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SUN 13 O God, we remember the millions of people across the world who live in poverty and long for ‘justice to roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.’ Please inspire us to reach out with generous deeds of mercy and love. In Your name. Amen.

MON 14 Lord, we remember the millions of people in poverty in Britain facing cost-ofliving rises that affect their ability to afford their accommodation, utilities, food, and other basic necessities, driving many into debt, mental health crises and family breakdown. Please guide the Government to bring lasting relief and justice. For Christ’s sake. Amen.


Father, we pray for the almost 60 million girls and boys worldwide who have no access to education – 8 per cent of all primary school age children, and the 600 million children and adolescents who cannot attain basic levels in reading and mathematics. Have mercy! Amen.

WED 16 Lord our generous Provider, we ask that, through international schemes, philanthropy and the sacrificial giving of individuals, much more of the resources of the rich will be released to benefit those who have little by offering money, expertise, training, equipment, healthcare, education and other resources. For Christ’s sake. Amen.

‘A righteous man knows the rights of the poor; a wicked man does not understand such knowledge.’ ‘If a king faithfully judges the poor, his throne will be established forever.’ PROVERBS 29:7&14 (ESV)


Righteous God, we intercede for countries where corruption is rife and those in high positions take money that should be spent on the needs of their people. Please raise up leaders of integrity who uphold Your ways and care for the poor. Grant them courage and authority to bring transformation and transparency. By Your mercy. Amen.

FRI 18 Giver of life, please bless every project that provides accessible clean water and sanitation infrastructure that saves lives, prevents diseases, gives people dignity and frees them from having to make long journeys to collect their water. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

SAT 19 WORLD HUMANITARIAN DAY: ‘It takes a village’.

Father, we pray for the safety and physical and mental welfare of aid workers who deliver vital humanitarian help to refugee camps and other communities that are distressingly affected by conflict, disease, natural disasters and extreme poverty. By Your grace. Amen.

Eight effective solutions to poverty: 1. Educate children. 2. Provide clean water.

3. Ensure basic health care. 4. Empower a girl or woman. 5. Improve childhood nutrition

6. Support environmental programmes. 7. Reach children in conflict. 8. Prevent child marriage. (World Vision)

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