7 minute read


SUN 17 God of grace and truth, thank You for Your Word; ‘living and active … discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.’ May it bring about repentance, hope and transformation as we read, study, memorise and meditate. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

MON 18 Lord our Teacher, we pray for everyone who is studying Christian theology and in training for ministry. Please protect their faith in the gospel and encourage them in their learning and spiritual growth as they prepare to serve You. For Christ’s sake. Amen.

TUES 19 Loving Spirit, thank You that Your Word is going out via satellite, internet and social media platforms to millions of people in Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) countries where Christians face persecution but the gospel is bearing much fruit. We ask for protection, courage, and wisdom for these brothers and sisters. In Your mercy. Amen.

WED 20 Thank You, Lord, that around 80 million copies of the Bible are printed annually in nearly 700 different languages, many to be given away by Bible Societies, churches and other mission organisations. Please prosper the work of translation so that everyone can read Scripture in the language they know best. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.

‘The rain and snow come down from the heavens and stay on the ground to water the earth. They cause the grain to grow, producing seed for the farmer and bread for the hungry. It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.’


God of all beauty and truth, we commit to Your guidance and care every Christian who is using their gifts of communication, creativity and caring concern to share the gospel with children, youth and adults who would not naturally come to church. Fill them with Your loving Spirit as they share Your Word. In Jesus’ powerful name. Amen.

FRI 22 Lord, we praise You for every ministry that is dedicated to spreading the truth and teaching of the Bible across the world through individual preaching, written publications, radio, television and video, on websites and through social media. Please grant that many will find salvation as a result of their work. For Christ’s sake. Amen.

SAT 23 Father, we pray about the increasingly secular humanist beliefs and values held by so many people today. Please help Your people to challenge and persuade influencers within our culture to reassess Britain’s Christian history and heritage and return to Your ways of righteousness and trust in Your Word. In Your mercy. Amen.

‘The Spirit breathes upon the Word and brings the truth to sight; Precepts and promises afford, a sanctifying light. A glory gilds the sacred page, majestic, like the sun: It gives a light to every age; it gives but borrows none.’ (William Cowper 1731-1800) 11

SUN 24 God our Saviour, your Word urges ‘petitions, prayers, intercessions and thanksgiving to be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.’ Please help us to reinforce our prayers with practical and political involvement, as You guide us by Your wisdom. Amen.

MON 25 Heavenly Father, we long to see more elected politicians speaking up for integrity, justice and truth and reflecting this in their private lives. Please help those who are tempted to act in dishonourable ways to make choices that instead reflect Your standards of goodness and love. By Your mercy. Amen.

TUES 26 Lord, in the months before the next General Election we pray that thousands of people will access the website CARE is preparing and be informed, equipped and encouraged. May churches in every UK constituency be inspired to build relationships with candidates and host hustings and other events. In Christ’s name. Amen.

WED 27 Sovereign God, thank You that over one hundred of the world’s countries have some kind of democratic government, providing a measure of freedom and equality for their citizens. Please raise up leaders in all the nations who will further Your will and advance Your kingdom. In Christ’s name. Amen.

‘Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden … let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”’ MATTHEW 5:14-16 (ESV)

THURS 28 Loving God, we pray that Christians will ever increasingly care for their neighbours: helping them to receive justice and support from statutory authorities, providing for their needs, praying and sharing the gospel with them. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

FRI 29 Thank You, Lord, that increasing numbers of Christians are becoming interested and involved in politics, joining political parties, standing as local councillors, working within our Parliaments and engaging in training initiatives such as CARE’s Leadership Programme. Please guide and encourage them. For Christ’s sake. Amen.

SAT 30 God of mercy, we pray for Christian MPs and others who You have commissioned to champion a specific cause, defend people who cannot speak up for themselves and to challenge unrighteous beliefs and attitudes. Please pour out Your grace! Amen.

‘We understand you’re having problems choosing whether to do the work of God or the work of a political activist. We humbly suggest that you can do both!’ (Wise words spoken to William Wilberforce by members of the London Abolition of Slavery Committee.)

SUN 1 Redeeming God, we rejoice that at Calvary Your justice and Your love came together to defeat the power of evil and destroy the curse of death. Fill Your Church with holy righteousness and humble compassion to proclaim this salvation to our world. Through Your unending grace. Amen.

MON 2 Holy Spirit, please reveal to us the ways in which we fail to uphold justice and demonstrate mercy towards people in need. Help us to repent and stand up for those who are oppressed and offer forgiveness and grace to any who sin against us. By Your power. Amen.


Father of justice and mercy, we ask that those serving in our courts and tribunals: judges, magistrates, barristers, other legal professionals and staff, and jury members, will do so with integrity and wisdom so that everyone has a fair hearing. May the innocent be protected and defendants who are guilty justly punished. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Lord, we pray about the enormous human, financial and social costs to our world of today’s gigantic global prison population of over ten million people, many unjustly detained and living in appalling conditions, their human potential wasted. Please have mercy. Amen.

‘To show partiality in judging is not good: whoever says to the guilty “You are innocent,” will be cursed by peoples and denounced by nations. But it will go well with those who convict the guilty, and rich blessing will come on them.’

PROVERBS 24:24,25 (NIV)

THURS 5 God of truth, please guide those working to uphold the principle of ‘open justice’ so that the public can continue to witness what goes on in UK courts - vital to the rule of law. Help them to implement reforms and new technologies that will enhance efficiency, transparency and access, whilst protecting the vulnerable. For Christ’s sake. Amen.

FRI 6 Christ our Saviour, thank You for the PM’s Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion and Belief Fiona Bruce MP and her team as she works on how the UK Government can protect and promote this fundamental freedom abroad, and advocates for the rights of people who suffer discrimination or persecution for their faith or belief. Strengthen her we pray. Amen.


Loving Father, we ask that the coming Week will raise awareness and encourage compassion and prayer for the needs of prisoners and their families, victims of offenders, prison staff and those supporting ex-offenders as they adapt to life outside prison. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.

The open justice principle, that justice must be seen to be done as well as done, is fundamental to the UK’s legal system. Court proceedings are open to the public and reported in the media but in our digital age change is needed to make information clearer and more accessible whilst balancing the needs for openness and privacy.

SUN 8 Great Physician, we pray for the ongoing development and success of medical and caring initiatives especially in the poorest parts of world, by governments, NGOs, and community groups, that aim to save lives, prevent disease and support sick and frail people. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

MON 9 Lord, we pray that more life-threatening diseases will soon be eliminated through research, vaccination, early diagnosis, effective treatment and combatting poverty. Please bless the work of those who are determined to bring this about. By Your grace. Amen.


Father, we intercede for people whose poor mental health means they are considering suicide. Please guide them and their families to reach out to a doctor, helpline and other services for the emotional, practical and medical help they need. In Your mercy. Amen.

WED 11

Lord, we remember the many health problems in refugee camps in 125 countries that accommodate 6.6 million people. Please help medical and nursing staff and comfort those affected by disease, accidents, mental health issues and complications in pregnancy and childbirth. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.

‘I saw a “new heaven and a new earth,” … God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them … He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’ REVELATION 21:3,4 (NIV)



World Arthritis Day

God of comfort, we remember people, around ten million in the UK, with arthritis that causes joint inflammation and pain. We pray for continuing advances in the prevention, treatment and cure of this condition. By Your grace. Amen.

FRI 13 WORLD SIGHT DAY – ‘Love Your Eyes at Work.’

Lord, thank You that many sight-impaired people can be equipped and supported in the workplace. May more employers across the world prioritise their workers’ eye health, especially those in poorly lit and hazardous environments. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.

SAT 14 Merciful God, please grant strategic wisdom to governments and other agencies as they consider the growing health problems caused by environmental issues such as air and water pollution, effects of climate change and land degradation. In Your mercy. Amen.

Global life expectancy has increased, but in many Sub-Saharan Africa countries the average is still less than 60 compared to 80+ years in parts of Europe and in Japan. In low-income countries child mortality rates are on average, more than ten times higher than in high-income countries. Similarly large gaps remain for other measures of health. (ourworldindata.org)

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