Lyndon Letter (June)

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Salvation is an unconditional gift of grace through faith, but as if this wasn’t enough, God in His generous mercy and grace pours further blessings upon His beloved children! And although some of these rewards come during our lifetimes, millions of faithful Christians throughout the ages have received little or nothing, many suffering greatly. What a wonderful consolation, that Jesus promises them: ‘Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.’ Matthew 5:11,12 (NIV). A Day of Reckoning is coming when our God of justice ‘will search all hearts and examine secret motives and give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve’. Jeremiah 17:10 (NLT). 1 Corinthians 4:5 (NLT) adds: ‘Then God will give to each one whatever praise is due.’ On that day Jesus will say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant!’ for acts of love done in His name. Besides the inexpressible joy of being in His eternal presence, as the ‘books’ of every life are opened, other honours and responsibilities will be granted to Christians who’ve faithfully served Him. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3 how all our accomplishments will be tested and refined by a fire that burns up the ‘wood, hay and straw’ of our lives, leaving those ‘gold, silver and precious stones’ that were built on the foundation of Christ. Please remember that you will receive a reward for every deed of kindness, sacrifice and generosity done in His name, seen and unseen. In His grace,

June 2021

Greetings from CARE!

Rev Lyndon Bowring CHAIRMAN

I want to take this opportunity once more to express our deep gratitude for your prayers. This ministry of faithful intercession is vitally important and so very precious to God. CARE has always prioritised prayer and many people tell us how much they appreciate our Prayer Diary. We also seek to keep you up to speed as other prayer needs arise, especially through our weekly Impact Direct email and CARE’s ‘Ways to Pray’ series on a wide range of subjects. At the end of the Bible, in Revelation 5:8 we read of golden bowls filled with the incense of people’s prayers throughout all ages. In many cases, we’ll have to wait until heaven to discover God’s responses, receive His blessings and understand His perfect will.

RESURRECTION HOPE These last long months have been filled with uncertainty, challenge and loss. But whatever we’ve gone through, and whatever lies ahead, let’s be encouraged that because of Christ’s death and triumphant resurrection we may come boldly to His throne to ask for mercy and seek His grace when we need it most. (Hebrews 4:16 NLT)



CARE (Christian Action Research & Education) | Chief Executive Nola Leach | Chairman Rev Lyndon Bowring 53 Romney St, London, SW1P 3RF | 020 7233 0455 | | Charity No: 1066963 | Scottish Charity No: SC038911

In his latest book Hope in Times of Fear, Timothy Keller writes: ‘To have hope in God is not to have an uncertain, anxious wish that He will affirm your plan … The resurrection of Jesus confirms that there is a God who is both good and powerful, who brings light out of darkness, and who is patiently working out a plan for His glory, our good, and the good of the world.’ Trusting in Christ means our eternal future is assured – knowing our Redeemer lives, not just hoping so! And it’s this hope that inspires us to love and serve others.

During Covid-19, churches wonderfully upped their game, generously providing food and other support to those in need in obedience to Christ’s command to love others. Thanks to the internet, the gospel has reached more people than ever. Many who have been searching for truth in the midst of doubt, pain and fear have accessed church services and other resources conveying this unique resurrection hope. Meanwhile, Christians have benefitted from opportunities online to grow in faith and reach out to others in Christ’s name. CARE has hosted events with hundreds of people to share information and encouragement in many creative ways. Perhaps you’ve enjoyed some of our podcasts and CARE Sessions – with live Q&As on topics like abortion, contacting an MP, Euthanasia, and Freedom of Speech. Or you may have been blessed in meeting others of like mind through CARE Prayer Zoom Gatherings and Pray for Schools events.

RECORDED IN HEAVEN During this year’s fiftieth anniversary of the Nationwide Festival of Light – where CARE had its beginnings – I’m daily giving thanks for a number of people to whom we owe so much for all they gave to this ministry. Throughout the history of the Church, each generation stands on the shoulders of outstanding men and women before us who served the Lord and are now in the presence of Jesus. But, although human memories inevitably fade, nothing that’s said and done or given for Christ will be lost in the mists of time and eternity. The Bible speaks of ‘books’ in which the deeds of God’s people are recorded. In Malachi 3:16 (ESV) ‘a book of remembrance was written before Him of those who feared the Lord and esteemed His name.’ David writes: ‘You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.’ (Psalm 56:8 NLT) In the Gospels, Jesus urges us to pray, fast and give without boasting, and love those who mistreat us. He says that having done everything we were told to do, we should say, ‘We’re unworthy servants; we have only done our duty.’ (Luke 17:10 NIV) And yet, our Father remembers every ‘cup of cold water given in Christ’s name.’ He records our acts of sacrifice, faithfulness and courage and will reward us in His good time.

ACTS OF LOVE Christian heroes throughout history dedicated their lives to serving Him, doing great exploits that transformed the cultures in which they lived. The first-century Church was renowned for loving the destitute. Abandoned babies were rescued, plague victims cared for, the hungry fed. At CARE we’re constantly inspired by those now in heaven who founded and expanded CARE’s work. We remember Christian MPs, doctors, church leaders, researchers, campaigners and intercessors who’ve spoken up and prayed to defend our freedoms, victims of trafficking, people destroyed by gambling or pornography addiction, unborn children – and to support their mothers. God is ‘no respecter of persons’. He doesn’t elevate the famous above those who are largely unknown and has special regard for humble and hidden acts of love. For several years CARE’s Homes Programme facilitated many Christian households to offer hospitality to total strangers, usually for a short period, providing respite from their troubles. An extraordinary variety of guests were welcomed – many with deep needs. At its height, 300 volunteer coordinators and 400 hosts were registered with the Programme. Heaven knows them all. More recently, across Northern Ireland, where laws imposed by Westminster now allow abortion effectively on demand, Christians have declared that the lives of both the mother and the unborn child matter, giving themselves to prayer and speaking up courageously for the voiceless. Stirred by compassion, many are getting involved with new pregnancy support centres. And CARE’s ministry ‘Open’ is helping to train volunteers and host retreats to bring healing and hope to women affected by abortion and other baby loss. CARE has always been committed, alongside our advocacy work, to declare Christian truth, and to demonstrate Christ’s compassion. God gives us all kinds of gifts and talents to develop and use for His glory and the sake of others. Musicians, gardeners, doctors, accountants, parents, carers, technicians, in fact all of us, are called to serve God’s kingdom through our prayers. The Church is being prepared as Christ’s perfect Bride. Tim Keller again: ‘God has promised to guide history not to an end but to a new beginning, to a world where finally death and evil are completely destroyed and justice and peace reign supreme, the sign of which is the resurrection.’

Nationwide Festival of Light Trafalgar Square, London on 25 September 1971. (First published by the Sunday Telegraph)

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