CARE Prayer Diary Jul-Oct 2021

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CARE Prayer Diary

In this issue: Climate Concerns Emergency Services Tackling Racial Inequality Truth and Justice Nurses The Positive Power of Education Hope in Dark Times National and Local Governments Light and Salt in Society Generosity Valuing Human Life Feeding the World Caring for Vulnerable People

Here is love, vast as the ocean, loving kindness as the flood, When the Prince of Life, our Ransom, shed for us His precious blood. Who His love will not remember? Who can cease to sing His praise? He can never be forgotten throughout heav’n’s eternal days. On the mount of crucifixion fountains opened deep and wide; Through the floodgates of God’s mercy flowed a vast and gracious tide. Grace and love, like mighty rivers, poured incessant from above, And have’ns peace and perfect justice kissed a guilty world in love. (Here is Love as Vast as the Ocean by William Rees)

The CARE Prayer Diary is written by Celia Bowring. To read online please visit: careprayerdiary

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Celia Bowring

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JULY 25 - 31


July 25-August 8 is National Marine Week SUN 25

Creator God, we praise You for the original order and beauty of the natural world, but now we see it ‘groaning’ from the effect of global warming and other problems that threaten the delicate balance of life. Please help us to undo any harm and discover Your ways of restoration, for Christ’s sake. Amen.

MON 26

Father God, please direct and prosper the plans and preparations for November’s COP26 event in Glasgow. As people gather from around the world, we pray for huge advances to be made in tackling the effects of climate change. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.


Lord, we ask that the Church will be increasingly involved to inspire and support the rising generations who will be profoundly affected by problems caused by carbon emissions, pollution, damage to the natural environment and other challenges. May Your truth prevail! Amen.

WED 28

Almighty God, we pray for everyone who is trying to solve the problems caused by the unrelenting rise of sea levels that threaten to destroy low-lying areas and drive people from their homes. Lord, in Your mercy, hear us. Amen.

‘He assigned the sea its boundaries and locked the oceans in vast reservoirs. Let the whole world fear the Lord, and let everyone stand in awe of Him … The Lord’s plans stand firm forever; His intentions can never be shaken.’ PSALM 33:7,8,11 (NLT) THURS 29

Lord, we bring to You the increasing problems caused by climate change, leading to worsening droughts and floods, more melting ice, stronger hurricanes and other serious weather events. Human wisdom will surely fail without Your help, so we cry to You in Christ’s name. Amen.

FRI 30

Thank You, Lord, that world leaders are making greater commitments to reduce harmful carbon emissions, invest in renewable energy, plant more trees, deal with toxic pollution in oceans and take other measures. May these pledges lead to positive actions, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

SAT 31

Lord of life, we intercede that the ‘Trillion Trees’ vision will succeed in restoring the world’s forests. Please encourage and equip people everywhere to help to plant new trees and protect woodland and forests. To the glory of Your name! Amen.

Forests, home to 80 per cent of land-based biodiversity, are the front line of defence against climate change – removing a quarter of the world’s annual global carbon emissions. Almost half of the six trillion trees that existed before the onset of industrial agriculture have gone; ten billion are lost each year, destroying habitats of countless plants and animals and giving rise to 15 per cent of global carbon emissions. (Trillion Trees Impact Report.)





August is National Road Victim Month Thank You, Father, for the compassion, courage and capability of all the men and women who serve throughout our emergency and rescue services doing their utmost to save lives and comfort those in trouble. Please bless them, in Christ’s name. Amen.


Lord, with five deaths and 70 serious injuries occurring on UK roads each day, we pray for ever-improving safety measures and for people to be more vigilant. Please give strength and wisdom to police, firefighters and ambulance crews dealing with accidents. In Your mercy, Amen.


God of justice, we pray for those who serve in the UK’s 45 territorial police forces and three special police bodies. Grant courage and integrity as they carry out their work and expose instances of racial discrimination, corruption and other wrongdoing. For Your name’s sake, Amen.


Dear Lord, please help emergency rescue teams and other relief workers to reach disaster scenes quickly and coordinate their operations efficiently. May they succeed in their mission to save lives, and provide shelter, food and medical care to survivors. Console them in the face of suffering, through Your compassion and grace. Amen.

‘Ebed-melech … took old rags and worn-out clothes, which he let down to Jeremiah in the cistern by ropes. Then he said to Jeremiah, “Put the rags and clothes between your armpits and the ropes.” Then they drew Jeremiah up with ropes and lifted him out of the cistern.’ JEREMIAH 38:11-13 (ESV) THURS 5

Lord our Rescuer, grant wisdom and courage to paramedics, emergency medical technicians, emergency care assistants and support staff in ambulance control rooms as they respond to each emergency. Please help them according to Your steadfast loving care. Amen.


God our Saviour, we give thanks for Search and Rescue operations helping people in trouble or missing on land, at sea and in the air. Please continue to watch over the volunteers who serve in the many teams that operate across the UK. In your great mercy, Amen.


Eternal Father, ‘strong to save’, please protect the 431 Royal National Lifeboat Institution lifeboats across Britain and Ireland. Thank You for the 143,100 lives saved throughout RNLI’s history. In our Saviour’s name, Amen.

When the call for rescue comes From those in peril on this day, No matter how the storms may roll, We cannot turn our heads away. 4

We must go where we are called Through wind and rain, through wave and foam, It’s not for glory nor for gold We bring poor sailors safely home.

(from ‘The Lifeboat Prayer’ by John Heslop)



O God, thank You for the vibrancy of the human race from a rich diversity of cultures – each of us created in Your image, reflecting myriad facets of Your glory. We long for that day when we will worship at Your heavenly throne, united in adoration and gratitude to You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.


Heavenly Father, please forgive us within the Church where we have been complacent about prejudice and disadvantages experienced by people because of the colour of their skin or other personal characteristics. Help us humbly to listen and learn how to support one another better, through Your never-ending grace. Amen.


Holy God, we pray that all inherent racist attitudes within our police services will be exposed and challenged. Particularly we pray that young men from minority ethnic groups will no longer be unfairly targeted through ‘stop and search’ and other practices. Let Your truth and justice prevail. Amen.

WED 11

Spirit of grace and truth, please reveal to each of us any tendency within our hearts to be prejudiced towards others. Help us to love as You do and draw us together as brothers and sisters to challenge racism in all its forms, through prayer, speech and action. For Christ’s sake, Amen.

‘Are we not all children of the same Father? – created by the same God?’ MALACHI 2:10 (NLT) ‘It is good when you obey the royal law as found in the Scriptures: “Love your neighbour as yourself.” But if you favour some people over others, you are committing a sin.’ JAMES 2:8,9 (NLT) THURS 12

INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY Gracious Lord, please encourage initiatives that seek to rectify inequalities within the education system. May children who suffer mistreatment, racial slurs, and more subtle forms of discrimination online or face-to-face, realise that they are of inestimable value because of Your great love. Amen.

FRI 13

Thank You, Father, for renewed determination to confront racist attitudes, speech and behaviour within sport and other areas of our culture. Please restrain those who make hateful comments on social media and grant that answers will be found to this problem. Amen.

SAT 14

Lord, we intercede for an end to inequalities in the workplace, for housing and health and other areas that exclude people and restrict their opportunities. Raise up admirable role models and mentors to encourage the next generation, bringing praise to Your name. Amen

‘May the Church become those who give a voice to the voiceless, hope to the hopeless, help to the helpless and stand boldly on account of those who are weak. May the Church confront evil and racism and unrighteousness and be a representation of peace on the earth. Let Your Holy Spirit make Your kingdom come and Your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.’ (Tope Koleoso, Senior Pastor, Jubilee Church, London)


AUGUST 15-21


SUN 15

Almighty God, You have called us to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly before You. We praise You that Jesus Christ laid down His life to pay the penalty for sin and rose again in glory having conquered death! May Your truth and perfect purposes be made known throughout the earth. Amen.

MON 16

Lord, we pray that the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill will secure the right balance between defending individual freedoms, imposing measures to protect the most vulnerable and punishing fairly those who commit crimes. In the name of Christ. Amen.


Heavenly Father, we pray for UK politicians elected to be our representatives and to stand up for truth and justice. Guide them in all wisdom and help them to resist political pressures or succumb to other temptations to compromise on what they believe is right, in Your mercy. Amen.

WED 18

Lord, please reveal cases of corruption – where individuals, companies, institutions and national leaders are abusing power entrusted to them for private gain – and strengthen all who work to promote accountability, justice and integrity across the world. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.

‘Put on your sword, O mighty warrior! You are so glorious, so majestic! In your majesty, ride out to victory, defending truth, humility, and justice. Go forth to perform awe-inspiring deeds!’ PSALM 45:3,4 (NLT)



God of the poor, please help us not to be complacent about the divide between affluent and underprivileged communities that disadvantages so many children and adults. Please raise up champions to fight for justice and end the cycle of poverty. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

FRI 20

Thank You, Lord, for courageous Christians who speak up for truth and on behalf of marginalised, disempowered and the voiceless people, even in the face of disapproval, scorn, threats and opposition. Please empower them by Your Spirit. Amen.

SAT 21

Father, we pray for people who are particularly vulnerable to contracting Covid-19 and that governments, pharmaceutical companies, charities and philanthropists, and others will work together to distribute vaccines fairly to every country in world. In Your mercy, Amen.

In May 2021, The New York Times calculated that 84 per cent of Covid-19 vaccinations had been administered in high- and upper-middle-income countries compared with 0.3 per cent of doses in low-income countries. Less wealthy countries are relying on a vaccine-sharing arrangement called Covax, which aims to provide two billion doses by the end of the year.

AUGUST 22-28


SUN 22

Gentle Saviour, please help nurses to bring comfort where there is pain, courage where there is fear, hope where there is despair, acceptance when the end is near, and a gentle touch with tenderness, patience and love. In Jesus’ name, Amen. (Adapted from ‘A Nurse’s Prayer’)

MON 23

Father, we pray for student nurses in their studies and practical placements to have capacity both to increase their knowledge and to develop professional, caring attitudes. Please guide those who are considering future career options to find the best fit for their skills and interests. In Your mercy, Amen.


Creator God, we remember midwives who support women through pregnancy and afterwards, providing guidance and care for them and their babies. Please help them to be calm, discerning and skilled as they partner with You in delivering amazing gifts of life. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.

WED 25

Lord, please grant wisdom and courage to Christian nurses, and to those training, in many different settings. Help them to live out their faith with love and integrity, seeking to meet the needs of those in their care, serving the team in which you have placed them. In Christ’s name, Amen.

‘The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.’ NUMBERS 6:24-26 (ESV) THURS 26

Lord our Healer, we lift to You nurses and midwives working in difficult situations such as refugee camps, isolated places lacking in medical backup and supplies, conflict zones, and where epidemics and other serious illnesses are rife. We ask for Your unfailing mercy and grace. Amen.

FRI 27

Father, we give thanks for Nurses Christian Fellowship International, connecting Christian nurses and helping them to ‘integrate faith into nursing practice, leadership, education and research.’ Please fill their hearts with Your Spirit of power and love through Christ our Lord. Amen.

SAT 28

Compassionate Saviour, please comfort, sustain, refresh and inspire nurses who are experiencing negative physical, mental and emotional effects after Covid-19, especially those who served on the front line. Fill them with Your amazing healing grace. Amen.

‘This is where inspiration is met by frustration and where courage must outweigh fear. This is a profession where joy and sadness come in equal measure. This is challenging. This is rewarding. This is nursing.’ Royal College of Nursing 7



BACK TO SCHOOL WITH GOD SUNDAY Lord, please mightily bless children and their teachers at the start of this new academic year. We ask for amazing progress to make up for the months of lost learning and other challenges posed by the pandemic. Bestow Your protection and favour upon schools across our land, by Your grace! Amen.

MON 30

Good Shepherd, we lift to You every child and young person who has Special Educational Needs, particularly in countries where resources are not forthcoming because of lack of money or uncaring attitudes. We ask for help in the name of Christ. Amen.


Almighty God, please raise up a canopy of prayer above our children and young people through the intercessions of thousands of individuals and groups across the UK. Increase our faith; to offer praise and to seek Your wisdom about issues facing schools. In Jesus’ name, Amen. (


Lord, thank You that the numbers of young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs) has dropped over recent years. Please help many more to find success and grant wisdom to those responsible for creating opportunities and mentoring them. In Your mercy, Amen.

‘Tune your ears to wisdom, and concentrate on understanding. Cry out for insight, and ask for understanding … Then you will understand what it means to fear the Lord, and you will gain knowledge of God … understand what is right, just, and fair, and you will find the right way to go.’ PROVERBS 2:2-9 (NLT) THURS 2


Father, please help head teachers and staff who seek to improve and maintain good behaviour and encourage a strong work ethic. We especially pray that children in areas of social deprivation will benefit from school being a safe, peaceful place where they can flourish. For Jesus’ sake. Amen.


Thank You, God, for Christian teachers, schools’ workers, chaplains and other volunteers who bring the light of Your truth and the warmth of Your love into schools in many ways. Please keep open doors of opportunity to bless our children and strengthen them in Your goodness. Amen.


Lord, we pray that pupils in under-developed countries whose education was disrupted during the pandemic will be able to go back to school soon. Please give strategic wisdom to governments, charities and other agencies as they support learning for children who lack basic education. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.

The UN reported that about 260 million children were out of school in 2018. This rose to almost 1.6 billion by April 2020 as the pandemic spread, jeopardizing hard-won gains in improving global education. This affected over 91 per cent of students worldwide, especially the most vulnerable and marginalised.




‘Lighten our darkness, we beseech thee, O Lord; and by thy great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night; for the love of thy only Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen.’ (Book of Common Prayer)


Jesus our Saviour, we intercede for victims of domestic violence and abuse, in modern slavery and exploitation, prison, living under totalitarian regimes or in the midst of armed conflict. May they discover the only real and eternal hope, that springs from salvation through Your death and resurrection. Amen.


Lord, we remember countries where people are in dire need because of conflict, disease, famine, a weak economy and other problems. Please help prosperous nations to act justly to relieve suffering. For Christ’s sake, Amen.


Father, we bring to You those we know who are going through severe trials of illness, grief, depression, broken relationships, financial loss and other critical life events. Help them to call upon the mercy and grace of Christ our Saviour. Amen.

‘Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.’ PSALM 23:4,5 (KJV) THURS 9

Lord, thank You that during the pandemic so many people encountered You. May Your Church continue to share the light of the gospel with others and minister to those who find themselves in dark places. Amen.

FRI 10

WORLD SUICIDE PREVENTION DAY – ‘Creating Hope Through Action.’ Father, we plead with You to rescue anyone who is having suicidal thoughts. Lead them to counsellors and friends who can help them. We pray too for those who are devastated at the suicide of a loved one, to receive Your peace. Amen.

SAT 11

NATIONAL DEMENTIA CARERS’ DAY is tomorrow, September 12. God of compassion, please watch over the 700,000 UK families that include someone with dementia – one third of whom provide over 100 hours of care each week. Give them strength and love to keep going despite the frustrations, anxieties and practical difficulties involved. In Your mercy. Amen.

‘Oh no, You never let go Through the calm and through the storm. Oh no, You never let go In every high and every low. Oh no, You never let go Lord, You never let go of me.

And a light is coming for the heart that holds on, A glorious light beyond all compare. And there will be an end to these troubles, But until that day comes We’ll live to know You here on the earth.’ (Matt Redman)




INTERNATIONAL DAY OF DEMOCRACY Sovereign Lord, please strengthen the determination of states across the world to ensure that emergency measures to combat Covid-19 will not remain needlessly in countries where authoritarian governments restrict human rights and democratic freedoms. In Christ’s name, Amen.

MON 13

Lord of the nations, we pray about the future of the United Kingdom. As possibilities are debated, please guide those in leadership throughout our political institutions to find ways forward that will secure peace and benefit people in all the nations of Britain. In Your mercy, Amen.


God of wisdom, please help those who serve on local councils and in our national Parliaments and the NI Assembly to balance their work responsibilities with personal and family needs to rest and relax. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.

WED 15

Lord, we pray for the leaders of all political parties as they consider important issues of life and freedom that affect society. Please bring to their minds the absolute and timeless principles of truth and grace from Your Word that will guide them to do what is right. May Your will be done. Amen.

‘Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established … Give to everyone what you owe them: if you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honour, then honour.’ ROMANS 13:1,7 (NIV) THURS 16


Dear God, we pray for those elected in May who have taken up their positions within the Scottish Parliament, Welsh Senedd and NI Assembly, and as councillors, mayors and police commissioners. Grant understanding and vision as they serve the people they represent, by Your Spirit. Amen.

FRI 17

Father, we thank You for raising up many Christians to serve in the spheres of national and local politics. Please fill them with conviction and courage to speak out with integrity and authority to promote justice and defend those who are vulnerable. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

SAT 18

Lord our Provider, please give wisdom to Chancellor of the Exchequer Rushi Sunak, Scotland’s Finance Secretary Kate Forbes, and Ministers of Finance, Conor Murphy in Northern Ireland and Rebecca Evans in Wales, as they make important decisions for the future. For Christ’s sake. Amen.

This year HM Treasury estimates total UK public spending will be around £900 billion. About one fifth of this is through local authorities. About £190bn of this will be spent on healthcare, £175bn on pensions, £156bn on welfare, £98bn on education and £55bn on defence.


‘Nationwide Festival of Light - Trafalgar Sq, London on 25 September 1971. (First published by the Sunday Telegraph)’


SUN 19

Holy Spirit, through our good deeds, may the light of the Church shine throughout the world in ways that inspire people to give glory to the Father and turn humbly to Him. Please help us to live according to the unending grace granted to all who seek it, in the name of the Lord Jesus. Amen.

MON 20

Lord, we pray for every Christian-inspired endeavour, large and small, that brings physical and spiritual healing to people in need throughout our broken world: building hospitals, opening schools, equipping communities and sharing the gospel. Grant them Your blessings. Amen.


INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE Prince of peace, as the world lives in hope for an end to the ravages of the pandemic, please instil in us all a desire for compassion, kindness, peace and courage to stand up against acts of hate, great and small, online and offline. Help us to realise that this cannot happen without Your help. Amen.

WED 22

Lord, we pray for Christians across the many wonderful cultures of our world as they express themselves through music, art, dance, drama, words, architecture, landscaping and other creative means. Please inspire them to reveal something of the truth and beauty that reflects Your heavenly perfection. Amen.

‘You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavours of this earth. You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colours in the world.’ MATTHEW 5:13,14 (MESSAGE) THURS 23

Father, today please encourage anyone who feels alone and powerless. Strengthen their faith to believe they can still shine and be Your salt where they are, and as they trust and obey Your Word may unexpected blessings touch many lives. In Christ’s name, Amen.

FRI 24

Lord, please direct young Christians along paths You have prepared, into areas where they can make an impact through their presence and godly influence. Such as, in law, science and technology, medicine, education, politics, arts, sport, finance and commerce. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

SAT 25

50TH ANNIVERSARY: 1971 NATIONWIDE FESTIVAL OF LIGHT Lord Jesus, thank You that fifty years ago, tens of thousands of Christians came together to stand for Your gospel of righteousness and love at an event that led to the beginnings of CARE. May we continue to be Your light and salt. In Your name, Amen.

‘We should not ask, “What is wrong with the world?” for that diagnosis has already been given. Rather, “What has happened to the salt and light?” Christian salt has no business to remain snugly in elegant little ecclesiastical salt cellars; our place is to be rubbed into the secular community, as salt is rubbed into meat, to stop it going bad.’ (John R W Stott)


SEPT 26 – OCT 2


SUN 26

Lord Jesus Christ, loving Redeemer and glorious King, please help us to have a deeper understanding of what it meant for You to be born into obscurity, live an entirely selfless life and die on a cross of shame, all for our sake. We are so thankful for your amazing, generous grace. Amen.

MON 27

Dear God, please equip and encourage those in government and other concerned agencies who are determined to bring about changes that will help people who are trapped in poverty and debt to break free. Release Your generous provision we pray. In Christ’s name, Amen.


Holy Spirit, please fill us with grace to love others with hearts of forgiveness, generosity, kindness, humility and patience – especially in difficult circumstances. Help us to call on Your strength to share the blessings we have received, with glad hearts, through Jesus our Saviour. Amen.

WED 29

Lord, please grant us wisdom as we decide how best to support our own church, and give to charities, family members, friends in need and to respond to unexpected appeals for help. Thank You for Your generosity, providing for us so that we can share with others. By Your grace. Amen.

‘Give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.’ 2 CORINTHIANS 9:7,8 (NIV) THURS 30


Father, please bless and provide for anyone who is embarking on a faith venture to preach the gospel to unreached people, bring aid, encouragement and hope to the poor, teach the rising generations and pursue other ministries that You have ordained. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


INTERNATIONAL DAY OF OLDER PERSONS About 9 per cent of the world’s population, 730 million, are 65 or over. By 2050, this could rise to 16 per cent. God of all wisdom, please help governments as demographic trends change, to encourage older people to maximise their lives and where needed, to plan for their care. In Your mercy, Amen.


Bountiful God, thank You for people’s generous response to financial appeals for acute situations and ongoing funding of commendable causes. Please grant discernment to charities and other agencies as they allocate money to where it will be used wisely. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.

NPT UK reports that 64 per cent of British people donate to charity each year. Young people prefer physical and mental health care charities, shelters for the homeless and refugees, and educational institutions. Those older favour hospitals, disaster relief, and religious charities. A 2009 survey showed evangelical Christians donated an average of 11.5 per cent of their monthly income.


VALUING HUMAN LIFE Ultrasound of baby at 12 weeks


October 9-15 is Baby Loss Awareness Week Merciful Lord, we intercede for a change of heart towards abortion – even as terminations are now allowed effectively ‘on demand’ in Northern Ireland and there are moves to liberalise the law elsewhere in the UK. We cry to You on behalf of the voiceless and for every woman who has lost her child. For Christ’s sake, Amen.


God of mercy, we ask that any attempt in Parliament to legalise assisted suicide will be defeated. Please grant resolve and unity to MPs and peers who oppose euthanasia and raise up thousands, including many Christians, who will speak out and pray on this issue. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Jesus, we pray for those who have Downs Syndrome and other conditions that some say should be eradicated through abortion. Remind them of how precious they are to You and to those who love them. Bless everyone who is bravely championing the rights of people with disabilities. By Your redeeming grace, Amen.


Giver of life, You sustain us from the moment of conception through to our closing moments. Please help us increasingly to cherish our fellow human beings, however frail they may be, because each of us is made in Your image and Jesus died to save us all. Amen.

‘God paid a ransom to save you … And it was not paid with mere gold or silver, which lose their value. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God. God chose Him as your ransom long before the world began…’ 1 PETER 1:18-20 (NLT) THURS 7

Gentle Saviour, we grieve deeply over babies who have died in the womb or shortly after birth but trust that each one is infinitely loved and rests in peace in Your presence. Please comfort bereaved parents and their families, healing wounds of grief and regret. By Your grace, Amen.


Thank You, Lord, for the dedication and skill of surgeons, anaesthetists, doctors, nurses, paramedics and others who do their utmost trying to save lives each day in our hospitals. Please guide them through difficult procedures and in their care of patients. In Your mercy, Amen.


World Hospice and Palliative Care Day: ‘Leave no one behind …’ Father may Your loving touch be felt by those suffering today, through the devotion and skill of nurses, doctors, therapists and family members – whether at home, in hospital or in a Hospice. We pray for more resources to provide palliative care for all who need it. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.

‘When I first heard babies with Down’s syndrome could be aborted right up to birth under UK abortion law, I was deeply shocked. That could have been me if my mum hadn’t been a Christian. How can it be right for a law to say my life has no value just because I have an extra chromosome?’ (Courageous campaigner, Heidi Crowter)




11-17 October is Challenge Poverty Week (in Scotland, 4-10 October) SUN 10

Jesus, Bread of Life, we ask that Your Church would continue to be mobilised to share physical food and other vital provision with those who are in need alongside Your gracious message of love and truth to satisfy their spiritual hunger. Please grant this in Your name. Amen.

MON 11

God of justice, may the many agencies and individuals taking part in Challenge Poverty Week work together with wisdom towards resolving the complex problems of poverty. Reveal righteous strategies to narrow the gap between rich and poor people. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Lord, please help governments, producers and all involved in the journey ‘from farm to table,’ especially in low-income countries, to ensure that all food is safe and nutritious. Grant help to protect it from physical, chemical or biological contamination, in Your mercy. Amen.

WED 13

Father, we pray that as a result of the Government’s National Food Strategy there will be better access to healthy, affordable food for everyone; produced, transported and distributed in sustainable and ethical ways, both within the UK and from aboard. Grant Your wisdom. Amen.

‘Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up toward heaven, and blessed them. Then, breaking the loaves into pieces, he kept giving the bread to the disciples so they could distribute it to the people. He also divided the fish for everyone to share. They all ate as much as they wanted.’ MARK 6:41,42 (NLT) THURS 14


Lord our Provider, thank You for the 2,500 food banks distributing supplies to hundreds or thousands of families and the many schools, universities, hospitals and churches doing the same. May positive changes come in our nation that will make such aid redundant. By Christ’s mercy, Amen.

FRI 15

International Day of Rural Women Lord, we remember millions of women with a wealth of knowledge and skills in many poor communities who produce about half of the world’s food, yet own a fraction of the land, receive scant support and are rarely consulted about policies impacting their lives. Please bless them for Christ’s sake. Amen.

SAT 16

World Food Day – promoting nutritious and safe food for all people. Sovereign God, please unite the world to build better food systems for the future: providing affordable healthy diets for all and decent livelihoods for food workers; preserving natural resources and tackling challenges of climate change, conflicts and pandemics. Grant this in Jesus’ name. Amen.

‘Our goal is a fairer society where nobody wonders where their next meal is coming from or must rely on the kindness of their community in order to put food on their table. We want to ensure everyone can afford the essentials in life. We are working towards a compassionate, just society without the need for large-scale emergency food distribution.’ (Trussell Trust Food Banks)



INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR THE ERADICATION OF POVERTY ‘Lord, the scale of global poverty is beyond our understanding. Give bread to those who are hungry and a hunger for justice for those who have bread. Grant us the faith and persistence to sow seeds of righteousness that might take years or even generations to bear fruit. Amen.’ (Tearfund prayer)

MON 18

ANTI-SLAVERY DAY God of compassion, You see each person who is suffering as a slave. You witness the violence, greed and indifference of their traffickers, overseers and pimps. Please grant success to every initiative that is bringing perpetrators to justice and rescuing those who are oppressed. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Father, we pray for older people who are vulnerable through loneliness or because of others’ uncaring attitudes. Please reveal cases of fraud and theft, abuse and neglect, and help us to identify and help those in our midst who cannot cope alone. In Your mercy Lord, Amen.

WED 20

Lord our Healer, we pray for our over-stretched NHS staff, coping with growing patient numbers especially with the backlog following lockdown. Please help them day-by-day as they care for each person with physical and mental health problems. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.

‘I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhelmed. Lead me to the towering rock of safety, for you are my safe refuge, a fortress where my enemies cannot reach me. Let me live forever in your sanctuary, safe beneath the shelter of your wings!’ PSALM 61:2-4 (NLT) THURS 21

God our Rock, we pray for the millions of people who have had to abandon their homes because of conflict, persecution or extreme poverty. Please strengthen those trying to help them to be safe, be reunited with loved ones and resettle in peace. Please be their Refuge. Amen.

FRI 22

Thank You, Lord, for the 200,000 UK charities, 32,000 of them Christianbased, that respond to a wide range of needs – from giving money and support to vulnerable people and undertaking research and advocacy that can transform lives. Please bless their work in Christ’s name. Amen.

SAT 23

Loving Father, please enable those responsible for placing children who cannot live with their own families to find homes where they will be safe, loved and able to thrive. We pray for children who feel alone and afraid to be blessed with peace, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

In 2018/19 approximately 102,000 children in the UK were in the care of their local authorities. Almost two-thirds of cases were due to abuse or neglect, and for about a quarter, the family had major problems. Most looked after children live with foster carers but there is a shortage, so some are placed in families far away or of a very different background.


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