark song featuring themes of revenge, distrust and anger. Swift is telling her fans that she

Miley’s new alblum

is a new, changed person. She has redefined the way she is producing music, and in turn, herself. I would advise listening to each song at least once, even if you dislike Taylor Swift. The style has changed quite a bit and her voice does sound decent overall. However, it is, in the end, the listener’s own decision as to whether they wish to listen to her new album.

Taylors alblum cover of "Reputation" Photo Courtesy: Big Machine Records

Eliana Torres, Reporter

Review of Younger Now


iley Cyrus, at the age of 24, has quickly shifted music genres throughout the years. This very influential pop star has transformed herself from a Disney sweetheart to a road rage rebel to a hippie phenomenon all within a decade. Each transformation has always lead to a new album depicting one of her many transitions. Miley’s newest hit album, “Younger Now” was no exception. To me, “Younger Now” is a bipolar mess with a hint of southern twang. This album does not offer a musical theme and it’s confusing to grasp the idea for the album. The first song, “Malibu”, is a very positive, upbeat song offering an interesting twang. In my opinion, it is the best song from the album. I assumed the rest of the album was going to be similar to “Malibu”; calm, steady, southern-like, but I was wrong. Miley’s song, “Rainbowland”, opposed the musical style of her previous



song. Rainbowland gives the illusion of a song that should play before a children’s show. It is without a doubt a happy and down to earth song, but I would consider this song very underrated for my age. It almost felt like Hannah Montana was making a comeback. Cyrus has definitely picked a good name for her album. The next song on Miley’s album is “A Week Without You”. This song dropped the southern twang I thought was being portrayed though album. It also lost the happy, upbeat feel from the previous song “Rainbowland”. “Miss You So Much” is similar in a variety of ways. For example, this song and the song “A Week Without You” both have a depressing ring to them. Her last four songs, “Thinking”, “Bad Mood”, “Love Someone”, and “She’s Not Him” are all similar to the last two; depressing. In my opinion, these songs were not up to my standards musically. They were most cer-

tainly not the highlight of the album either. Miley’s voice felt like it was being drug through the dirt during these songs multiple times. These songs certainly didn’t end up onto my music libary, or make it onto my saved songs on my library. The final song, “Inspired”, lost the depressing feel in a sense, but instrumentally it was definitely still there. Although, if you listen closely to the lyrics, the song was trying to convey a positive message to the listeners. Miley’s album, “Younger Now”, had one hit single and that was “Malibu”. After listening to the rest of the album, it definitely did not meet my personal standards. Like I said earlier, it was a bipolar mess. It had a single upbeat, southern twangy song and it also included one kidlike themed song. Sadly, the rest were sad and depressing. Nobody wants or needs an album full of depressing songs.

Welcome to the cult

Vyla Shea, Copy Desk Chief

Three American Horror Story Strikes Again


merican Horror Story: Cult” is undeniably one of the best seasons that co-creator Brad Falchuk has written. Compared to the other seasons, “Cult” is more graphic and has a cleverly horrifying plot. The repeated characters have again proved that their acting abilities are flawless. Falchuk knows exactly how to keep the viewers on their seats and craving more. By constantly twisting the plot, Falchuk keeps the audience endlessly questioning what is going to happen next. Each episode ends in a jaw-dropping cliff hanger that has the viewers counting down the days until the next episode airs so they can finally know what happens. This season portrays Kai Anderson running for a city council seat, campaigning about how he is going to make the little town in Michigan safe again. While he is campaigning on safety, he is arranging the murders of citizens of the town, including his rivals.. Kai is creating fear around the city so that people will

want to be safe again, causing them to vote for him later on. The gore-filled scenes and other types of graphics depicted in each episode are far more advanced than the previous shows and seasons. It might be the seventh sea-

Photo Courtesy: FX

WONDER WOMAN An Out of this World Kind of Girl


’ve never been a huge fan of superheroes. Although, I am a hardcore geeky fangirl and I’ve always been more partial to fantasy and classical science fiction. When I saw Wonder Woman, I was fully expecting the disappointment of the same old predictable plot and overdone tropes, such as her eventually being saved by a man. I was beyond wrong. There was one scene in particular proved me wrong. When Diana Prince, also known as Wonder Woman and as her companions make their way through frontlines of World War Ones, she comes across no man’s land. When her companions attempt to stop her from trying to cross, she blatantly ignores them and proves just how powerful she truly is. Although her male companions did lend a hand, Diana was the one who made it possible. Wonder Woman certainly broke the mold and challenged the norms for all superhero films. With the feminine-oriented plot and the diverse cast, this movie was far from the tired old Hollywood tricks to gain audience interest such as killing off a beloved character. This film has been viewed as one

son of “American Horror Story,” but Falchuk isn’t running out of new ideas any time soon. On our standards based grading scale, “American Horror Story: Cult” receives a solid 4. This season has overall gone above and beyond not only past seasons, but also my expectations.

Zoe Walsh, Sports Editor

of the more recent additions to a growing list of female empowering movies. The film was directed by Patty Jenkins, a female director, which may have contributed to the films empowering qualities. Although there is a romantic subplot, Diana and her rise to power is what takes center stage. The most memorable moment within the film is by far the opening sequence. Our first view of Themyscira (the island where Diana was raised), is through the perspective of a young Diana. We watch as she risks life and limbs just to watch the Amazon warriors fight. This scene was relatable to me due to the theme of a little girl wanting to be included. This is a feeling a lot of girls experience as they grow up. Although the Amazons are indeed female warriors, it is still relatable to see a little girl feeling excluded from activities typically viewed as exclusively male. Throughout the film, Diana continuously proves herself as better, stronger, and more independent than the men she’s surrounded by. Diana is told many times that she needs to be protected, however she proves otherwise time and time again. What really stuck out to me was during

the climactic battle when Diana finally confronts, or rather is confronted by, Aries. Before Diana’s companion Steve died, he tells her, “I can save today, you can save the world.” This line was what really drove it home for me. Although Steve was important to Diana, she didn’t give everything up to save him. Diana gained power from Steve’s sacrifice and used that power to defeat Aries. Diana ultimately represented a strong female character who takes care of herself.

Photo Courtesy: DC comics


NOV. ‘17



VANS Students face off in

Camryn Oestrich, Art Director

the ultimate shoe war

Brianna Burgess, Managing Editor


s someone who owns shoes from both brands, I’m more attracted to the Vans. The iconic stripes are extremely recognizable. The suede and canvas combination on most Vans models give great support and durability. While the rubber and gum outsole complements that support with a very comfortable insole.

Converse have more attractive high-tops versus the ugly Sk8-His, with their bloated and bulbus ankle protection. But the Converse low-tops are much less appealing than Vans. Converse have a special weapon in their arsenal; my personal favorite model of the Converse is the Fastbreak Mid. It’s a comfortable midtop basketball shoe with Nike-esque

Jordan 1 support. My praise for the Fast Break doesn’t mean I like Converse more at all. Vans is more substantial as a brand. While Converse is just a subsidiary of Nike and don’t offer many merch items, you can get Vans hoodies, pants, hats and more. Not to mention, Vans have more collaborations and customization options versus the standard Converse Chuck. Overall, both shoes are great in their own way, I just prefer Vans as a brand and a shoe, but each deserve a spot in your sneaker collection.

wear Vans. 109-year-old Converse, on the other hand, is the oldest shoe. The shoe originates from basketball shoes. It is a easy option for many people to pair with outfits. Converse also has a variety of shoe options, but the most well known are the low and high top sneakers. However, these shoes are not comfortable. It takes along time to break into my feet

and rubs against the back of my heal causing discomfort. It also isn’t a winter friendly shoe and traps the cold in my experience. But Vans, on the flip side, are very comfortable shoes. They are meant for active wear more than Converse and their material allows them to keep your feet warmer during cold months. Despite the perks and flaws of each of the shoes, they both are very stylish shoes and offer a quick option to pair with an outfit. But comfort is of the utmost importance. Converse does not provide this option, so Vans is the true superior.



long asked question among teenagers is “which is better: Vans or Converse?” This is not a easy answered question considering the popularity of both the shoes, but Vans will always win. 50 years of Vans has provided many styles for consumers, including skate shoes, “old skool,” high top, classic slip ons, and more. All shoes are gender-neutral skater shoes, but often many more boys





Bailey Breister, Social Media Manager

Eliana Torres, Social Media Manager



igh-top and low-top Converse are not difficult to identify with their canvas bodies, branded with a large white circle and the iconic “All Star” on the heel, but that’s not why I love Converse. It’s the fact that they were a significant piece of my childhood. That connection is something bigger than some bland opinion about which is better; Converse mean more to me than just a pair of shoes. I grew up seeing my cousin wear Converse every day of his life. Being a kid and thinking he was the coolest person on the face of the planet, I felt that desire to own a pair of the sacred shoe brand. This led to endless pleas that didn’t phase my mother, but my aunt got a fabulous idea for Christmas. She heard my pleas and responded in a big way and gifted me my first pair of Converse and I didn’t wait a second to get them dirty. Nothing could slow me down when I had those on my feet.

CONVERSE “[MY CHILDHOOD] CONNECTION IS SOMETHING BIGGER THAN SOME BLAND OPINION ABOUT WHICH IS BETTER; CONVERSE MEAN MORE TO ME THAN JUST A PAIR OF SHOES.” On one misadventure, I went knee deep in water and the smell of fish clung to the shoe so my mom sent them on their final adventure to the dump. It was more depressing than flushing my favorite fish down the toilet because in two years, as I grew tremen-

dously attached to them. After my first pair, I tried finding my next Adventure Kicks. This consisted of timely trips to T.J. Maxx, Ross, Macy’s, Plato’s Closet and sometimes Goodwill. I acquired practically every color, but it was not until sixth grade when I was finally reunited with the standard black and white Converse. Ironically, they were a gift from my hero of an aunt. Flash forward to junior year, I’m still adventuring in my favorite shoes. Yes, the bottom is starting to fall off. Yes, they are very discolored. Yes, they are six years old. After all these years, there is not a shoe out there that could ever replace my Adventure Kicks.

Taryn Schwind, Culture Editor

Vans and Converse have unique designs that set them apart from one another, as told by the colors highlighted in the photo.


NOV. ‘17



VANS VS. CONVERSE (CONT’D) Camryn Oestrich, Art Director Camryn Oestrich, Art Director Brianna Burgess, Managing Editor


onverse have been could also wipe them down under the sink around for a very long time. The and then let them air dry. first basketball shoe, the Converse In addition to being good in rainy All-Star, was released in 1917. Since then, weather, the shoes also offer some toe proit has become a very popular shoe among tection. You won’t be stubbing your toes teenagers and adults alike. However, the against things any time soon with Converse shoe appeals to on. Walking up the me less due to its stairs of the front steps historical value of a building and you and more beslam your foot against cause of the way the last step when you it fits the foot misjudge the distance? and the variety Not a problem. you can get. Not only are C o n Converse good shoes verse shape physically, but there around the foot are also a wide variety pretty tightly. I of different types and personally predesigns. This grants fer a form fitting people a way to exshoe, and can no longer comfortably wear press themselves in a way that most other a shoe that doesn’t hug my foot tightly. Not shoes don’t. only that, but Converse also breathes well. There are Chucks, which feature While some people may complain Chuck Taylor’s signature on the All Star that having the two holes on the side is bad patch for making the shoe popular which for getting your feet wet, in my experience was added in 1923. There are also Purcells the inch of height you get from the shoe anyways typically prevents that. On the topic of wet shoes, Converse are usually made of canvas which makes them mostly waterproof. It’s just puddles you need to watch out for. On the plus side, if you get muddy shoes, you can easily toss them in the wash and clean them. Or Regardless of who wins, both shoes are stars! Make sure to check out Rob's if you don’t want to put Reviews on pages 16-18. them in the wash, you




which were designed by Jack Purcell which features the rubber soles as well but has a distinguishing ‘smile’ on the front. These were originally produced in the 1970s and are still used today. In 2001, John Varvatos designed a high end, expensive, Converse All-Star shoe. While at first it was just for the fall/ winter of that year, his designs were so popular they have continued to sell them to this day. Of the designs, the Converse ‘One-Star’ is the least expensive. Starting in 2008, Converse produced an inexpensive shoe in collaboration with Target. These shoes can be priced at as low as $15 compared to ‘All-Star’ which costs roughly $60 a pair. While the shoe is cheaper, the materials are not as good of quality and they do not tend to last nearly as long as the ‘All-Star’ strain of Converse. This is another thing that is great about most Converse. They last a really long time. Most pairs that I personally own have lasted me three or more years if taken care of properly. Now, Converse are not an ideal shoe if your feet are still growing. Since they do cost a bit more, they aren’t a great investment. However, you can purchase them with an extra bit of length without causing any additional discomfort. Vans may cost just slightly less - ranging closer to $50 - so they may be more ideal but it really isn’t by much. Not to mention, if you try to buy Vans with some additional growth room, it is a tad more noticeable. Overall, Converse are better because they are a good shoe for many weather conditions, contour the foot and have a nice variety of shoes to choose from with an interesting history. They have many benefits and are a good shoe in general.

HOLIDAY SPIRIT ALL YEAR LONG Christmas can never come too early Vyla Shea, Copy Desk Chief


t is never too early to be in the holiday spirit. Christmas songs, socks and cookies are appropriate for all months of the year except when the temperature outside is hotter than my hot chocolate. Every year, there is a common complaint about how stores start stocking their shelves with holiday decorations like imitation pumpkins, ornaments, tinsel and artificial Christmas trees so early. Honestly,

these decorations should be displayed and sold all year long. The feeling of giving and receiving gifts is such a pure and wholesome feeling. Spending time with family and the smell of fresh cookies creates an environment that I wish I could live in forever. Looking out of the window and seeing a fresh blanket of snow is breathtakingly beautiful. Although the window views are pretty, the black ice and grey

slush on the roads are ugly and dangerous. There are things of course I dislike about the holiday season such as the frigid temperatures outside and the lack of green in the scenery, but these things have no effect on my unconditional love for the holiday season. Overall, I wish I could live in the feelings associated with Christmas and that time of year all year long.

LIFE BEYOND OURS Aliens undoubtedly exist Cameron Britton, Reporter


liens have always been among us. Many people may not believe that other life is out there, but out of all of the different solar systems, how could we be the only ones? I believe that these other life forms are out there and they have made contact with Earth many times. According to NewsWeekly, “In 2011, Anonymous, the global hacking collective, leaked a video about the discovery of 219 new planet candidates.” Ten of these planets have similar conditions to Earth. With this evidence, NASA then released a statement saying that finding

new life wasn’t a matter of if, but when. Given this information, you would be silly to not believe that aliens are out there. There are also numerous sightings and videos of “aliens” that are unexplainable. There is so much evidence that suggests that other life is out there. As technology advances, it is only a matter of time until we have definitive proof. Other people may say that all of these videos are edited and have special effects. They may also say that NASA is just saying these things to make everyone happy. All of these naysayers don’t want to believe how close we are to finding aliens.

I do understand that people don’t want to believe because it is scary to think that other things are out there and could potentially take over our planet, but ignorance does not further our society nor will fear benefit us when we do make contact with aliens. Some famous astronomers say that Earth was a one in a million planet, but there are millions of galaxies outside of ours. Even if we are the only one in a million, the thought of us being all alone is even scarier than knowing that other life is out there.


NOV. ‘17


Science teacher Mark Matenaer participates in the 2014 Warrior Dash. Photo Courtesy: Matenaer family

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