2015 Lent Term Review

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Issue 4 I Lent 2015

The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School



Contents 1. Headmaster’s Welcome 2. Centenary Ball 4. Blessing of the Centenary Building 6. Religious Life 8. Virtual Tour 9. Vaughan Parents Association 10. News from Sport 12. News from Art 14. News from Music 16. Living History Lessons 18. Lyalls in the Library 20. Philosophy for Lunch 22. Into the Archives 24. Highlights of the Term 25. Dates for your Diary 26. Half Term Holiday Photographs


“What we learn from the flow of Lent to Easter is that Christian joy is neither an event, nor a feeling; it too is a process.”

Headmaster’s Welcome This busy Lent Term, with all its foreign trips, domestic trips, sporting fixtures, concerts, recitals, blessings, talks, performances, debates, awards, reunions and events has made it abundantly clear that the Centenary is not so much an event as a process: the very act of celebrating it has generated real momentum, which has in turn spilled over into an even greater (and therefore all the more rewarding) flurry of activity in all aspects of school life. Taking the activities of the Vaughan Parents and the Old Vaughanian Associations as representative examples, attendance at their events has been at an alltime high. And this is a cause for celebration in itself. You will read the details of all this activity in this Newsletter; what it conveys, I believe, is the sheer vibrancy of the Vaughan community in all its multiple manifestations. This vibrancy is the energetic by-product of the Christian joy with which staff, pupils, parents and governors alike throw themselves into going over and above the call of duty day after day, term after term and year after year. It is the joy of an Easter people (to use that felicitous phrase of Saint Pope John Paul II), the joy which is a foretaste

of what is vouchsafed to us by the supreme act of Christ’s selfgiving. What we learn from the flow of Lent to Easter is that Christian joy is neither an event, nor a feeling; it too is a process. This process of Christian joy is what has characterised the long and distinguished career of Charles Eynaud. There will be more to be said about that towards the end of the academic year. This particular Newsletter, however, contains details of the two events which will mark his retirement: the Centenary Ball to be held on 20 June and, a week earlier at 6.30 pm on Friday 12 June, a Mass of Thanksgiving at Our Lady of Victories, Kensington High Street. This will be celebrated by former Headmaster Father Anthony Pellegrini, with music sung by the Schola Cantorum. The service will be followed by a Reception in the Crypt of the Church. You are all very welcome. I very much hope, therefore, that you will be able to join us for this special occasion as we celebrate the

outstanding contribution Charles has made to the Vaughan and mark his well-deserved retirement. In the meantime, however, I wish you and your families a restful, holy and joyous Easter.

Paul Stubbings, Headmaster






On Saturday 20 June 2015, we shall gather for the Vaughan Foundation’s formal dinner which is being held to mark the end of the School’s Centenary year and Charles Eynaud’s retirement after 25 years of dedicated, loyal and distinguished service to the Vaughan. This will be a very special occasion, bringing together both current and former staff and parents, as well as former pupils. This black-tie Dinner will be held at The Connaught Rooms, Queen Street, London WC2 on Saturday 20 June 2015. There will be a Reception from 7.00 pm, followed by Dinner at 8.00 pm. We hope that you will join us on this very special occasion during this very significant year for the School to be with Charles in celebrating his contribution to the Vaughan and marking his well-deserved retirement. The cost is £60 per person (tables of ten available on request). Payment can be made by cheque to The Vaughan Foundation or via ParentPay or PayPal. We would be most grateful if you would reply to Helen Brooks (BrooksH@ cvms.co.uk) confirming whether you are able to attend and noting any special dietary requirements, by no later than 31 March, so that we may finalise arrangements.






Centenary Building On Tuesday 10 February, we were very pleased to welcome the Right Reverend John Sherrington, Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster, to bless the School’s new Centenary Building. The evening began with Mass celebrated by the Bishop and the School Chaplain Fr Dominic Allain. The Schola Cantorum provided music, singing works by Palestrina, Bruckner and Mawby. Following the Mass, the nearly two hundred guests were invited to follow Bishop Sherrington to the Centenary Building for the blessing, and a tour of our wonderful new facilities.

pupils and staff. It was great to see so many members of the School’s current and extended family come together in support of the School’s direction and achievement”. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all involved in the building and blessing of the Centenary Building, and to all those who joined us for this very special occasion. The Bishop’s full speech will be available to read in the 2014/15 magazine.

The Centenary Building is a three-storey extension to the School and houses a dedicated suite of accommodation for SEN (Special Educational Needs) including learning resources, meeting rooms and 1:1 tuition space. There are also new IT facilities including two specialist IT classrooms and three general classrooms. One guest, Old Vaughanian Eamon Hammond, said: “This was a wonderful, well organised event, bringing together an audience made up of parents, Old Vaughanians,



RELIGIOUS LIFE Understanding our

Catholic Identity On Monday 5 January, Cardinal Vaughan’s teaching and support staff took part in their first training day of 2015. This involved a series of workshops and assemblies helping staff to reflect on their role within Catholic education and to deepen their understanding of the Church’s teaching. As Pope Francis reminds us: The educator in Catholic schools must be, first and foremost, competent and qualified but, at the same time, someone who is rich in humanity and capable of being with young people in a style of pedagogy that helps promote their human and spiritual growth. Consistency is an indispensable factor in the education of young people! Consistency! We cannot grow and we cannot educate without consistency: consistency and witness! For this, an educator is himself in need of permanent formation. It is necessary to invest so that teachers and supervisors may maintain a high level of professionalism and also maintain their faith and the strength

of their spiritual impetus. Keynote speakers included Director of The Catholic Education Service (CES) Paul Barber, Director of Education JP Morrison and the Principal of Heythrop College, Father Michael Holman, and we were also delighted to be joined by staff from St Francis of Assisi, Servite Fulham, St Vincent’s Marylebone, St Joseph’s SW3, St Vincent’s Acton, Newman Catholic College, Our Lady of Dolours and Sacred Heart Hammersmith.

“Keep the child at the centre. Keep Christ at the centre.”

At Cardinal Vaughan our Catholic identity pervades every aspect of School life and Father Holman’s speech highlighted the importance of finding ways in which “we can offer the benefits of a Catholic school experience to young people who otherwise would never have the chance to hear the Gospel”. Full speeches and presentations from the Inset day are available to view on the School website.

JP Morrison speaking on: ‘The Vision for Catholic Education in the Westminster Diocese’



DATE FOR YOUR DIARIES Friday, 12 June 2015 6.30 pm Mass to mark the retirement of Mr Eynaud at Our Lady of Victories 235a Kensington High Street London W8 6SA All welcome

Mass to mark the retirement of

Mr Eynaud

All parents, pupils and friends are invited to join us at 6.30 pm on Friday 12 June, as we gather at Our Lady of Victories on High Street Kensington to mark the retirement of our Associate Headmaster My Eynaud. The Mass will be celebrated by former Headmaster Fr Pellegrini, followed by an open drinks reception in the Crypt. My Eynaud first joined the School in

1990 as a teacher of Mathematics, later appointed to the Senior Management Team (SMT) by Mr (now Fr) Pellegrini, then Headmaster. He is not only one of the Vaughan’s longest serving staff members but one of its most admired and respected. “The satisfaction of being in the classroom and introducing the delights of calculus or the contortions of trigonometrical identities to an attentive and appreciative audience, is hard to beat. I have grown to recognise that pupils will not learn properly if they fear you. Nor will they learn if they cannot find it in their

hearts to respect you. ...This is the start of another journey. Like all other journeys I have undertaken I set upon it with some trepidation but confident that I shall have a merciful God to assist me on the way.” A full farewell interview with Mr Eynaud will be available to read in the 2014/15 annual School magazine. We will also be celebrating Mr Eynaud’s contribution to the School with the Centenary Ball - please turn to p3 for details.



360째 Virtual Tour

This term we invited the team from 360 Spin to come and photograph a selection of rooms in the School, enabling viewers to walk around, explore and interact with the Vaughan like never before. For the full tour please visit: www.cvms.co.uk


360째Virtual Tour now available at www.cvms.co.uk




What’s been happening? The VPA Quiz Night in February

So far this year you’ve helped us raise over £9,000 for HCPT and other charities

The VPA Christmas Dinner and Dance

Who are the VPA, and what do they do?

The VPA Race Night in March

The primary aim of the Vaughan Parents Association (VPA) is to give parents the opportunity to become an active part of the Vaughan community, a community which many pupils and parents feel part of long after leaving the School. We believe that everyone has something to give and that many hands make light work. We are not an exclusive club but a group of parents willing to go the extra mile to help provide social events for all parents and pupils. If you would like to find out more about the VPA and how you can get involved, please visit our new website on the VLE or the ‘Supporting the Vaughan’ section of the School website.





PE Department For the PE Department, the arrival of the Lent Term signals a shift from rugby to football as all age groups begin a season of weekly football training sessions and Saturday team fixtures. In the Lower School, football results have been mixed, though there have been some particularly impressive scorelines from the Second Form, who have won the majority of their fixtures. The Senior Football teams have also played well this term - one notable highlight an 8-1 win against Enfield Grammar School, with Chris Koscien and Tim Griffin both celebrating their 50th appearances. The boys then enjoyed a winning start to the Inner London Cup with a 9-0 win against City of London Southwark in the Quarter Final. The boys will now go onto play in the Semi-Finals against Latymer Upper. On Wednesday 11 March, the U-14 Rugby 7s won the Burlington Danes Academy 7s. The team scored 139 points in six games, without conceding any points in the entire tournament. We wish all our Rugby players heading out to South Africa the best of luck on their first Tour.

In Netball, the Sixth Form girls ended a quiet season on a high with a spectacular 24-4 win against Godolphin and Latymer. Despite bitter temperatures and persistent rain, on Wednesday 28 January the annual LSAA Cross Country Championships took place at a very muddy Hampstead Heath. Thankfully, the adverse weather conditions did little to dampen the spirits and skill of our athletes as they ran their way to the following places: 1st: Senior Girls 2nd: Senior Boys 4th: Intermediate Boys 2nd: Junior Boys B 4th: Junior Boys B Huge thanks to all the parents who have come out and supported our sports teams this term. Special mention to Mr Gowthorpe for the wonderful photographs of the CVMS Senior Football team shown opposite.

Full fixtures and results available on the CVMS sport website: www.cvmssport.co.uk

The U-14 Rugby 7s team: Dylan Turner, Julian LewisJr, Conor Bowler, Joseph Walshe-McBride, Alfie Hill, Rowan Hargreaves, Antonio Miele-Norton, Richard Lee-Monteiro, Conor Elliot, Michael Viera.






Art Department The Lent Term begins with a bang every year as January exams see GCSE and A-Level Art students excitedly begin their new journeys of exploration, experimenting with processes, refining ideas, making connections to other artists and realising their creative intentions.

The Art Department is buzzing with activity from dawn until dusk, with drawing, printing, painting, sculpting, photography and light drawings, animation and the designing of installations. We wish our pupils the very best with their forthcoming exams at the end of April and beginning of May. In other exciting news, it seems we may have a future film director walking the corridors of the Vaughan! Calum Currie (5DM) worked tremendously hard to perfect film and editing techniques to complete a film as part of his GCSE Art coursework unit. The film was titled Awakening and was such a tremendous success that we decided to enter it into a short film competition. As a result, Calum’s film was selected to be shown as part of the Barbican’s first Focus Film Festival which celebrates international films for teenagers and young adults. His film was screened at the Into Short Film Lounge on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 March.

Louis O’Shea, 5DM

The Art & DT Trip to New York over February Half term was a fantastic experience for all pupils and staff involved. Record temperatures of -17 degrees could not deter our sense of adventure and fun as we explored the art and design culture of the incredibly exciting Empire State capital. More about the trip in the 2014/15 School Magazine! Plans are now well underway for our 2015 Summer Art Exhibition which will be held at the end of June. This will be an opportunity for everyone to see the wonderful creative endeavours of our pupils over the past year. Details will be confirmed soon. We look forward to welcoming you all! Miss N Carew Head of Art



Luis Alexandre, 5PL

Josef Van Den Bergh, 5MC Francis Bignell, 5DM

Benjamin Michaels, 1MF

Rex Bryson, 3MI

Marko Bracanovic, 3MI


Nathan Hargreaves, 5SS




The Schola sing Evensong at King’s College, Cambridge


Music Department There has been a great deal going on in the Music Department this Lent term as always. Throughout the term we have run our annual Music Competition with five heats leading to the final on March 18. The winners were Luke Warren (Junior) and Thomas Fetherstonhaugh (Senior). Congratulations to the more than 100 pupils who took part. Thanks are owed to Mr Evans who accompanied beautifully throughout. In February the School undertook its annual partnership work with Southbank Sinfonia. This year’s work was Mahler’s Fourth Symphony and the concert given at St John’s, Waterloo saw our thirty five most advanced instrumentalists sat alongside their professional counterparts in a really most accomplished performance of this complex music, conducted by David Corkhill. There are brief video extracts of this performance on the Music Blog. The Big Band worked hard to prepare ‘An Evening with Frank Sinatra’ which was held early in March to a very appreciative audience in the New Hall. Five vocalists joined the band as they swung their way through the songbook of one of the greatest jazz crooners. The instrumentalists were also out in force at the Spring Concert, held at St Paul’s School in Barnes in the middle of March. This was a particularly lovely evening with lots of very good playing from both junior and senior ensembles. Repertoire ranged from Don’t Stop Me Know by Queen to the Symphonic Dances from West Side Story by Bernstein. The Concert Band, directed by Sarah Wilby, gave a particularly fine performance of a piece called Fiesta! by Philip Sparke. Perhaps most notable was the playing by Senior Strings of the Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis by Vaughan Williams. It is a real testament to the strength in depth of the School’s string playing currently that a work as demanding as this could be performed. Again, there are videos of some of these performances on the Music Blog (link from the VLE).

across the term. At the end of January they helped raise more than £25,000 for the Cardinal Hume Centre, with a performance of the Mozart Requiem at St John’s, Smith Square. Some of the younger boys sang in a performance of Carmina Burana at the Festival Hall with the Bach Choir and on the same evening the older members of the choir sang in ‘An Evening with Rick Wakeman’ at the Queen Elizabeth Hall. A very lovely lunchtime recital was given in March at the Royal Opera House with the boys singing alongside boys from Trinity School in Croydon and Tiffin School in Kingston. Two boys, Alessio D’Andrea and Conor Quinn sang solo roles in Mozart’s Die Zauberflöte at the Royal Opera House. Later in March the Schola travelled to Cambridge, becoming (I believe) the first state school choir to ever sing Evensong in the famous Chapel of King’s College. In addition, the choir has sung twice for Mass at Westminster Cathedral and of course maintained its weekly Mass commitment, singing a huge array of music for the School’s liturgy. At the time of writing the final preparations are being put in place for the performance of The Dream of Gerontius by Elgar, to be given by the School Choir in the final week of term. This promises to be a wonderful event, being held to mark the Centenary of the School. There will no doubt be details of this performance when it happens and many

others on the Music Blog (cvmsmusic. blogspot.co.uk), which contains information on lots of different aspects of our work. There is also our Twitter feed of course if you wish to stay really up to date with the activities on the top floor of the New Building! (@cvmsmusic). Over the Easter you can hear some of the boys singing from King’s College, Cambridge as they take part in a performance of James MacMillan’s St Luke Passion that is being broadcast live on Radio 3 at 8 pm on Good Friday. Next term begins with the Schola singing Evensong at Westminster Abbey on Thursday 16 April. At the end of April the choir will sing a concert of Purcell and Charpentier at St John’s, Smith Square, joined by international counter tenor Iestyn Davies, one of the operatic world’s most acclaimed voices. Boys will also be singing in King Roger, an opera at the Royal Opera House in May. Later in the term we will hold our ensembles competition for the junior boys and the year ends with our musical of course, which this year is to be Stephen Sondheim’s magical fairy tale Into the Woods. Do join us for these events if you possibly can. Mr S Price Head of Music

The Schola has been very busy as always, singing at several remarkable locations Lunchtime Recital at the Royal Opera House




Lessons from Survivors


ergus Anckorn, also known as ‘the Conjuror on the River Kwai’, is quite possibly the luckiest man alive. At 96 years old, he is still talking about his experiences on the infamous Burma ‘death railway’ and on Tuesday 20 January we were fortunate to welcome Mr Anckorn to the Vaughan. To be frank, calling Mr Anckorn lucky is selling him short. Having been blown up, shot, left to die in a storm drain, survived a hospital massacre of 218 people and only then having been left in a POW camp for weeks without food, his ability to endure is downright miraculous. For an hour and forty minutes Fergus Anckorn told us his



story, having brought in many relics from his time as a Prisoner of War, including a pair of 75-year-old chopsticks and a photograph of a bombing raid that struck his own camp, burying him in rubble.

“It’s just luck. You died or you didn’t. There was nothing you could do about it.” Not only did Mr Anckorn tell us about this dark period of his life, he also proved that his mind and wit remain

sharp, with a live demonstration of the conjuring tricks that he used to keep himself alive. We remain awed by Mr Anckorn and are very thankful that he took the time to give us at least some understanding of just what he went through. - Jake Bolger, U6FC P14: Clockwise from top left: A young Fergus in uniform, Impressing Sixth Form Historians & Politicians with his magic tricks, A typical Japanese Prisoner of War. Fergus has captioned the photograph: ‘This is how most of us looked in those days in the camps. Note the oedematous feet of beriberi. These bed slats were about 100 ft long and each man had about 18”. The slats were full of ravenous bed bugs’.


n Monday 12 January we were lucky enough to be visited by Holocaust survivor Lady Zahava Kohn. Lady Kohn told us all about her experience throughout the 1930s and 1940s in which she dealt first-hand with Hitler’s regime, which intended to wipe the Jews from the face of the Earth. As she told us all about the horrors she witnessed while in Westerbork and then later in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, I was amazed at how lucky the family were to have survived. I have read and heard a lot about the Holocaust but all these stories are unique and so it is always interesting to learn more.

“Did I ever question my faith? No.”

I can only imagine the trauma of having to leave their 16-month-old son with the Dutch Resistance to give him the best chance of survival and the shocking conditions and starvation in a concentration camp. Overall, Lady Kohn’s story gave us all a unique, first hand insight into the Holocaust story which shows the strength of the will to survive, even in the most horrendous conditions. On behalf of all at the Vaughan, I would like to thank Lady Kohn for sharing her story, and her daughter Hephzibah Rudofsky for presenting this talk. - Benedict McGonigal, 4SL

Clockwise from top left: Fourth Form pupils in an assembly with Lady Zahava Kohn, Newspaper features in The Catholic Universe, and The Catholic Herald, female survivors lie in bunks inside the barracks of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp.



Lyalls in the Library Popular performance poet Paul Lyalls led a fun day of workshops for Lower School boys in the library, giving them a masterclass in creating fun, original and thoughtful pieces of poetry. Paul was the 2013/2014 Poet in Residence at the Roald Dahl Museum, as well as being named one of the official 2012 Olympic poets. He has gigged in many unusual places including Arsenal FC’s dressing room, and has performed with many celebrities such as Will Self, Miranda Hart, John Cooper Clarke, George Best, Michael Rosen, Prince Edward and Rasta Mouse. In one session with the First Form, Paul asked the boys to write down their answers to the following questions: “What was the first thing you saw when you woke up? Name one thing you had to do at the weekend. What one, small object is most precious and special to you, that can’t be replaced?” Using their answers as titles, Paul encouraged the boys to write their own unique Urban Haikus. An Urban Haiku is a modern take on the ancient Haiku: a three-line poem with a 5-7-5 format, counting words instead of syllables.

“Don’t always use the first idea that comes into your head. Try the next one, or the next one.”



Grandfather’s Pocket Watch It’s rare and it’s valuable From the warm, dry East of Africa Never will I lose it. - Amanuel Worku, 1CT Run in the Park The freezing, dreary British weather Was pelting down hard as I ran. I reached my destination drenched. - Vasco Rosa, 1CT My Little Brother My little brother very sick Hot as molten, and yet sleeping, relaxing Snores all night until cock-adoodle-doo. - Charles Omoruyi, 1 PF

“I had a brilliant day in the Cardinal Vaughan library making great poetry with some very talented pupils - it’s always a pleasure to visit, the library team, teachers and pupils always deliver.”

One of Paul’s most popular poems with younger readers is called The Gift of Now. This poem was read out to the boys during their library lessons and was used as the inspiration for their own ‘Have you ever wondered?’ poems. Miss Bugg picked out the best poems to be performed by Paul on his visit:

Have you ever wondered? Have you ever wondered why authors have to write and poets have to recite? Have you ever wondered why there are 90 minutes in a football game? Have you ever wondered why the sky is blue and the grass is green? Have you ever wondered why people really need money? Have you ever wondered why we need air to breathe?

Peformance poet Paul Lyalls

- Naghib Woldesus, 1 MF Have you ever wondered? Have you ever wondered why pigs have hair? Have you ever wondered why Magic Johnson is so tall? Have you ever wondered why Batman is a paranoid man? Have you ever wondered why you go to sleep? Have you ever wondered why chipmunks are so small? Have you ever wondered why trees are so green? - Neo Barrett, 1SB

Boys sit back and relax in the Library’s new sofas and beanbags




Philosophy Club


uestioning the root nature of reality, existence and knowledge is no easy matter and yet, for the group of inquisitive minds who have been gathering each Wednesday for Philosophy Club, these are exactly the sort of deep philosophical questions they have been attempting to understand – and all within the lunch hour. Philosophy is currently studied by pupils at A-Level, but this voluntary club is by no means exclusive to Sixth Formers. In fact, much of the group is comprised of Lower School pupils keen to explore philosophy within the context of their religious studies, with some pupils even leading their own debates: “I wanted to cover solipsism because it seemed like an unusual world view that few people knew about, and I have something of a personal interest in the beliefs of others.” - Jake Bolger, U6FC Titled ‘The Problem of Solipsism: are we living in the Matrix?’, Jake’s lunchtime session examined the idea that one’s own mind is all that can be known to exist. Derived from the Latin ‘solus’, meaning alone, and ‘ipse’, meaning self, no great philosopher has espoused solipsism and yet, so far removed from common sense, it often remains a hypothesis in which no-one really believes. Looked at within the framework of 90s science fiction film The Matrix (the film depicting a dystopian future in which reality as perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality called ‘the Matrix’), the Club’s exploration into solipsism saw them examine Charles Sanders Peirce’s ‘phaneron’ - the real world filtered by our sensory input (sight, hearing, touch, etc) – and René Descartes famous philosophical statement: “I think therefore I am”. This then led the group onto discussing their own opinions and understanding of solipsism asking, ‘is there any middle ground between Matrix and non-Matrix?’, ‘is love real within the Matrix?’, and the most divisive question: ‘If we are in the Matrix, would you want to wake up?’

“What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.” - Morpheus, The Matrix



Philosophy Club, held every Wednesday lunchtime in Room 601.

As part of the build-up for Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD), on Thursday 15 January, two of the Vaughan’s Sixth Formers were chosen to speak at a commemorative event held by the Department for Education. Head Girl Harriet Lea and Finbar Kavanagh each delivered their own three minute speech to the audience, before being joined on stage by Holocaust survivor Hannah Lewis and Nikki Morgan MP, Secretary of State for Education and Minister for Women and Equalities. The theme of this year’s Holocaust Memorial Day was ‘Keep the memory alive’ – a particularly pertinent mission statement given 27 January 2015 marked the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, and 2015 also marks the 20th anniversary of the genocide in Srebrenica, Bosnia. Here at the Vaughan we have taken part in a number of projects to commemorate the centenary of World War One. Thanks to their involvement in last term’s Lessons from Auschwitz project, their meeting with Holocaust survivor Lady Kohn and their visit to the site where over one million people

were murdered during the Holocaust, Harriet and Fin were rightfully selected to represent the School at this event because of the unique insight they were able to offer into why it is so important that we never forget the Holocaust. Harriet’s full speech will be available to read in the 2014/2015 School magazine.

“It is no use simply forgetting the past for reasons that it was too horrendous, violent or unpleasant. It is vital that pupils are educated away from ignorance at a young age; a way of achieving this can simply be through knowledge and understanding.” – Harriet Lea, U6FC

Below: Part of a series of Moving Portraits which explores the experiences of Holocaust and genocide survivors through the arts. Avram and Vera have been married for 62 years. They are both survivors of the Holocaust.



Into the Archives...



As part of our ongoing effort to mark the School’s 100th anniversary, this term we began compiling hundreds of original documents and photographs to form part of an online archive, to be launched later on this year. Guests at our Centenary Celebration at the Royal Albert Hall will have experienced a first glimpse at the wealth of fascinating material we have had safely buried within our walls, a selection of which is currently displayed in the Centenary Book (available to buy online via the School Shop). But it is not only here on Addison Road that the Vaughan’s archive has been held. In recent weeks we have been busy working with The National Archives, London Metropolitan Archives and Westminster Diocesan Archives to assemble our School’s entire back-catalogue and, as is to be expected with any century-old organisation, the scale of this collection is extensive to say the least. Thankfully, we have now joined forces with SDS Heritage to convert the School archive into a centralised, digital collection that will soon be made available and accessible to you all. The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School has been producing annual magazines since 1938, with even more Speech Day programmes, prayer books and publications issued throughout the years. Punishment books, Governors’ minutes, school inspections and sports team photographs are also held in abundance, with even the original 1906 documents relating to the foundation of the School now in our possession. Every page and photograph will be scanned by hand and organised into relevant categories, to form an independent website of digital copies which can be searched for by word, by you, with the option to download the page as a PDF document. We estimate this initial scanning process to take between three to five months in total, with ongoing additions to be included as and when any additional documents or images are discovered. If you are interested in volunteering or wish to send in any contributions to the Archive, please email Hannah Staff at: staffh@cvms.co.uk



POPULAR TWEETS Huge thanks to all who donated to #VaughantoRun @acn_uk - thanks to you our JustGiving page is in the top 3% of fundraisers for 2014! We’re delighted to be named a winner of the 2015 Pupil Premium Awards. Well done everyone! @educationgovuk Why priests wear different coloured vestments throughout the year: http:// ow.ly/GZ7fG @CatholicOnline Help save St George’s RAF Chapel of Remembrance Biggin Hill, a memorial to over 400 gallant young fighter pilots: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/ petitions/73191 Beautiful blue skies over the Vaughan this morning - perfect pancake weather! #ShroveTuesday 96% of @OldVaughanians from the 1980s are interested in attending a reunion. Good job we’ve got one planned then! http://ow.ly/K0cYu Who was the most popular teacher during your time at the Vaughan? Find out the facts & stats from your decade now at: http://ow.ly/JPgWj How fantastic to have England cricket legend Alec Stewart OBE praise @ CVMSFootball after their 2-1 win against Corinthian Casuals.

Follow us @CardinalVaughan

GUESS THE YEAR... Follow the Old Vaughanians Association on Facebook for a new weekly series of ‘Guess the Year?’ images of the School’s football team. www.facebook.com/




DATES FOR YOUR DIARY First day of Trinity Term Tuesday, 14 April Old Vaughanian Gathering Wednesday, 22 April Schola with Spiritato! St John’s, Smith Square Wednesday, 29 April

CAN YOU HELP? 77% of employers think work experience makes young people more employable. Every year, our pupils take part in two weeks of work experience with companies ranging from architects and solicitors, to leisure centres, restaurants and even the London Underground. This year it’s the turn of the Fourth Form and we’re looking for companies and/or employers who can help us with our placements. Taking part is a very simple process. We will send you a short form and brief health and safety check, and ask that you offer at least one pupil a placement for either one or two weeks from 6-17 July. What are the benefits to employers? Work experience placements provide many opportunities and benefits to both employers and pupils. Those most commonly cited by employers include: influencing the quality of future employees, development of recruitment channels, influencing career choices and promotion of vocational qualifications, raising the community profile, increased motivation of employees, understanding changes in the education system and the monetary benefit of pupils providing fresh perspectives, as well as providing an additional resource. Want to get involved? Please email MarsV@cvms.co.uk and help give our pupils the edge!

VPA Golf Day Friday, 1 May Schola sing in Krol Roger The Royal Opera House Friday, 1 May Schola sing for Vigil Mass Westminster Cathedral Saturday, 2 May Inaugural 2015 Leadership Lecture Tuesday, 19 May Sixth Form Leavers’ Dance Friday, 22 May Half Term Monday 25 May - Friday 29 May Solemn Mass to mark the retirement of Mr Eynaud Our Lady of Victories Friday, 12 June Centenary Ball The Connaught Theatre Saturday, 20 June Summer Art Exhibition - Public Viewing Tues 30 June, Wed 1 & Thurs 2 July VPA Summer Fete Sunday, 5 July Summer Concert Addison Hall Thursday, 9 July Sports Day Friday, 10 July School Production: Into the Woods Tuesday, 14 - Thursday, 16 July Last day of Trinity Term Friday, 17 July




Holiday Photographs

Classics Trip to Rome

Ski Trip to Les Orres, France



Art Trip to New York



wEDNESDay 29 april 7.30pm St JohN’S, Smith SquarE

Te deum

Suite from Abdelazer · Jehova Quam Multi Sunt Hostes Mei purcEll Te Deum and Jubilate in D ramEau Suite from Les Indes Galantes · charpENtiEr Te Deum


Iestyn Davies couNtEr tENor James Arthur baSS Scott Price coNDuctor Schola caNtorum of thE carDiNal VaughaN mEmorial School with Spiritato! This concert brings together for the first time the acclaimed boys choir of The Cardinal Vaughan School, Kensington with the exciting period instrument group Spiritato! They are joined in a programme of music from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries by one of the leading singers of our day, counter tenor Iestyn Davies, for what promises to be an evening full of variety and colour.

Tickets, priced £20, £15 & £10 (concessions 10%) available from St John’s, Smith Square on 0207 222 1601 or online at www.sjss.org.uk


The Box Office, St John’s Smith Square, London SW1P 3HA. Online www.sjss.org.uk. By Post Please enclose SAE. Debit/Credit Cards MasterCard and Visa accepted. Booking fees per transaction: £2.00 by telephone / £1.50 Online. Advance Booking The Box Office is open for advance bookings from 10am-5pm weekdays. Smith Square Café & Restaurant in the Crypt is open from two hours before the advertised start time of any concert for buffet and à la carte dining. Telephone 020 7222 2779 or email stjohns@leafi.co.uk for reservations. St John’s Smith Square Charitable Trust, registered charity no: 1045390. Registered in England. Company no: 3028678


The Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School www.cvms.co.uk 0207 603 8478



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