Human trafficking pray v2

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Christian Leaders Resources:

Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking: Pray “ Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” Isaiah 1:17 Day 1

Heavenly Father, thank You for creating us in Your image. We grieve that some violate the freedom and dignity of others by treating them as slaves and we intercede for all victims of human trafficking around the world. We know that Christ came to loose the captives’ chains so we pray that His freedom would increasingly come to all those trafficked and exploited.

Day 2

Almighty God, we give thanks for all of those You have placed in positions of responsibility. Please grant wisdom and conviction to those in government and public authorities so they can bring about real and lasting changes to help women, children and men in the UK who have been trafficked.

Day 3

Father, we pray for all human traffickers and those who abuse others through prostitution. Please speak powerfully to them about the inherent value of the lives of the individuals they are exploiting, and change and heal their hearts.

Day 4

Loving Lord, please protect young, vulnerable and impressionable people living in the UK who are in danger of being trafficked. Help them to be aware of the risks through the warnings of others and with effective education about the reality of grooming.

Day 5

Praise You O God, for the tireless work of so many NGOs and charities on this issue. We give thanks for organisations working to free people from trafficking and prostitution, offer healing, hope and help to make a new start in their lives.

Day 6

Father, we lift to You every family and community that is affected by human trafficking; that they may know Your love and healing power. We pray for instances of trafficking and exploitation in our own locality and pray that such abuse will be uncovered by the police.

Day 7

Lord, we pray that your Church will unite in fighting the evil of human trafficking and that we will be equipped and emboldened to act against this injustice. Please encourage and teach us how use our gifts and time wisely to stand for justice and protect the victims. More prayer resources on human trafficking can be found on our website:

CARE 53 Romney Street London SW1P 3RF | T:020 7233 0455 | | Charity number 1066963 | Scottish Charity SC093811 09/14

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