October 2016 to January 2017 CARE Prayer Diary

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OCTOBER 2016 to JANUARY 2017

Westminster Edition

CARE Prayer Diary Making a Christian difference through prayer

No two snowflakes are exactly alike because of the way they are formed. Snow crystals start as microscopic particles; they join together into a hexagonal shape that then shoots out six-sided branches in intricate patterns. Snowflakes vary according to the temperature like a kaleidoscope as they drift down through the sky. They come in as many as 35 types of patterns, ranging from flat plates, rods and needles to lacy stars, often incredibly complex in design.

The CARE Prayer Diary is written by Celia Bowring.

Visit: care.org.uk/prayer to read online or sign up for the daily prayers by email.

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Celia Bowring

OCTOBER 16 – 22

LEGISLATION IN WESTMINSTER ‘Blessed be the name of God forever and ever, for wisdom and might are His. And He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings; He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding.’ DANIEL 2: 20,21 (NEW KING JAMES VERSION)


Almighty God, we pray that You will lead the Members of both Houses of the Westminster Parliament into all wisdom and integrity as they shape, debate and vote on important legislation coming before them over the next months. Help them to work together constructively to bring effective just laws into being. Amen.


INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ERADICATION OF POVERTY Remember the Department for International Development (DFID) leading the UK’s work to end extreme poverty and reducing developing world countries’ need for aid by job creation, facilitating girls and women to reach their potential and helping to save lives during humanitarian emergencies.


ANTI-SLAVERY DAY Give thanks for the 2015 Modern Slavery Act, including the provision of specialist independent advocates to support children who have been trafficked. Following the positive outcome of trials last year, pray for further success with those in November, so that the Government will quickly roll out this scheme across England and Wales.


Lord, we give thanks for Christian MPs and Peers, and the staff members, advisors and civil servants working alongside them. Please lead them along Your paths of wisdom to accomplish those plans that are close to Your heart and also help them as they meet together for prayer, Bible study and mutual encouragement. Amen.







Pray that, as the Government carefully and thoughtfully considers plans to tackle extremism prior to introduction of its Counter Extremism Bill, it will focus on tackling violent rather than non-violent extremism and not stifle Christian thought and expression of belief.


THANKSGIVING: for Lord Shinkwin’s Private Members Bill on abortion and disability, that will be debated in the House of Lords today. Please pray that the Government will give time to this important Bill which seeks to remove the current legal provisions allowing for abortion up to birth on the grounds of disability.


Pray that the Government’s Digital Economy Bill will include a strong requirement for pornography websites, including those based outside of the UK, to use robust age verification systems so that children are prevented from accessing them. Give thanks for Baroness Howe’s persistent work on this issue over many years which has influenced Parliament.



Since 2012, Baroness Howe of Idlicote has introduced six Bills and several amendments to parliamentary legislation requiring internet and mobile phone providers to offer customers to opt in rather than opt out of access to adult material and to verify they are aged 18 or over. CARE has assisted her in these efforts to secure a safer online environment.


OCTOBER 23 – 29

OUR HEALTH SERVICES ‘But a Samaritan foreigner … came upon him; and when he saw him, he was deeply moved with compassion and went to him and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them to sooth and disinfect the injuries.’ LUKE 10: 33,34 (AMPLIFIED VERSION)




WORLD POLIO DAY Give thanks that this incurable crippling and potentially fatal infectious disease has been reduced by 99 per cent. Intercede that the strategy of immunising every child against polio until transmission stops in the remaining affected countries of Nigeria, Afghanistan and Pakistan will totally eradicate it soon. (endpolio.org)


Remember the continuing dispute between the NHS and junior doctors, and the consequences that any strikes would have for patients. Pray for a wise and workable solution to be found to this crisis and also to the growing financial pressures seriously affecting all our health services.


Father, thank You for all the healthcare workers who come from overseas – without whom the NHS could not function. Please help them to adjust and flourish in their areas of expertise. If this is appropriate may these professionals be able to return to meet the needs in their own countries in the future. Amen.





NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER ABOUT ABORTION Pray that God’s compassionate care will be experienced by those affected by abortion and intercede for a change of people’s attitude to this tragedy that costs 200,000 unborn lives each year in England, Scotland and Wales.


THANKSGIVING: for Aneurin Bevan’s original vision for the provision of health services for all through the NHS, and all those following who brought innovation and improvements to treatment and care. Pray that ongoing staffing and other problems will be resolved efficiently and fairly.


Pray for GPs, district nurses, health visitors, midwives and others working in community based services outside of hospital buildings – in schools, prisons, clinics, hospices, care homes and other settings. Pray for them to be kept safe and to receive the support they need.





Lord our Great Physician, please grant love, wisdom and integrity to those who are called to prevent, diagnose and treat disease and meet the needs of the broken and wounded. May they persevere in the face of fatigue, and increasingly look to You for healing and health. Amen.

The NHS workforce of 1.7 million people is Britain’s largest employer and ranks fifth worldwide. The NHS in England deals with over one million patients every 36 hours. It covers everything, including antenatal screening, routine screenings, treatments for long-term conditions, transplants, emergency treatment and end-of-life care. It was launched in 1948 to provide good healthcare for all regardless of wealth and this principle still remains at its core.


INTEGRITY AND FREEDOM IN THE MEDIA ‘Whoever speaks the truth gives honest evidence, but a false witness utters deceit. There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Truthful lips endure for ever.’ PROVERBS 12: 17-19 (ENGLISH STANDARD VERSION)



Lord Jesus, Word of God. We give thanks for the purity, truth and compassion of everything You say and do. Please help Your people to speak out fearlessly for liberty and truth as You lead them, that their words would bring healing and hope where this is needed most. Amen.


Remember those who work in the press, broadcast and online media as news writers, columnists, editors and other roles. Ask God to help them to be discerning, thorough, and fair – especially when working to tight deadlines and under pressure to adopt a certain viewpoint.


Pray for Information Commissioner Elizabeth Denham who heads the UK’s public authority, situated in Belfast, Cardiff, Cheshire and Edinburgh, that was set up to guard our right of access to information. Ask God to help this organisation as it makes rulings on complaints, provides information and upholds the law.


God of all truth, we thank You for everyone in the media who is determined to be accurate, independent, impartial, humane and accountable. Please help them to withstand any temptation to betray these ethical principles and to play their part in bringing corruption and dishonesty to light. Amen.


Pray that more people will engage positively with the media, commenting on content and tone of programmes and publications by letter, telephone, email and social media. Pray that many Christians will be helped to do this by using CARE’s Commend or Complain resource. (care.org.uk/media)






THANKSGIVING: for every Christian TV, radio station, newspaper, magazine, website and social media platform that is faithfully communicating the truth and hope of the gospel. Pray for these media outlets to reach people living in situations where Christianity is forbidden.


Pray about the serious decline in press freedom around the world – reflecting a climate of fear and increasing control by governments, criminal and terrorist factions and privatesector interests. Ask God to protect and give voice to those who courageously speak out.

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Eritrea, North Korea, Turkmenistan, Syria, China and Vietnam rank lowest in the world for press freedom according to Reporters Without Borders. Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark and New Zealand are the highest. The UK comes 38th out of the 180 countries ranked according to the freedom allowed to journalists. 5


PEACE AND RECONCILIATION ‘For Christ himself has brought peace to us. He united Jews and Gentiles into one people when, in his own body on the cross, he broke down the wall of hostility that separated us.’ EPHESIANS 2: 14 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)


Lord, our Saviour, we bring to You our broken world. May Your people be filled with boldness and compassion by Your Spirit, to bring true peace and reconciliation, especially in places blighted by armed conflict, oppression and corruption. Amen.


Intercede for those pursuing peace in Syria and the surrounding areas as they attempt to bring hostilities to an end and enable humanitarian aid to reach those in need. Pray for lasting peace and genuine reconciliation to be found and that the thousands who were forced to flee can return and rebuild their lives.


PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION IN THE USA Entreat God to direct the hearts of Americans who will vote today. Pray for His will to be accomplished in the choice of the next President and that the rich Christian heritage of this great country will be re-energised through Christ’s reconciling grace and peace.


Father, thank You for the International Centre of Reconciliation ministry that was founded at Coventry Cathedral in 1940 after its devastation. Please prosper the 150 organisations in 50 countries that are part of the Community of the Cross of Nails working for reconciliation in areas of conflict. Amen.






Pray that restorative justice, which has had life-changing effects in many situations, will be used increasingly throughout the British criminal justice system, so that offenders and victims of crime may meet to try and reach a place of understanding, repentance and conciliation.


THANKSGIVING: ARMISTICE DAY Almighty God, we pray that the memory of all those who have fallen in conflicts in the 20th and 21st centuries will be forever honoured. May bereaved families and friends know Your comfort and find true peace. For Christ’s sake. Amen.


Ask God to draw near to people who have suffered bitter pain and loss, and feel it is impossible to forgive, to find peace and to trust in Him. Pray they will be helped to come to terms with their bereavement and move forward with new courage and hope.

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‘Can there be more potent advocates of peace upon earth through the years to come, than this massed multitudes of silent witnesses to the desolation of war?’ (King George V, on his 1922 visit to Tyne Cot Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery in Flanders where 11,956 officers and men are buried – 8,369 of them in unmarked graves.)

NOVEMBER 13 – 19 DEFENDING VULNERABLE PEOPLE ‘O Lord, I have come to you for protection; don’t let me be disgraced … Be my rock of protection, a fortress where I will be safe … Pull me from the trap my enemies set for me, for I find protection in you alone. I entrust my spirit into your hand. Rescue me, Lord, for you are a faithful God.’ PSALMS 31: 1-5 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)



Mighty God, we lift to You the worsening situation throughout the world where Christians suffer fierce persecution. We especially lift up those in the ten most badly affected countries: North Korea, Somalia, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Iran, Pakistan, Eritrea, and Nigeria. Amen.


Remember homeless people – many of whom have experienced relationship breakdown, job loss, serious debt, mental health issues and addiction problems. Pray for the hundreds of local groups, national charities, local authorities, housing associations, day centres and homeless hostels seeking to help them. (homeless.org.uk)


Remember children whose lives are overshadowed by the experience of being bullied, whether face–to-face or on social media. Pray that resources, training and individual support will be increasingly available for both children and adults who suffer in this way. (antibullyingweek.co.uk)


Father, we cry out to You for those who have been trafficked into slavery throughout the world. Please strengthen and encourage many to find the opportunity and courage to break free and lead them to people who will offer support to help them survive their ordeal. Amen.






Remember the worryingly high numbers of vulnerable, usually younger, people in the UK who self-harm as a way of dealing with very difficult feelings, situations and experiences. Pray for all who offer them support – especially selfharm.co.uk – an initiative of the Christian organisation Youthscape.


THANKSGIVING: for every person who feels called to care for frail older people and others who are vulnerable because of their physical or learning disability. Ask God to grant strength, patience and compassion to family members and friends, medical, nursing and other staff supporting them in hospitals, care homes and in their own accommodation.


Pray for success for those determined to end the extremely harmful traditional practice of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) particularly in Egypt, Ethiopia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Mali, Sierra Leone and Sudan and in many other countries, including the UK.



Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is the partial or total removal of girls’ and young women’s external genitalia for non-medical reasons – often against their will and mostly between infancy and age 15. This commonly leads to infection, infertility, and even death. Globally 200 million girls and women have undergone FGM. In England a case is reported every 109 minutes.


NOVEMBER 20 – 26

CHURCH IN THE COMMUNITY ‘You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavours of this earth … You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colours in the world … I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand — shine! … be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven. ‘ MATTHEW 5: 13-16 (THE MESSAGE)




Pray for the children and young people in your area, that at home, in school, at sports and other activities they would flourish and be safe. Ask God to draw them into His family and pray for the Christian teachers, pastors, youth leaders and others in the community who seek to encourage them and reach them with the gospel. Amen.


Pray that local authorities, social workers and GPs will increasingly trust reliable local churches that offer counselling and practical help to people in need. Pray they will work together with Christians to deliver key services and support to those affected by debt and poverty, physical, mental and emotional problems, family breakdown and other personal difficulties.


Lord, we ask that, in cities, towns, villages and the remotest areas of Britain, local churches would once again be recognised as the centres of community where all are welcome to seek life-enhancing truth and grace. Please raise up more visionary leaders and Spirit-filled believers to make this happen. Amen.


Remember Christian chaplains and missioners employed in the health service, education, industry, in prisons, commerce, among seafarers and other transport workers. Pray that they will continue to be strengthened and equipped to bring spiritual guidance and comfort to people from every walk of life.


THANKSGIVING: for every local church-based project helping people who are homeless, especially in the cold of winter – through night shelters, day centres, food, clothing, washing facilities medical, educational and legal support and friendly companionship. Ask God to bless these services.


Ask God to raise up many more Christian intercessors to pray for our nation and the wider world. Pray for Neighbourhood Prayer Network and other organisations that encourage people to cover their local streets with prayer and then to reach out to those who live and work there. (neighbourhoodprayer.net)








Heavenly Father, You have called us to be witnesses to proclaim the good news about Jesus throughout the world. Please fill us with Your Spirit to do this and also bless our communities through ministries of mercy and justice, acting like light and salt amidst decay and darkness. Amen.

‘The local church is the hope of the world. But why? Because when the local church stewards the message of Christ, it truly is the hope of the world.’ (Bill Hybels, Senior Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in the USA)


THE VALUE OF HUMAN LIFE ‘God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image … reflecting our nature so they can be responsible for … Earth itself, and every animal that moves on the face of Earth.” God created human beings; he created them godlike, reflecting God’s nature. He created them male and female.’ GENESIS 1: 26-28 (THE MESSAGE)


ST ANDREW’S DAY AND BEGINNING OF ADVENT Lord Jesus, though in very nature God, You made Yourself nothing, took on the form of a servant and came to live among us and to die to save us. Please fill our hearts afresh this Advent with hope and the knowledge of the Father’s loving purposes for each one of us. Amen.


Remember those today those who are at the very beginning of life and individuals who are nearing its end. Pray for God’s hand to be upon any who are in need of special protection and care, giving thanks for His divine grace and mercy.


Pray about the Transparency in Company Supply Chains clause in the Modern Slavery Act, requiring an annual report from large companies in the UK on what they have done to prevent forced labour or trafficking taking place in their supply chains. Pray this will result in many more workers being treated with humanity and respect.


Father of the fatherless, please grant success to everyone involved in the care of orphaned, abandoned and separated children in war-torn zones, refugee camps, ghettos, on the streets and being exploited. May Your healing love reach into their lives today. Amen.


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WORLD AIDS DAY Please reflect today on the tragedy of the 35 million individuals who have died from AIDS and related illnesses and their bereaved families. Pray for the 100,000 people in the UK who currently live with HIV, and for the 36 million worldwide – only half of whom have access to antiretroviral therapy.


THANKSGIVING: for everyone who is involved in palliative and hospice care and for medical and nursing staff treating critically ill people in hospital. Ask God to pour out His life-giving hope, compassion and wisdom, especially in situations of difficulty and pain.


INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEOPLE WITH DISABILITY Pray especially for those for whom disability also means chronic bad health, poor education and employment opportunities, lack of mobility, poverty and social stigma. Ask God to impart love and comfort to them through Christians and others.



More than one billion people in the world have disabilities – about 15 per cent of the global population. Over one tenth of these individuals experience very significant difficulties. Numbers are rising, mainly because of population ageing and increase in chronic health conditions. Other causes are road traffic accidents, natural disasters, conflict, poor diet and substance abuse.



JUSTICE AND FREEDOM ‘Rise up, O God, judge the earth, for all the nations are your inheritance.’ PSALMS 82: 8 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)




Pray for Kevin Hyland, UK Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, as he works with the criminal justice agencies and strengthens partnerships with ‘source’ countries, especially focusing on the prevention of trafficking and exploitation and the improvement of support for victims.


Ask God to grant success to the governors of the six new ‘reform prisons’ in England and Wales, including Wandsworth, the largest in Europe, who now have unprecedented freedom to manage all aspects of prison life to improve conditions, education and rehabilitation provision, and to support ex-offenders with life after prison.


Lord of the Church, please strengthen and comfort our Christian brothers and sisters who are persecuted because of their beliefs, forbidden to worship and to share their faith. We pray for organisations engaged in advocacy for those who have been deprived of their freedom. Amen.


Remember Justice Secretary Elizabeth Truss MP and Sam Gyimah MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Prisons and Probation in England and Wales, Michael Matheson MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Justice in Scotland and Claire Sugden MLA, Justice Minister for Northern Ireland.


INTERNATIONAL ANTI-CORRUPTION DAY Pray that the worldwide blight of corruption – ‘the abuse of entrusted power for private gain’ – in business and finance, agencies such as police, education, government, politics, sport and relief and development aid would be increasingly identified and punished.


HUMAN RIGHTS DAY THANKSGIVING: for the 50th anniversary of the International Bill of Human Rights, setting out what is considered to be the birthright of all human beings: freedom of speech and worship, freedom from want and from fear. Pray that God’s justice and mercy will continue to change our world.








Judge of all the earth, we bring before You the multitudes of people living under the rule of authoritarian regimes, religiously motivated fundamentalist groups and corrupt governments who hold out little hope for justice and freedom. Guard and guide them in the midst of hardship and danger. Amen.

There are signs of hope but corruption is ongoing and hard to combat, forcing the poor into more hopeless conditions while others grow richer and more powerful. Bribes can mean: criminals don’t take responsibility for what they’ve done, politicians employ cronies, police cooperate with drug dealers, and anyone who dares object is either blackmailed into silence or mysteriously disappears. Some of the most corrupted countries are Haiti, Iraq, North Korea, Venezuela, Somalia and Afghanistan.

DECEMBER 11 – 17

SCIENCE AND ETHICS ‘For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. He holds success in store for the upright.’ PROVERBS 2: 6,7 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)



Lord, You have given humans the ability to make amazing discoveries and to develop technology that can revolutionise our lives and change our world. Please guide researchers, scientists, engineers and others at the forefront of innovation to understand what is good and to remember that You are our Creator God. Amen.


Pray about developments in nanotechnology, using materials on a minute scale to build substances, ultra-fast computer chips and micro-machines to enhance our world in areas of health, the environment, food, domestic products and in many other applications. Pray that this research would be subject to stringent ethical checks.


Remember those engaged in developing the science and technology of robotics – which will result in technologies and innovations that will change many aspects of our lives. Pray about the consequences of robots taking over many of the jobs humans do and the other ethical issues that may arise.


Prince of Peace, may the production and trading of chemical and other weapons that contravene the Geneva Convention be stopped. Raise up diplomats, heads of government and armed forces who will courageously stand against such evil things and grant wisdom and strength to peace campaigners throughout the world. Amen.






Pray about the increasing practice of genetic modification in our food sources and the ethical problems around some of these developments. Also remember those who are experimenting with human genetics and ask God to restrain those whose intentions are dangerous and of great concern.


THANKSGIVING: for the dedication and skill of those who are researching possible cures for the most distressing and debilitating conditions. Ask God to reveal His solutions to the problems they face and enable them to develop ethically sound treatments that can transform patients’ lives.


Remember those, including many Christians, who sit on the medical ethics committee of national organisations, hospital trusts and other bodies, as they grapple with complex issues around the rights and needs of patients. Ask God for clarity, abiding by important principles, and resisting any pressure to give in to financial, political and other interests.



Four basic principles in medical ethics: Autonomy – a patient must be capable and free to choose to refuse or accept treatments, Beneficience – benefits of a treatment must be balanced against its risks and costs, Nonmaleficience – the bedrock of medical ethics is ‘do no harm’ yet a treatment meant for good might unintentionally cause harm in the process (e.g. morphine to ease pain), Justice – to be as fair as possible when deciding how to allocate scarce medical resources.


DECEMBER 18 – 24

HOSPITALITY AND WELCOME ‘“Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? … sick or in prison and go to visit you?” The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”’ MATTHEW 25: 37-40 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION)


INTERNATIONAL MIGRANTS DAY Lord, we pray for people who are applying for asylum in the UK. Grant compassion and discernment to those making decisions and especially prompt them to ensure that vulnerable, unaccompanied children who may have experienced severe trauma are supported and well protected. Amen.


Pray for more Syrian families to be sponsored and cared for by communities, churches and charities through the Home Office Syrian Vulnerable Persons Resettlement (VPR) Programme. Ask God to help these adults and children to adapt to unfamiliar surroundings as they start to rebuild their shattered lives.


Intercede that local churches throughout Britain will become increasingly passionate about bringing God’s love, hope and justice to the poorest and most marginalised people in our society. Give thanks for every project that offers support through food banks, counselling and advice, practical help and friendship.


Loving Lord, help us all to reach out to our neighbours and to those who need help and hospitality over this Christmas season, in wise, appropriate ways. Inspire us all to be generous as we consider how You have blessed us, and so demonstrate anew the loving grace of the Lord Jesus to others. Amen.






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THANKSGIVING: for the volunteers who give time, expertise and money to support Crisis and other initiatives providing free shelter, food, support and companionship to people who have nowhere to go over the Christmas period. Ask God to reveal His great love in these situations. (crisis.org.uk)


Pray that people attending church services tonight and tomorrow will experience the welcoming presence of Christ through His people, and gain a fresh understanding of the gospel message through traditional Christmas words and music.




Remember Open – CARE’s pastoral initiative that seeks, through training and pastoral care, to create a compassionate and understanding environment within churches so that those with unintended pregnancy and post abortion concerns or who have experienced miscarriage can receive support. (weareopen.org.uk)

Over 160 local authorities have signed up to the VPR scheme to accept refugees. Lambeth Palace, home of Archbishop Justin Welby, was the first group to be approved to house a refugee in a cottage there. He said ‘Refugees, like all people, are treasured human beings, made in the image of God, who deserve safety, freedom and the opportunity to flourish. ‘

DECEMBER 25 – 31

LIGHT OF THE WORLD ‘God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.’ 1 JOHN 1: 5 (NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION) ‘The Word gave life to everything that was created, and his life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.’ JOHN 1: 4,5 (NEW LIVING TRANSLATION)



CHRISTMAS DAY Lord Jesus, Light of the World, we worship and thank You for coming to live amongst us and save us from our sins through the cross and resurrection. We praise You that no darkness has the power to separate us from Your redeeming love or extinguish the light of Your eternal kingdom. Hallelujah!


Ask God to enrich and bless relationships between spouses, parents, children and siblings as families gather to celebrate Christmas and spend time together. Pray for families that are experiencing friction to find ways to live in greater harmony and understanding for each other.


Intercede for anyone who is entangled in the occult, witchcraft or other dark beliefs and practices that are causing them mental, physical, emotional and spiritual anguish. Ask God to open their eyes to their need to be set free and to lead them to Christians who can help them.


Lord, please draw near to people who feel they are in ‘the valley of the shadow of death’ at this time, following bereavement, illness or some other serious difficulty. Please shine Your light of hope and freedom to lead them through this trial into a place of healing and peace. Amen.





Remember anyone who is the only Christian among their family, friends and work colleagues and finding it a challenge to share the gospel message in ways that express genuine respect and acceptance. Pray that their words and deeds will increasingly shine with the light of His grace and truth.


THANKSGIVING: for everyone who is serving God in parts of the world where Christians are not permitted to live out their faith overtly. Ask Him to provide for all their needs and enable them to be light-bearers in dark places, touching many lives with the grace and truth of the gospel.


Pray for all people who are detained in prison, especially those who have done no wrong, are being mistreated and are fearful about what might happen to them. Ask God to reveal Himself, to comfort and sustain them through His light shining in these dark places.




‘When Jesus Christ says, “You are the salt and the light of the world,” this is what he is saying a Christian should be like. Salt and light expose decay and darkness. If you are light, that means your life should be so beautiful that when it comes into contact with other parts of the environment, the beauty of your life shows up other things for what they really are.’ (Tim Keller)



HOPE FOR THE FUTURE ‘I pray that … with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance among the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of his power for us who believe…’ EPHESIANS 1: 17-19 (NEW REVISED STANDARD VERSION)



NEW YEARS DAY Lord of the years, please help us throughout 2017 to serve You with all our hearts, minds and strength. Grant us a growing hunger for Your Word and a deeper thirst for Your presence through prayer, that we may mature in faith, love and obedience, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Pray for those known to you who will begin a new venture or face a particular challenge during 2017. Ask God to bless their best endeavours in studying, work and family life, and in creative, personal and spiritual goals.


Ask God to direct and impart wisdom to David Davis MP, Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union and others involved in these crucially important negotiations that will affect future trade agreements, economic policies and the freedom of movement across the Continent.


God of all the nations, we pray that Your purposes for the European Union and the individual countries within it will be fulfilled over the coming few years. Please grant foresight and wisdom to all those in leadership, especially to the Maltese Government during its six month presidency. Amen.

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Remember American President Barak Obama in these final weeks of office and pray for his successor, who will be sworn in on Inauguration Day – 20 January. Ask God to instil His wisdom, courage and integrity into the new President and Administration – that it may be a means of bringing grace and truth to the citizens of the USA.


THANKSGIVING: for plans during 2017 – the 500th anniversary of the Reformation involving many Christian conventions and conferences in the UK – as a symbolic ‘baton’ is prayerfully handed on from one event to the next as a sign of our unity in Christ, centred on mission and the primary truths of our faith.


In the unfortunate event of natural disasters and crises caused by human activities, pray that governments, relief agencies, churches and other communities will be prepared and equipped to rescue those in danger, alleviate suffering and aid restoration.



‘Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree.’ (Martin Luther, ‘Father of the Reformation’) 14

JANUARY 8 – 14

POLAR REGIONS ‘The Lord spoke … “Has the rain a father? Or who has begotten the drops of dew? From whose womb comes the ice? And the frost of heaven, who gives it birth? The waters harden like stone, and the surface of the deep is frozen.”’ JOB 38: 28-30 (NEW KING JAMES VERSION)



We worship You, Creator God, for the awesome splendour of Earth’s polar ice caps, the oceans and frozen landscapes that are home to a rich diversity of wildlife and display such wild beauty and extreme climatic conditions. Amen.


Remember those who live in the Arctic – some in modern towns and cities, others working in the oil and gas industry, in tourism, or conducting research. Pray too for the six separate ethnic groups of indigenous people in the far north who have such a close affinity with their environment and its wildlife.


Ask God to grant success to scientists and support staff representing 30 countries and working in 70 permanent research stations in Antarctica. Pray for those who stay for long periods, some throughout the 24 hour darkness and extreme cold of winter, to be kept safe and to live together harmoniously.


Lord, we pray for everyone who is involved in protecting polar bears and other vulnerable species because of global warming and other changes to their ecosystems. May they have all the knowledge and expertise they need to do their work of caring for these amazing creatures and their habitats. Amen.


Pray about future plans to extract oil from the deposits beneath the ice of the far north that comprise half the world’s remaining supply. Ask God to grant wisdom to the several major companies that have now abandoned offshore drilling for oil and gas there because of the economic and ecological risks involved, especially in the event of a spill in these remote stormy seas.






THANKSGIVING: for the unprecedented cooperation of nations resulting in December 2015’s Paris Agreement to tackle climate change by cutting greenhouse gases, helping poorer nations to switch to renewable energy and other measures. Pray that these good intentions will have positive effects, especially in the Polar regions.


Pray that many of those who are privileged to visit Antarctica and the Arctic, mainly in cruise ships, to observe their natural beauty and wildlife, take part in sports activities and learn about the cultures of native peoples, will reflect on God’s extraordinary creative power and turn to Him afresh.



Four million people live within the Arctic Circle, which comprises an ocean largely covered by thick ice and parts of Russia, Greenland, Canada, USA, Norway, Iceland, Sweden and Finland. The much colder Antarctica is a continent of mountains, valleys and lakes, surrounded by ocean. It belongs to nobody, and under the Treaty of the Antarctic its territory and resources are designated solely for peaceful and scientific purposes.


JANUARY 15 – 21

Leadership Programme


‘As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought for me. You are my help and my deliverer; do not delay, O my God!’

Godly Leaders For Public Life


Application Deadline 15 SUN

Father, we pray for children in cities, refugee camps, rural areas and family homes that outwardly appear secure and happy, but lack food, shelter, educational opportunity, protection and love. You care for each one and we ask that their needs will be met. Amen.

for the 2017-18 Programme 14 November 2016 MON Remember Christian organisations like Compassion,

For information online Tearfund, Toy Box, Viva, and Worldhow Vision to andapply the thousands 16 more of smaller charities, church initiatives and other groups please visit care.org.uk/leadership dedicated to helping vulnerable children in the poorest part of the world and improving their life chances.


Pray for government ministers, elected representatives in our Parliaments, Assemblies and local authorities, children’s charities and others seeking solutions to the disturbing challenge that one in four children in the UK are affected by poverty. Intercede for wisdom and fruitful cooperation between them all. (cpag.org.uk)


Holy Spirit, please use the lives and words of Christian parents, teachers and friends to light a spark of faith in many children who have not yet understood that Jesus died on the cross to save us from our sins. May their spiritual poverty be replaced with an enriching relationship with their Father in heaven. Amen.



Pray for God’s blessing on children in your local schools – as well as those who are unable to attend or are educated at home. Pray for teachers and others who are trying 19Leadership The Programme gives you the to inspire and motivate their pupils, especially those from families facing difficulties of opportunity to work for an MP or NGO. This various kinds. (prayforschools.org)


graduate scheme is for any Christian looking to for the Scottish charity ‘Mary’s Meals’ that organises school feeding FRI aTHANKSGIVING: make difference in public life. It consists of a 10 programmes and provides emergency food relief to vulnerable regions around the 20 internship alongside month weekly study days world. Pray that they and similar projects will be able to multiply this work and transform of theology and politics. the lives of millions more children. (marysmeals.org.uk) “This year has given me a structured transition SAT Ask God to grant strategic wisdom to Caroline Nokes MP, who is responsible for Welfare from University to the world of work - I would under Damian Green MP, Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. Pray that she 21 Delivery wholeheartedly the ways Programme” will establishrecommend just and efficient to support the unacceptable numbers of vulnerable children who are affected by poverty. Alumnus CARE, 53 Romney Street, London SW1P 3RF e: mail@care.org.uk / t: 020 7233 0455

The Centre for Social Justice has identified five Pathways to Poverty – family breakdown, educational failure,

CARE is a registered charity No 1066963 Scottish Charity: SC038911 worklessness and serious personal debt. All of these pathways are inter connected and Executive Chairmanand Rev dependency, Lyndon Bowringaddiction | Chief Executive Nola Leach 16

many of those trapped in poverty in Britain have experienced more than one of these problems.

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