Card Not Present Media Kit

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CARD NOT PRESENT MEDIA KIT Contact Brian Bernstein, Sales Director CNP Expo® and Card Not Present®, to reach thousands of CNP industry influencers now. | 203-840-5691










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Brian Bernstein | | 203-840-5691

Card Not Present® offers marketing, production, distribution and advertising opportunities across all of our publications and events. We’re happy to provide quotes on a la carte arrangements, or (for significantly greater value) ask us about multi-year sponsorships to maximize your exposure and ROI. And, if you have a specific lead generation goal or advertising budget, tell us what you need and let us put our creativity and flexible options to work for your organization.

CNP LIVE WEBINARS - $15,000 Be a thought leader in the industry while generating leads for your sales team. Have the ability to access our 25,000+ subscribers year round!

WHAT IS INCLUDED: • Improve brand awareness – present live to our subscribers on the CNP website • Generate new sales leads (on average 400 leads) • Expand existing customers and qualify prospects • 30 days of promotion including: • Dedicated email blast to all subscribers prior to webinar • Banner ads promoting the webinar in The CNP Report® and on CNP website • Card Not Present will moderate each webinar • Card Not Present will send an email post webinar to all who signed up promoting a live rebroadcast on the sponsor’s website • Webinar(s) will be archived on CNP website as an educational resource Brian Bernstein | | 203-840-5691

Ma na gem en t:

B o t

An Overlooked Layer in Account Takeover Defense

PG. 6

M a n a g e m e n t :

An Overlooked Layer in Account Takeover Defense

PG. 5

in November 2017 alone, e-commerce retailers that used Akamai to make their Website content available around the world faced more than one billion login requests from bots that were part of credential stuffing attacks. Hotel and travel sites, another vertical suffering from an increase in ATO fraud, saw nearly that many.

ABOUT CARD NOT PRESENT® Card Not Present, part of the RELX Group, is an independent voice generating original

employ BoT mAnAgemenT In A lAyereD DeFense

news, information, education and inspiration for and about the companies and people operating in the card-not-present space—one of the only sources of content focused solely on this growing segment of the payments industry. Our only product is information. Our only goal is to provide it in an unbiased manner to our subscribers. The company’s media platforms include the portal, the hub for news, information and analysis about the payments issues that most affect merchants operating in the space; the CNP Report, an e-newsletter delivering that focused information directly to your email inbox twice a week with no extraneous clutter; the CNP Expo, an annual gathering of the leading companies in the space from the smallest e-commerce Websites and technology providers to global retailers and payment processors; and the CNP Awards, an annual event honoring the products and solutions CNP merchants rely on most to increase sales. For more information, visit

Just like the fraud they are used to commit, bad bot attacks are becoming more sophisticated and difficult to detect. Just as antifraud solutions are evolving to meet that sophistication (i.e., integrating advanced technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning), so are solutions designed to identify and manage malicious web traffic generated by bots. And, while bot management generally is seen as an iT or security initiative, hence, outside the purview and control of the fraud department, a solution that could intercept malicious login attempts before they occurred would translate directly into a reduction in the number of stolen credentials validated and sold to fraudsters to monetize. Fraud departments are vital to the bottom line of card-notpresent merchants and account takeover fraud is not going away. But a reduction in the overall number of compromised accounts will likely result in the number of fraudulent transaction attempts and the attendant customer impact.

ABOUT AKAMAI As the world’s largest and most trusted cloud delivery platform, Akamai makes it easier for its customers to provide the best and most secure digital experiences on any device, anytime, anywhere. Akamai’s massively distributed platform is unparalleled in scale with

Of 8.3 billion login attempts across its network... 3.6 billion were malicious login attempts.

In other words, 43 percent of all logins seen by Akamai were attempts to log in to an account


Manage me nt:

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using guessing or Layer An password Overlooked

in Account Takeover Defense

PG. 4

account details gathered from

BoTs DIrecTIng creDenTIAl sTuFFIng ATTAcks AT onlIne reTAIlers AnD TrAvel InDusTry

elsewhere on the Internet.

companies that have visibility into bot-delivered credential stuffing For online sellers increasingly suffering from account takeover fraud, initiating an organizational dialogue about how bot management can benefit multiple areas of a business could result in the to mitigate those attacks are preventing account takeover before it addition of an important layer of defense.

over 200,000 servers across 130 countries, giving customers superior performance and threat protection. Akamai’s portfolio of web and mobile performance, cloud security, enterprise access, and video delivery solutions are supported by exceptional customer

1 – 2018 Identity Fraud Study, Javelin Strategy & Research 2 – Machine Learning: Fraud is Now a Competitive Issue, Aite Group 3 – Q4 2017 Akamai State of the Internet Report, Akamai Technologies

service and 24/7 monitoring. To learn why the top financial institutions, e-commerce leaders, media & entertainment providers, and government organizations trust Akamai please visit,, or @Akamai on Twitter.

attacks and effective solutions happens. For some time, fraud experts have been recommending that fraud fighters consider layering multiple tools in their defense. Implementing one of those layers at an earlier stage could markedly affect the amount of ATO fraud a company faces.

The challenge specific to bots and account takeover fraud was highlighted recently in a new study from Akamai.3 with visibility into up to 30 percent of the world’s web traffic, Akamai is uniquely positioned to tap into security data surrounding that traffic and identify bots that are tasked with testing stolen login credentials. In Q4 2017, for the first time, Akamai examined login traffic with an eye toward credential abuse and found it’s happening on a massive scale. Of 8.3 billion login attempts across its network, the company determined that 3.6 billion were malicious login attempts.

© copyright 2018 card not present®

This document was produced as a joint effort between Card Not Present® and Akamai.

“In other words,” the report’s authors wrote, “43 percent of all logins seen by Akamai were attempts to log in to an account using password guessing or account details gathered from elsewhere on the Internet.”

B o t

Ma n a gem ent:

An Overlooked Layer in Account Takeover Defense

PG. 3

The fraudster that uses a stolen username and password to illegally access and monetize an online account is simply the last person in a very long chain.

B ot M a n ag e M e n t:

B o t

M a n a g e m e n t :

An Overlooked Layer in Account Takeover Defense

PG. 2

There are faceless armies of robots arrayed against you. They are legion, they are tireless and, if they overwhelm your defenses, they can be lethal—to your business. Bots are not the minions of an evil super-intelligence in a science fiction film bent on dominion over mankind. They are simply a tool that can be used by anyone who picks it up. But forgive fraud professionals for thinking that way, because their daily battle to preserve revenue against constantly evolving and increasingly sophisticated attacks is being facilitated and exacerbated by bots in the hands of criminals.

The first person is the hacker who breaches the system of an unlucky business and unearths hundreds of thousands, millions or even, in some cases, hundreds of millions of username/password combinations. Depending on the amount of information stolen in the breach, the hacker either puts the entire list up for sale on a dark web site or breaks it into smaller chunks and does the same thing.

Merchants focused on fraud in their digital channels may not come into direct contact with bots and the ways they attack a company’s systems. But, for those who operate downstream from a business’s main security architecture, the effect of bots on the most pernicious types of fraud they face is clear. And, employing technology to combat bots should be a vital part of any e-commerce merchant’s layered defense against fraud.

An Overlooked Layer in Account Takeover Defense

WhAT is A BOT?

But the person who buys those lists generally is not the person defrauding online businesses. And this is where bots enter the picture—far upstream from the actual fraud. The recipient of the bulk data wants to validate the username/password combinations on as many sites as possible. so they load up specially programmed bots with the thousands or millions of credentials and aim them at sites around the internet.

Bots are neither good nor bad, in and of themselves. They are simply pieces of software designed to complete repetitive tasks on an automated basis much faster than a human ever could. Whether a bot is beneficial or malicious depends entirely on its programming and the task toward which it is directed by an operator. A search engine is an example of a bot that most would agree is beneficial, as is a chatbot that enables companies to automate online engagement between their customer service departments and customers.

The bots then engage in credential stuffing—automatically testing those credentials to see which accounts they can successfully log into. The credential stuffer then sells the smaller list of valid account credentials for much more than they paid for the original bulk list. Those valid account credentials are bought by individuals whose work has become all too familiar to e-commerce fraud departments at businesses of all kinds. With a valid login, a fraudster becomes extremely difficult to identify and can monetize their illegal access in a number of ways. They can purchase physical products with the account’s card on file and resell them, they can drain an account of any stored value (e.g., cash, store credit, gaming credits or loyalty points), etc. companies are investing significantly in technology solutions that attempt to identify which accounts are legitimate and which have been accessed using stolen login credentials. in one study, credit card issuers cited retail ATO fraud as the biggest reason for investing in machine learningbased antifraud technology.2 Nearly all of these solutions, however, are focused on catching the criminals after they have accessed the accounts—completely understandable given the way online fraud departments developed. But, working with other parts of an organization that are more focused on network security to address bot traffic could significantly lessen the burden many shoulder due to account takeover fraud.

One 2016 analysis by Cambridge, Mass.-based CDN provider Akamai Technologies estimated that more than 30 percent of all Internet traffic in that year was not human in origin—it was bots going about their automated business. And, that total, both good and bad, is growing each year. While they might not have direct contact with malicious bots, online fraud professionals deal with the negative fallout from bad-bot attacks on a daily basis. The e-commerce, ticketing, airline and gambling industries deal with the highest percentage of bad bot traffic. For gambling sites, bad bots account for more than 50 percent of their traffic. For e-commerce sites, some experts have estimated it is nearly one quarter of their traffic. And those bots are one of the primary reasons for the explosion of a particular type of fraud that has grown significantly in the past several years— account takeover fraud.

How BoTs FAcIlITATe ATo incidences of account takeover (ATO) fraud tripled from 2016 to 2017, costing businesses $5.1 billion last year.1 And, bots are the engine driving that growth through a process called “credential stuffing.” how bots and ATO fraud relate to each other is much easier to understand when you realize that fraud has become an enormous industry. Like any industry, an ecosystem of producers and suppliers has evolved enabling participants to specialize and find efficiencies to become more profitable.

CNP RESEARCH AND WHITE PAPERS - $20,000 Thought leadership, on both an individual and corporate level, is derived from having your name and face associated with effective ideas. Apply your expertise to the problems faced everyday by Card Not Present® readers in your original content. Partner with us for a high quality, non-biased results your customers will be compelled to view.

WHAT IS INCLUDED: • Co-branded White Papers get more downloads because we are a trusted news source, rather than being viewed as a sales pitch • Includes a 30 day campaign of promotion to our 25k subscribers • Dedicated emails, Card Not Present website promotion and promotion in The CNP Report® • Collaboration with our Editor-in-Chief on your topic and our marketing team will do all the work • Generate an average of 400 leads per White Paper or Research Guide • Available individually or as a series • Turnaround time is 30 days or less depending on your approval Brian Bernstein | | 203-840-5691

CNP EDITORIAL CALENDAR - $25,000 We are always developing our editorial calendar and work directly with sponsors to pick themes that are the most relevant to their marketing initiatives. Contact us today to select your desired theme and reserve your month. Card Not Present ® is looking to educate our merchants on a different theme each month. This is the perfect opportunity to put your company on display.

HOW DOES IT WORK? Card Not Present will focus on your theme for thirty (30) days with this special Editorial Theme Sponsorship. Like other stories that are posted daily by our Editor-in-Chief, your 1000-word story will be composed and submitted by your team to be featured as “Sponsored Content” on the CNP website. This shows our viewers that the story is written by an industry expert and not by Card Not Present.

Below are the entitlements included for 30 days: Themed Callout on the Card Not Present Website • “Sponsored by company name” • Homepage Content Box with company logo and the theme of the month • Homepage Content Box will include the articles provided and other relevant content produced by Card Not Present • Welcome Ad calling attention to the theme of the month (ad specs) • Leaderboard Web Banner – run of site, rotating (ad specs) • Sponsored Content placed on CNP website. Links can be added to the written copy Email Inclusions • One (1) dedicated email that is sent to CNP Subscribers • Web Banner in The CNP Report® weekly newsletter • Theme will be highlighted in all 4 bi-weekly issues of The CNP Report for that month through news stories, featured articles, and/or byline articles

Brian Bernstein | | 203-840-5691

THE CNP REVIEW - $25,000 The CNP Review; topics, trends, tips and best practices, you and your team will need to succeed and drive your business forward. Download, print and share these tips for success with your colleagues and peers. It will include trending and popular articles curated from the CNP website. Three (3) articles will come from the Card Not Present® team and one (1) article from the Sponsor maximum of 1,000 words.

WHAT IS INCLUDED: • 1,000-word maximum article on the topic, will be placed after the Card Not Present articles • Half-Page Ad in The CNP Review (8.5”x5.5”) • Leads from the downloads-includes name, title, and company only • CNP Logo and Sponsors Logo at footer of each page • Includes email address for users that download The Manual Review

REACH / DISTRIBUTION: • Card Not Present online publication database and the CNP Expo database • Digital copy will be emailed out to the above groups and available under the Education Resources tab on the website

THE REASON WHY WE CREATED THIS PRODUCT: Provide an overview of hot topics, tips, best practices and trends for Merchants that have been relevant over the past year – continuously providing 365 CNP content.

EMAIL BLAST - $5,000 Do you have a special message you want to reach Card Not Present’s influential readership but requires more than a banner ad? Our staff can give your communication the attention it deserves in a specially designed and formatted HTML email that we will send on your behalf to our entire subscriber list. Average Email Open Rate – 24% Average Email Click-Thru-Rate on 3rd Party Emails – 1.2%

Brian Bernstein | | 203-840-5691

LEADERBOARD WEB BANNER - $5,200 MEDIUM WEB BANNER - $5,000 Attract key decision makers to your company. Drive customer traffic to your company website or landing page with a web banner on our site for 30 days.

CNP Online Average Impressions per Web Banner – 7,536 CNP Online Average Web Banner Click-Thru-Rates – .18% where the average industry standard is .05%

THE CNP REPORT® WEB BANNERS - $5,000 The CNP Report is published and distributed via email twice a week to all CNP subscribers. Your banners are featured in a formatted HTML email among the most topical CNP-related stories of the day and served directly to Card Not Present’s growing list of thousands of subscribers.

Average CNP Report Open Rate – 15% Average Click-Thru-Rate on CNP Report Web Banners – 1.5%

Brian Bernstein | | 203-840-5691

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